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Fraser continues his series of sermons on spirituality, talking this week about Celtic Spirituality
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11.00 am service - World Mental Health Day, Bruce Kinsey
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The third part of the recording of Fraser's Tuesday talk on God and Quantum Physics
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Fraser's Tuesday talk on God and Quantum Physics, second part of the recording
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Fraser's Tuesday talk on God and Quantum Physics, recorded in three parts of which this is the first
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Malcolm's On the Edge sermon on Samuel Beckett and the gospel
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6 Oct Sermon, Fraser, on St. Francis
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Fraser Watts - A Christianity for the Future - 7 Oct 2013
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Sunday 22nd Sept 5.00pm: Money, Sex and Power (3)
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Sunday 22nd Sept 11.00 am: Malcolm's Sermon for St. Matthew's day
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God and Science/ 24 Sept (ii) Fine-tuning
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Sunday 29th Sept 5.00 pm
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29 Sept
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24 September 2013
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Malcolm's Sermon from St. edward's 'On the Edge Rolling Stonesspecial 18th September 2013
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The second in Malcolm's sermon series Money, Sex and Power: Original Blessings
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Sermon Preached by Fraser Watts at the St. Edwards Harvest Festival 16th September 2013
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The first of Malcolm's three sermon series :"Original Blessings: Money, Sex, and Power"
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Fraser's sermon on serving the world and discerning God at work in it
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The second of Frasers two sermons on the 'subversive Jesus', this one on Jesus and Society
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Malcolm's sermon looking at the meaning of the word redemption. This sermon will be followed up with a series of tuesday talks about 'the language of salvation' starting in October
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The first of Fraser Watts' two sermons on 'The subversive Jesus'
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Rebecca's Odyssey Service on the principles of Godly Play
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The second in Malcolm's series of two on reading the Bible
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the fourth in Malcolm's series on the spirituality of the four elements
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The first of Malcolm's two sermons on how to read the Bible
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The third in Malcolm's series on the spirituality of the four elements of Earth Water, Air, and Fire
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Malcolm's sonnet and sermon on the fest of the transfiguration
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The Gospel of Earth. 2nd of Malcolm's series on the four elements
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Malcolm's 'On the Edge ' sermon on Spirituality and Psychedelia
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The first of Malcolm's series on the four elements, preached at the Baptism of Sylvia Hunter
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