Will Pattison, Tracy Hancock and Chris Meddings dive deep into the how and why of modelling, asking the in-depth questions and interviewing the most interesting modellers from around the world and engaging with the theory and philosophies of modelling.- Plus toilet humour and dick jokes - contact the show : [email protected] - Please visit our sponsors! - ANYZ.io - SMS Paints Https://www.scalemodeller.com.au/ - or - https://smspaints.co.uk/ - Tetra Modelworks - tetramodel.com - Ins ...
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Episode 59: "The Fine Art of Not Giving a Sh*t" Starring Robert Blokker
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3:33:06In this episode Tracy, Will, and Chris are joined for an interview by Robert Blokker: Figure Painter, Dioramist, Story Teller, and all-round provocateur. As always you can find an album of images supporting this episode at our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/spruecuttersu/ your hosts also discuss 3D and its effect on the model industry now, …
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Episode 58: "Salty Beef and the Planty Plants " Featuring Radek Pituch
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3:39:15In this episode, Chris, Tracy and Will talk about recasters, the pitfalls of selling STLs vs prints, and ugly planes, Tracy also gives us a masterclass in modelling groundwork Chris sits down with Robert Crombeecke from Scale Model Challenge (http://Scalemodelchallenge.com) to talk about what people can expect from the workshops at this year's show…
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Episode 57, "The Move-Move and the Bad Move" Feat. Noah Krasowitz
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3:15:26In this Episode, Will, Chris, and Tracy interview Noah Krasowitz (https://www.facebook.com/noah.krasowitz.9) of Artbox (https://www.modelkasten.com/), the editorial company behind Scale Aviation, Model Graphix, Armor Modeling, and Navy Yard modelling magazines The guys also talk about zombie memes, and the usual cornucopia of modelling crap During …
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Episode 56: Herpaderpaderpaderp, feat. Chris Jerrett
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3:13:21In this Episode, Will, Cracy, and Triss interview the phenomenally talented Chris Jerrett and talk armour modelling, mountain biking and bespoke time zones. Chris's socials https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=chris%20jerrett%20modeling instagram chris_jerrett_models._ The debate about the state of social media modelling rumbles on, and we dive in…
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Special Episode: Model Podcasters Roundtable
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2:04:39In this special episode, which is going out on all the podcaster's own channels, you get to hear a special discussion we, the Scale Model Podcasters, set up over the holidays The discussion includes the producers of most of the well known modelling podcasts: Dave Goldfinch from On the Bench Darrin Cook from the Model Geeks Rob Riviezzo from the Mod…
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Episode 55: "the Big Meh" ..... Meh
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1:43:16Chris, Tracy and Will return from the holidays, not rested and not refreshed, and jaded with the state of the online modelling community. its all so Blur... Contact the show: [email protected] Please support our sponsors https://anyz.io http://tetramodel.com https://scalemodeller.com.au https://insidethearmour.com Check out all the great …
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In this special episode, Vladimir Sulc, CEO, and Jan Bobek, of Eduard, join Chris and Tracy to give us exclusive news of a brand new, all new tool kit, from Eduard.... Check out our facebook page for photos of this kit! https://www.facebook.com/spruecuttersu Please support our sponsors https://anyz.io http://tetramodel.com https://scalemodeller.com…
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Episode 54: "The Attitude and the Gratitude" Featuring Rick Lawler
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3:25:48In this episode, Chris, Tracy, and Will talk to Rick Lawler about art and modelling, his powerful pieces, "Burden of Sorrow" and "Some Kind of Monster", modelling darker subjects and capturing "Lightning in a Bottle", plus his work with AK and other brands and, of course, his superb Youtube channel, Propaganda. (https://www.youtube.com/c/ricklawler…
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Episode 53 "Unglued Cats and Hipster Hats" (SMC Special Pt.2)
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3:36:30In this episode, Chris, Will and Tracy discuss what's on their benches, including Will's dirty cans, Tracy's changing plans, and Chris's A-20. They also discuss the recent YouTube video that pissed off the world, and present a set of recordings from Scale Model Challenge to round off their coverage of this year's show. This includes recordings from…
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Episode 52: SMC Special Part 1: "The Plastic Sprue Cutters Posse Posse Podcast Union" Featuring TJ Haller and John Bonnani
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2:06:14In this episode, Chris, Tracy, and Will are joined by TJ and John from the Plastic Posse Podcast to discuss their experiences of Scale Model Challenge 2023 Check out the Posse here: https://plasticpossepodcast.buzzsprout.com/ and their facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/PlasticPosse Please support our sponsors https://anyz.io http://tetra…
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Episode 51: "Mudmen and Mud-Slinging", feat. Alexandre Duchamp
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3:24:47In this episode, the guys dive into the mailbag, deal with some burrs, and interview Alexandre Duchamp you can find Alex here on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alexandre.duchamp.96 or on instagram as @maschinen_heimat You can find some of Alex's work under the episode album on the Sprue Cutters Union Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/sprue…
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Special Episode: US IPMS 2023 Nationals Judging Dispute Feat. an Interview with Chris McLain
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2:01:33In this special, Will and Chris interview Chris McLain, regarding his experience of impropriety at the US IPMS Nationals, judging category 608. Photos and supporting documentation for this episode can be found on the Sprue Cutters Union Facebook page Support the show
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Chris Recently attended the fantastic "Scale Scotland" Show in Edinburgh In this bonus episode he talks to: show team member, Andy Canning (Scale Scotland https://www.scalescotland.co.uk/) Keith from Cozmic Scale Models (https://www.cozmicscalemodels.com/) John from Hawk Miniatures (https://www.hawkminiatures.co.uk/ https://www.facebook.com/hawk.mi…
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Episode 50: "Naked Nightime Tractoring" featuring Jake McKee and Matt McDougall
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3:21:56In this episode, Will, Chris and Tracy are joined by Matt McDougall and Jake McKee to discuss modelling, competition, and a lot more They also talk about mental health and suicide. If you are struggling at the moment you can reach out for help. In the UK there is a list of regional mental health crisis numbers at NHS.uk, or you can call the Samarit…
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in this Special, Tracy and Chris outline the special events the Sprue Cutters Union will be running at Scale Model Challenge, and Chris talks to show host, Robert Crombeecke to get the latest on the best celebration of the art of modelling in the modelling callendar Please support our sponsors https://anyz.io http://tetramodel.com https://scalemode…
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Episode 49 "Planes, Flames, And Automobiles" Featuring Martin Aveyard aka StokeModels
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3:32:31This week Tracy, Will, and Chris discuss the incredible feedback from episode 48, and the unbelievable blowback from the IPMS nationals. This week's interview is with master automotive modeller Martin Aveyard https://www.instagram.com/stokemodels. Martin's models will leave you speechless, we can guarantee. Find out how he does it, why he does it, …
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Episode 48: "Coffee, Nats, and Model Facts" AKA "Archeology and Autopsy" Featuring Sophie Rose
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3:43:54In this episode , Chris, Tracy, and Will, are joined by Modeller, Archeologist and 3D kit designer: Sophie Rose You can find Sophie's work on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/rosemodelcompany/? Also, Will and Matt McDougall of Doogs Models (https://doogsmodels.com/) tell Tracy and Chris all about their experience at the IPMS USA Nationals, co…
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Episode 47, "Will and Chris's Itchy Nuts", plus special guest: Peter Castle
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3:06:49Tracy is away in Australia, and Will is banned from doing his 'Aussie accent' In this episode Chris and Will deal with a bumper saddlebag of burrs, their own, and burrs sent in by listeners. During this episode Chris recommends figures from Bao Nguyen You can find him here: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009160069060 They also interview…
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Episode 46: "Smush it Real Good" with John Simmons and Robert Crombeecke
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3:31:17Episode 46: "Smush it Real Good" with John Simmons and Robert Crombeecke In this episode Tracy, Chris, and Will discuss chipping, talk to Robert Crombeecke about Scale Model Challenge 2023 (https://www.scalemodelchallenge.com/) and look back over the first two years of the Sprue Cutters Union, reflecting on the amazing guest interviews and what the…
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Episode 45 "Feedback & Clapbacks" with Lionheart Hobby
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2:49:18In this Episode we dive deep into the mailbag to answer your feedback on episode 45, and We talk to Danielle and Rudy from LionHeart Hobby about how they are making the bricks and mortar hobby store a ‘destination’ proposition, adding value to their hobby community and bringing people together https://lionhearthobby.com/ Check out the SCU on Facebo…
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Episode 44: "Telling Stories, and Hard Truths" with Martin Drayton
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4:03:57In this Episode, Chris, Will, and Tracy, are joined by Dioramist, Snow Boarding Instructor, Winter Sports Champion, Flight Attendant, Voice Over Artist and all round overly talented man, Martin Drayton. We talk to Martin about story telling, dioramas, inspiration and his experiences of discrimination in the hobby. You can find Martin on Instagram a…
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Episode 43: "Unicorns and Rainbow Farts" Featuring Richard and Darren from Kotare Models
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3:14:45In this Episode, Chris, Will, and Tracy discuss kit quality, interview Richard Alexander and Darren Mildenhall from Kotare Models and generally dig into what makes a good modern kit You can find an album of models related to this episode and Kotare on our facebook page, along with some photos of Richard's own models Please also visit Kotare's websi…
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in this special, we re-present the interview from episode 30 of the Sprue Cutters Union with sculptor, artist, musician, father, husband and National Guard of Ukraine, Anton Derbilov, who was tragically killed fighting for his country on 6th April 2023 Support the showPor The Sprue Cutters Union
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Episode 42: "Practical Proctology and Crying Emojis" Feat: Sam Dwyer
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2:58:28In this episode, Tracy, Will, and Chris get salty, get happy and get chatting to our very good friend: Sam Dwyer You can find out all about Sam's awesome work on facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/schwerpunktmodels or on Instagram @sd_scale_models Sammstagramm Check out the SCU on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/spruecuttersu Please support …
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Episode 41: "Crockpot Recipes and Lotion Lubrication" With Calvin Tan and Taesung Harmms
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2:41:25In this Episode Chris, Tracy, and Will do their best to avoid getting the hose again, while discussing the value of taking a step back to move forward, the Moosaroo Cup, Masterpiece Models Jigs and correctification of speakafying. Taesung's amazing minis can be bought at https://www.alpineminiatures.com/ You can find Calvin's blog at https://zyclyo…
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Episode 40: "Haberdashery, Preorders, & Cascade Failure" Featuring AIRFIX
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3:03:26In this episode, Will, Tracy, and Chris discuss getting fit to nip, cascading failure, the small pleasures of modelling, and how not to handle business criticism. The special interview is with Chris Parker-Joy, Lead Designer, and Martin Ridge, Development Manager, from Airfix. They discuss kit design, the company's direction and the philosophy behi…
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Episode 39: The Perfect Pressure for Painting Cats
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1:55:05In this episode Tracy, Will, and Chris, ease back into the saddle with a catch up on what they have been doing, an extended de-burring of their saddles, and a critique of Tracy's latest completed work Please support our sponsors: The Scale Modellers Supply / SMS Paints https://www.scalemodeller.com.au/ ANYZ: https://Anyz.io Tetra Modelworks: http:/…
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Episode 38: New Years Idiot Roundtable Special
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1:45:15in this episode, sir scratchalot, sir cadalot and sir artalot are joined by two massive idiots for a roundtable looking back on the year, looking forward to 2023 and despairing of people on the internet. The SCU would like to thank all our listeners for supporting the show in 2023, especially our patrons, and our sponsors: The Scale Modellers Suppl…
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Episode 37: "The Feather, The Brick & The Nuclear Option" Feat: Eduard Models
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3:12:52In this Episode, Will, Tracy, and Chris have the usual roundup of what's on their bench, then go deep, discussing decals and where you can stick them. The feature interview this episode is with Vladimír Šulc, CEO, and Jan Bobek, Deputy Commercial Director, of Eduard Model Accessories. Vlad and Jan tell us about the history of Eduard, mould technolo…
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In this special, Chris introduces interviews he did at the recent UK IPMS Scale Modelworld show with: Albion Alloys' Matthew John https://www.albionalloys.com/en/ Hong Kong Models' Neil Yan https://www.hk-models.com/hkm/ and the Four Corners Model Club's own Dan Sankey, Ian McGonagle, Kev Smith, Andy Evans, Spud Murphy, and Peter Usher https://www.…
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Episode 36: Livin' that Rivet Counter Life Yo, feat. John Chung, Shane Doak, and David Parker
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3:01:56in this episode the guys talk letters, burrs, the new Hong Kong Models A-20 Havoc, and rivets. again. They also interview John Chung, Shane Doak and David Parker, all of whom have recently finished big projects, and talk to them about sustaining motivation and seeing these projects through to a top level finish, email the sow at Spruecuttersunion@g…
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Episode 35: "Dirtbikes and Douchebags" Feat. John "Spud" Murphy
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2:57:25In this episode, Tracy, Will, and Chris interview armour modeller, experienced editor, and former RAF Armorer, Spud (aka John Murphy). They talk mud, missiles and dirtbikes, uncovering the mysteries of the lurgy, and wearing strong glasses. Spud can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=600108293 a gallery of his work can also be f…
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Episode 34: "Paint and Paintability" featuring Scott Taylor and JD Bybee
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3:29:08In this episode, Chris is AWOL and Tracy and Will run the show, with special guest host JD Bybee, The OG Sprue Cutter himself. The Interview is with Scott Taylor of SMS models Please support our sponsors: ANYZ https://any.io Inside the Armour Publications https://www.insidethearmour.com The Scale Modellers Supply https://www.scalemodeller.com.au/ T…
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Episode 33: "You should hear the stuff we edit out...." With Chloé Plattner
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2:50:02In this episode, Chris, Tracy, and Will critique a model sent in by listener Enzo Accorda. If you would like your model critiqued on the show, please email us at [email protected] They also discuss having your own modelling network of people whose opinions you value, and how it can help you grow as a modeller This week's interview is with…
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Episode 32: Very Sweary and the Balls of Steel, featuring Arma Hobby's Grzegorz Mazurowski
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3:08:28In this episode, Will, Chris, and Tracy discuss more saddle burrs, kit quality, and how to farm f*cks. They also interview Grzegorz Mazurowski from Arma hobby and find out more about how this exciting producer views kit manufacture, design and the market. Arma Hobby: https://www.armahobby.com/ Please visit our sponsors! - ANYZ.io - SMS Paints Https…
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Episode 31: Dentistry and Dick Jokes, featuring David Lane, and Andy Canning from Scale Scotland
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2:56:51In this episode you might feel a little prick: Tracy, Will, and Chris respond some letters, get some burrs out from under their saddle, and discuss how to get published in magazines and books. They also chat to Andy Canning about the upcoming SCALE SCOTLAND show (https://www.scalescotland.co.uk/) They also interview the superbly talented David Lane…
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Episode 30: Missives and Misanthropes, plus an interview with Anton Derbilov
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2:17:59This episode, Chris, Tracy and Will dive into the letters bag to pull out some gems, and tackle a douchebag. They also interview Ukrainian Figure Sculptor and frontline soldier: Anton Derbilov. Please note: the sound on the interview is quite poor. This was beyond our control and was due to the limitations of technology in the time available to us.…
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Episode 29; "Shitshows and Sloppy Joes" featuring Sam Dwyer and Matt McDougall
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2:59:23In this episode, Will leads proceedings and Matt McDougall joins Will to debrief us on their IPMS USA Nationals experience Our interview this episode was recorded at the nats, and is with internationally reknowned modeller Sam Dwyer! Check out Sam's work on Facebook SD Scale Models and Instagram sd_scale_models Check out Matt's own reflections on t…
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Episode 28; "If you have to force it....." Featuring Darren Thompson
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3:20:44In this Episode, Tracy leads the circus, with a discussion on the importance of presentation, and types of presentation you might consider for your model or figure. Darren Thompson is our guest interview, and he educates Chris and Tracy! You can find an album of the work discussed here: https://www.facebook.com/spruecuttersu Listen to the end for s…
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Episode 27: SCU At the World Model Expo! Feat. Penny Meyer, Rick Lawler, Robert Blokker, Patrick Kamsma, The Fabulous Finns and Robert Crombeecke
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5:16:42In this Episode, Will asks tracy and chris all about their recent trip to the EPIC World Model Expo, we also hear interviews from the show, with Penny Meyer, Rick Lawler, Robert Blokker, The Finns: Petri, Mika, Leepu, Teemu and Pekka; and with Patrick Kamsma and Robert Crombeecke gives us the full debrief on what will go down in history as the bigg…
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Episode 26: "Letters and Licentiousness" Feat. Gabe Pincelli
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3:18:16In this episode Will, Tracy, and Chris open the mail bag, and the worm can... again. They also interview master craftsman and precision modeller Gabe Pincelli and Gabe talks about his love of building accurately and well, and his experiences in the cockpits of aircraft like the F-18 and the Goshawk. Chris and Tracy also reveal their plans to take t…
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Episode 25, Brian Dencklau, Polishing your Hardness and the Problem with Modelling
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2:53:45In this episode, Chris, Tracy, and Will interview Brian Dencklau of the Built Sideways Podcast, and discuss making stuff, polishing stuff, and giant robo stuff. They also catch up on current projects, and relieve themselves of things they would like to see removed from the hobby. You can find Brian’s work on Twitter and Instagram, under @bro_builde…
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Episode 24, 1 year of the SCU with David Parker, Paul Budzik and Alexey Belov
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2:54:32In this episode, Tracy, Will and Chris chat craftsmanship with Paul Budzik and David Parker, then interview Alexey Belov, owner and creator of Proper Plane about his company, his family, and living through a Russian invasion Proper Plane can be found HERE welcome to our new Sponsor! the Scale Modellers Supply! https://www.insidethearmour.com http:/…
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Episode 23: Unf*ck Yourself! - With Alex Clark
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3:29:53In this episode, Tracy gets over the plague, Will ruins decals, Chris slaps on too much oil, and Alex Clark makes us all feel like dirty rotten assemblers. You can view Alex's work on his Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/alex.clark.75286 and on the Sprue Cutters Union Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/spruecuttersu Please support …
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Episode 22: Screw Ups, Style and Sticky Sh*t, with James Rice
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3:20:13This week, Will leads the discussion. Tracy talks about dealing with problems, Chris talks about dealing with an idiot and Will leads a discussion on finding your style This week's interview is with Sculptor, Figure Painter, and co-owner of Sabot Miniatures (www.sabotminiatures.com) James Rice You can buy the Models for Ukraine book here: Models Fo…
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Episode 21: Never Mind the Bollocks, here's the Sprue Cutters, with Jean Diorama
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3:21:30In this episode, Chris, Tracy, and Will talk figure painting, dioramas and tank dramas; cover critique, how to receive it and who to listen to, and Chris and Tracy interview Jean Diorama, the incredible diorama artist everyone should know about Jean can be found on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/jbadiorama, or on instagram here: https://ww…
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Episode 20: Peer Review, Freckles and Slava Ukraine
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1:29:15In this episode, things are a bit different.... Chris, Will, and Tracy talk about what they have had on their benches, including: the value of peer review, painting skin, and snow muddy tanks covered in tea. Chris tells us more about his new charity book, Will and Tracy catch Chris cheating on them, the guys discuss stuff they've seen this week tha…
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Episode 19: Harvey Low, Colour Theory and Turd Whispering
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3:04:14In this Episode, Tracy, Chris, and Will talk about colour theory, and why it matters They also talk to Harvey Low about his incredible range in modelling, from scratchbuilding to showing shonky resin some love, and in all genres. You can find Harvey's Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/harvey.low.9 You can see the pieces we discuss with Harvey…
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Episode 18: John Chung and the brush with Panzer Bluejeans
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3:05:19In this show, Will, Tracy and Chris discuss paint brushes again, lacquers, in the last instalment of paint chemistry and general flap their gums about knowing your materials and how to use them, as usual. This episode's interview is with John Chung, scratchbuilder, aircraft modeller, genuine space engineer, and aviation photographer. An album of Jo…
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Episode 17: Margot Crombeecke, Enamel Chemistry, and our Bulging Sack
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3:35:24in Episode 17, the guys interview Margot Crombeecke, add enamels to the discussion of paint chemistry and answer a bunch of listener mails in their usual long-winded and "overly intellectualised" way. Margot's work can be found on her Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/margot.crombeecke Or on the website she shares with Robert https://www…
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