“That's taxpayer’s money that is going to support research and development and pilot projects to develop a food system that is based on environmental destruction and greed and disregard for animals, fish, and any of the other marine mammals that might be around it.” - Andrianna Natsoulas Andrianna Natsoulas is the campaign director for Don't Cage Our Oceans, an organization that exists to keep our oceans free from industrial fish farms. Offshore finfish farming is the mass cultivation of finfish in marine waters, in underwater or floating net pens, pods, and cages. Offshore finfish farms are factory farms that harm public health, the environment, and local communities and economies that rely on the ocean and its resources. Don’t Cage Our Oceans are a coalition of diverse organizations working together to stop the development of offshore finfish farming in the United States through federal law, policies, and coalition building. And, although it is not yet happening, right now the US Administration and Congress are promoting this kind of farming, which would be nothing short of disastrous for the oceans, the planet and the people and animals who live here. dontcageouroceans.org…
I am just your aveRAGE blue-collar dad, husband, brother, and son We talk about everything from parenting adventures, politics, sports, videogames, society, and anything else that happens to make my taint tingle. Foul language is not promised BUT it’s gonna happen. (ohhh it’s gonna happen) So don’t wear your heart on your sleeve and let’s talk some shit and see if we can end the conversation as new friends.
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AverageDadRants Epi12 Epstein list That was a nothing burger, The "I don't read to good" girl and how she's now looking for another handout by was of a lawsuit, You died of Dysentery 2025 edition AND yummy Roach milkPor averagedadrants
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AverageDadRants Episode 11 lets go baby ... Hope you like the introPor averagedadrants
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Hey friends ! Today we talk about Thieves and how I hope they got in a horrible wreck, A fat rapper who sued lyft because she makes bad health decisions , We also Talk about how our government is pissing our tax dollars down the drain for some twink activity's, Then we talk about gay Legos ...Yea Legos ... lets GOOOOOOOOOO!…
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AverageDadRants Episode8 Personal responsibility, Target D.E.I outrage, Woman cops, donation theft
Personal responsibility man the Fuc* up , Then we talk about Target and the D.E.I outrage, Woman cops and why they are horrible, losers who steal from a nonprofit for animals and how I hope they ended up in a fiery wreck //// Lets GOOOOOOO !Por averagedadrants
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Hey guys! Episode8 We talk about the meaning of Friends , The Amazing Dr. George Floyd, and how he could have cured cancer if he wasn't ki**ed by a white cop, We talk about Car insurance and how they won't buy you dinner before they Fuc* you and My new favorite Instagram page that beats up pedos ! lol Lets GOoooOOOOooOOOOooooOOO!…
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AverageDadRants Episode7.Customer service, Fat positivity , medals for everyone and 11year old criminals
AverageDadRants Episode7 Customer service ...only if you can understand them, Fat is the new healthy if you disagree you are a white supremacist , Participation medals EVERYONE get one , 11-year-old criminal who can't be touched ---BUT he is a good kidPor averagedadrants
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Hey friends ..... Happy late Christmas lets talk about Grown "men" wearing diapers, Tipping culture and what happens when you only tip $2 (hint you get stabbed) Joe Biden's Christmas present to the families of victims (Clemency and pardons) Cali prop 36 see yall bitches in jail lolPor averagedadrants
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Average dad rants Episode5: Mario's lesser known brother, Drones over The “Don’t Worry About It” State, Enron pie
Hey friends Today we talk about Shitty management, The guy who maybe, possibly could have shot the Insurance CEO, The government's lackluster reply or concern about the drones flying over Jersey and Just how shitty and out of touch the new CEO of Enron really is .. Take a seat and let's talk about it…
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4th Episode Wana sell your food stamps? Insurance Denials, JayZ gonna diddle you,UPS IS Magic
Hey Friends 4th episode We talk about how much I hate food stamp culture, The Robin hood of the insurance world , Then we touch (only if you're of age) on JayZ and the P diddlers new charges. Then we round it out with some low IQ behavior from UPS employees .... Lets have some funPor averagedadrants
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Well well well Episode 3 Let's talk about Happy Holidays ,That crazy cat lady we all know. The loser who tried to shoot up a church and the fact that the DOD department of justice cant seem to account for billions of missing dollars ..... Let's get into it .Por averagedadrants
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Today we are talking about rude people, People with to much money and crappy restaurants And how Pokémon is using free slave labor Letsssss goooooo! lolPor averagedadrants
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We cover a topic that has been sitting on me for a while "Being a man" We also cover some crazy things in the news Let's get this shit show started LOLPor averagedadrants
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Por averagedadrants
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This is an Intro and a brief description of what the podcast is all about - Join me?Por averagedadrants
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