Sophisticated toilet humor featuring: Andrew: A Jewishy-washy child ninja turned autoneurotic, prematurely old man, who's had it with fictional ghosts triggering his non-fictional anxiety. Puke: A gently misanthropic Army veteran obsessed with sound effects who's had it with political correctness. Brett: A fierce comedy theorist and peddler of critical thinking who's had it with how the dumbing down of America is resulting in terrible customer service. Nick: A gender homogenous homosapien ho ...
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655: Burgle Convenience Graph
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1:56:07Episode 655: Some wooooman from New York talks about busses! Andrew's boy writes a letter. You got Piss Fuel, bro? The female urge to slam doors at night. This app tracks your sleep farts. Cost of PGH billboards. Top Dog Law. Generation queef gets it. Is Trump the king now?Por Portmansheau
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654: A Baby Born of a Butt
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2:30:37Episode 654: The gang talks food guy culture while Puke makes AI images. Gabriela thinks AI wastes water. Arguments ensue. Andrew eats an apple. Puke gets a new hat from Brett. Knobs are Gobblered and weather is predicted by rodents. Are ice-cream jimmies racist? The time Brett went bald. Do you chop wood and carry water? Butt fiber. Hellabore flow…
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653: Mi Caca es Su Caca
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2:00:38Episode 653: It's been 2 weeks and Trump is in office. How are people we know reacting? Do we have empathy? How does Puke track his pens? Explaining helicopters. The "food guy" mentality strikes again! Andrew has a new favorite YouTuber. Chasing the FedEx driver. Car scenes in movies makes Andrew sad. Will Trump bring back V8 cars?…
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652: 216 Square Feet of Rugging
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2:28:52Episode 652: How many Rhode Islands fit into Alaska? Why are there so many Guinea countries? Andrew hates this Seve YouTube guy that Gabriela shared with us. Cleaning nick-knacks. Cult behavior. A list of tech old people and Andrew hate. Car companies are tracking you and selling your data!Por Portmansheau
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651: I Want Zee Wah-Wah
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2:19:07Episode 651: What are the next big things we'll never agree on? Psychedelics? Sound baths? Paul Thomas Anderson? Who knows!? Do you like fake crab salad? Does film melt on the set of Lawrence of Arabia? How do train wheels work? How do grenades work? Robot dogs. Reacting to old episodes of ourselves is the new meta.…
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650: Jew Wire
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2:11:48Episode 650: It's a new year! Did you eat Chinese food? What is the Jew wire? Petrified raccoon penis for sale. They don't know what a plumb-bob is! Duck fucking. An airplane tour of the Poconos. Custom omelettes at the breakfast buffet. Jim Thorpe. You can hear everything through BNB walls. Don't turn around in the snow!…
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649: Hey Guys I Made I Made So Speaking of Cranberries I Made I Made Real Cranberry Brett’s Mom’s Cranberry You’re You’re You’re Just Very Glad
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2:14:50Episode 649: Gabriela has poems. Brett went to church and learned all the lineage of Jesus. Are vinyl records better? What is a psalm? Why do women not believe Andrew when he talks about cars? Cranberry sauce and apple pie. Stop making charcuterie boards too complicated.Por Portmansheau
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648: Here’s How I Know Everything, Because I Fuckin’ Know Everything
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1:52:12Episode 648: Duck Hunt sweaters are confusing. About as confusing as the Project Blue Beam UFO's flying around New Jersey. Is this a sign of the apocalypse? Or is it bird flu? We'll plumb the depths of the oceanic shelves to find out. Chopped carrots, potatoes, surprise pickles, and the burnt ends.Por Portmansheau
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647: The Donkey Show of Australia
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2:21:45Episode 647: Our heroes have returned from their travels abroad! What tribulations did they overcome? Who did they become enraged by? Were there surprise pickles, cut squash, E-Vite receipts, office chairs, organs, or nicotine pouches? Come inside dear listener and hear their tales of triumph.Por Portmansheau
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646: Vaginaleven: The Movie
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2:07:18Episode 646: The black ice has arrived! All the mothers have joined the chat. Licking the salt cave walls. Chinese restaurant names. Family MAGA Thanksgiving. Getting stuck on a snowy road waiting for the snow scraper. How cold is your house? What is a space blanket? We learn a new Estonian word for fullman's butt.…
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