Great short Bonus Show for all our loyal podcast fans. This week a tremendous comedy team shares comedy and's "Mack & Jamie" , stars of TV's "Comedy Break"; sharing loads of musical humor. Enjoy!
Meet friends from the events industry, their beginnings, their stories, their projects and many more things. You will also learn tips to make your events a success.
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A true crime podcast about murder, cold cases, missing people, and unnatural events in the world. New episodes every Monday!
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A loving examination of the actors and actresses of KDrama.
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Unnatural Selection is a weekly comedy podcast about news and politics. Each week the guys take a few stories from the week's news, and bring a fresh and funny new take that you may not have considered. They cover Australian and American news as well as some stores from around the world.
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Benjamin and Sami are two journalists who take a weekly look at the funnier side of the automotive industry and the cars they drive.
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"Get your weekly dose of witty banter on life's absurdities—politics, parenting, and why free beer rocks! Join the fun! 🍻 #UnnecessaryWisdom"
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Pat and Ian discuss the latest in video games, movies, retro game topics, and take Q and A from the audience! It's the Completely Unnecessary Podcast!
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Whether you're a newbie or an OG in the BL world, join Emma, Nilza (@Nila's World) and Flick as we share our thoughts on everything BL, talk about your unpopular options and much more.New episodes every other Wednesday (join the talk!). Follow us for some fun BL banter @UnniesBLTalk TikTok Instagram Twitter
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Unnatural is a true crime, spoopy campfire storytelling podcast hosted by two friends, Emily and Andy. Emily is a veteran True Crime buff and self-proclaimed blurter of brilliance. Andy is a radio genius with a creative soul and a love for music. Together we create an Unnatural duo coming to you each Wednesday with a new episode that will be sure to give you the creeps.
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Two bros using their last few braincells in one of the bro's backyard shipping container.
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Om grejer som hänt i Jönköping. Med Staffan Hagberg Lennart Lindberg Michael Simmeborn Och gäster
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Comedy writer and performer Brian Sturges interviews various artists on his satirical talk show. Hosted by Brian Sturges @MrBrianSturges
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Unnützes Wissen der 90er mit Silli Riegler und Andy Hohenwarter

Tauch ein in die kuriosen Fakten der 90er mit "Unnützes Wissen der 90er" - Nostalgie pur! Von der unfreiwillig entstandenen Akte X Melodie, über überraschende Friends-Zungenküsse, bis zum mysteriösen Tom Cruise Tag in Japan – Silli Riegler und 90er Experte Andy Hohenwarter führen Dich jeden Freitag ab 12 Uhr auf eine unterhaltsame Zeitreise. Entdecke die 90er Kultur und alle Trivias dieses Jahrzehnts: egal ob Fernsehshows, Musik oder Prominente der 90er. Auf allen Podcastplattformen. Du hast ...
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Childrens Stories from around the world . Tales from Panchatantra, Aesop fables, Hitopedesha, Vikramaditya etc retold in Malayalam.
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Dave Portnoy, Kirk Minihane and Ryan Whitney talk the inner workings of Barstool, while reflecting back on company history with guests that everybody knows and loves. You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit
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Welcome boys and girls and all those in between to the Unnecessary Conversations Podcast
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Buat kamu yang suka Korea, podcast ini pilihan yang tepat. Annyeong Chingu-ya! Hari ini bahas apa ya?
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Unnerved is a bi-weekly podcast featuring original stories that are sure to keep you up at night.
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Pernille og Mathea gir deg infiltrerte historier fra hverdagen og andre dritviktige ting.
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ÖH.... der wahrscheinlich unnötigste Podcast der Welt

ÖH.... der wahrscheinlich unnötigste Podcast der Welt
Alex und Patrice
Wir sind Zeuge eines Experiments: Alex und Patrice kennen sich nicht, bzw. nur oberflächlich, denn Alex ist der Tierarzt der Beagle von Patrice. Sie lernen sich im Rahmen dieses Podcastes immer besser kennen und schätzen ... oder sind auch verwundert über einander. Wir können in diesem Podcast beobachten, wie sich zwet Personen, die zunächst nichts miteinander zu tun haben sich anfreunden In einer Zeit in der wir alle verlernt haben wirklich miteinander zu sprechen, versuchen Alex und Patric ...
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These things here are kinda unnecessary but worthwhile sometimes. It can be about society, life, movies, music, or even me sharing my own story. And also!!! I have a lot of horror stories that I might tell you here. No SARA here guys! Prepare a bunch of cotton buds, because my voice will be a disaster🤪
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The Unnaturalists is a speculative biology podcast where three nerds - one of whom has a PhD in biology - sit down with a bottle of wine and try to explain well-known fantasy beings with as much real science as possible.
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News experience that goes beyond just being informed. Бид мэдээллийн урсгал хамгийн их бөгөөд хурдан цаг үед амьдарч байна. Үүнийгээ дагаад бид олон шинэ бэрхшээлтэй нүүр тулдаг: ташаа мэдээлэл, хэт туйлшрал, талцал... Иймд, хамтран дэлхий дахинд өрнөж буй чухал үйл явдлуудыг нягтлан тайлбарлахыг зорьж байна.
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Once a week I’ll be chatting with you about life, love and the pursuit of happiness.
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This podcast is outlining the issues of cheating and the effect it has on athletes and everyone else
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Unnecessary Commentary is an entertaining podcast featuring a group of friends having enjoyable, hilarious, and borderline controversial conversations.
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:) Cover art photo provided by Peter Fogden on Unsplash:
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If you are an unnoticed entrepreneur then this show is for you. My guests are not rockstars or celebrity CEO's, they are entrepreneurs like you and me. Doing our best to build a business that we can be proud of, on a start up budget. Launched in 2019 the show has over 800 episodes and is in the top 2.5% of podcasts worldwide (source: Listennotes). Three books have been published by Wiley (NYSE: Wly) from the articles. Host website: Want to be a golden podcast guest: ...
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Hvilke utfordringer kan man støte på som nybakt forelder? Hva er lurt å tenke på når livet er snudd på hodet, og du skal lære alt om hvordan man tar vare på et bittelitte menneske? Cecilie Ramona Kåss Furuseth deler egne erfaringer som småbarnsmor og inviterer med kjente gjester og eksperter for å finne de beste rådene til alle nybakte foreldre - sånn at at de første 2 årene kan gå litt greiere for DEG. Har du noe på hjertet? Send det til eller på Instagram: @unntakst ...
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Dungeons & Dragons podcast, run by 5 bonafide idiots. The world of Abraxas is falling apart at the seams. It's a world of snow, war, and tenuous relations, and above all a hidden past that no one seems to know much of these days. In this land, four unlikely companions find themselves awakening in a together clearing without recollection of the exact events preceding. Will they find answers, or will chasing shadows only lead them further into the wolves' den?
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Join Ted, Kevin & Dan for some puck talk.
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A podcast made up of Corum’s thoughts
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Three friends talking about life, sports, and the pursuit of being less miserable
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Unnecessary stories is about things (stories) that we don’t quite understand or (mystery) in that matter. I love weird stories or theories .
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Barbershop talk that is based on critical thinking with unbiased fact based discussions for the betterment for the people.
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This is collection of poetries on memories of childhood and experiences of life.
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Phil and Obi discuss Sports, Music and anything else that comes to mind.
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Welcome to The Unnamed Podcast, where amazing things happen.
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We will dissect everything from how to negotiate painful awkward moments, to the perfect karaoke song for every occasion.
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Hey guys! Just an insight to my view on all things culinary
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Me and my friends just screw around and tell stories some times we will do challenges but stick around for more episodes
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Listen to scary true stories from the ones who lived to tell the tale. Join your host, Chris Fricke, as we discover the most terrifying real stories-from strange creatures to life-threatening encounters-that will leave you feeling unnerved. - Write us with your unnerving story at THEUNNERVEDPODCAST@GMAIL.COM Follow us on social media at UNNERVEDPODCAST
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Welcome to the wonderful world of Unnecessary Yoga! Cover art photo provided by Verne Ho on Unsplash: Support this podcast:
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Alan Clarke Helmick was born August 27th, 1945 in Delta, Colorado. He attended school in Delta graduating from Delta High School in 1963. While in High School Alan met a woman by the name of Sharon Leonard and the two became high school sweethearts. After High School he went on to graduate from Adams State College with a degree in physics. Alan and…
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In November 2023, 35-year-old Tyler Goodrich stepped out of his home in Lincoln, Nebraska after a heated argument with his husband, Marshall Vogel... In the 16 months since, no real leads have popped up... Until last week. Here is the video of Tyler running out of the garage -- Connect with us! Instagram: @unnaturalthepodcast Facebook: Unnatural: A…
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Unnützes Wissen der 90er mit Silli Riegler und Andy Hohenwarter

Wer von den Schauspielstars hat im wahren Leben mit wem angebandelt? Wer war vor seiner Karriere Bauarbeiter und hat Parkplätze asphaltiert? Warum hat Tori Spelling beim Casting gelogen? Wer hatte eine heimliche Affaire? Wer eine weniger hemliche? Und was war das eigentlich für ein Duschverbot in der WG von Jason Priestly und Brad Pitt. Alle Fragen…
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UnNecessary Talk with Brian Sturges

UNT Ep. 217 | Week late For Mardi Gras | UnNecessary Talk with Brian Sturges | Comedy Podcast
The fellas play truth or dare for beads to celebrate Mardi Gras one week later, as well as discussing Foghorn Leghorn, hat tilt direction, Brian's toothbrush paranoia, paying for insults, would you date a felon, Roberta Flack, and more! The boys do the usual TikTok thing as well on this week's episode of UnNecessary Talk with Brian Sturges!Hosted b…
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Unnis on Oppas: A KDrama Fan Podcast

Episode 55: Yoon Kye Sang
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3:45:05This oppa has performed in a huge range of dramas, from the ultra silly to the extremely dark. In this episode, Susie and Lynn discuss Yoon Kye Sang’s performances in The Greatest Love, Triple, Kiss Sixth Sense, Chocolate, and more! (About SPOILERS: we try to avoid major plot spoilers in our discussions of different dramas, but inevitably some mino…
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Unnatural Selection

To Tariff or Not to Tariff
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1:07:34On this week's episode of the Unnatural Selection Podcast, we discuss: Trump pauses some Mexico, Canada tariffs: What’s exempt, and what’s next? | Donald Trump News | Al Jazeera Email shows Trump officials are lying to federal court, directing CFPB staff to ignore law Hundreds of State Dept. Officials Sign Dissent Cable Urging Rubio to Stop Killing…
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ÖH.... der wahrscheinlich unnötigste Podcast der Welt

Wer reich werden will, soll gefälligst erben. Es ist zumindest die übliche Art, wie man heutzutage vermögend wird. Eigentum ist heute zum großen Teil von der Vorgeneration und nicht selber aufgebaut. 400 Mrd. Euro werden in Deutschland jährlich vererbt oder verschenkt. Der größte Teil davon natürlich ohne Steuerabzug. Und Du? Hast Du geerbt? Wirst …
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Todays episode starts with a review of the 2025 Volvo EX30 that struggles to get a recommendation from both Benjamin and Sami. Benjamin explains the many reasons for his lack of endorsement with this small and affordable EV, but they all seem to revolve around its underbaked software. Then Sami reviews the 2025 Ram 1500 Rebel, which gets a whole ne…
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Episode 20 of #UnniesBLTalk hosted by Emma, Nilza (Nila's World) and Flick is here! (recorded on 19th Feb). We're back after a very long while, so tune in to find out what we've been up to and meet our new co-host. Sharing our thoughts on everything BL, bringing you the hottest BL recommendations and taking on your (un)popular opinions on Korean BL…
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Heike Makatsch und ihre fantastische Affäre, Autoklau bei Niki Lauda und 150 Menschen bei der Love Parade.Por Life Radio
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Few death row cases have captivated the public like Richard Glossip’s. Convicted of orchestrating the 1997 murder of Barry Van Treese, Glossip has faced execution nine times, narrowly avoiding death again just weeks ago. But did he actually commit the crime? This episode breaks down the shocking twists, the fight to overturn his conviction, and why…
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The Unnamed Show

Kirk starts off the show by clarifying his "little mental break" to Dave (0:00). Dave's office is full of toxins so it's under construction again (4:00). Big Cat hasn't lost a bet in all of March (5:30). Chiclets vs. Foreplay sandbagger is coming out and Keith Yandle thinks Minnesota is a city (7:20). Brandon Walker's contract runs out tomorrow and…
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Completely Unnecessary Podcast

Super Show #20 - Pat Pricing Retro Games, Xbox AI Garbage, Elon Gamer Fraud
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1:36:26Pat discusses the journey of pricing out retro games, Xbox AI garbage announced, Elon Musk being exposed as a gaming fraud, and more! Support us by checking out our sponsors: Mando Deodorant - Go to and use code CUPODCAST to save $5 off the Starter Pack! The Perfect Jean -- Save 15% with code CUPODCAST15 at checkout.…
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UnNecessary Talk with Brian Sturges

The fellas talk about Cher, Paul Simon, the social construct of sexuality within a modern society, nudity in the movies, choking, Cliff's dating tribulations, Valentines day, and more! Plus, the boys take a look at a few TikToks on this week's episode of UnNecessary Talk with Brian Sturges!Hosted by Brian Sturges @BrianSturges @MrBrianSturgeshttp:/…
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Get Noticed! Send a text. From pivoting your business model based on customer feedback to creating content that establishes thought leadership, Ed Johnson's entrepreneurial journey offers valuable insights for scaling and selling a business. His approach to intentional exit planning through professional M&A advisors demonstrates the importance of k…
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Unnecessary Wisdom

didn't really plan for this show. hope you like it!
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2:36:33Send us a text If you have been listening to us at all you know what you're going to get! J, Rex, & all the random people we meet
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Unnatural Selection

Trump Gaza
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1:28:47On this week's episode of the Unnatural Selection Podcast, we discuss: Some US agencies tell workers not to reply to Musk's 'What did you do last week' email. Elon Musk admits email to government workers was a ruse. Ukraine agrees to terms of critical minerals deal with US, sources say. Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelenskyy clash in heated meeting a…
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The show starts with Benjamin's take on the 2025 Subaru Forester, a car we haven't talked about for nearly three years! With a new generation and new lineup, Benjamin goes down memory lane to talk about what the Forester represented, and uses the new model to explain how Subaru has moved away from STI towards a more successful marketing strategy an…
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ÖH.... der wahrscheinlich unnötigste Podcast der Welt

Kennen wir das nicht alle? Es ergibt sich eine Chance, die wir ergreifen oder ignorieren können. Sollen wir das Risiko eingehen und vielleicht vollständig scheitern oder sollten wir das Risiko eingehen und vielleicht als Gewinner herauskommen und den großen Sieg davon tragen? Was ist schlimmer: Komplett zu scheitern oder es gar nicht erst versucht …
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Por UNNA 360
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The Unnamed Show

RA was upset about being left off trivia (00:05:19). Gene Hackman's death has brought up a lot of questions (00:07:08). Dave hates Gavin Newsom and is hesitant to go on his new show (00:11:30). Kanye is completely out of it (00:16:40). Alex Cooper parts ways with Alix Earle (00:20:03). Dave says Kirk can't comprehend that Dave treats people differe…
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In the summer of 1999, the body of a young female was found in a Wisconsin cornfield. It would take 20 long years for her body to be identified, along with her killer. -- Connect with us! Instagram: @unnaturalthepodcast Facebook: Unnatural: A True Crime Podcast Email: unnaturalthepodcast@gmail.comPor Emily and Andy
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UnNecessary Talk with Brian Sturges

The fellas sit down to discuss who assassinated John F. Kennedy as well as who was who in West Side Story, Robert Wagner's cold eyes, Cliff's unblocking issue, Brian's mom is worried about him, Kendrick Lamar, Phil Spector, Robert Blake, and more! Plus a tasty morsel of TikToks to enjoy on this week's episode of UnNecessary Talk with Brian Sturges!…
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Unnis on Oppas: A KDrama Fan Podcast

Episode 54: Unnis Movie Night - Officer Black Belt
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1:18:23Time for another journey into Korean cinema! In this episode, Susie and Lynn discuss the action-packed Officer Black Belt, starring Kim Woo Bin and Kim Sung Kyun. (0:00) - Intro, Jal Meogisseubnida, KDrama ketchup (38:15) - Discussion of Officer Black Belt (1:04:20) - Snack corner (1:07:55) - Ask Susie Unnithing If you like this episode, please sub…
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Victoria who also went by Vicki was living in Wiltshire, England and working as a physiotherapist enjoying life and loving her main hobby of skydiving. In the winter of 2009, Emile Cilliers walked into her place of work and soon after the two were married and they had two children of their own. However, Emile started putting the family into a lot o…
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Unnatural Selection

Labor MediCARES
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1:16:52On this week's episode of the Unnatural Selection Podcast, we discuss: GP visits to become free for most under $8.5b 'legacy defining' Labor Medicare promise. Whyalla steelworks forced into administration by SA government, GFG no longer running site. What went wrong at Whyalla steelworks and will it end with SA government in legal fight with UK bil…
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Are they off-road ready or just rugged? This week the Unnamed Automotive Podcast tackles two rough and tumble SUVs starting with Benjamin's review of the 2025 Subaru Outback XT, especially in light of an upcoming redesign which may ditch the classic wagon styling of the Subaru halo vehicle. While our hosts rag on the Outback's mainstreamification, …
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ÖH.... der wahrscheinlich unnötigste Podcast der Welt

Ein großes Wort ist es: Loyalität. Loyalität bedeutet, im Interesse eines gemeinsamen höheren Zieles, die Werte (und Ideologie) des Anderen zu teilen und zu vertreten bzw. diese auch dann zu vertreten, wenn man sie nicht vollumfänglich teilt, solange dies der Bewahrung des gemeinsam vertretenen höheren Zieles dient. Aber wann ist Loyalität angebrac…
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The Unnamed Show

Sarah Palin defended Biz on X (00:02:03). Team USA came up short against Canada in the cup (00:05:01). Dave has jumped into the meme coin deep end (00:09:16). The breast draft was censored from greatness (00:25:35). The Pat Mahomes Sr. and John Rocker fight is cancelled (00:29:10). Whitney and Kirk want to be mini golf captains (00:35:35). You can …
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Unnecessary Wisdom

It's been too long!!!
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2:29:19Send us a text Damn, we have too much to catch up on! Not sure if you want to hear about the government or the way Canada sees us. To be honest, we don't care, all we care about is if we get to say what we want when we want. Let's go!!!!!!! J, Rex, & all the random people we meet
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Unnatural: A True Crime Podcast

Episode 154: The Unexplained Disappearance of Sara Ebersole Pt.2
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1:10:00In Part Two of our look at the disappearance of Sara Ebersole, Andy speaks with Michelle Tullis about Sara's ex, Joseph Mayton, and a search of the hotel he was managing when she went missing... They also discuss an off-the-books Uber ride that Sara allegedly received the morning she went missing. Follow Michelle Tullis on Facebook -- Connect with …
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UnNecessary Talk with Brian Sturges

The fellas get together to get to the bottom of who shunned who at the Berklee brunch as well as where Cliff buys his shirts, mattress sales people, even more Grammy talk, how Brian's wife will kill him, and life insurance policies on this week's episode of UnNecessary Talk with Brian Sturges!Hosted by Brian Sturges @BrianSturges @MrBrianSturgeshtt…
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Unnatural Selection

President Musk
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1:25:18On this week's episode of the Unnatural Selection Podcast, we discuss: Inside DOGE's takeover of the Education Department. Trump Tax Cuts’ Cost Estimated at $5 Trillion to $11 Trillion. Elon Musk calls for the US to ‘delete entire agencies’ from the federal government. Elon Gives Huge DOGE Updates to World Governments. How Republican skeptics in th…
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What's in a name? Listen along as Benjamin and Sami crack into the 2025 Toyota Crown Signia, an SUV that's related to the Toyota Crown, but has Sami comparing it more to the well recieved Camry. Also is this a SUV or a wagon? And where are all the wagons again? And what about the old Toyota Venza!? This description has too many questions, but they …
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ÖH.... der wahrscheinlich unnötigste Podcast der Welt

Nennt es Schicksal, nennt es Fügung, nennt es Zufall! Wie auch immer wir es bezeichnen wollen, manchmal ist es schon merkwürdig, wie Dinge "zufällig" passieren, die uns hinterher wie eine Fügung vorkommen. Doch ist das wirklich Schicksal? "Gott würfelt nicht!" Soll Einstein einmal gesagt haben. Wenn es also kein Zufall gibt, ist dann alles bevor be…
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Unnützes Wissen der 90er mit Silli Riegler und Andy Hohenwarter

Leonardo diCaprios Baywatchfail
Die Sonderwünsche von J.Lo, Salem und die Weltherrschaft und warum Leonardos erste Wasserrolle baden gegangen ist.Por Life Radio
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UnNecessary Talk with Brian Sturges

It's Valentines at Poor Life Studios and the fellas get together to celebrate and discuss the Grammys, Beyonce, Kendrick Lamar, Kanye West, Bianca Censori, Will Smith, Quincy Jones, the Gaza Strip, Onija in Pakistan, and so much more on this week's episode of UnNecessary Talk with Brian Sturges!Hosted by Brian Sturges @BrianSturges @MrBrianSturgesh…
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Unnis on Oppas: A KDrama Fan Podcast

Episode 53: Lee Se Young
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3:07:09This prolific unni has been acting in dramas since she was a noodle! In this episode, Susie and Lynn discuss her more recent performances in A Korean Odyssey, The Red Sleeve, The Law Cafe, and more! (About SPOILERS: we try to avoid major plot spoilers in our discussions of different dramas, but inevitably some minor details will be revealed. If you…
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Jessica Lane Chambers was born to Ben Allen Chambers Sr. and Lisa Lynn Daugherty on February 2nd, 1995 in Clarksdale, Mississippi. Jessica was their second child as they already had a son named Ben Jr. The two divorced and Jessica's father spent some time in prison and eventually was released starting a new life as a mechanic. However, her relation…
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Unnamed Automotive Podcast

This weeks show starts with a fun review of the 2025 BMW X3. Now entering its fourth generation, the X3 does a lot of things really well, but Sami is suggesting that the German crossover is getting a bit too tech-heavy for its own good. Our hosts also ask, what are the alternatives these days and how do they stack up? Then Benjamin gives us a revie…
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Unnatural Selection

Muzzle Velocity
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1:16:48On this week's episode of the Unnatural Selection Podcast, we discuss: Trump says US will take over Gaza Strip during news conference with Netanyahu. Don't Believe Him | The Ezra Klein Show. Musk and Trump try to move fast and break some things in the federal government. We do not know what exactly Elon Musk is doing to the federal government. One …
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ÖH.... der wahrscheinlich unnötigste Podcast der Welt

Gemeinhin wird gesagt, dass unsere Gesellschaft immer egozentrischer wird, aber woher kommt das und wie weit geht es? Eigentlich ist der Mensch doch ein hoch soziales Wesen, das auf die Interaktion mit anderen Individuen angewiesen ist, aber die Realität zeigt, dass wir immer mehr um uns selber kreisen und immer weniger die Fähigkeit besitzen uns i…
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der grünes Ketchup Fail, Kaugummiverbot und die Website der königlichen HundePor Life Radio
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Taylor Lewan was sucking off Patrick Mahomes during media day (00:02:13). The boys talk about the events in New Orleans so far for Barstool (00:11:09). Dave is going on Shannon Sharpe’s podcast (00:15:14). Dave, Whit and Kirk can’t figure out meme coins (00:21:28). Jersey Jerry joins the show with a new interesting idea (00:28:23). Dave is against …
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