By subscribing to this podcast you will be able to listen to audio recordings of sermons preached at Bethany Community Church in Washington, IL.
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Podcast by Bethany Grace Community Church
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Pastor Jonathan teaches that Jesus is greater than death, knows our suffering, calls us to faithfulness until death, and promises eternal life.
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In this episode, Pastor Daniel and Pastor Ben unpack the sermon from Amos 3:1-15, "The Sovereignty of God and Affliction".
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Pastor Daniel teaches that meditating on God's sovereign election points us to hope amid any affliction.
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Pastor Daniel teaches that when affliction strikes the church it will harden some unbelievers in sin, cause genuine believers to repent of sin, and convict some unbelievers to cry out to God for forgiveness of sin.
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Pastor Daniel teaches that as we proclaim the gospel to all nations, we must warn people that sin brings God's judgement.
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In Amos and Malachi, God warns His people to return to Him because they are not prepared for the Day of the Lord.
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Pastor Daniel teaches us to delight as we come to Scripture, for God's Sure Word proclaims His Certain Salvation.
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Pastor Blake teaches that disciples of Jesus will be hated by the world, will bear witness to the world, and have been prepared for opposition from the world.
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Pastor Daniel teaches that as we approach God's Word, we pray that He will help us understand, love, and keep it.
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Pastor Daniel teaches that Christians should have deep, broad, Christ-centered fellowship with other Christians.
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Pastor Jordan teaches that God is working all things for good in His children's lives and when they prepare well, endure well, and respond well this brings Him the glory that He is due.
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Pastor Daniel teaches that the benefit of giving is that it brings eternal glory to God and eternal joy to us as we proclaim that He is our greatest treasure.
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Pastor Daniel teaches that God-exalting gospel proclamation is fueled by the shared generosity of His people.
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Pastor Mike teaches that the LORD alone is worthy to be praised; for He has done marvelous things.
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Pastor Ben teaches that we should encourage one another in a way that makes God look great.
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Pastor Daniel teaches that giving generously and joyfully begins with contentment, trusting in the sufficiency of Christ in every situation.
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Pastor Daniel teaches that in Christ, we are commanded to pursue those things that will maximize our joy.
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In this episode, Daniel & Ben unpack the sermon from Hebrews 6 from Phil Smith.
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Pastor Daniel teaches that in Christ, we are commanded to pursue those things that will maximize our joy.
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Pastor Daniel teaches that in Christ, we are commanded to pursue those things that will maximize our joy.
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Dave Robinson teaches that our position In Christ is a result of God's grace alone and results in a life lived according to the Spirit now as we wait for the day when we will live eternally with God.
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Pastor Daniel encourages us to pursue peace because conflict contradicts the gospel truths we proclaim about who we are in Christ.
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Pastor Daniel teaches that (this morning) we stand firm in the hope that when Christ returns, He will transform us to be like Him.
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Pastor Daniel warns us to be sure the people we are imitating are imitating Christ.
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Pastor Daniel teaches that perseverance, not perfection, is necessary for salvation and certain because of Christ's work.
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Jake Valencic teaches that a true disciple, although it will cost them everything, sees the value of Jesus Christ and follows him.
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Pastor Daniel continues to teach that the true gospel calls me to place my confidence in Christ alone for my salvation.
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Pastor Daniel teaches that the true gospel calls me to place my confidence in Christ alone for my salvation.
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Pastor Daniel teaches that the true gospel calls me to place my confidence in Christ alone for my salvation.
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Pastor Tommie teaches about general and specific revelations through God's Word, as well as the response after the revelation.
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Pastor Blake teaches that because Christians suffer for doing good, we must be prepared to honor Christ in our response.
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Pastor Daniel teaches that a gospel that encourages you to put confidence in yourself is a false gospel.
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In this sermon, Pastor Daniel reminds us that the commended worker is one who labors in the strength of Christ as he imitates the ministry of Christ.
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Pastor Daniel teaches that Timothy is an example for us not because of his spectacular giftedness but because of his proven faithfulness.
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Pastor Daniel teaches how Timothy is an example for us not because of his spectacular giftedness but because of his proven faithfulness.
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Philippians 2:14-18 "How the Sanctification of the Child of God Proclaims the Gospel" (Daniel Bennett)
Pastor Daniel teaches that when a child of God lives like a child of God, the beauty of God is proclaimed.
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In this sermon, Pastor Ben reminded us that anyone who has repented of their sin and placed their faith in Christ to pay the penalty for their sin can be use of God by His power and for His plan.
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In this sermon, Daniel teaches that God gives all believers the desire and ability to obey Him.
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In part 2 from Philippians 2:5-11, Daniel teaches that the aim of humility is to exalt the great name of Jesus Christ and glorify God the Father.
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In this episode, Daniel & Ben expand on the sermon from Philippians 2:5-11, where we learned that Jesus Christ not only models perfect humility, He enables it.
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In this sermon, we learn that Jesus Christ not only models perfect humility, He enables it.
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In Part 2 of this sermon, Pastor Daniel teaches that without humility, like-mindedness in Christ’s church is impossible.
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Pastor Mike teaches that the Lord has done great things, and He will restore my joy as I remember forgiveness and anticipate fruitfulness.
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Pastor Daniel teaches that without humility, like-mindedness in Christ’s church is impossible.
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Pastor Daniel teaches that as citizens of God’s kingdom, we stand firm together in the gospel and trust God.
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Pastor Blake teaches that consistent Christian living means we will refrain from showing partiality as we live with the Judgment in view.
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Pastor Phil teaches that my spiritual maturity will only advance as far as my regular contemplation of and delight in God through the gospel.
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Pastor Daniel teaches that the greatest ambition we can have is to glorify God in both our life and death.
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Pastor Daniel teaches that making the exaltation of Christ our aim is the only way to experience joy in ministry.
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Pastor Jordan teaches union with the first Adam leads to death, whereas union with the last Adam leads to life.
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