Independent Pro Wrestler and Avid Film Freak, Sgt. Fury brings his brash promo style and honest commentary to the podcast world
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SGE with S&G is a School for Good and Evil read-a-long podcast hosted by Sam and Gale.
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Hi Evers and Nevers! In this episode, Sam and Gale discuss the 27th chapter of The School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainani entitled Promises Unkept (or Unkempt, if you so prefer). Over the course of the episode, Sam and Gale go on various tangents ranging from Harry Potter (Dumbledore comics linked below) to unsolicited (but honestly pretty good…
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this episode, join Sam and Gale as they discuss BAD SHIPS: A YA Dance Spectacular ( This episode unites various fandoms, but beware- spoilies are rife throughout! Discussion subject matter includes good good ships, good bad ships, and heated debates on the validity of both. 🐐 💕🚢 💔🛳 Email the …
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this episode, Sam and Gale discuss the twenty sixth chapter of “The School for Good and Evil” by Soman Chainani, titled “The Circus of Talents.” Topics include spurting black sap, Tedros’ tanning routine, and undone laces of a (certain) royal blue shirt. 👕🐰👑 Also, a very important knock. Email the show at sgewithsandg@gma…
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this episode, Sam and Gale discuss the 25th chapter of The School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainani, titled “Symptoms” (very fitting, indeed). Topics include the genetics of sweaty princes, Sophie’s swimming capabilities, and sewer sludge (yum). Email the show at!…
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this special episode, Sam and Gale are sick (bleh). But do not fear, for they are still delivering quality content! The episode you have all been waiting for, subconsciously or not: Gale’s old fan fiction. That’s right! This special, special, special (!!!) podcast includes read alouds from Gale’s old stories (rather painf…
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this episode, Sam and Gale discuss the twenty fourth chapter of “The School for Good and Evil” by Soman Chainani. Topics include mini sapphire jacuzzis, chiseled topiary, and cherry pie! 💎🛁🍒 Email the show at!
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this special episode, Sam and Gale take a number of SGE-related quizzes (but not after a hearty introduction, of course). Email the show at! Quizzes linked below:…
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this (quick) special episode, Sam and Gale react to the Hort movie casting! 🐸🏴☠️ Email the show at!
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this episode, Sam and Gale discuss the twenty third chapter of “The School for Good and Evil” by Soman Chainani. Topics include macho towers, squeaky duckling, and the heat of the moment. 🐥🤒(Sophie’s nemesis dreams)🔥 Email the show at!
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this episode, Sam and Gale do a lot: a chapter episode, plus a reaction, plus an impromptu quiz? Look no further, it’s all here! Topics include bad hair dye, chunky broth (yum), and brutal friendships. (Also, Dot’s alter ego, Dove.) 🍲💇🕊 Email the show at!…
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this special episode, Sam and Gale react to the casting announcement of...Professor Anemone and The School Master! 🐠 Email the show at!
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this special episode, Sam and Gale react to the latest casting reveals (Dovey and Lesso)! Please disregard the sickly ramblings; although we are both sick, we wanted to give some content to you! 🥳🐺🕸🦄 Email the show at!
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this episode, Sam and Gale discuss the twenty first chapter of “The School for Good and Evil”. Topics include pink warthogs, Sophie’s Mogrification skills (questionable), and a self-pruning shrub (now at your local IKEA). Email the show at!
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In this special episode, Sam and Gale discuss their podcasting goals for the new year and take a couple of quizzes (links below)! We hope you enjoy your New Year’s Day and as always, feel free to email the show at! To a great 2021!! 🥳🥳 Links to form mentioned: Links to the quizzes in order …
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this special episode, Sam and Gale discuss fan favorites for the upcoming SGE movie, as well as react to the casting announcements for Sophie and Agatha! Have a safe and happy holiday! 🎥🍿 Email the show at!
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SGE with S&G Episode 20: Secrets and Lies
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1:12:25In this episode, Sam and Gale discuss the 20th chapter of “The School for Good and Evil” by Soman Chainani. Topics include cockroach communication, swan crest statuses, and cleaning toilets. 🪳🦢🚽 (a glorious array of emojis for the day [rhyme]) Email the show at!
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In this special episode Sam and Gale discuss your opinions on pros, cons, and general opinions on creating a School for Good and Evil movie! Tell us what your ideal movie cast would be: for a chance to be featured in an upcoming special episode! Email the show at!…
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this episode, Sam and Gale discuss the nineteenth chapter of “The School for Good and Evil” by Soman Chainani. Topics include Tedros’ main personality trait (being sweaty), Chaddick’s Application Hacks™️, and “the boys”! 😓👸🤴🐍 Email the show at!
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In this episode, Sam and Gale discuss the eighteenth chapter of “The School for Good and Evil” titled “The Roach and the Fox.” Topics include Mogrif cannibalism (blue pumpkin pie???), Roachatha and T., and multicolor furred foxes (magenta and pink?). 🔵🎃🦊 Email the show at!
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In this special episode, Sam and Gale take quizzes to discover their finger glows as well as test their finger glow knowledge! 🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣⚫️⚪️🟤 Links for quizzes taken: Emai…
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SGE with S&G Episode 17: The Empress’s New Clothes
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1:03:49In this episode, Sam and Gale discuss the seventeenth chapter of “The School for Good and Evil” by Soman Chainani. Topics include blue rugby sweaters (iconic), Where Beauty Meets Charity™️ as well as our new skincare line, Blemishments™️ (just kidding, of course!). 🌳🏉🐎 Email the show at!…
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In this episode, Sam and Gale discuss the sixteenth chapter of The School for Good and Evil titled “Cupid Goes Rogue.” Topics include dream henchmen, how to obtain a prince and the all too real question of is chivalry dead? 🐺🐛🦁🦅 Email the show at!
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In this bonus episode, Sam and Gale discuss the sixth book of the series, “One True King.” 🚨SPOILERS AHEAD!!🚨 Email the show at!
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In this bonus episode, Sam and Gale discuss some of their more recent reads that they’ve enjoyed, as well as a few longtime favorites! Books Mentioned in this Podcast: Six of Crows/Crooked Kingdom, King of Scars, Shadow and Bone (anything Grishaverse), all by Leigh Bardugo. The Marriage Plot, Jeffrey Eugenides. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks,…
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SGE with S&G Episode 15: Choose Your Coffin
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1:03:05In this episode, Sam and Gale discuss the fifteenth chapter of the School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainani, called “Choose Your Coffin.” Please keep in mind that this was a more serious discussion and includes mentions of body dysmorphia and harassment. If you’d like to email the show with opinions or suggestions contact us at sgewithsandg@gmail…
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In this bonus episode, Sam and Gale take (more!) SGE themed quizzes and even manage to sneak in a Harry Potter themed one at the end! Email the show at! 🐍🤴☑️
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In this episode, Sam and Gale discuss the fourteenth chapter of the School for Good and Evil, titled “The Crypt Keeper’s Solution.” Topics include earthworms, textbooks, and savage caterpillars. 🐛📚🌳🌺 Email the show at!
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In this episode, Sam and Gale discuss chapter 13 of the School for Good and Evil. Topics include detachable warts, riddles, and wolves (and of course, delectable Ever lunches)! 🐺🐟🥪🍓 Email the show at!
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FOF Watch Along: X-Men 20th Anniversary Special
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1:57:32On this episode of Films of Fury, Fronz Roddy from the Retro Mutagen Podcast joins us as we do a special 20th Anniversary Watch Along to the 20th Century Fox film X-MEN! We discuss how this film ushered in the modern Superhero Cinema Era and how it impacted film today.
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In this (VERY long) episode, Sam and Gale discuss the 12th chapter of The School for Good and Evil, “Dead Ends.” Topics include fainting, painting, and more! 💃🖼🎨
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TTRP TakeOver! Episode 1: They Live Watch Along
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1:47:29Pat G and the Turnbuckle Talk Radio Podcast takes over Films of Fury for a special watch along of John Carpenter's THEY LIVE starring Rowdy Roddy Piper and Keith David! This 1988 cult classic had one of the best fight scenes of any film for its day and TTRP breaks down the film, its lasting impact, why Piper was better than Hogan at acting and much…
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FOF Watch Along: Stephen King's MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE
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1:39:08The LONG AWAITED Watch Along Episode has FINALLY ARRIVED!!! After months of schedule conflicts, Fury and Evan sit down and watch Stephen King's MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE! There is no need to hype this episode anymore! WATCH AND LISTEN!!!!!
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this episode, Sam and Gale discuss the eleventh chapter of The School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainani. Topics include broken glass heels, carrots, and stamps war cries! Email the show at! 👡🥕🐍🏰🤴
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Hello Evers and Never! In this bonus episode (which contains SPOILERS), Sam and Gale discuss and react to the One True King trailer. Important theories included!!!! Enjoy! Email the show at! 🦁🦅🐍🤴👸
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this bonus episode, Sam and Gale do the crossword puzzle from The School for Good & Evil: An Interactive Workbook! (We fail for a while! 🤣) There are a few spoilers (as in quite a few) so listen at your own risk! (Spoilers only involve Book 1.) Enjoy! Email the show at!…
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this episode Sam and Gale discuss Chapter 10 of The School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainani which is called “Bad Group.” Topics include Hort and his possible British ancestry, slimy, green hobgoblins, and the REAL Woods (not to be confused with the Blue Forest, aka the FAKE). 🥶🐍🤴🏰 👠 Email the show at sgewithsandg@gmail…
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Sam and Gale discuss chapter nine of “The School for Good and Evil” by Soman Chainani. Topics include gorgeous whistles, food, and Special Talents! Vote for a special episode topic here: Email the show at! 👱🏻♀️👩🏻🔮🎵🎶
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Sam and Gale take a quiz to find out who the dreamiest dream boy of them all is (aka which character from The School for Good and Evil you are quiz) in this bonus episode! Link to quiz here: Enjoy! 🤴👸🦁🐍🏰
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Films of Fury Watch Along: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 30th Anniversary
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1:50:23On this special episode of Films of Fury, Fury is joined by RetroMutagen Podcast host and Revengers team mate The Mighty Fronz Roddy as they do a Watch Along episode celebrating the 30th Anniversary of TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES! These radical dudes talk about their love for this cult classic as well as fond TMNT memories, Turtles Trivia and just…
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Sam and Gale discuss the eighth chapter of The School for Good and Evil, “Wish Fish”. Topics include Groom Rooms, Tedros, and more! If you’d like to suggest or vote for a special episode topic, fill out this form! Link here: (No email addresses are collected) As always, feel free to contact us at sgewithsandg@gma…
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FOF Watch Along: No Holds Barred
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1:48:39On this episode of Films of Fury, A Trifecta of Podcasting Greatness is United! Films of Fury collaborates with Turnbuckle Talk Radio Podcast and Sportsverse to do a special Watch Along episode! Hosts Fury, Evan and Pat G. watch the 1989 Cult CLassic NO HOLDS BARRED starring wrestling icon Hulk Hogan!!!! Put your volume on mute and join us as we gi…
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Sam and Gale discuss Chapter 7 of the School for Good and Evil, titled “Grand High Witch Ultimate”. Topics include Professor Manley, and the Golden Goose. Hope you enjoy! Email the show at! 🦆🥚
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🚨SPOILER ALERT!!🚨 Don’t listen to this episode unless you have read Book 5 and below! In this special episode, Sam and Gale discuss theories sent in by listeners! Thanks to all those who participated! If you have questions, comments, or ideas for future episodes, feel free to email us at!🤴👸🦁🦅🐍…
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Sam and Gale discuss the sixth chapter of The School for Good and Evil, “Definitely Evil” (not to be confused with “Definitively Evil” 😆). Topics include gargoyles, magic waves and mispronunciations! 🌊❌
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Sam and Gale discuss the fifth chapter of The School For Good and Evil, “Boys Ruin Everything.” Topics include desert sands, and noble sheen! 🏜💧
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Sam plays the Blue Forest game on DOES SHE LIVE OR DIE?!? Listen to find out! 🥶🌊💎📘💙💤🔹🔵🔷
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Send In The Clowns: Why Joker deserves ALL the awards!
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1:13:25On this episode of Films of Fury, Fury and Evan break down the controversial Warner Brothers film, JOKER! McCloud and Fury tackle the topic of mental illness, the origin story presented by director Todd Phillips and why Joaquin Phoenix deserves all the awards this season. Follow, Like and Subscribe wherever you get your fine ass podcasts!…
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Sam and Gale discuss the fourth chapter of “The School for Good and Evil.” 🌱 (that’s supposed to be a beanstalk!) Email the show at:! We’d love to hear from you!
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Rambo: Last Blood! Carnography at its finest!
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1:04:38The summer hiatus ends as Fury and McCloud return to talk about the latest installment of the Rambo Franchise: Rambo: Last Blood! The boys talk about the film as well as the Series in all. What are our favorites? Where does the series go from here? Should one of the streaming services pick up the torch of Rambo? Subscribe and enjoy this weeks' epis…
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Sam and Gale do a bonus episode in which they take the official Good/Evil quiz! Listen to figure out which school they each got! 🦢 Email the show at to request any bonus episodes! Our next bonus episode will be about Book 6 predictions!
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