A very selected techno music by Rehmark https://soundcloud.com/rehmarkmusic https://www.facebook.com/rehmark/ https://www.instagram.com/rehmark/
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The Latin American History Podcast aims to tell the story of Spanish and Portuguese America from its very beginnings up until the present day. Latin America’s history is home to some of the most exciting and unbelievable stories of adventure and exploration, and this podcast will tell these stories in all their glory. It will examine colonial society, slavery, and what life was like for the region’s inhabitants during this period. We will look at what caused the wars of independence, how the ...
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Space dedicated to stream or download set techno and tech house music mixed by Renso Salvatore, oriented dark sounds old school and incorporating the groove of these times, leading to very sticky end and aggressive at the same time. The next channel will be updated each month Enjoy.
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Guacamole Very Importan Podcast, es justamente un podcast donde 3 amigos hablan de cosas ¿que cosas? las que nos piten, seguro nos enfoquemos mas en la cultura pop. Integrantes: Nico Calcagno, Mati Raña y Gonza Gambuzza
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In 2006 she began to get involved in the electronic movement of her country, and it is not until 2008 that begins to try to mix different rhythms, is slowly encouraging her knowledge and research of new music sounds more acids and very good level and there is where she discover that her style is UpliftingTrance.
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You are very welcome here! Have you ever thought that you may relax watching and listening surgical instruments? In these channel you can find it out, let me show you! #ScalpelASMR# I am creating the proper atmosphere for you to liberate stress and making you feel comfortable and cared. Do not forget to visit my Youtube Channel and my Instagram for more content and keeping update about the new videos! (Click the links in profile) Bienvenidos!! Alguna vez habías pensado que te podría relajar ...
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**Podcast Description: Hola Mundo by DaCodes** Welcome to "Hola Mundo," the official podcast from DaCodes, where we dive deep into the dynamic world of technology, disruptive innovations, startups, and software development. Hosted by industry experts and DaCodes' very own tech enthusiasts, "Hola Mundo" brings you the latest tech news, in-depth discussions on groundbreaking technologies, and insightful conversations with startup founders and tech leaders. Each episode of "Hola Mundo" is craft ...
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ENGLISH: You never know the stories that people carry, and sometimes, those stories are best shared in song. “Si Yo Fuera Una Canción” is a podcast about individuals, their stories and their lives as people connected with Santa Ana, CA. Through interviews offered in both Spanish and English, they talk about the musics that ground them and inspire them. In this way we get a new perspective on the socioeconomic, ethnic, and cultural tapestry that makes Santa Ana such a special place--and at th ...
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Leo Fernandes (born June 6, 1980 in Sao Paulo Brazil,) From an early age in Brazil Leo Fernandes had a connection with the drums & beats. His fist contact with music was at his father's TV production company, as a child he was always behind the scene but always dreamed of coming to the states. When he finished school 2003 he obtained a visa that would allowed him to come to New York. There his fist weekend in the Big Apple his friends took him to the Legendary ROXY night club. Peter Rauhofer ...
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Un podcast de cine y series de TV realizado de manera aperiódica e indiscriminada por todos los miembros de Emilcar FM. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Aprende inglés practicando en privado o en parejas!
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Un podcast para apoyar a los empresarios, autores y músicos que han pasado por una jornada difícil, motivarlos con invitados y sus historias de éxito
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Somos dos fanáticos del cine y nos apasiona el mundo de las películas, series, streaming, noticias del mundo del entretenimiento y mucho más. Estaremos dando nuestra opinión sobre varios temas y reseñas de películas y nuestras recomendaciones. Charla Cinéfila es manejado por Jon Amaury y José. Los episodios subirán todos los viernes.
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By 1900 the world had become truly globalised, and so Latin America was affected by the rise of the same competing ideologies as Europe and the USA. This was an the age of workers movements and nationalism, where the economic struggles caused by the Great Depression saw people look for alternatives to the established order. Of course, these politic…
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Today we move northwards, to look at Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean during the immediate decades after independence from Spain. We follow the Central American nation's on-off relationship with each other, and the rise of the USA. The later will lead to war with Mexico, and intervention to win independence for Spain's last remaining colo…
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Now that Latin America was independent, what kind of countries would its leaders build? And how big or small would those countries be? Today we look at the major disagreements which created conflict - between liberal republicans and conservative traditionalists, and between centralists and federalists. We also look at the future of slavery, and the…
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Latin America's independence was a long and drawn out affair, involving multiple decades of war to achieve. It also, bizarrely, happened almost by accident. In today's episode we look at the causes behind the biggest change in Latin America since colonisation began, as well as the men who waged the campaign against Spain. We also examine the very d…
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Having broken from the previous chronological format of this podcast, one of things I have been thinking about is the potential lack of context for subsequent episodes. This then, is a series which provides a very rough overview of the major events and ideas which shaped Latin America from the end of the conquests to the present day. Hopefully it w…
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Guatemala is not usually thought of as an oil county, and that is of course, largely because it is not one. Today’s interviewee however, traces the fascinating story of a largely forgotten – and largely unrealised – oil rush which threatened to take place there, based on a resource which wasn’t there – or to put it more precisely – wasn’t there in …
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Today’s story is not about a specific event, but rather an overview of a place which might have been about as far from the forefront of the big events in Latin American history as it is possible to get, yet which saw a succession of bizarre occurrences across its history. Despite being uninhabited for most of human history, this remote atoll has dr…
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Today we have a special interview episode with Marcos Colón about his new book The Amazon in Times of War. The book is a collection of essays which detail Marcos' work in the Amazon rainforest, and chronicle the threats which the region, its people, and its non-human inhabitants face. In the interview we talk about how Brazil's recent political his…
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In the final part of our mini-series on Juan de Onate's time in New Mexico we follow him on his third journey, westwards in search of the Pacific Ocean, and then look at his fate and that of his colony. Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/the-latin-american-history-podcast/exclusive-content Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/b…
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Onate faces the first real resistance to his colony, and takes it badly. The Acoma massacre is probably the event of his conquests for which he is most well known. Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/the-latin-american-history-podcast/exclusive-content Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcir…
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Today we start a three part series on the conquest of New Mexico. In this first episode we introduce Juan de Onate - the conquistador tasked with incorporating the territory into the Spanish empire, and follow him through the deserts of northern Mexico. Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/the-latin-american-history-podcast/exclusive-con…
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In the second and final part of our mini-series on Mesoamerican food, we look at how West Africa, the USA, and the rest of Latin America have influenced the region's cuisine. Then, we look at drinks. Everyone and everything from protectionist tax laws and Filipino immigrants to Russian religious sects and smuggler-priests have played a role in the …
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The food of Mesoamerica (Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras) is perhaps the best in all of Latin America. In part one of two on the history of the region's cuisine, we look at how indigenous and European influences combined to create such a deep food culture. Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/the-latin-american-history-podcas…
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Today we look at a concept known as the black legend. There is no question that the Spanish conquests of Latin America were bloody affairs, and that conquest as a whole is not exactly pleasant. There is however a school a thought which argues that the Spanish were vilified for geo-political reasons, often hypocritically by those doing the vilifying…
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Hulaman te Recomienda Ponerle Atención a tu Escritura (Episodio Especial del Día del Podcast)
Un mensaje especial de parte de Hulaman, AKA Teacher Kenn. Muchos no lo saben, pero también doy clases de Hula Hoop Dance Fitness.Por Kenndrick Anthony Mason Channer
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In this second and final part about the kingdom of the Itza, we tell the story of how it was conquered. Involved is an ambitious Spanish governor, some unauthorized diplomacy, and a recreation of the assault on Tenochtitlan Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/the-latin-american-history-podcast/exclusive-content Advertising Inquiries: ht…
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Link to supporting document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Nm0MLw5hp1bD8sOpqptLUL4IcxcFLCcjixo1_ezFAH0/edit?usp=sharing Welcome to this episode of Advanced English for the Bilingual Professional. Today, Teacher Kenn takes you through the correct placement and usage of reflexive pronouns. We'll dive into lesson 26 of English Sentence Structure…
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In remote northern Guatemala is a beautiful old city built onto an island. The shores of the lake which surrounds it are peppered with unexcavated Maya ruins. Almost two centuries after the fall of the Aztec, a transplanted Maya kingdom ruled from this island, unmolested by the Spanish empire which had taken over most of the rest of the continent. …
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Link to supporting document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vIJOEUNs_sKtwAYcjrNJeNX_bn0HjCSb0f_heh6K7ek/edit?usp=sharing In this episode of "Intermediate English for Work and Travel," Teacher Ken guides you through the various uses of the word "it" in subject positions. From substituting objects and animals to understanding cases where "it" is…
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Documento de apoyo para la clase: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CcSWaYdUfqJcV9Z2GWFkeZd2g1JRCl9Cy0rWJuKct_4/edit?usp=sharing En este episodio de Inglés Básico para el Diario Vivir, Teacher Kenn te guiará a través del uso correcto de los adverbios de frecuencia en inglés, enfocándose en cómo formular preguntas con "ever" y cómo dar respuestas …
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Link to document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nl4BF2Qdqylh7ybKQ2zqM289U4BFhTpg9gF8zupOn6o/edit?usp=sharing In this episode of Advanced English for the Bilingual Professional, Teacher Kim delves into the intricacies of tag questions, a crucial element for mastering fluent English conversations. We'll explore how to properly form and use tag …
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In this episode of Intermediate English for Work and Travel, Teacher Ken guides you through the correct usage and structure of the words "very," "too," and "enough." Understanding the nuances of these words is essential for expressing degrees, excess, and sufficiency accurately in English. We'll dive into Lesson 13 from the English Sentence Structu…
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In 1695 Scotland decided to have a go at the new world colonisation which seemed to be benefiting its neighbours so much. They settled on Panama as they place to do it and almost the whole country was involved in funding the scheme. The story of the Darien colony would have a profound impact on the country - one which continues to define Scotland t…
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En este episodio de "Inglés Básico para el Diario Vivir", Teacher Kenn te guía paso a paso en el uso correcto del orden de las palabras al hacer preguntas que incluyen adverbios de frecuencia. Aprenderás cómo estos adverbios se colocan en la oración y cómo ajustar las preguntas para mantener la estructura gramatical correcta. Acompáñanos en la lecc…
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Link to the lesson document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r6LPKlWG-qqq85gKNo9G5seOlW6FYqfUVje7Cs7CJzo/edit?usp=sharing In this episode of "Advanced English for the Bilingual Professional," Teacher Kenn dives into the intricacies of negative questions. Learn how to correctly form and respond to negative questions in English, without altering …
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Link to the Online Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iwDzCq76fdrDKdLQlwQC_s270Pp55O_y8I9JDlTr8kU/edit?usp=sharing In this week's episode of "Intermediate English for the Bilingual Professional," Teacher Kenn breaks down the correct use of "for" with nouns and "to" with verbs when combined with adjectives. Understanding this structure is…
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In 1911 American explorer Hiram Bingham stumbled upon the lost city of Machu Picchu - forgotten since it was abandoned by the Inca centuries before. That's the story at least, the reality is much more complex. Could he have done it without the help of Peruvians? Was he really the first outsider to get there? And what does it really mean for a ruin …
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Hello, student, es el teacher Kenn. Bienvenido a otra lección de Inglés Básico para el Diario Vivir. El día de hoy vamos a practicar el orden de los adverbios de frecuencia cuando estamos usando el verbo To Be en comparación a los otros verbos. Lección 2, Cuadro B2 y Ejercicio 11 en nuestro libro English Sentence Structure. Páginas 18+19. Páginas 3…
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In this episode of "Advanced English for the Bilingual Professional" with Teacher Kenn, we delve into the nuanced differences between "Too," "So That," and "Such That." Understanding these distinctions is crucial for conveying precise meaning in complex sentences. Whether you're writing a report or engaging in professional communication, mastering …
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In this episode of "Intermediate English for Work and Travel" with Teacher Kenn, we'll dive into the structure of sentences that involve two people and two actions. Learn how to construct sentences like "George wants John to go there," and enhance your ability to communicate clearly and effectively in various contexts, whether at work or while trav…
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En este episodio de "Inglés Básico Para el Diario Vivir" con Teacher Kenn, exploraremos el significado y la estructura de los adverbios de frecuencia. Aprenderás cómo usarlos correctamente en tus conversaciones diarias para expresar con qué frecuencia realizas actividades. Desde "always" hasta "never," descubre cómo estos adverbios pueden mejorar t…
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**Podcast Episode Description:** In this episode of "Advanced English for the Bilingual Professional," Teacher Kenn takes you through the correct use of conditionals in English. From zero to third conditionals, we break down each type with clear explanations and practical examples. Whether you're refining your grammar or mastering new concepts, thi…
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A wave of disease is spreading, leading to the implementation of a vaccination campaign. Some among the population are suspicious and take to the streets to make their opposition clear. This story did not take place during the recent pandemic however, this episode is about an obscure uprising which took place in 20th century Brazil. Support this po…
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In today's episode of "Intermediate English for Work and Travel," we explore the correct use of negative forms when dealing with two actions within the same sentence. We focus on Lesson 13 from our English Sentence Structure Book (Box A3, Exercise 7, pages 133-134; PDF pages 146-147). We'll clarify the common mistake of misplacing the negation and …
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This is just a quick message to give an update a few changes I am planning to make to the podcast. Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/the-latin-american-history-podcast/exclusive-content Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacyPor Max Serjeant
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In the second part of our look at Latin America's musical traditions we examine the role that music plays in some fascinating indigenous traditions. We also see how European waltz and even medieval troubadour culture came to influence the sound of the region. Finally I talk about some of my favourite Latin artists making music today. Support this p…
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A1 Inglés Básico Lección 2 Cuadros A.4+A.5 Respuestas Cortas con Do y Does para Principiantes
En este episodio de "Inglés Básico para el Diario Vivir", el anfitrión ESL Teacher Kenn te guiará a través del uso correcto de "do" y "does" en respuestas cortas en el presente simple. Aprenderás cuándo y cómo utilizar estos verbos auxiliares para responder preguntas de manera clara y concisa. ¡No te pierdas esta lección esencial para mejorar tu in…
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To celebrate the 100th episode of the Latin American History Podcast, today we have a special episode (the first of two parts) on Latin American music. In this one we look at the significant contribution made by Latin America's Afro-descended populations on many of the region's genres. We discuss some of the musical techniques used in genres such a…
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En el episodio de hoy, nos sumergimos en el fascinante mundo de los sustantivos irregulares en inglés. Descubre cómo palabras como 'man', 'woman', 'tooth', y 'foot' cambian en su forma plural y aprende a usarlas correctamente. Explicaremos las reglas, daremos ejemplos prácticos y te ofreceremos tips para recordar estas excepciones. Si eres estudian…
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It has been quite a while since we looked at what was happening in Spain and Portugal, and while they have not often been directly relevant to the story of Latin America, things are about to change. In this episode we look at the contemporary kings of Iberia and why, although their reigns did saw huge growth in their New World empires, they general…
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The AI Showdown: Microsoft vs. Google vs. Apple
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1:06:23In this episode, we tackle the mixed reactions to Microsoft's recall feature, which collects user data to train AI models amidst privacy concerns. We'll also explore Apple's ambitious Gray Matter project, which aims to embed generative AI tools into core apps, enhancing functionalities like text summarization and voice memo transcription. We'll deb…
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In 1555 the Kingdom of France took the dramatic step of attempting to colonise Brazil. This was the first time that a non-Iberian nation had challenged Portuguese and Spanish hegemony on the continent and would set a precedent which would later be followed by other European powers. Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/the-latin-american-…
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C1 Advanced English For The Bilingual Professional: Because Of, In Spite Of, Regardless Of + Subordinator practice
Unlock the secrets of advanced English grammar with my latest lesson focused on subordinators! Dive deep into the usage and nuances of "Because Of," "In Spite Of," and "Regardless Of." Perfect for advanced ESL students, this video provides clear explanations, practical examples, and helpful tips to master these essential connectors in no time. Link…
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Hugo Wong's book 'America's Lost Chinese' tells the fascinating - and often forgotten - story of a group of Chinese emigrees who made a home for themselves, first in California and then Mexico. It is a story which spans the full spectrum of human experience – involved in it are meetings with presidents and successful business ventures, but also rev…
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In the final part of our series on the conquest of Chile, the conquering stops and a long drawn-out war begins. This will begin a pattern which will continue to the present day, as the Mapuche people fiercely resist outside incursions. Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/the-latin-american-history-podcast/exclusive-content Advertising I…
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Hello, students! Teacher Kenn here, welcoming you to another insightful episode of Intermediate English for Work and Travel. Today, we're diving into the nuances of using modals versus actions, and the correct use of "to" in English sentence structures. We will focus on contrasting expressions with the word "but" using exercises from Lesson 13 in t…
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The next phase of Valdivia's campaign was one of expansion. Things were going well, and new settlements were founded. It wasn't all easy however, he faced internal dissension and difficult weather slowed his progress. Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/the-latin-american-history-podcast/exclusive-content Advertising Inquiries: https://…
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¡Bienvenidos, estudiantes! En este video, repasaremos la Unidad 6 del programa de inglés de 9no año del MEP para los exámenes finales del 2024. Exploraremos los temas de "Reported Speech", "Passive Voice" y "Second Conditional", proporcionando un resumen claro y conciso para ayudarles a prepararse. Además, encontrarán enlaces útiles al libro "Engli…
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Bienvenidos a la penúltima unidad del programa de inglés para noveno año del MEP Costa Rica 2024. En esta clase, Teacher Kenn explora el uso del futuro con 'Will' y 'Going to', las preguntas con WH, el presente simple, y los verbos frasales o "Phrasal Verbs". A través de explicaciones detalladas creadas con la ayuda de ChatGPT, aprenderás a formula…
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Resumen Unidad 4: Pasado Perfecto VS Contínuo y 3er condicional - Inglés 9no Año, MEP Costa Rica
En esta lección de la Unidad 4 para el 9no año del programa de estudios del MEP en Costa Rica, Teacher Kenn, un experimentado profesor de inglés, te guía a través de conceptos gramaticales clave como el Pasado Perfecto, el Pasado Continuo y el Tercer Condicional. Aprende a formar oraciones complejas y a entender sus usos en diferentes contextos. As…
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