Dr Todd Brandt discusses anything that sounds urological.
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UROskolen sin podkastkanal inneholder forskjellige episoder med ulikt innhold og temaer - laget av oss som er tilknyttet UROskolen. Du kan høre episoder med våre lærere: Helge Zimmer, Rikke Uberg Thorkildsen, Vibeke Vestgård, Øyvind Johansen, Jon Andres Landsnes og Monica Stubkjær. Vår mentor Caspar Seip, bl.a kjent fra podkasten ”Guro og Guru” kan du høre med forskjellige gjester. Vi setter et UROperspektiv på temaer som spiseforstyrrelser, skole, overgangsalder, foreldre og barn, søvn, par ...
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Broadcasting the latest developments in GU cancer Hosted by Brian Rini and Tom Powles Brian Rini MD is Chief of Clinical Trials, Professor of Cancer Research and Professor of Medicine (Hematology/Oncology), Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Centre Tom Powles is Director of Barts Cancer Centre, St Bartholomews Hospital and Professor or Genitourinary oncology, Queen Mary University of London
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A urology podcast, focussing on all things prostate, kidney, bladder, testis and penile cancer. Join Professor Declan Murphy and Dr Renu Eapen from Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in Melbourne for this regular dive into the world of genitourinary (GU) Oncology and Urology. Regular guests from all over the world, from every walk of life. Find out more gucast.org
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“Katheterkollegen” ist DER Podcast für junge Urologinnen und Urologen. Gemeinsam mit Experten sprechen wir über die großen und kleinen Themen der Urologie. Wir fragen, was wir schon immer wissen wollten, aber in keinem Lehrbuch steht. Und wir blicken über den urologischen Tellerrand, um zu klären, was darüber hinaus noch für die klinische Arbeit wichtig ist. Die “Katheterkollegen” sind Justus (Rosenheim) und Nadim (Mannheim). “Katheterkollegen” wird in Kooperation mit der GeSRU (German Socie ...
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A podcast created by the #URockEdu Digital Learning Team from Education Service Center Region 11 in Fort Worth, Texas.
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Myriad Genetics brings you a casual, yet educational podcast about modern topics in Urology. Because every man with prostate cancer deserves a better answer.
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The Urology Care Foundation is the official foundation of the American Urological Association. We support reliable patient education on urology health issues. Learn more at UrologyHealth.org.
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God,youth and life connecting
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Podcast Urológico direcionado para acadêmicos, médicos que atuam na atenção básica e emergências hospitalares. Tentamos explicar urologia de forma simples, porém sem perder os detalhes que ajudam na condução dos casos.
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A regular educational podcast hosted by Sophia Cashman and Hari Ratan. Join us as we discuss a wide range of urological topics which urology trainees will encounter both in real life, as well as in the FRCS(Urol) intercollegiate exam. Every week, we discuss a clinical case with the help of expert special guests.
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Poruszające historie, inspirujące osobowości, ciekawe rozmowy z psychologami, sposoby na #lepszeżycie. Uroda Życia, magazyn dla kobiet, które kochają życie, zaprasza na cykl podcastów - słuchaj dla przyjemności!
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Dr. Bruno Benigno é um cirurgião urologista especializado no tratamento do câncer. Atua em um dos maiores centros de excelência na América Latina. Tem como objetivo neste canal, difundir informação de qualidade de uma maneira clara e objetiva, para que você possa entender mais sobre as doenças do sistema urinário e reprodutor. Explore nosso conteúdo. A informação é a arma mais importante na batalha contra o câncer.
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Welcome to “Urology for Everyone” podcast, this is Dr. Girish Nelivigi, Urologist and Andrologist with you. I have created this show known as “Nelivigi Multispeciality Podcast” wherein every week we come out with various health-related topics on Urology, General Medicine, Pediatrics, Infertility, and Gynecology to help you live your best and makes a bit easier to understand.
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Welcome to “Urology for Everyone” podcast, this is Dr. Girish Nelivigi, Urologist and Andrologist with you. I have created this show known as “Nelivigi Multispeciality Podcast” wherein every week we come out with various health-related topics on Urology, General Medicine, Pediatrics, Infertility, and Gynecology to help you live your best and makes a bit easier to understand.
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Visibilización de las funciones enfermeras en el ámbito del paciente con disfunción urológica Os presentamos el nuevo proyecto del grupo CAB que pretende ayudar a visibilizar las competencias enfermeras en pacientes con disfunción urológica mediante la publicación de una serie de píldoras formativas.
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Ortho Women's Health & Urology Podcast
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URO-podden er en podkast om hvordan det er å være ungdom i dag. Vi som lager den vet hvordan det er å leve med krysspress: Når f.eks. familien og menigheten din har andre normer og forventninger enn vennene dine og storsamfunnet. Hvem vil bestemor at du skal være? Hvem vil læreren din at du skal være? Hvem vil vennene dine at du skal være? Hvem vil DU være? Hva gjør du når alle drar deg i ulike retninger og ingen forstår deg? I podkasten prøver vi å finne noen svar. URO-podden gis ut av Dram ...
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Latest articles from Renal and Urology News The Medical Minute
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Don't Know Much Neurology - Die Neurourologie
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In dieser Folge geht es um die Neurologie! Justus und Nadim tauchen ein in eine den meisten Urologinnen und Urologen doch eher unbekannte Welt. Was ist eigentlich eine Detrusor-Sphinkter-Dyssynergie? Was mache ich mit einer Cystofix-versorgten Patientin mit Blasenkrämpfen? Und warum ist die Urodynamik eigentlich so wichtig? Diese und viele weitere …
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Future-gazing radioligand therapy in prostate cancer | With Oliver Sartor and Michael Hofman
Look who popped into the GU Cast studio this week for a chat about where we are going next with radioligand therapy (RLT) for prostate cancer! Professors Oliver Sartor (Mayo Clinic, Rochester) and Michael Hofman (Peter Mac, Melbourne), are two of the world's most pre-eminent experts in the world of RLT for prostate cancer. They were each respective…
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Vi har fått et lytterbrev fra en dame som er syk, uføretrygdet og ensom. Vi snakker om hvordan man kan gå mot følelsen av forlatthet, ensomhet og vende seg mot den i stede for å tro på det sinnet naturlig gjør - mene at det er feil.Por UROskolen
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Episode 381: Molecular heterogeneity in urothelial carcinoma and determinants of clinical benefit to PD-L1 blockade
Romain Banchereau joins the show to discuss and debate this Cancer Cell paper on molecular subtypes in urothelial cancer and implications for checkpoint blockade.
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Serien med Lene nr. 2. Smertene i ryggen øker når Lene får kritikerangrep etter forrige podcast. Lene og Caspar snakker om hvordan vi avviser den virkeligheten vil har og forsøker å erstatte den med den virkeligheten vi vil ha når Lene forteller om alle grepene hun tar for å unngå å føle på utrygghet. Denne podcasten ble først publisert på vår medl…
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Vi på UROskolen snakker ofte om mønstre og strategier. De fleste av oss er imot de vi har, og vi skulle gjerne vært foruten, eller hatt noen andre strategier enn de vi har. Kan man få fred og aksept med de mønstrene man har? Hvordan kan vi jobbe med dette i et uroperspektiv? God lytt!Por UROskolen
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Dr Toni Choueiri, Chief of GU Oncology at Dana-barber Cancer Institute (Boston, USA) returns to GU Cast with members of his team at Dana Farber Cancer Institute to discuss our favourite lists of top GU Oncology papers for 2024. Toni has posted these now legendary lists at the end of each year on Twitter/X since the start of Covid, and they have bec…
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Shankar Siva joins the show to discuss the emerging role of stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) in primary and metastatic RCC tumors.
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Kari Pettersen er gjest hos Caspar og de tror de skal snakke om å bli eldre og hvordan det er. Men også eldre er mennesker, og mennesker har vansker med å bryte sine mønstre og våge å gå for frihet og kjærlighet før det er for sent. Det er ikke vanskelig å kjenne langselen, og Kari og Caspar har mye de kan utfordre seg selv med mens de ennå er på j…
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3人による2024年のGU oncoloyのレビューを切れ味鋭く解説しています。乞うご期待!
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Part 2 of our GU Cast Conference Highlights from Shanghai including discussions with Dr Stephen Freedland (Los Angeles), Dr Liang Liang (Shaanxi), Dr Andrea Necchi (Milano), Dr Xiaojie Bian (Shanghai), and Dr Hongkai Wang (Shanghai). Declan Murphy travelled to Shanghai for the 14th GU Oncology Academic Meeting hosted by Fudan University Shanghai Ca…
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Tanya Dorff from City of Hope joins Brian and Tom to review what to expect throughout 2025 and beyond in terms of clinically impactful data in prostate, renal and bladder cancer
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A brief summary of this episodePor Todd Brandt
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I denne episoden forsøker vi å se på dramaet som utspiller seg i forhold til det å ha en kropp, og å mislike den kroppen vi har. Det er skamfullt og vondt å innrømme at vi har et vanskelig forhold til kroppen vår, da sinnet sier "jeg bør jo være stolt av kroppen min". Bakenfor dette dramaet ligger det dyp smerte, og vi forsøker i denne episoden å f…
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Declan Murphy travels to Shanghai for the 14th GU Oncology Academic Meeting hosted by Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Centre, and to meet up with our GU Cast China Editor, Dr Yao Zhu. This is an excellent meeting in one of our very favourite cities, and this year Declan joins International Faculty including Dr Stephen Freedland (Los Angeles), Dr K…
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Do we have to be crazy to change the world? Maybe. Here’s to the crazy ones who think they can.Por Todd Brandt
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Dr. Todd Brandt interviews Tom Bergman, a physician assistant who helps patients prevent kidney stones. This interview was originally done in March 2023 for the Urological podcastPor Todd Brandt
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Easy as 1, 2, 3 - Statistik in der Urologie
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In dieser Folge geht es um das Thema der Statistik - Worauf muss ich achten, wenn ich ein Paper lese? Was hat es eigentlich mit dem p-Wert auf sich und was, wenn er mal knapp über 0,05 liegt? Und wie wähle ich aus, welche Art von Studie für mein Forschungsvorhaben passt? Diese und viele weitere Fragen rund um das Thema Statistik beantworten Prof. D…
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Dette er en påstand fra Caspar som Karine har bitt seg merke i. I denne podden snakker vi om at Uroperspektivet har en annen tilnærming til uro, smerte, konflikt, skjermbruk og mobbing enn å lage kampanjer for å få barna til å slutte å gjøre det som er galt og i stedet oppføre seg riktig og pent mot hverandre. Til tross for alle forsøk på å få både…
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Our final episode of the year! And we end with a very seasonal celebration of single-port surgery and the Boxing Day Test with Australia playing India in one of the world's most famous cricket matches. We coaxed Dr Mihir Desai (University of Southern California, Los Angeles) and A/Prof Daniel Moon (Peter Mac, Melbourne) out of the Melbourne Cricket…
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Silke Gilleson gives Tom and Brian 3 'gifts': Thomas Zilli (Radiation Oncology), Jochen Walz (Urology) and Ken Hermann (Nuclear Medicine) who discuss the 2024 prostate highlights from each of their unique perspectives.
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Matt Galsky joins Brian and Tom to discuss the most impactful data in bladder cancer form the past year.
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David McDermott (and his dog, Finn) join the show to review the top data from 2024 in RCC
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Valentina ønsker å snakke om hvorfor noen skifter partner ofte og har forberedt seg godt. Caspar har imidlertid en annen inngang til temaet og dagens episode får en uventet vending, sett fra Valentinas side. Og hva har egentlig fugler med partnerbytter å gjøre? Vil du høre mer fra oss og lære mer om kunsten å romme uro? Ekslusivt innhold med dyptgå…
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Jim Brugarolas joins to discuss his talk from IKCS 2024 and the board topic of resistance to HIF inhibitors.
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Karina har vært på familiekurs i regi av Uroskolen sammen med Helge og deler tanker og erfaringer om viktigheten av å møtes og være sammen. Det var en sterk opplevelse å sitte sammen med ukjente mennesker og dele uroen, føle seg sårbar og liten. Å gå gjennom uroen sammen, åpnet døren til en sterk følelse av tilhørighet, enhet og kjærlighet. Karina …
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JSCO2024で発表されたKEYNOTE-564東アジア人OSデータとANNAR biomarker studyの解説とディスカッションです
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Precision Oncology and Prostate Cancer: The New Standard of Care - Ep. #1 Genetic Testing Basics
Send us a text The Modern Urologist Podcast has launched a new miniseries, Precision Oncology and Prostate Cancer: The New Standard of Care, hosted by Dr. Paul Sieber and Ashleigh Renitsky, Oncology PA. This series will focus on the evolving role of genetic testing in prostate cancer care and its impact on personalized patient treatment plans. Epis…
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Dan Suzman from FDA joins us to discuss the Accelerated Approval process, requirements, successes and challenges.
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Vi hopper ut i det og snakker om rasisme i dagens podcast. Vi ser på dette betente temaet fra et uropespektiv. At vi mennesker gjør alt vi kan for å høre til er ingen hemmlighet, og det er derfor skaper vi disse dramaene. Vi snakker om rasisme, kjønn, forelskelse, hat og redselen for å gjøre eller si noe feil. Hva gjør woke med nærheten mellom oss?…
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Jonathan Rosenberg joins Brian and Tom to discuss this important phase 3 trial and efficacy and toxicity signals.
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Our guest is Dr. Kyle Richards, a urologic oncologist and Associate Professor in the Department of Urology at the University of Wisconsin. He talks with us about the basics around non-muscle invasive bladder cancer. Learn about common symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options to start talking with your health care team.For more information, please …
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Have you ever found the choice of agents in metastatic kidney cancer just a bit perplexing??! Well then this is the podcast for you! To celebrate a fantastic review paper recently published in European Urology, we chat with first author Dr Regina Barragan-Carillo (City of Hope, California), and second senior author Dr Tian Zhang (UT South-Western, …
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Jacob Kather joins Brian and Tom to discuss emerging AI applications in Oncology
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Caspar og Lene starter her en serie podkaster om vond rygg og å leve med kroniske smerter. De prøver å se på denne virkeligheten, en virkelighet de begge har lang erfaring med, og som de i mange år har forsøkt å endre, med interesse og vennlighet. De utforsker tanker og følelser som gjerne hører til denne virkeligheten og konsekvensene av sitt forh…
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Bishoy joins us to discuss his work on extrachromosomal DNA in bladder cancer from his latest Nature publication
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Legendary British cyclist Sir Chris Hoy (48) recently shocked the world by announcing that he has progressive metastatic prostate cancer. His specialists have given him a 2-4 year life expectancy. The dreadful news that no prostate cancer patient wants to hear. Today, hosts Prof Declan Murphy and Dr Renu Eapen welcome their good mates A/Prof Ben Ch…
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Et UROperspektiv på å forsøke å slutte med noe, som spise, rusmidler etc. Kan vi gjøre noe annet enn å ta oss sammen som bare holder en liten stund, og som ikke gjør oss særlig tilfreds i livet? Denne podcasten ble først lagt ut for medlemmer 10.12.23. Vil du høre mer fra oss og lære mer om kunsten å romme uro? Ekslusivt innhold med dyptgående podc…
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Dr Brandt discusses low urinary citrate levels as a risk for kidney stonesPor Todd Brandt
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Andrew Smith from St. Jude's joins us to discuss the emerging field of radiomics and shares his hopes and skepticism
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Part 2 Highlights from a GU Cast Live Event! Dr Kim Chi (Medical Oncologist, Vancouver) and Dr Carmen Mir (Urologist, Valencia) joined the PROSPECT meeting in Melbourne to discuss high-risk prostate cancer and mHSPC, along with many experts from around Australia. On the eve of the meeting over dinner, Declan Murphy led a GU Cast-themed panel discus…
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Dr Brandt describes a condition called idiopathic hypercalciuria that is a common finding in patients with recurrent kidney stones.Por Todd D Brandt
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Hilde kom til UROskolen da hun stod i en personlig krise. Hun var sykmeldt, men fikk i oppgave å nærme seg jobben igjen. Hun trodde på at den eneste måten å overleve på var å være sykmeldt, men det viste seg å ikke stemme. Jobbfraværet øker i samfunnet vårt, nettopp fordi vi tror på at vi ikke skal ha den uroen vi kjenner på jobb. Men er det sant? …
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Dr Brandt discusses crystal formation and kidney stones.Por Todd Brandt
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Chuck Ryan from MSKCC joins to talk about various aspects of AR inhibition in prostate cancer and relative benefits and risks.
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Hanne har vært mye syk i livet og vil gjerne utforske om det har noen sammenheng med indre uro. Underveis i samtalen med Caspar blir det klart at det også har en sammenheng med kreativitet og det å ha kreative prosjekter man gjerne vil sette ut i livet.Por UROskolen
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Prostate problems make a man old, but they made Hugh Hampton Young: The first removal of a prostate for prostate cancer.
In this episode I retell the story of how Hugh Hampton Young first decided to attempt a prostate removal for prostate cancer. He did this in 1906. I first posted this episode in 2017.Por Todd Brandt
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Our guest is Dr. Trushar Patel, a urologic oncologist and Residency Program Director at the University of South Florida. He talks with us about the basics around muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Learn about common symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options to start talking with your health care team.For more information, please visit www.UrologyHealt…
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