Grab a chair and your favorite cup of Joe as you join Pastor Jaime Perez in an in-depth biblical study of scripture, laughs, life application, and growth for the honor and glory of the Lord. Romans 12:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tome una silla y su taza favorita para el café mientras se une al pastor Jaime Pérez en un estudio bíblico profundo de las Escrituras, de manera divertida, aplicación de vida y crecimiento ...
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Audios de los sermones, conferencia, escuela dominical y diferentes enseñanzas de la iglesia cristiana de la gracia. Para la Gloria de Dios.
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Mary Magdalene sees the risen Lord Jesus while crying in the tomb. John 20:11-18 NKJVPor Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! María Magdalena ve al Señor Jesús resucitado mientras llora en el sepulcro. Juan 20:11-18 RVR1960Por Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! María Magdalena, Juan y Pedro encuentran la tumba de Jesús vacía. El pastor Jaime y el hermano Ángel analizan las diferencias entre cómo Pedro y Juan perciben lo que ha sucedido. Juan 20:1-10 RVR1960Por Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Mary Magdalene, John and Peter find Jesus' tomb empty. Pastor Jaime and Brother Angel analyze the differences between how Peter and John perceive what has taken place. John 20:1-10 NKJVPor Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Joseph of Arimathea asks Pilate for Jesus' body and after it is bound in strips of linen with spices it is buried in a tomb in the garden where he was crucified. John 19:38-42 NKJVPor Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! José de Arimatea pide a Pilato el cuerpo de Jesús y, después de envolverlo en lienzos con especias aromáticas, lo entierran en un sepulcro en el huerto donde fue crucificado. Juan 19:38-42 RVR1960Por Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Un soldado romano, al ver que Jesús ya estaba muerto, le traspasó el costado. Juan 19:31-37 RVR1960Por Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! A Roman Soldier seeing that Jesus was already dead pierces His side. John 19:31-37 NKJVPor Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús declara: “Todo está consumado, y después de inclinar la cabeza, entregó el espíritu”. Juan 19:28-30 RVR1960Por Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus declares that, “It is finished and bowing His head He then gave up His spirit.” John 19:28-30 NKJVPor Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Mientras Jesús es crucificado, mira a María, su madre, y le dice: “¡Mujer, he ahí tu hijo!” Juan 19:25-27 RVR1960Por Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! As Jesus is being crucified He looks to Mary his mother and says, “Woman behold your son!”John 19:25-27 NKJVPor Thank God For Coffee
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Para mas información contáctenos en las siguientes plataformas [email protected] Facebook: Iglesia Cristiana De La Gracia, Cusco - Perú Instagram: ICGCUSCO
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Confesión Bautista de fe de 1689 - 3.Del decreto de Dios (parte 2)- Ps. Joe Martínez
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús es crucificado y se coloca en la cruz un cartel que dice JESÚS DE NAZARET, EL REY DE LOS JUDÍOS. Juan 19:17-24 RVR1960Por Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus is crucified and a title is placed on the cross that reads JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS. John 19:17-24 NKJVPor Thank God For Coffee
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Para mas información contáctenos en las siguientes plataformas [email protected] Facebook: Iglesia Cristiana De La Gracia, Cusco - Perú Instagram: ICGCUSCO
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Para mas información contáctenos en las siguientes plataformas [email protected] Facebook: Iglesia Cristiana De La Gracia, Cusco - Perú Instagram: ICGCUSCO
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Oseas 1:1 El Peligro de los Tiempos Buenos - Ps. Angel Puente de la Vega
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Confesión Bautista de Fe de 1689 - Capítulo 1 (Parte 2) - Capítulo 2 - Ps. Joe Martínez
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús le asegura a Pilato que no tiene ningún poder sobre Él a menos que se lo conceda el cielo. Juan 19:5-16 RVR1960Por Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus assures Pilate that he has no power over Him unless given to him from heaven. John 19:5-16 NKJVPor Thank God For Coffee
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Libro de Oseas - Introducción - Ps. Angel Puente de la Vega
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Confesión Bautista de fe de 1689 - Introducción- 1.Sagradas Escrituras(p1) Ps. Joe Martínez
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús es azotado y le colocan una corona de espinas en la cabeza mientras la guardia Romana lo invoca como Rey de los judíos. Juan 19:1-4 RVR1960Por Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus is scourged and a crown of thorns is placed over His head; as he is called the King of the Jews by the Roman guard. John 19:1-4 NKJVPor Thank God For Coffee
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Para mas información contáctenos en las siguientes plataformas [email protected] Facebook: Iglesia Cristiana De La Gracia, Cusco - Perú Instagram: ICGCUSCO
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Para mas información contáctenos en las siguientes plataformas [email protected] Facebook: Iglesia Cristiana De La Gracia, Cusco - Perú Instagram: ICGCUSCO
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús es presentado ante Pilato y los judíos y se les da la opción de liberar al Rey de los judíos o a Barrabás el ladrón. Juan 18:39-40 RVR1960Por Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus stands before Pilate and the Jews as they are given an option to either free Jesus the King of the Jews or Barabbas the robber. John 18:39-40 NKJVPor Thank God For Coffee
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Para mas información contáctenos en las siguientes plataformas [email protected] Facebook: Iglesia Cristiana De La Gracia, Cusco - Perú Instagram: ICGCUSCO
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Para mas información contáctenos en las siguientes plataformas [email protected] Facebook: Iglesia Cristiana De La Gracia, Cusco - Perú Instagram: ICGCUSCO
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Para mas información contáctenos en las siguientes plataformas [email protected] Facebook: Iglesia Cristiana De La Gracia, Cusco - Perú Instagram: ICGCUSCO
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Para mas información contáctenos en las siguientes plataformas [email protected] Facebook: Iglesia Cristiana De La Gracia, Cusco - Perú Instagram: ICGCUSCO
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Los jefes de los sacerdotes presentan a Jesús ante Pilato. Pilato no lo encuentra culpable de ningún delito. Juan 18:28-38 RVR1960Por Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus is presented before Pilate by the Chief Priests. Pilate does not find Him guilty of any crime. John 18:28-38 NKJVPor Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Pedro se calienta junto al fuego y niega a Jesús dos veces más mientras Jesús es presentado ante el sumo sacerdote Caifás. Juan 18:25-27 RVR1960Por Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Peter warms himself by the fire and denies Jesus twice more while Jesus is presented before the high priest Caiaphas. John 18:25-27 NKJVPor Thank God For Coffee
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Para mas información contáctenos en las siguientes plataformas [email protected] Facebook: Iglesia Cristiana De La Gracia, Cusco - Perú Instagram: ICGCUSCO
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Escuela Dominical - Meditando en las Escrituras III - Pastor Angel Puente de la Vega
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Para mas información contáctenos en las siguientes plataformas [email protected] Facebook: Iglesia Cristiana De La Gracia, Cusco - Perú Instagram: ICGCUSCO
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Escuela Dominical - Meditando en las Escrituras II - Pastor Angel Puente de la Vega
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El Ministro Excelente -1 Timoteo 4:6-12- Pastor Joe Martínez
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Escuela Dominical - Meditando en las Escrituras - Ángel Puente de la Vega
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús es interrogado por el Sumo Sacerdote Anás sobre su doctrina y sus discípulos. Juan 18:19-24 RVR1960Por Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus is questioned by the High Priest Annas about his doctrine and his disciples. John 18:19-24 NKJVPor Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Pedro niega a Jesús por primera vez antes de que Jesús sea llevado ante Anás. Juan 18:15-18 RVR1960Por Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Peter denies Jesus for the first time before Jesus is brought before Annas. John 18:15-18 NKJVPor Thank God For Coffee
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Para mas información contáctenos en las siguientes plataformas [email protected] Facebook: Iglesia Cristiana De La Gracia, Cusco - Perú Instagram: ICGCUSCO
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Para mas información contáctenos en las siguientes plataformas [email protected] Facebook: Iglesia Cristiana De La Gracia, Cusco - Perú Instagram: ICGCUSCO
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