We hope these encouraging messages - communicated by Pastor Alan Latta - inspire you to know the Lord Jesus and to make Him known. GENERATIONS CHURCH, 5718 Highway 377, Granbury, TX 76049 - 817/326-5378 - info@generationspeople.org
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THE POWER OF LAMENTING - How to Lament Effectively
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1:02:35Learn the importance of coming to a place of genuine trust in God; through effectively lamenting to Him while praying earnestly.Por Alan Latta
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Discover, remember, and apply the numerous vital reasons for revering Almighty God and His Holy Spirit.Por Alan Latta
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Be reminded of God's ownership of everything He created and mankind's responsibility to exercise God-given dominion according to His will; which includes the descendants of Abraham in the land of Israel and the Middle East.Por Alan Latta
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Learn more about who and where God is in relationship to His creation and His redeemed people who can draw near to Him often.Por Alan Latta
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Learn what are (and are not) the ways the Lord speaks to His people and how we can hear Him today.Por Alan Latta
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1:00:16We encourage you to open your heart and mind to hear this message on a subject many consider too controversial. Downloadable notes are available at https://generationschurchofgranbury.sermon.net/pdf/22362719 .Por Alan Latta
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1:02:32This is an equipping message for all parents, grandparents, and students; who are also future parents.Por Alan Latta
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While some are saying Jesus did not die for our sins, this teaching declares the Biblical truth of His death and resurrection for us; which is very clear in His fulfillment of Isaiah 53 and in the New Testament..Por Alan Latta
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Launching from the story of the shepherds - to whom baby Jesus was revealed - the subject of great joy is addressed; in light of wisdom from the Scriptures.Por Alan Latta
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From Matthew 2, the story of Christmas and the wisemen is read - with several readers - as an introduction to a message on how good things can come from worshipping The Lord.Por Alan Latta
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In light of current church scandals, we are living in times when Romans 1:16 through 2:11 are as relevant as ever; which is clearly addressed in love and truth during this Hot Topics message.Por Alan Latta
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In dealing with this rhetorical question from our Hot Topics Series, the subject is broadened to include all distractions that can hinder us from being centered on The Lord.Por Alan Latta
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Discover 7 relevant reasons why we should always and actively give thanks to the Lord in everything.Por Alan Latta
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Become spiritually stronger by knowing the truth about the security true believers have in knowing and following The Lord; as well as understanding our responsibility in not allowing access to evil spiritual forces.Por Alan Latta
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While sharing briefly about socialism and faulty "woke" ideology, the truth is declared about the vital importance of our not walking in erroneous thinking also.Por Alan Latta
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Opening the Hot Topics Series, this subject - Abortion and the Culture of Convenience - was the hottest topic according to our 2024 survey participants.Por Alan Latta
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It is important to fulfill our civic duties as citizens - like voting in elections - according to Biblical values and to research the character issues of candidates; as well as their promised policies and party platforms.Por Alan Latta
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Through the history behind the earthly genealogy of Jesus we can see the redeeming hand of Almighty God at work so that we could be redeemed. Likewise, our redemption should help others receive His redemption too.Por Alan Latta
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Shared outdoors at Hewlett Park, during the 2024 Rally after our Jesus Reigns Parade, this message WAs a declaration of the often under-appreciated ministries and finished works of Our Redeemer.Por Alan Latta
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Celebrate the benefits of our Redeemer and His redemption in the now and in the future on the Day of Redemption.Por Alan Latta
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The message features the entire story of the Book of Ruth, followed by lessons drawn from the Law of Mose regarding the redemption of losses; as fulfilled for Ruth and Naomi. Then parallels are pointed out between Christ and Boaz.The videos in this teaching were used with permission and can be found at:https://www.youtube.com/@VideoBible and https:…
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Rejoice in the fact that our great Redeemer is able to redeem us now and has redeemed us with His finished works and one day will redeem us with full restoration; according to His glorious will and purposes.Por Alan Latta
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JAMES 5 19 Brethren, if anyone among you wanders from the truth, and someone turns him back, 20 let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins.With this being our third attempt, at understanding and applying James’ closing paragraph, we hope to greatly encourage anyone who…
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In the first two chapters of Job, one can read about a man who lost almost everything; including most of his possessions and servants, all ten of his children and the respect of his wife; as well as his health and so called friendships; with wise guys who decided to blast him – after sitting in silence for 7 days - while he was at his lowest; not t…
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While we are living in a day when many so called Christians are abandoning the truth, some are going on to denounce the authority of Christ and the Holy Bible. While we think it would be impossible for us to go down this path, many seem to be making their feelings, thoughts and opinions as important as the Scriptures. If you don’t think these words…
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We are living in a day when many so called Christians are abandoning the truth of their faith and doing what they call deconstruction. Some are going on to denounce the exclusivity of Christ and His claims; Who has declared Himself to be the way, the truth, the life, the resurrection, and the only way to God the Father. Like myself, you may know so…
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This is an equipping message on prayer and ministering to the sick; which includes Biblical ways to view God's will when someone is not healed..Por Alan Latta
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After teaching from the book of James on ministering to the sick, the question is addressed on the ways we should view our prayers when they have not been answered.Por Alan Latta
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To enjoy the blessings of speaking words of life, there are some viery important things we must always and never say.Por Alan Latta
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Honoring the patience of God is a supreme priority for righteous living.Por Alan Latta
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Remember and discover the importance of planning; with its prioritirs and precautions,.Por Alan Latta
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Learn the differences between right and wrong judging and the importances of not being the wrong kind of judge.Por Alan Latta
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Understanding the dangers of our prideful ways and the safeties of Godly humility are vital to living victoriously.Por Alan Latta
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While not a very popular subject, all who pursue being humble will be blessed by The Lord Himself; through the wisdom He gives.Por Alan Latta
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Enjoy this limerick of a prayer for more humility.Por Alan Latta
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From our Resurrection Day 2024 Service, this sermon declares the truth of our Lord's arising from death; after 3 days and nights in a tomb.Por Alan Latta
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Knowing the difference between Godly and worldly wisdom and living accordingly, can greatly bless our lives and those around us.Por Alan Latta
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Discover the life giving benefits of controlling our tongues for the blessing of The Lord, ourselves and others.Por Alan Latta
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A strong call for righteous change was issued in one of our Worship & The Word Services.Por Alan Latta
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Discover the unwanted consequences for not controlling our mouths and our remedy in The Lord.Por Alan Latta
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Be reminded of how powerful our words are; which come from what is in our hearts.Por Alan Latta
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Living faith is Biblical and always bears fruit in righteous actions. Without such proof faith is dead; as are all good works that are not inspired by God-given faith.Por Alan Latta
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Because our disobedience is never covered up by our obedience, it is imperative that we love our neighbors always and to wholeheartedly follow Christ by faith; who gave Himself up for us through His perfect obedience.Por Alan Latta
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Practicing pure religion involves controlling our words and caring for widows, orphans and disaster victims, as well as correcting our prejudices and playing favorites.Por Alan Latta
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Learn to live a life that pleases God and enjoys His blessing in spite of circumstances.Por Alan Latta
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Be reminded of the vital importance of finding and applying God given wisdom and the perils of being double-minded about it; which makes us want to resist godly wisdom.Por Alan Latta
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Recognize our need for more patience and the numerous reasons we have for joy when it is being developed.Por Alan Latta
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Let ready ourselves to learn from James - a brother of Jesus - in order to get a fix on our spiritual location; so we can fix our focus on our spiritual destination; which will result in more fruitful faith.Por Alan Latta
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