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South Hills Corona

South Hills Corona

Entertaining & inspiring conversational talks on God, life, scripture & what it means to be human, recorded weekly in front of a live audience of seekers, sinners & maybe even a few saints-in-the-making at the original South Hills Church location in Corona, CA.
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show series
Seems like if you ask most people how they’re doing, you’re likely to get one of two responses—tired or busy. And of course we are. We have so many responsibilities, dreams, demands, and expectations on our shoulders. We’ve got to hustle if we’re going to make it all happen. But should we be this exhausted all the time? Anxiety and insomnia are on …
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There are so many things we want, and nonstop advertising makes us want even more. We strive to get what we want and worry we’re not going to have what we need, when we need it. We get nervous over rumors of the economy tanking, our industry shrinking, layoffs happening, prices rising, or disaster lurking. What if we can’t make ends meet? How do we…
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We’ve all had a moment where someone pushed our buttons and that pushed us over the edge. We said and did things out of defensiveness, anger, and aggression. We tell people we’re working on it, but we’re not even sure what that would look like. People say it’s all in your mind but if that’s true, why does your blood pressure rise, face flush, and r…
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we’re constantly being bombarded with stories, images, and online experts telling us we should be dreaming bigger and doing better. We want to have and do it all. But that desire doesn’t match our day-to-day. When our lives don’t turn out the way we hoped they would, or should, it’s hard not to drag that disappointment into our relationship. Is it …
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We’re all busy. It feels like we’ve got more to do than can possibly get done. The moment you feel like you’ve locked in your schedule, something else always seems to come up. Then you scroll through social media and learn you’re doing almost everything wrong, everyone else is winning, and there’s at least three essential life goals you’re already …
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Couples fight, relationships become strained and sometimes break apart. That’s clear. The question is—why? Our assumption is we picked the wrong person, don’t have the right chemistry, or have somehow fallen out of love. But what if it’s less about your relationship with them and more about your relationship with stress? The world is moving faster …
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Of course we care about other people, we’re not monsters. We’ll pray for them; we just don’t want to get personally involved with them. That feels like too much. You’re just one person. You can’t meet everybody’s needs. If you do something once, they’re going to expect it all the time. And that just sounds exhausting. Sure, you want to help people.…
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We tend to be drawn to people who seem similar. It’s not hard to like someone who’s like you. But often, our neighbors aren’t at all like us. They look different, talk different, dress different, believe different, vote different. But Jesus doesn’t tell us to show love to those we feel close to, but to those we live next to. How does that work with…
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You’re busy. Who isn’t? Your To-Do list grows faster than you can check it off. There’s work and school and bills and goals and kids and…at least seven other things you’re forgetting. Isn’t this what’s annoying about the words of Jesus—He invites us to do things even though we’ve already got too much to do. How do you care about other people when y…
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Jesus famously told his followers to love their neighbors. It’s a noble idea, but there’s a catch: it’s hard to show love to someone you’ve never spent time with. Statistically, most of us don’t know our neighbors. We’re not intentionally avoiding them; we’ve just got our own stuff going on. We keep our heads down and mind our own business. And so …
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If you're new with us, let us know how we can be praying for you, we invite you to fill out an online Connect Card by visiting — If you are looking for what is next for you, we invite you to fill out an online “Next Steps” card by visiting…
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If you're new with us, let us know how we can be praying for you, we invite you to fill out an online Connect Card by visiting — If you are looking for what is next for you, we invite you to fill out an online “Next Steps” card by visiting…
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Christmas is celebrated as a season of connection, family, and belonging. It seems to be what all the holiday songs and Hallmark movies are promising. But what something is supposed to be, isn’t always what it is. For some, it’s a season that spotlights their sadness. While many of us can’t wait to get together, others are wrestling with the weight…
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Of course you want to make a difference. But you can’t do what you wish you could do. Not in this economy. Obviously, you have plans to do more when you have more. What you’ve got available is so little, it’s laughable. What’s the point of giving, serving, or contributing if it doesn’t change much? People say every little bit counts, but that’s jus…
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Everybody likes guarantees. We want to sample things without getting stuck with them. If it doesn’t fit, I’m sending it back. If it doesn’t work, I want a refund. If it doesn’t pan out, I want out. This isn’t a bad approach to shopping, but it is to spirituality. Faith requires us to step out before you know if things will work out. We’re told God’…
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Ever look at someone else’s life, connections, and resources, and think, “If I had all that, I could really make a difference.”? In other words, you have access to social media, right? It’s not hard to see what’s wrong with the world but setting it right won’t be easy. Our lives, abilities, and bank accounts feel way too small to make a big impact.…
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At least once or twice a year, we all end up around a table with people we might not see all that often. Maybe it’s a holiday, a celebration, a graduation. Part of you probably looks forward to it, and another part of you maybe sort of dreads it because you’re not sure what subjects are going to come up. You’ve seen their Facebook posts. You’ve wat…
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Leading up to an election, there’s all this emphasis on the importance of voting and who you vote for. There’s this sense that if we could just get this person into office, or this party into power, or this policy in place—that would fix everything. And you were a part of it. And now you’re done. Sure, there are things that still are not as they sh…
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You’ve been there—you thought you knew someone and then you found out WHO or WHAT they voted for. Now you wonder if you completely misjudged them. You thought you had more in common; that they saw the world as clearly as you do. You assumed they were a person of good character, values, & morals. But I guess not. God’s opinions are obvious, aren’t t…
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There’s nothing more nerve-wracking than a looming presidential election. You feel the tension everywhere—online debates, attack ads, opinion pieces, and whole lot of warnings about what will inevitably happen if the other side wins. We’re made to feel like the fate of the universe hangs on the outcome of this election. Everywhere you turn, your fe…
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Few things are as annoying as entitlement; acting as if you’re owed certain things or are unaware of all the effort that went into getting you what you got. Ever done something for someone who was ungrateful for your effort? Ever given your best to something you didn’t have to do at all, and someone still complained about it. Ever give a little, on…
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We all know people who never seem to apologize for anything, and others who apologize for practically everything. Nobody likes those who can’t admit they’re wrong. It’s easy to see them as self-absorbed, arrogant, excuse makers. At the same time, we can’t always tell when we’re wrong. We’re not always aware of how the things we do impact and affect…
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Pretty much every kid is told to say, “Please.” But it may have been a while since you’ve heard an adult say it. In our culture, we tend to think of polite people as pushovers. We like stories about confident, charismatic figures who know what they want, demand what they need, and don’t take crap from anybody. Maybe that’s what comes to mind when y…
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Words carry weight. We know it, but don’t always act like it. We’ve all spent a ton of time carefully crafting the perfect text or email. We’ve all also carelessly said something that came back to haunt us. There are some conversations we wish we could remember, and others we wish we could forget. Certain phrases stick with us forever. They’re part…
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Keep your hands to yourself. We’re all told this at a young age. Because kids are touchy. Initially, we ignore these instructions. That is—until a stove burns us, a thorn pricks us, or another kid hits us. Too much touch is a problem, but so is too little. Humans with no physical connections emotionally shut down. In Scripture we see a faith that’s…
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We all have foods we like and foods we hate. You’ve gotten into arguments about it before. There are certain meals you’d save up and drive across the country for. And there are other things you still wouldn’t eat even if you were starving. We’re obsessed with food. And so is Scripture. There’s so much talk of eating in the Bible—lists of foods you …
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Ever been really excited to walk into a restaurant because of how good it smelled? Ever refused to walk into a public restroom because of how bad it smelled? Smells are signals. But they don’t just tell us what we’re about to walk into. They remind us of where we’ve come from and what we’ve been through. Almost every time Scripture prescribes a spi…
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Ever been so distracted by the coffee shop conversations around you that you couldn’t think straight? Ever gotten so sucked into the energy of a loud crowd that it changed your mood? Ever decided you couldn’t be friends with someone when you found out what kind of music they liked? Maybe you can’t fall asleep without the gentle buzz of a fan by you…
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Ever look right at something but not see it? Maybe you didn’t know what you were looking at. Maybe you just couldn’t focus. Maybe your eyes were on it, but your mind was somewhere else. Ever looked at the same thing as someone else but saw something totally different? How we look at things changes what we see, and what we see changes what we do. So…
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Are you filled with ideas, dreams, and desire to make a lasting impact, but instead of making moves you’re stuck in your own head? Maybe you’re caught up in a daily grind that feels directionless or you’re exhausted because you can’t say no to opportunities that make you feel significant. Constantly searching for the right path or the perfect calli…
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Are you your own worst critic? Constantly devaluing your own thoughts, words, and actions to avoid judgement and shame. Do you habitually compare yourself to others without even realizing? You probably have a knack for spotting untapped potential and value in others, but are you giving yourself the same opportunity to grow and evolve? Instead of st…
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Do you ever feel like you’re helping everyone around you win, but you can’t ever seem to measure up? You work hard, achieve countless goals, and exude confidence, but deep down you wonder if people really see your talents and accomplishments. Maybe you grew up in a household where love felt like a prize to be won, and failure was a curse word. You …
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We’ve all had moments where we feel like we don’t belong, but do you catch yourself consistently searching for acceptance? Do you feel alone, surround by people who love you? Are you constantly trying to morph into what you believe others want you to be? Author Brene Brown says, “True belonging doesn’t require us to change who we are; it requires u…
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You want to make people happy. What’s wrong with that? Sure, when they’re not, you’re nervously convinced it’s probably your fault. Maybe you did something wrong or just didn’t so something right. You find yourself trying to anticipate the needs of others so you can meet them. It’s so obvious to you that everyone wants to be seen, heard and known. …
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You want to make people happy. What’s wrong with that? Sure, when they’re not, you’re nervously convinced it’s probably your fault. Maybe you did something wrong or just didn’t so something right. You find yourself trying to anticipate the needs of others so you can meet them. It’s so obvious to you that everyone wants to be seen, heard and known. …
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All of us have moments of stress, but some of us walk around with an ever-present uneasiness eating away at us. Other people say you’re nervous, but you think of yourself as cautious. There is this part of you that feels like you’ve always got to be on guard. When you walk into a room, your eyes dart around, clocking the exits and anything odd or o…
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Ever notice that others don’t seem to get worked up or passionate about the same things as you? In fact, if you’re honest, sometimes the oversized reactions you have to certain situations surprise even you. Ever wonder—Where’d that come from? Why did I do that? At times it almost seems like you’re struggling to feel normal in an area everyone else …
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We all say the same thing to ourselves when we get hurt, “Never again! I’m never going to put myself in this sort of situation or let someone take advantage of me in this way again.” And we mean it. And we stick to it. For a while. But eventually, over time, we look up and are surprised to find ourselves wounded in the same way. How does this happe…
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When we count on someone and they take advantage of our trust, the pain can cause us to want to write them off forever. Are there situations where that’s ok? And if it’s not, what then? Are you just supposed to put your head down, ignore your feelings, cross your fingers, and pray it doesn’t happen again? That sounds stupid. And maybe even a bit da…
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Obviously, we don’t trust those who’ve proven untrustworthy. But what happens when someone seems to be trustworthy, and you still don’t trust them? You’ve been there, right? No matter what they say or do, you can’t help but brace yourself for the inevitable let down. There’s something wrong with everyone, but what if your inability to trust is the …
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We all know what it feels like not to trust someone. But is that all trust is—a feeling? Where do these feelings even come from? Are they ever wrong? What is it that makes someone trustworthy? Is it a matter or faith or proof? How transferable is trust? If we trust someone with one thing, does that mean we should trust them with everything? Wouldn’…
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We’ve all heard someone say, “I don’t trust people.” And they probably have pretty good reasons for it. Maybe when someone says, “Trust me”, there’s part of you that bristles. When someone violates our trust, instead of just seeing them as untrustworthy, we can assume—maybe everyone is untrustworthy. We become suspicious of the motives & actions of…
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Ever wonder why other people just don’t get it? The truth is so obvious. And you know what you’re talking about. You’ve looked into it. You’ve done the research. You’ve analyzed what’s out there. And you’re pretty sure you see things clearly. Why can’t everybody else just get on board? It’s up to you to show them where they’re wrong and tell them h…
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Ever had an issue you just couldn’t seem to escape? Maybe it was a bad habit, negative thought process, destructive impulse, or unhealthy relationship pattern. Whatever it is, you don’t like that you do it. At times you thought you were over it, but reluctantly crawled back to it. Is this just the way you are? Is there nothing you can do? Are there…
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Do you find yourself feeling annoyed a lot—about all sorts of things, large and small? You’re not a hateful person, you just want things to be right. And when they’re not, you can’t help but see it and be frustrated by it. Sometimes it feels like other people aren’t even trying. And the more you think about it, the more upset you get. People have s…
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Ever been told you’re hard on yourself? Ever have trouble believing the nice things people say about you? When something doesn’t go as planned, do you assume it’s probably your fault? Is part of you always wondering when it’s all going to fall apart? Ever realize that not everyone else thinks this way? Why is that? How do we come to believe the thi…
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It’s easy to assume Christian maturity is following the strictest rules, memorizing the most verses, and meeting the highest standards. We can tend to think the less joy we exude, the more spiritual we are. But Jesus didn’t seem to share this perception. He was less concerned with the rules people followed then the health of the relationships they …
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Christians have a reputation of acting as if the world is doomed and their main objective is to complain about it, survive it, and eventually escape it. They seem to believe hope is reserved for heaven, and the only thing available on earth is pessimism. Jesus called His followers the “light of the world”, but many people experience them as a dark …
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Many people walk away from church because they felt as if they were surrounded by hypocrites—people who said one thing but did another. And honestly, they’re not wrong. The church IS full of hypocrites because it’s full of people, and people are often inconsistent. The problem we have is not that people make mistakes, it’s that they won’t admit to …
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If you ask an outsider what they think of Christians, they’re likely to say, “They’re judgmental and think they’re better than everyone else.” And there’s a good chance their answer is based on personal experience. Some won’t set foot inside a church because they’re convinced all eyes will be on them, staring them down as if they don’t belong. They…
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