This is a bilingual (English/Spanish) podcast for intermediate to advanced speakers. My name is Cat and I am a native English speaker. I am still learning Spanish as it’s not my first language. On this podcast I will talk about language learning, life, love, health, exercise and more. I’m excited to help you improve your listening and understanding with interesting topics. Learning another language is powerful, but it takes time, patience and practice. Don’t give up! Este es un podcast bilin ...
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Lionel Messi es uno de los futbolistas más talentosos de la historia, pero tiene una deuda pendiente con su país. ¿Podrá ganar la Copa Mundial y regresar victorioso a Argentina, el lugar que dejó a sus trece años? En cinco episodios, la periodista Jasmine Garsd presenta un relato que trasciende lo deportivo. La Última Copa es tanto una biografía sonora de Messi como de millones de personas en Latinoamérica, quienes dejaron su país de origen con el sueño de volver. What's it like to be one of ...
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A Mexican-American journalist and a Cuban-Mexican investigative reporter walk into a recording studio with a bottle of tequila and reveal one of the most shocking true crime investigative stories you will ever hear. From Futuro Investigates and Latino USA —in partnership with Lemonada Media—“USA v. García Luna” tells the story of the most powerful Mexican government official ever to face trial in the United States for his alleged ties to the infamous drug lord Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán. His ...
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A Spanglish podcast about leveling up for and by Latinas. Every episode is hosted by a different Latina working on becoming the best version of herself. Nothing is off the table. If it's something she is working on to level herself up, we are talking about it: career, relationships, sex, spirituality, mental health, etc. Transparency is our love language. And when the convo gets tough, we say "mujer, no te rajes!" This podcast is hosted by everyday Latinas, if you have something you want to ...
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Can you teach your baby to be bilingual from the start, or will they get confused learning two languages simultaneously? ¿Puedes enseñar a tu bebé a ser bilingüe desde el principio, o se confundirá al aprender dos idiomas simultáneamente?Por Catherine M
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Some families in the United States practice Christmas differently from what you see in the movies. My family is one of them. An episode about different Christmas traditions in the United States. Algunas familias en Estados Unidos celebran la Navidad de forma distinta a como se ve en las películas. Mi familia es una de ellas. Un episodio sobre difer…
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Episodio 11: Enfermedades, agotamiento y tres historias inspiradoras sobre el aprendizaje de idiomas
En este episodio, explico por qué no he publicado un episodio en 6 semanas y comparto 3 historias inspiradoras de aprendizaje de idiomas para alentarte a seguir perseverando en tu aprendizaje. Estas historias son de 3 personas que lograron aprender un segundo idioma a pesar de la inseguridad, la vergüenza y las dificultades.…
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In this episode, I explain why I haven't released an episode in 6 weeks, and I share 3 inspirational language learning stories to encourage you to keep persevering in your language learning. These stories are of 3 individuals who accomplished learning a second language despite insecurity, embarrassment, and difficulties.…
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¡Los amantes de los lenguajes sienten mucha curiosidad con este tema! ¿Puedes aprender dos idiomas a la vez? ¿Cuáles son los desafíos y cómo puede superarse? ¿O simplemente no es realista? ¡Escucha y aprende! Intro 🎶 Roa MusicPor Catherine M
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Langauge lovers are curious about this one! Can you effectively learn two languages at the same time? What are the challenges and how can those be overcome? Or is it just not realistic? Listen and learn! Intro 🎶 Roa MusicPor Catherine M
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Queremos aprender un nuevo idioma para mejores oportunidades de trabajo, porque creemos que es genial, o queremos conectarnos más con una comunidad específica. Pero, ¿y si les dijera que aprender un idioma diferente ofrece mucho más que un mejor trabajo o una habilidad especial? En este episodio exploramos cómo aprender un idioma diferente abre tu …
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We want to learn a new language for better job opportunities, because we think it's cool, or we want to connect more with a specific community. But what if I told you that learning a different language offers so much more than just a better job or a special skill? In this episode we explore how learning a different language opens your mind, enhance…
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El día finalmente llegó. Genaro García Luna, quien fuera uno de los hombres más poderosos de México, ha sido sentenciado por una corte en Nueva York a más de 38 años en prisión. En el último episodio de nuestra serie, Maria Hinojosa y Peniley Ramírez nos cuentan qué ocurrió dentro de la corte y nos comparten sus primeras impresiones. Además, nos re…
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The day finally arrived. Genaro García Luna, one of Mexico's former most powerful government officials, has been sentenced to serve more than 38 years in prison by a court in New York. In the last episode of our series, Maria Hinojosa and Peniley Ramírez tell us what happened inside the courthouse and also reveal to us that this isn't the end of th…
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No es ningún secreto que muchos estudiantes de idiomas se enfrentan a la ansiedad por su pronunciación y acento cuando hablan otro idioma. Los acentos pueden estar vinculados a estereotipos negativos y hacer que no se tome en serio a las personas. En ese caso, ¿deberías quitarte de tu acento tanto como sea posible? Música 🎶 Roa Music Música de intr…
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It is no secret that many language learners face anxiety over their pronunciation and accent when speaking another language. Accents can be tied to negative stereotypes, and cause for people to not be taken seriously. In that case, should you get rid of your accent as much as possible? Intro Music 🎶 Roa Music…
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Un año después de la condena del Genaro García Luna, quien fue Secretario de Seguridad Pública de México durante el sexenio de Felipe Calderón, Peniley y Maria vuelven como conductoras de USA vs García Luna y cuentan un nuevo ángulo la historia del exsecretario de seguridad pública mexicano, a pocos días de su audiencia de sentencia. En este episod…
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After a year since his conviction, Peniley and Maria dust off the hosts' seats to continue telling Genaro Garcia Luna’s story as he is just days away from his sentencing hearing. On this episode, former State Department official, John Feely, sits down with our hosts and reveals the flaws in the American justice system that let Garcia Luna run free …
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Ya que estamos en octubre, es el momento perfecto para hablar sobre la temporada favorita de los estadounidenses: el otoño. ¿Por qué esta es la temporada favorita de la mayoría de los estadounidenses? Desde la comida hasta el clima y la ropa, hay muchas razones, ¡así que hablemos! ¡Toma tu café con leche con especias de calabaza y tu pastel de manz…
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Since we're now in October, it's the perfect time to talk about Americans' favorite season - the fall. Why is this season favored by most Americans? From food, to weather, to clothing, there are many reasons, so let's discuss! Grab your pumpkin spice latte and apple cinnamon pastry and listen! Intro Music 🎶 Roa Music…
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¿Es el amor sentido lo mismo por todos, o el sentimiento difiere dependiendo de su idioma y tal vez incluso la cultura? No hay nada más emocionante que hablar de amor, ¡así que vamos a platicar de ello! Intro Music: Roa MusicPor Catherine M
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Is love felt the same by everyone, or does the sentiment differ depending on your language and maybe even culture? There is nothing more exciting than talking about love, so let's get into it! Intro Music: Roa MusicPor Catherine M
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Introducing a new series that we think you'll love: "Chess Piece: The Elián González Story," from Futuro Studios, in collaboration with iHeartRadio's My Cultura Podcast Network. In 1999, two Florida fishermen found a cherub of a boy named Elián González in the sea on Thanksgiving. The boy had floated alone for days. His mother managed to save her s…
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¿Sabías que puedes mejorar tu aprendizaje de idiomas haciendo ejercicio y escuchando música? De hecho, ¡está respaldado por la ciencia! Escucha para aprender sobre este fascinante tema. Música por: ~~Roa Music~~ ▶YouTube / roamusic Por Catherine M
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Did you know you can improve your language learning by exercising and listening to music? In fact, it is supported by science! Listen to learn about this fascinating topic. Music by: ~~Roa Music~~ ▶YouTube / roamusicPor Catherine M
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¿Es posible que tu personalidad cambie dependiendo del idioma que estés hablando? Algunas personas dicen que se sienten como una persona distinta cuando cambian de idioma. Pero, ¿por qué hablar otro idioma cambiaría quién eres?Por Catherine M
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Is it possible that your personality changes depending on the language you're speaking? Some people say they feel like a different person when they switch between languages. But why would speaking another language change who you are?Por Catherine M
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En el episodio 3: Cómo manejar las diferencias culturales, hablo sobre lo que sucede y cómo debemos reaccionar cuando sin querer ofendemos a alguien durante interacciones en nuestro segundo idioma. También analizo cómo podemos aprender sobre las diferencias culturales, aumentar nuestra competencia y comprensión, para que podamos tratar de evitar ca…
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In Episode 3: Managing Cultural Differences, I talk about what happens and how we should react when we accidentally offend someone during interactions speaking our second language. I also discuss how we can learn about cultural differences, increase our competency and understanding, so that we can try to avoid causing offense as much as possible.…
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Este episodio es una conversación sobre el orgullo y el ego, y especialmente sobre cómo pueden interferir en el aprendizaje de idiomas. Comparto cuentas de mis propias experiencias, así como situaciones que he observado.Por Catherine M
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This episode is a discussion about pride & ego, and especially how it can interfere with language learning. I share stories from my own experiences as well as situations I have observed.Por Catherine M
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En este episodio me presento a los oyentes. Hablo sobre el título de mi podcast, por qué creé un podcast bilingüe y cómo comencé a aprender un segundo idioma.Por Catherine M
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In this episode, I am introducing myself to listeners. I talk about the name of my podcast, why I created a bilingual podcast, and how I started learning a second language.Por Catherine M
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Futuro Studios presents Stars and Stars with Isa in collaboration with Stitcher Studios. Each week our host and astrologer, Isa Nakazawa, sits down with some of the most talented stars and thinkers of our time, to find what their birth chart reveals about them and their purpose. You’ll laugh, you might cry, and you’ll definitely connect with your f…
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For host Maria Garcia, Mexican megastar Juan Gabriel has always held a singular allure. He was a prolific composer and one of the world’s greatest showmen. There was a lightness and a bigness to him—a big queer exuberance. And now, as the first openly gay woman in her family line, Maria looks to Juan Gabriel as a key to reconcile her queerness with…
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Today, we are dropping in your feed to introduce you to When We Win, a new podcast from Lemonada Media that asks, is the impossible possible? What will it take to create a truly engaged democracy that represents all of us? Each week, Maya Rupert talks to some of the most incredible women of color in office today who ran against insurmountable odds …
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Una canción épica de salsa relata la historia de un padre y su hije. Hay una moraleja en este cuento, pero ¿para quién? Learn more about sponsor message choices: NPR Privacy Policy
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Genaro García Luna’s trial is over, but María and Peniley’s investigative work is not. In this episode, they learn that a U.S. senator has requested the DEA and the FBI information on García Luna, including the names of the U.S. officials who vetted him. We listen to some of our series' protagonists react to the guilty verdict, and Peniley digs int…
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El juicio de Genaro García Luna terminó, pero no la investigación de María y Peniley. En este episodio, se enteran de que un senador estadounidense ha solicitado a la DEA y el FBI información sobre García Luna, incluyendo los nombres de los oficiales estadounidenses que examinaron y dieron su visto bueno a García Luna. Escuchamos las reacciones al …
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After six weeks of attending the trial and more than 10 years investigating Genaro García Luna, Peniley and Maria sat arm in arm in court with other reporters as they braced themselves for the verdict. And, just as Peniley’s reporting found —the highest former Mexican government official to ever face trial in the U.S.— is guilty of conspiracy to di…
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Después de seis semanas de cubrir el juicio y más de 10 años investigando a Genaro García Luna, Peniley y Maria escuchan el veredicto. El exfuncionario mexicano de mayor rango que enfrentó un juicio en EEUU fue declarado culpable de conspiración para traficar cocaína y otros cargos. En este episodio, Peniley y Maria comparten los momentos clave del…
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The trial against Genaro García Luna is reaching its end—which means Peniley is exhausted and Maria has to pull her out of bed just to make it to court! This week, Jesus ‘El Rey’ Zambada, the Sinaloa cartel’s former top boss, testified that he personally delivered bribes to García Luna. In defense of her husband, García Luna’s wife took the stand. …
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El juicio está llegando a su fin, lo que significa que Peniley está exhausta y María tuvo que sacarla de la cama para llegar a tiempo a la corte. Esta semana, Jesús ‘El Rey’ Zambada, ex-jefe del cártel de Sinaloa, declaró que él personalmente entregó sobornos a García Luna. Además, la esposa de García Luna subió al estrado. Luego, Peniley investigó…
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En 2007 las autoridades mexicanas decomisaron más de 23 toneladas de cocaína del Cártel de Sinaloa en el puerto mexicano de Manzanillo. México y Estados Unidos lo celebraron como la incautación de drogas más grande en la historia de México, hasta la fecha. Quince años después, Genaro García Luna está acusado de ayudar al cártel a evitar una “multa”…
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In 2007, more than 23 tons of cocaine belonging to the Sinaloa cartel were found in the Mexican port of Manzanillo. Mexico and the U.S. celebrated it as the biggest drug bust in Mexican history to date. Fifteen years later, Genaro García Luna is accused of helping the cartel avoid a $50 million “fine” in connection to that bust. Now, Peniley and Ma…
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Tirso ‘El Futbolista’ Martinez, is the second witness to testify against Genaro García Luna. El Futbolista was a major cocaine distributor for El Chapo’s Sinaloa cartel in the U.S. While listening to his testimony, Peniley learns the address of the warehouse in Brooklyn that used to serve as the cartel’s front. She goes there. In this episode, Peni…
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Tirso 'El Futbolista' Martínez, es el segundo testigo en declarar en el juicio contra Genaro García Luna. Era un distribuidor importante de cocaína para el cártel de Sinaloa en Estados Unidos. Mientras escucha su testimonio, Peniley se entera de la dirección del almacén en Brooklyn que solía servir como fachada del cartel y va a visitar el lugar. E…
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Known as the island donde hasta la piedras cantan – “where even the rocks sing” – Puerto Rico is home to a dizzying breadth of musical expression. From the lyrical boleristas of the 1930s, to the electric salseros of the ’70s, to the reggaetoneros of today who have taken music from the margins and made it a global sensation, this season takes liste…
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After 10 years of investigating Genaro García Luna, Peniley is now on the ground in Brooklyn with Maria, reporting on his trial. He is accused of working a second, dirty job for the Sinaloa Cartel, besides his role as a top officer for the Mexican government. Each morning, Futuro Investigates heads to the courthouse to see the once “untouchable” co…
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Después de 10 años de investigar a Genaro García Luna, Peniley está ahora en Brooklyn con María, informando sobre su juicio. García Luna está acusado de tener un segundo trabajo, uno sucio, para el Cártel de Sinaloa, mientras era un oficial de alto rango en el gobierno mexicano. Futuro Investigates va a la corte cada mañana para ver al otrora “into…
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The trial of Genaro García Luna starts January 17, and Maria and Peniley are back in the studio to explain everything you need to know before the trial begins. The prosecution and defense teams are already battling over how García Luna will be presented to the jury. Will the defense be allowed to exhibit evidence of his close relationship with the …
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El juicio de Genaro García Luna en Nueva York comienza este 17 de enero. Mientras, fiscalía y defensa discuten cómo se le presentará ante el jurado. ¿El juez permitirá a la defensa mencionar que García Luna fue muy cercano a las autoridades de Estados Unidos? ¿Su fortuna en Miami será parte del juicio? Por primera vez en español, la periodista gana…
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In this season finale, María and Peniley pose one last question: Was García Luna a mastermind triple agent, or is there a systemic issue fostering corruption in the DEA? To find out, we zoom into the DEA’s role in the drug war and talk to an ex-DEA special agent and whistleblower. We also take a moment to remember the victims of the failed “war on …
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September 19, 2017 changed Peniley’s life. That morning, she found a picture that connected García Luna and two Mexican businessmen that Peniley had already been investigating. They had multimillion dollar contracts with the Mexican government. She emailed García Luna for a comment. Two minutes later, Mexico was hit with one of the worst earthquake…
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