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Sndpodcast Channel

Sndpodcast Channel

SNDpodcast channel is your one-stop for all sports and entertainment news, info and discussion( no hot takes, we promise). Fueled by a team of dedicated staff, or goal is to bring all the information you'd ever need about your favorite teams, players, movies and more into one location. If you ever feel like you want to help fuel the conversation or steer it, in a different direction, let us know! You can email us @[email protected] If you have a podcast or would like to create a podcast a ...
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SND – Sme Národné

Slovenské národné divadlo

Kdekoľvek sa nachádzate, s kýmkoľvek sa prechádzate, ako odreagovanie, keď s niekým nevychádzate, práve vtedy k vám prichádzame. Vítame Vás pri počúvaní podcastu SME NÁRODNÉ. Činohra, Opera i Balet spolu na jednom mieste. Raz týždenne sa Vám budeme prihovárať správami o tom, čomu všetkému sa venujeme, keď práve nestojíme na javisku. Podcasty jednotlivých súborov vám otvoria dvere do zákulisia celkom iným spôsobom. Nechajte sa vtiahnuť do zvuku divadla. Vždy v nedeľu večer nás môžete počuť na ...
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SND Kidmin Talkshow Podcast - Kid Ministry

SND Kidmin Talkshow Podcast - Kid Ministry

This goes out to anyone listening! A little different than most.... Christian based Kids Ministry podcast program for teachers, volunteers and like creative soul winners. Sharing experiences and experiments. We take our approach to kidmin podcast a little different. Kid Ministry volunteers..... enjoy group talk that is casual, fun, informative and entertaining. Sticks N' Dirt were the 2 main creative elements of my childhood that was used to generate my imagination to life! Our goal is to do ...
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Join Host, Voice Actor Lamarr Gulley, for Voiceover-Related tips and tricks, and conversations with some of the most interesting Voices from the Arts World! Voice Actors, Poets, Producers, Actors, etc, share tips, advice, and wisdom from their experience in the Biz. Be entertained, enlightened, and share a laugh! And WATCH OUT, because you just may LEARN something in the process! Visit Lamarr Gulley’s or follow Lamarr on IG, FB, or Twitter for more info, and booking details.
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What a ride it's been The Mets went on a wild run. From the magic in Atlanta on the last day of the season to being down 2 in the ninth with one of the best closers in the league to taking down Philadelphia, this franchise gave us a run for the ages until it was cut short by the Dodgers. The Giants and Jets are not in great situations. The Jets hav…
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Football season is in full swing! The Giants got their first win of the season! They held on for a close win over the Browns with some help from a poor Cleveland offense. The Jets won a primetime game Thursday against the Pats for the first time in what seems like forever and are heading in the right direction. The Packers won their second game wit…
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Football season is in full swing! The Giants lost to the commanders due to a slew of bad decisions, starting with their decision to activate a kicker who was not fully healthy, only for him to get hurt on the first play. It doesn't look like things will go well for them this year. The Jets got out of dodge with a win thanks to some help from a cost…
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V rámci európskeho turné prichádza po 16 rokoch do Bratislavy najprestížnejší francúzsky činoherný súbor Comédie-Française, ktorý je zároveň najstarším fungujúcim divadlom so stálym súborom na svete. Na pôde Činohry SND odohrá dve predstavenia drámy Hekuba nie je Hekuba, v ktorej sa Euripidova antická tragédia prelína s príbehom zo súčasnosti. Hra …
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The playoff push is on as we head to week 2! Week 1 wraps up after a disappointing weekend for all teams involved. The Giants, Jets, and Packers all lost disappointingly. Green Bay played well but lost and had to hold their breath with an injury to Jordan Love. The Giants looked awful and couldn't get anything going, and the Jets had to take on one…
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Opera SND otvára svoju 105. sezónu koncertom venovaným jednej z najväčších osobností slovenskej opery - spevákovi Ondrejovi Malachovskému. Na túto osobnosť si spolu spomínajú jeho dvaja synovia - Sväťo a Martin Malachovský a Martinova manželka - moderátorka a producentka Iveta Malachovská Martin si na otcovi najviac cení, že bol ako otec trpezlivý,…
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It's finally week 1 of the NFL season! . . Lindor's The Mets are in a playoff race! Steven and Vin go on a rant about Mets history and Lindor's case for MVP. Should a DH win MVP over an everyday player? . . As week 1 approaches, we review each game individually and make our picks. . . Head over to, and follow and…
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Could they? Could wide-open, couldWith wide-open Could they make some noise with wide-open wide-open? It's Episode 395! It's the football preview show! The Jets are looking to rebound from their disappointing season. Aaron Rodgers is healthy, and the defense is ready to roll. Can this be the year? The Packers want to build on their impressive first…
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It's Episode 394! The boys are back! A summer recap episode on everything we've missed heading into football The Mets have come back down to earth a bit since we last spoke, but they are only 1.5 games out of a wildcard spot as we head to the final week of August. Will they be able to sneak into the playoffs? Football season is rapidly approaching!…
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The boys are back! A summer recap episode on everything we've missed! Since the last time we talked, Grimace has brought the Mets back from the brink to play off contention! After a solid trade deadline, the Mets enter a half-game out of the playoffs in August. Will they end the year strong? Danny and Steve discuss the Giants after their off-season…
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Po mužoch sexturistoch často zostávajú suveníry, za ktoré zodpovednosť nesie len žena Premiéra Pucciniho Madama Butterfly v Opere SND Aktuálna sezóna v Opere SND vyvrcholí premiérou Pucciniho opery Madama Butterfly. Tragický príbeh 15-ročnej japonskej gejše pripravil činoherný režisér Matúš Bachynec, pre ktorého ide o operný debut. Pucciniho dielo …
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The boys are back! A summer recap episode on everything we've missed! The NBA finals and Stanley Cup finals are in full swing. The Celtics are up 3-0, while the Panthers look to go up 3-0 tonight. Will it be a double sweep? Danny and Steve talk about some Giants minicamp after Darren Waller's retirement to start it off. What will the roster look li…
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It's just Steven and Vin today after the NFL schedule was released! We look at the Giants, Packers, and Jets schedules! The Mets are off to a sluggish start as they battle injuries and underperformance. Can they bounce back? We talk a little hockey as the playoffs are in full swing. The Rangers are up 3-2, but the momentum is swinging the other way…
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Veľkovýpravná inscenácia jednej z najobľúbenejších a najčastejšie uvádzaných opier Giuseppe Verdiho vznikla pri príležitosti 100. výročia vzniku Slovenského národného divadla. Jej uvedenie nakoniec pre pandémiu prebehlo neskôr, ale zostáva obľúbeným titulom v repertoári Opery SND. „Je to plnokrvne romantický príbeh so skvelou hudbou, ktorá stojí za…
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Divadelné dosky sú plné príbehov o matkách – vždy im dodajú tú správnu dávku drámy a veľkých emócií. Či už je to príbeh slobodnej mamičky Čo-Čo-San v Pucciniho Madame Butterfly, alebo Kráľovnej noci z Mozartovej Čarovnej flauty, ktorá vlastnú dcéru nabáda zabiť mocného Sarastra. Donizettiho Lucrezia Borgia otrávi vlastného syna a Jenůfa sa stane ma…
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Na javisko Opery SND sa tento týždeň vracia obľúbená inscenácia opery Predaná nevesta z pera Bedřicha Smetanu, ktorá mala premiéru 27. marca 2009. Na scénu neprichádza náhodou, stále sa nachádzame v prebiehajúcom Roku českej hudby a zároveň roku 200. výročia narodenia tohto významného českého romantika. Predaná nevesta mala na Slovensku celkom výni…
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TUESDAY, TUESDAY, TUESDAY! It's Tuesday night, and we are back with episode 390, our 2024 NFL draft preview show! It's the NFL draft preview show! The Giants are picking at 6 in the first round, and it looks like they will get Daniel Jones some help! Will it be enough to get him over the top? The Jets have the 10th pick and will look to give Rodger…
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Činohra, Opera a Balet Slovenského národného divadla tento týždeň predstavili svoje premiérové tituly, na ktoré sa môžu fanúšikovia divadla tešiť v 105. divadelnej sezóne. Činohra SND pripravila v sezóne 2024/2025 desať nových titulov, v ktorých sa tvorcovia zamyslia nad novým fenoménom: slušnosť a súcit verzus vulgárnosť a victimhood. Teda obetova…
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The boys are back with a jam-packed playoff preview show! The playoffs are starting in the NHL, and the NBA season is over, so the boys will preview both leagues! This, plus catching up on some other things!! ...Reminder: these teams are in the playoffs because, like Sketch the Streamer says, “Special teams, special plays, special players.”....This…
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Monumentálna opera Eugena Suchoňa Svätopluk sa tento víkend vracia na javisko Opery SND. Na dlhšie obdobie pôjde o poslednú príležitosť si ju opäť vychutnať, keďže v budúcej sezóne sa na javisku našej prvej scény neobjaví. “Operná škola na Slovensku je istým spôsobom - čo sa týka počtu skladateľov - úzka. Ale tam, kde autori realizovali svoje diela…
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Episode 388 is our 2024 @mlb preview show, and we will have a jam-packed night! @nickizzzzz and @hoyt39 will be joining us! . . So head over to, subscribe, and follow so you don't miss out!!! . . . . #Podcasting #podcast #podcastlife #music #anchor #podcastshow #podcasters #comedy #spotify #youtube #podernfamily …
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Mecenášstvo v divadlách sa datuje už od staroveku, keď bohatí a vplyvní jednotlivci finančne podporovali umelcov a divadelné produkcie. V rímskom impériu napríklad patricijovia a cisár Augustus investovali do divadelných hier, v stredoveku boli divadlá väčšinou podporované cirkevnými inštitúciami a neskoršie aj panovníkmi a šľachtou. Slovenské náro…
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This week, it's just Steven and Vin, and we are set to recap the wild week of NFL free agency! We talk about random Mets history like always We also talk about the Yankees and the Gerrit Cole injury The start of the 2024 NFL calendar year is here, and WOAH! Significant changes will be made to the entire league's landscape, and the boys will discuss…
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It's Episode 386, and we're back after a break! We start with a bit of NBA talk and the current state of the Knicks Next, we talk a little about the NFL with Jason Kelce retiring and a bit of a jump around the league with some news, notes,w and the combine and free agency coming up. We wrap up with some quick Mets talk. Remember to head over to htt…
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Po polstoročí od svetovej premiéry prichádza na javisko Baletu Slovenského národného divadla dielo ďalšieho svetového choreografa sira Kennetha MacMillana Manon. Príbeh nevinného dievčaťa, ktoré sa postupne mení na kurtizánu a napokon na zbedačenú prostitútku. Príbeh o pokušení, láske i utrpení, ako ich do hedonistického Paríža zasadil autor literá…
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Opera Slovenského národného divadla sa po niekoľkých rokoch vracia k opere zakladateľa českej národnej hudby Bedřicha Smetanu Hubička. SND v roku 1920 práve touto operou začalo svoju prevádzku a stala sa tak východiskovým bodom slovenského profesionálneho divadla. „Hubička je prvé dielo, ktoré Smetana napísal úplne bez sluchu. Pre niekoho je to nep…
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Obdobie izolácie počas pandémie, depresie a vyčerpanie priniesli problémy všetkým. Mladí ľudia, ktorí nemali toľko príležitostí vytvoriť si obranné mechanizmy, ťažko prekonávali stavy úzkosti a z rôznych dôvodov sa nie vždy odhodlali vyhľadať odbornú pomoc. Činohra SND v aktuálnej sezóne pripravila netradičný projekt pre študentov stredných škôl po…
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V roku 1928 vinou predsudkov a nenávisti prišlo o život 6 ľudí vrátane 6-ročného dieťaťa, keď časť obyvateľov obce Pobedim napadla miestnu rómsku osadu. Inscenácia Budete mať luft! v Činohre SND mapuje biele miesta našej histórie a opisuje práve dramatické udalosti, ktoré sa odohrali v noci z 1. na 2. novembra roku 1928. Nenávisť, predsudky, stereo…
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It's Episode 385, and it's the Super Bowl!! We start with some NFL broadcast booth talk with Tom Brady kicking Greg Olsen out of the top spot on FOX Next, we preview the Super Bowl! Who will win? Can the Chiefs repeat it? Will the Niners finally break through? We discuss Patrick Mahomes being an underdog and how the game will shake out! Head over t…
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Uplynulé sezóny boli mimoriadne úspešné pre obe naše najvýznamnejšie slovenské profesionálne zborové telesá – zbor Opery Slovenského národného divadla aj Slovenský filharmonický zbor. Domáca ani medzinárodná kritika nešetrila slovami chvály na ich kvality. Za ich úspechmi nenápadne, ale pevne stoja práve ich zbormajstri. Zbormajstrov v divadlách di…
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We start with the Islanders hiring their new coach, Patrick Roy. he's here to send a jolt into a veteran team. We also talked about the newly proposed Utah NHL. Next, we discuss John Harbaugh leaving the University of Michigan for the NFL and the LA Chargers. He completed his goal of winning a national championship and will now try to win a Super B…
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It's Episode 383, and it's the divisional round! We start with some TV talk with the show Ted and echo news on Peacock and Disney+. We also go into some WWE network talk. Next, we talk about the Baseball Hall of Fame, as the ballots and who's getting in are currently in circulation Lastly, we talk about some NFL playoffs and the Packers chances aga…
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Je to len niekoľko dní, odkedy sa podmanivý trojdobý latinskoamerický tanec bolero dostal na Zoznam nehmotného kultúrneho dedičstva UNESCO. Jeho najznámejšia verzia z pera francúzskeho impresionistu Mauricea Ravela už onedlho zaznie aj na javisku Baletu SND. Opätovne sem totiž zavíta súbor baletu Národného divadla Brno s celovečerným programom zlož…
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Peter Mikuláš: Som len interpret naučenia nôt, interpret toho, čo zapísal skladateľ. Záznam diskusie z Divadelnej kaviarne SND Výnimočný operný sólista a koncertný umelec Peter Mikuláš sa v týchto dňoch dožíva významného životného jubilea. Na javisku Opery SND sa po prvýkrát predstavil v roku 1978 a za viac ako 45 rokov tu naštudoval asi 50 opernýc…
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It's Episode 382, and the Michigan Wolverines are national champions! We talk about the national championship game and what the future of Harbaugh is, as well as compare them to the 2019 LSU team Next, we discuss the NFL playoff and how the Packers will dare against the Cowboys. Lastly, we wrap it up with some NFL draft talk and where some guys wil…
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Happy first podcast of 2024! We have a lot to go over!...The final week of the NFL season is here; who is in and out? The official end of the Zach Wilson era is here, but is it the end of the Saquon Barkley as well?? Of course, we make our week 18 picks! ...Michigan vs Washington, winner-take-all. We discussed the CFP semi-finals and the CFP champi…
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Happy New Year, and welcome to episode 380! We start by discussing some gambling and how we've done this season Next, we start to break down the NFL Hall of Fame class and which guys we think should be in We Also discuss the NFL draft with the Giants season winding down and the Packers having 3 top 60 picks Lastly, we preview the NFL and make our p…
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Happy Christmas week! The guys are back, They break down Vin's Parents enjoying their European trip, and how they would book their own trip in Europe. They break down the free agent talk of Japanese Star Pitcher Yoshinobu Yamamoto, It seems to be down to the Mets, Yankees and Dodgers. Of course, the Three of us hope he signs with the Mets. But we g…
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Všetci by sme chceli partnera, ktorý nám dôveruje, ktorý si všimol, čo všetko sme už dokázali, stojí pri nás aj v nečase a podporuje nás bez toho, aby si kládol podmienky. Zdá sa, že kultúra na Slovensku takého našla. Je koniec roka a to je čas, v ktorom potrebujeme počúvať aj pekné príbehy. Toto je jeden z nich. Umenie odjakživa fungovalo aj vďaka…
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The boys are back and a little under the weather for episode 378!! We get started talking some hockey! The Islanders are one of the hottest teams in the league, and the Rangers are in first place in the metro. We jump into some college football as the bowls are about to begin, and the hype for the playoffs is at an all-time high. Michigan finally g…
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Inscenácia Budete mať luft! v Činohre SND mapuje biele miesta našej histórie. Popisuje dramatické udalosti, ktoré sa odohrali v noci z 1. na 2. novembra roku 1928. Ide o umeleckú reflexiu tragédie, ktorú spôsobili predsudky, ktoré sú živé dodnes. Pre nenávisť prišlo o život 6 ľudí, ďalšie desiatky boli zranené po tom, ako časť obyvateľov obce Pobed…
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It is time for change for Long Island hockey; Vin and Steven will discuss it....The baseball hot stove is starting to heat up. What are the Mets going to be looking to do this off-season? We also talked to Pete Alonso. What will the Mets do going into the final year of his contract? ...College Football playoffs will be heating up since the Conferen…
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We get started by discussing the college football rankings and how things will shake out with the Michigan-Ohio State game coming up. We also discuss Jim Harbaugh's future after the cheating scandal and whether he will take an NFL. Our buddy Snacks joins us to discuss the Yankees, giants, and Tommy Devito! Lastly, we preview the NFL and make our pi…
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V Roku 1928 prišlo kvôli nenávisti a predsudkom o život 6 ľudí, ďalšie desiatky boli zranené. Potom, ako čas obyvateľov obce Pobedim napadla rómsku osadu. Hra Budete mať luft!, ktorú uvádza Činohra SND, nás prenesie do roku 1928 za udalosťami, ktoré viedli k tejto tragédii. Je to hra o tom, akí sme boli, ale aj o tom, akí sme dnes. Ako sa vyhnúť pr…
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Michigan vs the World! Steve breaks down the Cheating scandal that has College football Buzzing! Is it a Witch hunt, or is it flat-out cheating? We also talk about the potential college playoff matchups. The Power Five is heating up, and a few combos of teams can fall into play in being a top 4 team that gets to play in the semi-finals on New Year'…
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It's just Steven and Vin for episode 374! We start by discussing some wild movie stuff. Our favorite movie, Day After Tomorrow, and some entertainment news. Next we jump into some hockey as the islanders struggle to keep afloat. We discuss if Lane Lambert or Lou is on the hot seat. The Mets hired a new manager and we aren't sure what to think of it…
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We are here for episode 373!! We start by discussing some of the unfortunate events that have happened over the past week. Next, we jump into some baseball as we are in the middle of the least-watched World Series in history. The Rangers are up 3-1 and looking to win their first championship and the DBacks will try to come back again. The Jets and …
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Balet SND uvádza v piatok 3. novembra 2023 premiéru novej inscenácie Labutieho jazera. Slávny balet s magickou hudbou P. I. Čajkovského uvedie baletný súbor Slovenského národného divadla v choreografii legendárneho Rudolfa Nurejeva. Prvýkrát v histórii sa súčasťou repertoáru stane choreografia tohto legendárneho tanečníka, a to v roku, keď si balet…
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The boys are back for episode 372! Hockey is officially in full swing, and the Isles are struggling as a quick start while the Rangers continue to play well on the West Coast. . . The World Series match-up is set, and the boys will make predictions! . . The Giants coming off a hard-earned victory, and the Jets had the week off as the 2 teams go hea…
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Opera SND uvádza v nedeľu 29. októbra 2023 v premiére detskú operu Muflón Ancijáš podľa rovnomenných obľúbených kníh Braňa Jobusa. Dobrodružstvá dobrosrdečného muflóna ožijú na javisku SND s hudbou Slava Solovica a v réžii Michala Spišáka. Braňo Jobus, autor príbehov aj libreta k detskej opere, sa deťom dokonca predstaví sám v úlohe rozprávača. „Mu…
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