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Safeword PC

Safeword PC

@KevinGootee and @Mokavida are standup comics in NYC who got idea to create a podcast and talk about dating/relationships/banging stories. We're gonna break down what it's like dating in the big, bad, city of NY. We're going to have other comics in there to share the dating/horror stories as well as interview people who work in high traffic dating areas. You guys want to pick up a hot bartender? Listen to our podcast. You want to know what sets off the "crazy bells" in a dude's head, ladies? ...
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After a much longer hiatus than expected, we're back with a brand new episode. @Alex_Engelbert has graciously stepped into the co-host chair for this episode and wastes no time with @KevinGootee getting into a myriad of topics. @tristanrega and @laurenvino hang out for the day as the foursome discuss bullshit credits in comedy, the alleged rapists …
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@Mokavida is back in town for a few days and she couldn't say now to co-hosting yet again! @thatdudebigG discusses what gay acts he'd perform for a 5 minute spot on the Daily Show. Monica talks about her inability to pull her trigger on a threesome. @Kevingootee chimes in about the few times he was hit on by a gay guy and offers dating tips. Please…
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New episode of @Safewordpc is here! @Trixietuzzini joins as the new co-host of the episode and steps in nicely as she and @KevinGootee learn a LOT about their guests. We learn @Durkamania walked into his ex-wife throwing books at his face. And @alex_engelbert is our FIRST returning guests and she delivers again. We talk about women who posts photos…
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We conclude another rousing episode of @Safewordpc. @KevinGootee and @enniscomedy continue to educate @teresadegaetano about juvenile terms like "silver dollar" and "running batches." @thetraciejayne pretends like she doesn't know what we're talking about. Anthony talks about his online battle with the Hasidic Jews on Twitter. We also advise on how…
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@theTracieJayne and @Enniscomedy join @teresadegaetano and @KevinGootee for a hootenanny of a show. Tracie talks about dating a guy who used to be an orthodox Jew. Teresa brings up Donald Trump, grabbing women by the pussy. Anthony talks about being invited by a couple in their 40's to jump in on the fun at a nude beach in NJ. And of course, Kevin …
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This episode of @safewordpc, we decided to do an all sports theme. @realmattmaran and @alam1159 join us to talk about the Olypmics, the Ryan Lochte backlash, Usain Bolt, and NFL season predictions. And we even talk about some of the weirdest/lamest ideas we did as kids. @KevinGootee talks about how his parents did his science project and what happe…
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You asked for it and now you've got it! Want to know how to approach a bartender and get their number? It's not going to be easy! Also, if you're trying to bring one of them back home, Mercury had BETTER be in retrograde AND you need to have a 4 leaf clover in your back pocket. But @DerekJwatkins, @Cateweinberg, and @Teresadegaetano give the goods …
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@CateWeinberg and @derekjwatkins join @KevinGootee and @teresadegaetano for the NEWEST safe word podcast! Derek and Cate are both bartenders as well as comics in NYC. They dish on some of their dating stories as well as some hooking up with co-workers stories. Kevin yet again, gives more advice (don't play pokemon go) and Teresa talks about Tinder …
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J-L finishes up his sociological view on dating, how he was a perfect gentleman when he had a one night stand, and Teresa talks about an ill-mannered man when he invited her over. Kevin and J-L continue to befuddle Teresa with their movie quotes as well. Follow us at @safewordpc @Kevingootee, @teresadegaetano, and @Jlcauvin…
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@KevinGootee is joined by his new co-host, @teresadegaetano, as @mokavida moves back to colorado :( Our guest in this episode is @JLCauvin and you may remember him from Kevin appearing on his Righteous Prick podcast a couple of times. In this episode, Kevin and JL make film references that go over Teresa's head. Teresa also shares her dating storie…
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@cresposts fields questions about what it's like dating as a comic and his situation. Sadly, this is @mokavida's last podcast @safewordpc so we say goodbye to my lovely co-host. @teresadegaetano joins me as co-host and if she sounds familiar, she was on our first episode! Thanks Monica, love you to death.…
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@ThePamelaRae and Chris Crespo @Cresposts join @KevinGootee and @Mokavida for her last show before she move back home to Denver. Frowny face. We talk to Pamela about her being a self-described, "Midget, overweight, Jewish girl with Tourette's" and how she went from an I cup to a D Cup. Chris tells us his 3 most asked questions concerning his disabi…
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We discuss the aftermath of seeing @trixietuzzini 's vag shot. After we take a few breaths and come out of our safe spaces, @mokavida and @KevinGootee discuss with @sammushman what their worst heckles were. Unfortunately, the audio file started to skip around so I had to cut some stuff out so the flow wouldn't be interrupted, hence the much shorter…
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We pick up with the hot dose of Kevin and @sammushman describing their genitals? Why? Because @Trixietuzzini proclaimed she has a aesthetically pleasing vagina and she showed us a pic. Does @mokavida show us the beef curtains? Find out! And for chrissakes, tell a friend that we're on iTunes as well.
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OUT...OF...THE...GATE...@Sammushman is talking eating butthole and being on the receiving end of it. @Mokavida talks about what it was like having sex with a comic who flushed his rubber down the toilet, like he was an NBA star and worried she'd make him a baby mama. @KevinGootee talks about his few times getting his salad tossed. SPOILER ALERT: It…
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We wrap up this fine episode with discussion of fat shaming, Alex's cheerleading days at IU, and Monica's love of being choked during sex. Mercer and Kevin crack wise during these emotional moments. Tell a friend about @safewordpc and find us on iTunes if you haven't already! @mokavida @KevinGootee @Alex_Englebert @MercerMorrison…
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We're getting deep here in this installment of @Safewordpc. @Alex_Englebert gets into it about certain female comics that overuse the term, "rapey," and also talks about certain female comics who claim that they're brave when they only do female only rooms. @Mokavida adds her 2 cents about when she was hit while in a relationship. Don't worry, @Kev…
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We're back and boy, what a slew of topics. We talk Superbowl, MMA, Feminism in Comedy, and how women misuse the word, "rapey"...and that's all in the first part of episode 18. @Alex_Englebert joins us and man, does she have some zesty, insightful opinions. @MercerMorrison also joins us and both he and @KevinGootee sit back and wait for Alex and @Mo…
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Strap in for a doozy! @JC_knowsbest opens up why he left the priesthood AND how he attended a workshop so they can "rid him of gay feelings." WOW-ZA! @Gabedorado also talks about growing up Cuban in Miami and how his patented shoulder shake gets the women moist...dale! @mokavida and @KevinGootee get to the burning issues at hand on this edition of.…
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We're back in what seems forever. @JC_knowsbest and @Gabedorado join in a fascinating conversation! Part 1, we're talking how JC used to be a priest and how he made the decision to leave being a preacher as well as his wife. We also talk about Kevin's atheism and Gabe drops a few theologian bombs on us. Finally, we talk about all of the interesting…
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We wrap up this scintillating episode where Jason and Monica talk dating how how to keep things fresh. You'll hear Jason drop a few Donald Trump impressions in there and yes, he's the guy who got, "Trump 2016" tattooed on his arm. He made the international news circuit, bully for him. Also, stopping by is Uncle Jesse from the Dukes of Hazzard and S…
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@JasonScoop and @Buymorefaucets are still hanging out with @mokavida and @KevinGootee. Lindsay and Kevin have a front row seat as Monica flirts with Jason as if we're not even there! Jason talks about his distaste for 21 year old girls and how he's a sucker for older women. Kevin gets on his soapbox about when young guys complain about how hard it …
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Poopie blast! We're back after a 2 month hiatus and boy, we cover the gamut. Louis CK, Amy Schumer, Dave Attell, and Abraham Lincoln are our guests. Just kidding, @JasonScoop and Lindsay Thiesen (@buymorefaucets) join @movida and @KevinGootee discuss gun control, hooking up during halloween, Donald Trump, and various other nonsensical items. Thanks…
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Wrapping up episode 15 with Kevin Magee and @JennWelchNow, @MokaVida and @KevinGootee hear about Kevin's impending nuptials but he hasn't planned his goddamn bachelor party!??!?! Jenn talks about being divorced while Kevin sneaks a few more Michael Douglas impressions in there. Check it out!!
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Kevin Magee (no relation to Tits Magee) and @JennWelchnow join us for a nostalgic discussion of how hard it was to get porno back in the 90's instead of having the ability of watching ass play on the A train. You fucking kids and your wi-fi, we had to steal our friends' dads' porno tapes and you can watch some runaway get tag teamed on spring break…
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In our last installment of the Father's Day podcast with @MarkARamirez and @SteveMarden; those 2 fellas tell us what it's like going to court for child support and how the system is biased towards dudes. We also enjoy hearing how those 2 have had dealt with women and relationships. It's all here at the @safewordpc.…
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In this second installment, @SteveMarden is still hitting on @mokavida and he joins @MarkARamirez in giving @KevinGootee fatherly advice. The 2 dads discuss how they even brought their kids to comedy clubs because they had shows and no sitter. Thanks for listening and spread the word that @safewordpc is goddamn awesome.…
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We're back after a month hiatus (mainly because our brunch podcast sounded like shit and didn't want to air it. Joining us so he can hit on @Mokavida is @SteveMarden and he talks about his affinity for Puerto Rican women. Also joining us is @MarkARamirez who might have brought his kid to a few R Rated comedy shows. All 3 of them are laughing hilari…
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We wrap up the trilogy with these 2 dandies. Allan talks about how his dad changed the family name when Allan was in high school and Maryssa discusses how she's had many guys not go for the kiss at the end of the date, putting them in the gay friend department. Monica wants to know why guys won't kiss their ladies after they get a BJ. Here's a hint…
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@mokavida talks about her lovely visit to get a mammogram and Maryssa chimes in what is what like to sprout from a flat chested girl to a voluptuous DD seemingly overnight! We also discuss the upcoming catcalling season and how the women are prepping for an apocalypse of horny dudes. Adam talks about almost losing his virginity to a girl with "odor…
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Spring time is here and this time, we brought over @MaryssaSmith and @AllanFinn. Right out of the gate, Allan and I compare ball shaving war stories. This was all brought on of course, by @Mokavida and her perverted nature. Allan then goes into a massage followed up by the wackiest happy ending you'll ever hear. Share with your friends and part 2 w…
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Well we're back and referenced anal sex no less than 12 times in the first 30 minutes of the podcast. We hear @AnthonyCrescenz talk about getting last minute flowers on Valentines Day and the clerk thought he was rich because he dropped 50 bucks on roses. What? Yeah. @AmandaBaramki chimes in on her disdain for Valentines Day. She also talks about h…
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The exciting conclusion where we hear @KaytlinBailey tell an open-mouthed @TheBillyProcida and the rest of the @safewordpc crew how she vetted her clients and some insane stories while working between the sheets. Trust me, this is the best job ANYONE has had in high school. And this is coming from a guy who worked at Taco Bell. @mokavida and @Kevin…
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@KevinGootee and @mokavida continue to delve into the world of sexual nonsense, deviance, and hilarity. @kaytlinbailey talks about going participating at a sex party at the Waldorf Astoria. Humble brag, DING! @thebillyprocida discusses his affinity for the Bukkake social club. Yes, it's real.
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@KevinGootee and @mokavida continue to delve into the world of sexual nonsense, deviance, and hilarity. @kaytlinbailey talks about going participating at a gang bang and @thebillyprocida discusses his openness toward all types of women and reddit event parties. This is part 1 of 3 and each remaining segment will be uploaded every week.…
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@KevinGootee and @Mokavida sit down with @BigRich_Jersey and @JSalzy to talk about bringing over new bf/gf to holiday dinners or parties. We also talk about Kim Kardashian's pic as well as the timeless classic, grey pubes. Subscribe via iTunes as well and stay tuned for part 2 next week.
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It's been too long but @Mokavida and @KevinGootee are back again with Safeword Episode 8. Joining them this week are @Thatjoshpotter and @BrittSherro1. Listen to Brittany talk about her love of fucking hipsters (guys and girls). Marvel at how Josh loathes hipsters! Everyone shares their war stories of weird hecklers, terrible shows, and different t…
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Lawrence Deloach and Carrie Gravenson @carriegravenson and @LZD325) join Kevin and Monica (@KevinGootee and @Mokavida) to talk about hooking up while on road gigs. We talk about sketchy hookups in sketchy countries. Lawrence talks about his secret of staying alive in gypsy cabs. Kevin talks about how he was sexually assaulted by fans. Carrie talks …
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@Mokavida and @Kevin Gootee are joined by @Philathropygal from the Guys We Fucked Podcast and @Coryjarvis to discuss a multitude of things: spring break (or lackthereof) St Patrick's day parade (or lackthere of) and approaching an attractive person at a bar who is into sports. Corinne is full and pep and vigor as we gave her Doritos and cookies so …
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Sean Redmond (@SeanActor) and Jackie Jax (@Jaxgotjokes) joins @KevinGootee and Monica Vida (@Mokavida) on episode 5 of the @safewordpc. During this episode, Sean talks about being single on Valentine's day and handling his "roster." Monica talks about how if she's on vacation and she's feeling sexy, someone's getting blown. Jackie explains how sex …
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@KevinGootee and @MokaVida learn a little something from @avg_black_man about strip clubs and what it was like; being a black guy that put a basketball through a Sweden. @Julieisalone also joins us and she tells us her experience with nooners (that's what's up!) as well as being a single mom in comedy. Give it a listen and as always, you …
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Today, we're visited by comics @Kathweems and @Craigmatic on episode 3 of Safe Word! Katherine talks about her interview as a dominatrix and how she dumped someone on Pearl Harbor day. Craig chimes in how he received a wayward text and will now talk about going "dicks out" at all times. @KevinGootee and @MokaVida are having so much fun; the smoke a…
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@KevinGootee and @Mokavida are NYC comics who thought it was a good idea to do a podcast about dating, relationships, and banging stories. Because honestly, that's what makes the world go round. We'll interview those about online dating, share our own dating relationship stories, and pick the brains of those that work in high dating/mingling arenas…
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