The newest sermons from Westminster Presbyterian Church on SermonAudio.
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Sermons and educational audio from Westminster Presbyterian Church in Alexandria, VA.
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Westminster Presbyterian Church of Brandon, Florida Sermon Podcast
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Westminster Presbyterian Church of Brandon, Florida
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A vibrant, open-minded congregation worshipping in the heart of downtown Minneapolis
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Westminster Presbyterian (of Lincoln, NE, USA) is a place of heartfelt compassion, intelligent faith, and welcoming hospitality. We are spiritually alive, broadly inclusive and growing in mission. You are always welcome here!
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LOVE GOD. LOVE PEOPLE. LOVE SYDNEY! (Due to changes in server service, we are in the process of getting Westminster Sydney back on iTunes. For now, you can download the sermon audio from here.)
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Our adult Sunday school class which started on Sunday, January 5, 2020 at Grace Presbyterian Church (PCA), Carbondale, IL. For more information please message us on Facebook
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Rev. Dr. Larry Hayward preaches on the First Sunday in Lent. The Scripture passage is Luke 4:1-13.Por Rev. Dr. Larry R. Hayward
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Por Steven Warhurst
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Por Dr. Steve Baugh
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Por Bill Horner
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Rev. Dr. Larry Hayward preaches on Transfiguration of the Lord Sunday. The Scripture passage is Luke 9:28-43.Por Rev. Dr. Larry R. Hayward
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Por Dr. Alan Carter
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Por Steven Warhurst
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Por Steven Warhurst
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Rev. Patrick Hunnicutt preaches on the Seventh Sunday after Epiphany. The Scripture passage is Luke 14:1-6.Por Rev. Patrick A. Hunnicutt
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Por Wayne Rogers
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Por Steven Warhurst
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Por Dr. Steve Baugh
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Rev. Dr. Jacob Bolton preaches on the Sixth Sunday after Epiphany. The Scripture passage is Luke 6:17-26.Por Rev. Jacob Bolton
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Por Steven Warhurst
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Por Mark Sumpter
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Por Steven Warhurst
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The High School Seniors of Westminster preach on the theme "Coming Home" on the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany, which is Youth Sunday. The Scripture passages are selections from John 13 & 14 and Romans 12:1-3.Por Westminster Presbyterian Church
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Por Dr. Steve Baugh
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Por Steven Warhurst
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Por Byron Snapp
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Rev. Dr. Larry Hayward preaches on the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany. The Scripture passage is I Corinthians 13:1-13.Por Rev. Dr. Larry R. Hayward
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Por Steven Warhurst
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Por Dr. Steve Baugh
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Por Steven Warhurst
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Rev. Olivia Patterson preaches on the Third Sunday after Epiphany. The Scripture passages are selections from Nehemiah 8 and I Corinthians 12.Por Rev. Olivia Patterson
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Por Steven Warhurst
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Por Steven Warhurst
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Por Dr. Steve Baugh
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Rev. Dr. Larry Hayward preaches on the Second Sunday after Epiphany. The Scripture passage is I Corinthians 12:4-11.Por Rev. Dr. Larry R. Hayward
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Por Steven Warhurst
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Por Byron Snapp
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Por Dr. Steve Baugh
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Por Rob Dykes
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Rev. Dr. Larry Hayward preaches on Baptism of the Lord Sunday. The Scripture passage is Acts 8:18-24.Por Rev. Dr. Larry R. Hayward
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Por Steven Warhurst
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Por Dr. Steve Baugh
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Por Steven Warhurst
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Rev. Dr. Larry Hayward preaches on the Second Sunday after Christmas. The Scripture passages are Luke 2:1-7 and Matthew 2:1-12.Por Rev. Dr. Larry R. Hayward
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Por Jeremiah Mooney
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Por Dr. Alan Carter
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Por Jeremiah Mooney
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Sunday, December 29 The Rev. Alexandra JacobPor Westminster Presbyterian Church
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Rev. Dr. Jacob Bolton preaches on the First Sunday after Christmas. The Scripture passage is Colossians 3:12-17.Por Rev. Jacob Bolton
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Por G. Brent Bradley
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Por Dr. Steve Baugh
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Por Steven Warhurst
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Tuesday, December 24 | 10pm The Rev. Dr. Jeff JapingaPor Westminster Presbyterian Church
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Rev. Dr. Larry Hayward preaches on Christmas Eve. The Scripture passage is Isaiah 40:5.Por Rev. Dr. Larry R. Hayward
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Rev. Patrick Hunnicutt preaches on Christmas Eve. The Scripture passage is Luke 2:8-20.Por Rev. Patrick A. Hunnicutt
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Tuesday, December 24, 2024 The Rev. Alexandra JacobPor Westminster Presbyterian Church
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