Trinity Church Exists To Faithfully Exalt The Triune God, Transform All Of Life, And Reach Our City And World With The Goodness, Truth, And Beauty Of The Gospel.
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Trinity Church exists to joyfully exalt the Triune God, faithfully declare the Christ- centered word, intentionally demonstrate Christian love, and zealously evangelize our community and world.
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In this sermon series on Genesis 1–11, Pastor Thomas Terry examines the foundational truths of creation, sin, judgment, and redemption. In this Sermon, he dives into the story of Noah and the Flood—not as a simple children’s tale, but as a powerful narrative of divine judgment, mercy, and salvation. Through the themes of Creation, De-Creation, Re-C…
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In this sermon, we continue our journey through Genesis, moving from the creation and fall into the tragic consequences of sin. Genesis 4-5 shows us what life looks like outside the Garden, where sin quickly takes hold—culminating in Cain’s murder of his brother, Abel. Yet, even as human sinfulness spirals, God’s grace remains steadfast. We explore…
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This week, we dive into the pivotal moment of humanity’s fall in Genesis 3, where deception and disobedience fracture the harmony of creation. We examine how sin distorts our relationship with God, each other, and the world—introducing shame, suffering, and separation. Yet even in judgment, we see the glimmers of redemption as God offers the first …
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In this sermon, we examine our deep need for genuine connection in a world filled with digital distractions—a need that God recognized long before modern technology. Drawing from Genesis 2, we unpack God’s timeless blueprint for relationships and, specifically, for marriage. The message is organized into four themes: The Problem, The Provider, The …
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In this sermon, Andrey Gorban explores humanity’s deep longing for Eden, reflected in our love for nature. Genesis 2 shifts from the broad view of creation to God’s personal work—forming Adam, placing him in a garden of beauty and abundance, and giving him the tasks of working and keeping it. However, Adam is given a command: do not eat from the tr…
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Welcome to the sermon podcast of Trinity Church of Portland. This week, we continued with our new sermon series for 2025, "Genesis: A Beautiful But Broken World" preaching through the first eleven chapters of Genesis. Our sermon this morning was preached by Cody Cannon. This sermon titled "The Rest" was from Genesis 2:1-3 and detailed how God reste…
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Welcome to the sermon podcast of Trinity Church of Portland. This week, we continued with our current sermon series, "Genesis: A Beautiful But Broken World" preaching through the first eleven chapters of Genesis. This morning our sermon titled, The Filling was preached by Andrey Gorban from Genesis 1:14-31 .…
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Welcome to the sermon podcast of Trinity Church of Portland. This week, we continued with our new sermon series for 2025, "Genesis: A Beautiful But Broken World" preaching through the first eleven chapters of Genesis. Our sermon this morning was preached by Thomas Terry. In this sermon we saw "The Forming" from Genesis 1:3-13—the first three days o…
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The Beginning
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1:00:19Welcome to the sermon podcast of Trinity Church of Portland. This week, we begin a new sermon series for 2025, "Genesis: A Beautiful But Broken World" preaching through the first eleven chapters of Genesis. In our sermon this morning we heard an overview of the first eleven chapters of the book of Genesis and why we are going to spend several month…
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Guest preacher, Cole Brown preaching “Jesus, the Great High Priest”, from Hebrews 4:14-16. This text gives you two simple instructions that if followed will help you through suffering and every trial of life. First, hold fast the faith you possess because Jesus is your great high priest. Second, draw near to the throne of grace with absolute confid…
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Trinity Church Pastor, Dr. Jan Verbruggen preaching “Godly Arithmetic”, from Psalm 90. This text leads you to answer a question. How do you number your days? You should number your days in light of God’s redeeming work knowing that you cannot save timePor Thomas J Terry
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Guest preacher, Shai Linne preaching "Blessed Are Those Who Mourn" from Matthew 5:4. This sermon will ask and answer three questions related to mourning from the Beatitudes. What does the character of the of the citizens of God's kingdom look like? What kind of mourning is not in view? Why do God's people mourn?…
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Trinity Church pastor/elder Devon Berry preaching, “Grace Reflected: So What Does Hospitality Look Like at Trinity Church?”, part three of four of a series on hospitality. This sermon begins to answer the question, how much hospitality is too much?Por Thomas J Terry
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Guest preacher, Patrick Schreiner preaching “Peace In Troubled Times” from Psalm 46. What are you taking refuge in? We learn from this text that if you stand under the refuge of God, you will not be moved. This is because God is your protection therefore you don’t need to fear. God is with you in battle and you will not be moved. Finally, God fight…
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Guest preacher, Dr. Michael Lawrence preaching “The Anger of Grief” from Lamentations 2:1-22.Por Thomas J Terry
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Guest preacher, Dr. Todd Miles preaching "Jesus the Tender Healer" from Matthew 12:9-21.Por Thomas J Terry
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Guest preacher, Dr. Todd Miles preaching "The God-Man Jesus Christ: Awesome in Person, Awesome Salvation" from Philippians 2:5-11.Por Thomas J Terry
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Pastor Art Azurdia preaching “A Working Christian (Part 2)" from 1 Peter 4:10-11. Is God being praised because you are exercising the grace he has given you for ministry? As a Christian you are gifted for ministry through God’s ministering grace. The deployment of this ministering grace is an act of dependence upon God and the aim of this ministeri…
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Pastor Art Azurdia preaching “A Working Christian (Part 1)" from 1 Peter 4:10-11. Is God being praised because you are exercising the grace he has given you for ministry? This week the text teaches you that God gives all Christians ministering grace to serve in His church. This makes the exercise of this grace a universal obligation and the possess…
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Guest speaker and pastoral apprentice Jeremy Jones preaching, "Are You Listening To Your Under Shepherds?" from Hebrews 13:17. We learn from this text that if you live in obedience to God's word and to His under shepherds it will prove to be an accountable, joyful, and advantageous obedience.Por Thomas J Terry
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Guest preacher and Trinity Church Pastor/Elder, Bryan Winchester preaching "Don't Lose Heart, Part 2" from 2 Cor 4:16-5:10. How can we remain confident in the face of certain death and judgment? For Paul he saw his life’s troubles and afflictions as light compared to the future glory he knew awaited him after physical death. Like Paul, we must walk…
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Pastor Art Azurdia preaching “Advancement By Sacrifice" from Acts 13:1-3. As Trinity Church prepares to send out one of our most gifted elders (Bryan Winchester) this text becomes for us a guiding principle. The business of sending out men for ministry is a Divine call. The church spreads through progression by intention by having a missionary burd…
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Trinity Church Pastor/Elder, Bryan Winchester preaching "Don't Lose Heart, Part 1" from 2 Corinthians 4:1-15. Paul does not lose heart in his ministry but perseveres in the face of rejection and affliction because he rests his entire confidence upon GodPor Thomas J Terry
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Pastor Art Azurdia preaching “The Elect Of God Or The Elite Of God” from Jonah 4:1-11. Extreme expressions of redemption often arouse extreme reactions of resentment. Have you ever hated God for being too compassionate? Jonah certainly did as we see in this text. Many of you like Jonah must learn what tips the scales for God…
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Pastor Art Azurdia preaching "Your Deepest Thirst" from John 4:1-19. Jesus crosses barriers to save the Samaritan woman who had been trying to satisfy her eternal longings with immoral means. All of you, like her, must come to realize that the only satisfaction for your deepest thirst is Jesus Christ.…
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Guest preacher, Devon Berry preaching “Grace Reflected: Are Betty Crocker and Martha Stewart our Best Models of Hospitality? (part 2 of a series on hospitality)" from Luke 10:25-37.Por Thomas J Terry
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Guest preacher, Jan Verbruggen preaching “Who Is The God You Worship?" from Psalm 93:1-5.Por Thomas J Terry
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Pastor Art Azurdia preaching "Supremacy In Summary" from John 3:31-36. Does your esteem for Jesus Christ correspond to his supremacy? Because Jesus Christ possesses an unparalleled qualification, he conveys an unrivaled communication and he receives an unequaled adorationPor Thomas J Terry
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Pastor Art Azurdia preaching the 2018 Easter message "God’s Pleasure, Christ’s Satisfaction, Your Grace" from Isaiah 53:10-12. Why should you regard the death of Jesus Christ as a triumph? It is a triumph because of what was achieved by the means of his death. The LORD is pleasured, the servant is satisfied and the many are graced.…
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Pastor Art Azurdia preaching "Killing The Green-Eyed Monster" from John 3:22-30. This text raises a very important question. How do you kill ministerial jealousy when another’s apparent success so clearly outstrips your own? Recognize that any apparent success is the prerogative of God, that ultimate satisfaction comes in uniting people to Jesus Ch…
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Pastor Art Azurdia preaching "What You Love=Who You Believe" from John 3:17-21. What you love will determine who you believe and who you believe reveals what you love. Your reaction to God’s provision of salvation is the clearest revelation of your deepest affection.Por Thomas J Terry
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Guest preacher and Trinity Church elder, Dr. Norm Thiesen preaching, "Your Final Letter" from 2 Timothy 4:9-21. In this text, we learn from Paul that when you think of past hurts your best option is always to forgive, when you think of present difficulties your best option is always to accept, and when you think of your future state in glory your b…
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Guest preacher, Dr. Todd Miles preaching "The Marks Of The Messiah" from Revelation 5:1-14.Por Thomas J Terry
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Pastor Art Azurdia preaching, "The Pulpit Of God’s Love" from John 3:16. How can you be absolutely certain of God’s great love for you? Recognize the object upon whom it (the love of God) is directed, identify the sacrifice that defines its true character, and embrace the purpose that has motivated its demonstration.…
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Pastor Art Azurdia preaching "Nic At Night (Part 2)" John 3:9-15. Week two of the question, "Does Jesus Christ believe in you?" Last week we learned, only if you have been born from above. This week we learn, only if you have believed in Jesus as God’s provision of salvation.Por Thomas J Terry
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Pastor Art Azurdia preaching "Nic At Night (Part 1)" from John 2:23-3:8. Because appearances even in good people can be deceiving, even self-deceivingPor Thomas J Terry
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Pastor Art Azurdia preaching, “Zeal + Sin = Anger” from Nehemiah 13:4-31. What happens when zeal and sin collide? Here it will erupt in righteous anger as Nehemiah displays a holy anger at the disregard of God’s holy place, anger against the desecration of God’s holy day, and anger at the disintegration of God’s holy people.…
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Pastor Art Azurdia preaching “Revive Us Again (Part 3)” from Nehemiah 9:38-10:39. What are the characteristics of God sent revival? In this text we see that God sent revival results in a recommitment to obedience that is comprehensive and specific.Por Thomas J Terry
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Pastor Art Azurdia preaching “Revive Us Again (Part 2)” from Nehemiah 9:1-37. God sent revival results in the confession of sin being expressed without reservation.Por Thomas J Terry
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Trinity Church Pastor/Elder, Bryan Winchester preaching "Unveiled Faces" from 2 Corinthians 3:7-18. We see the greater glory of the unveiling of the new covenant ministry Paul represented to the Corinthians despite much opposition from men who saw Paul’s ministry as unimpressive. Please forgive us for the poor recording quality of this sermon due t…
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Pastor Art Azurdia preaching “Revive Us Again (Part 1)” Nehemiah 8:1-18. What are the characteristics of God sent revival? God sent revival results in the word of God being restored to its place of preeminence.Por Thomas J Terry
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Pastor Art Azurdia preaching "Unleashing A Holy Ferocity" from John 2:12-21. The essence of the incarnation is wonderfully lamb-like and simultaneously lion-like. We see Jesus exhibit an immediate and ultimate display of a holy ferocity. Jesus had come not just to cleanse the temple but to take its place.…
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Pastor Art Azurdia preaching the 2017 Christmas sermon, “Christmas Missed” from Luke 2:1-8 and Matthew 2:1-7. "Christmas Missed" occurs when you miss the thing of eternal significance by having a preoccupation with the comparatively insignificant. The self-sufficient never make it to the manger, Christmas is a gift only experienced by those who kno…
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Pastor Art Azurdia preaching "When The Wine Runs Out" is from John 2:1-11. This text is here as a sign to tell you why you need eternal life and to point you to the only one who can give it you. Jesus Christ, who is the inaugurator of the new creationPor Thomas J Terry
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Guest preacher Bryan Winchester preaching "The Polarizing Effect Of Gospel Ministry" from 2 Corinthians 2:12-3:6. In this sermon we see a portrait of Paul’s ministry and its polarizing effect. In fact, the Corinthians themselves as people who had believed the gospel were the proof of the legitimacy of Paul’s work and ministry.…
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Pastor Art Azurdia preaching "The Witness, Part 3" from John 1:35-51 this text and sermon demonstrates that John the Baptist is a witness worthy of your emulation because he selflessly compels his listeners to align themselves with Jesus.Por Thomas J Terry
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Pastor Art Azurdia preaching, "The Witness, Part Two" from John 1:29-34. Part six of the series titled, "That You May Believe." Why is John the Baptist a witness worthy of your imitation? John deliberately concentrates his talk upon the person of Jesus. John testifies that Jesus is the sin removing Lamb and the Spirit giving King.…
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Pastor Art Azurdia preaching part five, "The Witness, Part One" of the series titled, "That You May Believe." from John 1:19-28. Why is John the Baptist a witness worthy of your imitation? It is because he rightly recognizes his role in relationship to Jesus.Por Thomas J Terry
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Guest preacher Dr. Jan Verbruggen preaching "The Characteristics Of The Kingdom Of God" from Matthew 13:44-58. We learn through parables the kingdom of God is of great value, references a coming judgment, give its citizens their task to make known the King.Por Thomas J Terry
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Devon Berry preaching "Grace Reflected: Hospitality in the Bible" part one of a series on Hospitality from Romans 12:13. Hospitality is kindness to strangers or generosity to guests and must be intentional. Hospitality is a reflection of God's character and is something he calls his people to do.Por Thomas J Terry
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