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Old Testament law declares that when you harvest a field, anything left over once the harvesting process is finished should be left in the field for the orphans, the widows, and the poor. So why do we tend to hoard what God has given to us? We've been blessed with so much, but with that comes a responsibility and an opportunity for us to turn aroun…
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Have you ever heard the saying, "When one sin is defended, it becomes two sins"? Just because our culture deems sinful behavior to be acceptable, doesn't change the fact that it's still sin. The Bible is clear about what it defines as sin, and as followers of Christ, it's up to us to take a stand and speak biblical truth in love -- no matter how ha…
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We live in a culture that's not only made sex outside marriage acceptable -- it's made sex outside marriage the norm. The world tells us that the purpose of sex is for mere enjoyment without boundaries, but God tells us He created it for a special purpose, to be experienced within the covenant of marriage. Scripture's always been clear and consiste…
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As Christians, it's our responsibility to take a stand against sin in our nation. The world is getting increasingly comfortable with things that go against God -- and too many are staying quiet. Yes, we need to get involved in choosing our leaders, but it has to go beyond that; now's the time for us to speak out boldly and stand up for what’s right…
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The way we spend our money shows who -- or what -- we worship. It's easy to be selfish when it comes to our finances, but our perspective changes when we recognize that everything we have comes from God first. And when we live like money was never ours to begin with, we wind up spending it differently -- as a tool to bless others and to glorify Him…
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We want God to use us to accomplish His work -- we just don't want to experience the trials that He uses to prepare us for that work. If we spend our lives running from tough times, we'll never be strengthened and refined to do great things, but we can choose instead to arm ourselves with Scripture and to face the trials head-on when they inevitabl…
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We've all got that thing that grates on our nerves, whether it's a dripping faucet or a yappy Chihuahua! But instead of letting those little irritations get the best of us, let's consider that sometimes God allows "annoyances" in our lives so that we can respond to them accordingly. When we follow Christ's example and keep our eyes on the Lord, we …
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If we want to know God's will for our lives, we need to read His Word! He's given us clear directions on how to live, but so often we don't bother to read it and then wonder why things don't turn out the way we wanted. Scripture doesn't stop us from making mistakes, but it gives us directions to find our way back when we stray.…
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It's easy to complain when we don't get what we want. But the Bible is filled with examples of why complaining only hinders us from a life of trusting in God. We can either be like the Israelites, who didn't get to see the Promised Land because they chose to complain instead of obeying the Lord, or we can step out in faith knowing God's never let u…
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Homing pigeons have a way of always returning home. In the same way, when we become believers in Christ, the Holy Spirit acts as a sort of "homing mechanism" inside of us that draws us back to God, no matter how far we drift. Repentance isn't just for the unbeliever -- it's a reminder for each of us who have strayed to stop where we are and return …
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We all look up to someone -- and we all have people looking up to us in one way or another. That's why every single one of us, as leaders, need to both see and be good examples of leadership. When we listen to wisdom from those who have gone before us, we can lead those who are following behind us. And when we make mistakes, it's important to repen…
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This world of broken people is waiting for us to acknowledge the weight they carry, and to bring them the answers that can only be found in Jesus. God's always working on the other side of the situation, even when we can't see Him -- that's why we've got to obey Him when He calls, knowing other people's lives are at stake.…
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When it comes to being silent even amidst suffering, Jesus was the perfect example -- and the perfect sacrifice. He willingly endured death for our sake. When suffering comes our way, one of two things will happen: God will either shear us from the "fluff" of our lives, or He'll defend us from the enemy that seeks to come against us.…
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When we receive the free gift of salvation through Jesus' death and resurrection, we're promised the reward of Heaven -- period. But the way we live between now and eternity is a choice we have to make daily. If you could skip to the end of your life and look back to today, how would it look different based on the decisions you make?…
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The nature of sin means that as soon as we're born, our lives are headed into a nosedive. As we grow, we can make the choice to continue in that downward spiral, telling ourselves the lie that we can fix it on our own. Or, we can realize that only Jesus can give us the power to turn "nose up" and head in a different direction by allowing Him to wor…
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As Christians, we live in a fallen world that's constantly drawing us away from God and His design for our lives. The devil's always trying to take us out -- but God's given us the armor to fight back. When we arm ourselves with Scripture and start each day strengthened by His Word, we're better able to resist the schemes and attacks of the enemy.…
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When we consider that the Bible is God's Living Word to us, it becomes more apparent why it's so important for us to read it over, and over, and over again! It takes effort to understand Scripture and develop a love for studying it. But none of it will make sense unless we ask Him to reveal Himself within its pages, and when He does, we discover wa…
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We all have dates in our lives that are etched in our memories forever -- whether it's for better or for worse. And when it comes to the grief, sorrow, and pain that some of those more difficult days hold, it's especially important for us to remember that it's still a day that the Lord's made, and therefore, that we can rejoice in it. When we're te…
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Leaven, or yeast, is used as a biblical analogy in two very different ways. It can represent evil, like in the forms of complaining or disobedience, as an example of how an infection in one person can negatively affect the whole Church body. On the other hand, it can also represent us as Christians in the world: we're meant to infect this planet in…
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God has made a way for us to be in right relationship with Him through His Son. So when we, as His creation, are far from Him, He misses us and calls us back to Himself. It's important for our relationship with Him to be strong and healthy because whether we realize it or not, other people around us are affected by how committed we are to following…
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Real spiritual "heart change" begins with a kind of godly sorrow that leads us to repentance. But when we've repented of our sin, we should always follow it up with action steps. When we truly repent, we don't go back to doing the same thing over and over again -- we allow God to help us and strengthen us to make permanent changes in our lives.…
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When Peter shared the Gospel with Cornelius -- a Gentile -- it served as an example that sometimes, God will push us outside our comfort zones and cause us to break traditions for the ultimate goal of reaching others. It's important to listen for the voice of God so that we're not venturing out and doing things on our own. The people He calls us to…
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When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, He showed the disciples that even death cannot stop Him. Yet when He Himself died and was placed in a tomb, they doubted what He'd promised. When we question whether God can do all things, including working miracles in our own lives, let's remember and trust that nothing is impossible for Him.…
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This world is filled with people in need of God's grace. But how can we show them His grace unless we've experienced it ourselves? Because of Christ's death on the cross, we've all been given the opportunity to be forgiven and accepted as children of God, no matter our sin. And once we experience His grace in our own lives, we can share it with tho…
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Every moment on earth could be our last. None of us have any idea when God will say our time here is done. That's why it's so important that we don't waste it! We have to choose to obey God -- not just every year, every week, or every day, but every second of our lives -- so that He can work through us to reach as many people as possible.…
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The Bible is a textbook of instruction for God's people on what it means to turn from sinful ways and follow Him. We can't surrender fully to the Lord and give Him our whole lives while still continuing down the path of sin. Unless and until we have a "turn-around" and repent from our old nature, our lives will continue going in the wrong direction…
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God never ditches us - but we have a tendency to ditch Him when life gets tough. Scripture's full of people who suffered and, like you and me, they often felt that the Lord had abandoned them. But their stories also reveal that in each case, He was actually fulfilling a bigger plan and purpose for their lives. Through their experiences, we can find…
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When Jesus came as the Savior of the world, God chose to announce His birth in incredible and miraculous ways. But Jesus promised to come back one day, and in the meantime, God uses us to announce that He'll return. While we wait with expectation for that day to come, we have a responsibility to share the Gospel with others so that their lives migh…
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Jesus came to earth in the poorest of conditions. He was born in a stable, and God chose to share the news of the Messiah with smelly, poor shepherds before anyone else. None of the circumstances under which Christ was born were accidental -- they were orchestrated by God as a reminder that Jesus would go on to be the Savior of the whole world, and…
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The world would have us believe that there are many religions and names by which we can be saved, but the Bible tells us that it's only through the mighty name of Jesus that we're offered the incredible gift of salvation. We're invited to come to Him as we are, filthy in all our sin, and be washed clean by the power of His blood that was shed for u…
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It's no accident that the King of the universe came to earth in the most humble way possible: born in a barn, surrounded by animals, with His first visitors being simple shepherds of the fields. The very nature of His birth teaches us that whether you're born in a barn or live among nobles, Jesus came for all people -- and we're all equal in our ne…
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You don't always see the difference between houses built on solid foundations and houses built on shaky foundations until the storm comes -- and the same is true of how we build our families. When we make Jesus the center of our homes and our lives, no amount of trials or tribulations will be able to shake our foundation. Only He can bring us stabi…
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