Revive The World Ministries is a community of believers and lovers of Jesus Christ in Greenwood, IN. Our vision is to raise up sons and daughters of God to bring the revelation of who Jesus is to the world through love by living the normal Christian life (Book of Acts). For more information on who we are and what we believe visit us at
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Intercession through our Identity in Christ
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1:16:46Tony Costa teaching on what it looks like to intercede through our identity in Christ.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Sarah Webster teaches on the fact that Father God's love has the final word over our lives, despite any of our shortcomings and failures.Por Revive The World Ministries
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We're kicking off the new year with a short teaching about the importance of baptism and then celebrating with those who have made the decision to be baptized!Por Revive The World Ministries
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Feeding the Fire
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1:09:41Tony Costa speaks about the importance of feeding the fire inside ourselves daily so that we continue burning for Jesus.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Deliverance through Love
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1:02:47Sarah Webster teaches about experiencing deliverance through love as we become increasingly aware of the Holy Spirit resting upon us.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Living the Kingdom Life
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1:08:46Tony Costa speaks on following the example of Jesus in living a Kingdom lifestyle day in and day out and showing the world around us what that looks like.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Freedom from Victim Mindset
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1:02:43Tony Costa teaches on the importance of not staying captive to a victim mindset and how to transform your mind daily.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Choosing Joy in Suffering
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1:24:16Tony Costa teaches on the importance of choosing joy in the midst of our suffering and gives practical steps on how to do it .Por Revive The World Ministries
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Guest Speaker, Dr. Susan Watson, shares her heart with the RTW Family.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Sarah Webster speaks about the importance of the prophetic and the power of having a word from God over our lives.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Pakistan Testimonies
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1:08:30Tony Costa shares testimonies from his recent trip to Pakistan and what God is doing through the persecuted church overseas.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Sarah Webster shares what she believes God is changing, shifting, and doing through the body of Christ in this season.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Conquering the Fear of Failure
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1:11:18Tony Costa teaches on being fully dependent on God in every season.Por Revive The World Ministries
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The Miraculous: A Way of Life
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1:05:58Tony Costa teaches how miracles can and should be a part of our everyday lives as followers of Jesus.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Winning the War
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1:12:04Tony Costa teaches on the importance of proper balance between being warfare-minded and kingdom-minded to enforce the victory that Jesus has already paid for.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Sarah Webster teaches on the principle of rest and how it relates to surrendering to Jesus. She also shares wisdom on how to surrender when we are faced with opposition.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Joe Wilson breaks down the spiritual meaning/symbolism of a picture of an old covenant high priest and how it relates to our inheritance in identity.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Sarah Webster teaches that Jesus wants to reintroduce us to the Holy Spirit in a new way that will mark our hearts and allow us to have a brand new access point to the power of love in our lives.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Joe Wilson speaks on how to maintain our joy in the midst of suffering and how we can encourage others who are going through difficult times.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Sarah Webster teaches on the importance of Sons and Daughters of God stepping up and revealing themselves to the lost and hurting world around them and being the representation of Jesus that people need to see.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Tony Costa honors all fathers on Father's Day while also speaking on the importance of letting Father God define us in all that we do.Por Revive The World Ministries
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True Spiritual Riches
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1:13:27Tony Costa speaks on the importance of receiving the revelation of why we give in the Kingdom and how it unlocks true spiritual riches in our lives.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Tony Costa speaks on the importance of operating out of relationship with Jesus instead of relationship with religion and the difference between the two.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Tony Costa speaks on the difference between Kingdom Culture and Church CulturePor Revive The World Ministries
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Counting the Cost
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1:20:39Tony Costa speaks on counting the cost when you fully lay down your life and give Jesus your YES! He also shares testimonies from his Pakistan trip.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Tony Costa speaks on the importance of women being empowered to be all that God has called them to be – inside and outside of the church.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Sarah Webster teaches on the power of worship in the midst of opposition and how powerful of a tool is can be when we just worship Jesus.Por Revive The World Ministries
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A Lifestyle of Healing and Miracles
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1:09:18Tony Costa finishes the RTW Healing and Miracles Conference with testimonies and teaching around living a lifestyle of healing and miracles.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Tony Costa explains how the resurrection of Jesus opens our eyes to the spiritual reality of being seated with Him and operating from heaven to Earth.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Sarah Webster continues the teaching on higher perspectives and the power of belief in our lives.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Sarah Webster talks on living from a higher perspective and some practical ways to take thoughts captive.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Tony Costa shares his experience within the pursuit of personal revival and the embrace of the process which involves refinement as we give our whole lives to Jesus and receiving His lovePor Revive The World Ministries
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Living in Rhythms of Rest through Trust
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1:07:49Tony Costa talks on developing our trust of God through experiences and opportunities God gives us, ultimately resulting in a lifestyle of rest.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Danish Peter shares on the uncommon favor of God when we walk with Jesus in contrast of walking apart from Jesu.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Demonstrating the Father’s Goodness to the World (prophetic flow)
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1:23:17Tony Costa starts to share on the Father's goodness to the world and ends up in a prophetic flow with the rest of RTW.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Joe Wilson talks on how we can deal with past hurt and trauma in a healthy way with Jesus, healing our whole person spirit, soul and body.Por Revive The World Ministries
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United As One With The Father
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1:32:19Tony Costa shares the impact of unity can have on the world when we first realize we are one with The Holy Spirit and second we are one with other believers in the same Spirit.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Burning In Every Season
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1:01:04Tony Costa elaborates on living within the fire to burn with passion for Jesus and to burn up any of the bindings we find ourselves in from the world.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Sarah Webster teaches the importance of celebrating the flame of another's heart by encouraging and the prophetic.Por Revive The World Ministries
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You were made for a life of the miraculous
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1:01:00Tony Costa shares on identity in Christ and the power Holy Spirit gives to all for a life of the miraculous.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Joe Wilson discusses what the Bible says about "words of knowledge" and how we can easily listen and hear these to start conversation with others and see God do miracles.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Tony Costa shares revelation on remebrance also known as the testimony and remembering all Jesus has done.Por Revive The World Ministries
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How To Choose Surrender
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1:01:08Sarah Webster gives insight to what it looks like being surrendered to the right Spirit, Holy Spirit.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Learning to Live From Rest Through Transformation of Our Thinking
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1:01:10Tony Costa talks about the importance of embracing the process of transformation of our mind and how it results in living from rest.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Nikki Wald asks us "What if how He gets His full reward through my life is letting Him be who He is - Immanuel?"Por Revive The World Ministries
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Rest is My Primary Weapon
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1:13:42Tony Costa shows the difference between being saved as a son, saved as a slave, and unsaved with the 3-chair visual.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Pakistan Testimonies
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1:29:00Tony Costa shares highlights of what God is doing in Pakistan and how many people were impacted by the RTW Family in prayer and support.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Joe Wilson talks about the process of our beliefs lining up to what Jesus says, not just about Himself, but who we are In Christ.Por Revive The World Ministries
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A Baptism Of Love
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1:16:54Tony Costa tells how powerful the baptism of Love can be in our life; when we know we are loved by Our Father, we will change the world.Por Revive The World Ministries
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Nikki Wald speaks about the simplicity of knowing him and how everything flows from just knowing Him, Jesus.Por Revive The World Ministries
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