Two gals. In a car. Having a chat. Come along for the ride.
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Welcome to Episode 3 of Sex Drive. Two gals. (On a zoom call). Having a chat. Today we're chatting all things lockdown. As you may know Verity contracted coronavirus in March and is now suffering with long term COVID. In this episode she talks openly about her experiences and offers her support to anyone who may want to reach out. Here are some of …
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Welcome to Episode 2 of Sex Drive. Two gals. In a car. Having a chat. Come along for the ride... Today we're chatting all things DATING and we're so lucky to welcome personal development life coach and all round legend Apinder Sidhu into the car as our very first guest. Please do check out her website Silver Lining Coaching & Consulting here: http:…
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Welcome to Episode 1 of Sex Drive. Two gals. In a car. Having a chat. Come along for the ride... Today we're chatting all things female friendships. As this is our very first episode, it's a bit rough and ready. If anyone wants to pay us to get a sound editor, slide into our DMs. You can find us on Instagram @sexdrivepod or drop us an email on sexd…
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