Rabbi Daniel Lapin reveals how the world REALLY works and reminds us that the more things change, the more we need to depend upon those things that never change.
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Rabbi Daniel Rowe is a popular Rabbi, philosopher and educator in the UK, who uses deep knowledge of Judaism, Kabbala, science and philosophy to captivate and educate audiences on a daily basis.
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Rabbi Daniel Lapin, known world-wide as America's Rabbi, is a noted rabbinic scholar, best-selling author and host of the Rabbi Daniel Lapin podcast. He reveals how the world REALLY works and reminds us that the more things change, the more we need to depend upon those things that never change. Rabbi Daniel Lapin is one of America’s most eloquent speakers and his ability to extract life principles from the Bible and transmit them in an entertaining manner has brought countless numbers of Jew ...
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Rabbi Daniel Yaakov Glatstein (רב דניאל יעקב גלאטשטיין שליט״א) is a American Orthodox rov, public speaker, author, prolific researcher, pulpit rabbi and teacher with a global following and one of the most popular English speaking Torah teachers in the contemporary Jewish landscape. The Rav has been invited by Yeshivos, synagogues, shuls, organizations, private homes and institutions around the world from Eretz Yisrael, Australia, South Africa, Gibraltar, London, United Kingdom and across the ...
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Business As An Occupation: Entering & Prospering with Jim Cockrum
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It's hard to enter unionized occupations and it's hard to become credentialed so what is an ambitious person to do? The portal to prosperity--become a business professional. Nobody can stop you. You need nobody's permission. Qualities that bring business success also benefit other areas of life. Meet Jim Cockrum, a man who has ushered thousands int…
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Rabbi Daniel and Susan Lapin converse with Canadian journalist Tara Henley, who wrote a book about her personal crisis and the modern world's failings. They explore the unique relationship between Canada and the U.S., particularly during WWII, and the impact of treaties. Rabbi Daniel emphasizes the permanence of physical relationships and the emoti…
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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"Spreading Torah Accross the Globe" - R' Daniel Glatstein & R' Yosef Mendoza in Conversation
Por Daniel Glatstein
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The Chazon Yechezkel & R' Shmuel Rozovsky on Why The Ran Did Not accept the Raavad's Approach {Daf Hashavua Iyun Sugya Nedarim 14b}
Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Gateway To Tefilla: Rav Hutner & Rav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach Illuminate the Discrepecies in the Mention of Makkas Bechoros Between Morning & Night
Por Daniel Glatstein
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Bo: The Halachik Dillema of Missing Makkas Bechoros If One Says Birchas Krias Shema She'lo B'zmano
Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Mishna Berura Daf Hashavua Siman 1212-3, 121 When Can You Interrupt in Elokai Netzor To Answer Devarim She'bekedusha
Por Daniel Glatstein
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Parashat Bo: The Day is Incomplete Without..... Makkas Bechoros - The Revolutionary Approach of the Vilna Gaon and Reb Chaim
Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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The Stunning Chiddush of Rav Elchanon To Reconcile The 2 Ran's Why Hatfasa Only Works on a Davar Hanadur & the 2 Rambams {Daf Hashavua Iyun Sugya Nedarim 13a}
Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Va'eira: The Kli Yakar on How Barad Silenced Pharoh With All 4 Capital Punishments {Mi Ha'ish}
Por Daniel Glatstein
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Rabbi Daniel and Susan Lapin discuss their conversation with Canadian journalist Tara Henley, who wrote a book about her personal crisis and the modern world's failings. They explore the unique relationship between Canada and the U.S., particularly during WWII, and the impact of treaties. Rabbi Daniel emphasizes the permanence of physical relations…
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Mishna Berura Daf Hashavua Siman 119 Seif 3-4 A Shliach Tzibbur Who Says Anneinu in the Wrong Location
Por Daniel Glatstein
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Va'eira- The Stunning Insight of the Tzror Hamor on Why the Lineage of Only the First 3 Shevatim Are Given
Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Mishna Berura Daf Hashavua Siman 119 Seif 1-2 Confessing & Asking For Parnassa In Shema Koleinu
Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Va'eira - The Exodus; Physical or Spiritual Redemption -The Amazing Insight of Rav Yosef Tzvi Salant
Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Va'eira- The Abir Yaakov Uncovers the Significance of the Gematriya of the Word Yisroel -On His Yahrtzeit כ' טבת
Por Daniel Glatstein
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Va'eira- The Significance of the Rambam & Abir Yaakov's Yahrtzeit Falling Out During the Parshios of Galus Mitzrayim
Por Daniel Glatstein
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Va'eira -The Rambam's View On Why The Egyptians Were Punished If It Was Divinely Decreed - On His Yahrtzeit כ' טבת
Por Daniel Glatstein
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The Machlokes Ran & Rosh if Teruma is a Davar Hanadur Is L'shitasei - The Stunning Approach of Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel {Daf Hashavua Iyun Sugya Nedarim 12a}
Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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Por Daniel Glatstein
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