Sono un'insegnante di yoga, benvenuta sul mio canale dedicato alla meditazione e alla saggezza femminile. I am an yoga teacher and welcome to my meditation and sacred wisdom channel. Namaste.
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Guarire con il reiki
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Meet your soul
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Meditazioni e Tecniche per l'autoguarigione
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Affirmations, low of attraction, rise to the energy of the universe
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Come connettersi ai Registri akashici
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According to S.N. Lazarev
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Energy is universal language
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Raccolta di Meditazioni IT
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2:50:37Qui troverai vari tipi di Meditazioni (Ho'oponopono, mantra 108 volte, meditazione del bambino interiore)
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What are the akashic records, questions, how to open or close your akashic records.
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Soul love - EN
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2:15:25(Resource Samaya Roman)
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These series of meditations, visualisations and exercises will help you release trauma with Quantum Tools and connect with your Inner Being. (Resource Melanie Tonia Evans)
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Channeling - EN
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1:18:02This series of meditation will help you channel your spirit guides or higher self. (Resource Sanaya Roman)
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Un processo di sensibilizzazione, consapevolezza, pulizia e trasformazione energetica. La sessualità e l'amore sono le porte che ci fanno comunicare con la fonte dello spirito. (Fonte Sajeeva Hurtado)
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