Devocionales, espiritualidad reformada, historia de la iglesia, teología bíblica
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Somos varias familias de Monte Grande y Tristán Suarez, también de lugares vecinos que ponen a Dios en primer lugar y buscamos crecer en nuestras relaciones con las personas. También creemos que una de las maneras de llegar a ellas es a través de los medios de comunicación.
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La Iglesia Presbiteriana Evangélica Westminster (IPEW) es la primera iglesia en Puerto Rico de la denominación Iglesia Presbiteriana Evangélica (EPC), denominación presbiteriana con base en los Estados Unidos de América (EUA). Somos presbiterianos en nuestra forma de gobierno, reformados en nuestro fundamento teológico y evangélicos en nuestro enfoque de llevar a cabo la gran comisión que nos diera nuestro Señor Jesucristo de predicar el Evangelio en todas partes. Nuestra iglesia está compue ...
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Nuestras raíces históricas son desde la Reforma Protestante del Siglo 16 y su declaración doctrinal del Siglo 17, la Confesión de Fe de Westminster, junto con sus Catecismos Mayor y Menor. La Iglesia Presbiteriana Ortodoxa entiende la importancia de defender y mantener las verdades de la Palabra de Dios. De hecho, en 1936 la Iglesia Presbiteriana Ortodoxa se estableció como testimonio de la Biblia cuando se rechazó la autoridad de la Escritura.
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Iglesia Nacional Presbiteriana "Jesús la Luz del Mundo"
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Isaías 9:6-7 Juan 16:33 Support the showPor IPW
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Isaías 9:6 Juan 10:30-33 Support the showPor IPW
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Isaías 9:6-7 Juan 10:17-21 Support the showPor IPW
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Isaías 9:6 Support the showPor IPW
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Romanos 8:28 Support the showPor IPW
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Juan 18:33-37 Support the showPor IPW
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Marcos 13:1-8 Support the showPor IPW
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Marcos 12:38-44 Support the showPor IPW
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Marcos 10:46-52 Support the showPor IPW
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Marcos 10:35-45 Support the showPor IPW
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Marcos 10:17-31 Support the showPor IPW
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Marcos 10:2-16 Support the showPor IPW
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Marcos 9:38-50 Support the showPor IPW
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Marcos 9:30-37 Support the showPor IPW
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Marcos 8:27-38 Support the showPor IPW
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Marcos 7:24-37 Support the showPor IPW
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Marcos 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 Support the showPor IPW
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Juan 6:60-71 Support the showPor IPW
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Juan 6:51-58 Support the showPor IPW
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Juan 6:41-51 Support the showPor IPW
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Juan 6:24-35 Support the showPor IPW
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Juan 6:1-15 Support the showPor IPW
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Hebreos 4:12-13 Support the showPor IPW
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Marcos 6:14-29 Support the showPor IPW
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Marcos 6:1-13 Support the showPor IPW
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Marcos 5:21-43 Support the showPor IPW
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Marcos 4:35-41 Support the showPor IPW
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Marcos 4:26-34 Support the showPor IPW
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Marcos 3:20-35 Support the showPor IPW
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Marcos 2:23-3:6 Support the showPor IPW
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Juan 3:1-17 Support the showPor IPW
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Juan 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 Support the showPor IPW
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Juan 17:6-19 Support the showPor IPW
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Juan 15:8-129 Support the showPor IPW
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Juan 15:1-8 Support the showPor IPW
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Juan 10:11-18 Support the showPor IPW
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Lucas 24:36-49 Support the showPor IPW
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Juan 20:19-31 Support the showPor IPW
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Marcos 16:1-8 Support the showPor IPW
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Mateo 27:27-37 Support the showPor IPW
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Juan 13:1-17 Support the showPor IPW
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Marcos 11:1-11 Support the showPor IPW
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Juan 12:20-33 Support the showPor IPW
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Juan 3:14-21 Support the showPor IPW
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Juan 2:13-22 Support the showPor IPW
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Marcos 8:31-38 Support the showPor IPW
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Marcos 1:9-15 Support the showPor IPW
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Génesis 3:17-21 Support the showPor IPW
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Marcos 1:29-39 Support the showPor IPW
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