North Belfast comedian Terry McHugh, thinking out loud and saying words in empty rooms on the internet.
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He's knows it was nearly a month ago but Terry and his brother talk at the Guns N Roses gig at Slane Castle. Oh and despite it being a complete disaster last time, he plays Wiki Roulette again.Por Terry McHugh
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Terry Says Words about being on TV, catchy Orange Order tunes and then plays some Wikipedia RoulettePor Terry McHugh
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Terry says words about WhatsApp being a tout, a cat having OCD and Stormont being a shit DIY programmePor Terry McHugh
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Terry says words about, St Patrick, The Crocodillians and Mutant ChickensPor Terry McHugh
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Terry says words about boating shoes, blue ticks and becoming Northern Ireland's First MinisterPor Terry McHugh
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