Welcome to the weekly podcast of New Heights Church led by Pastor Bill Kirkpatrick. To learn more visit us at www.newheightsaz.com.
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New Heights Church in Vancouver, WA. Where we are called to: Seek God, Serve one another and Share our faith. Email: podcast@newheights.org
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Thanks for checking out our weekly podcast! For more information, visit our website at www.newheightswv.com or download our mobile app.
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Sermons from New Heights Church's Sunday morning service. Each Bible-based teaching has an emphasis on application to living out the Christian life. New Heights is a non-denominational church in Fayetteville, AR, with a mission to love God passionately and love people tangibly. Find out more at www.newheightschurch.com.
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Welcome to the weekly sermon podcast from New Heights Church Hong Kong. We hope you leave each episode challenged, inspired, and empowered to live the life God destined you to live!
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We are a relational, Bible based, Christ centered, and Spirit filled church. Our desire is to have you as our guest. Come just as you are and make yourself at home. We would love to get you connected with other people, but more than that, get you connected with God in a very intimate and personal way. Hope to see you soon.
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A podcast where I take you into the daily life of my 10-week internship at New Heights Church in Vancouver, Washington. This podcast is about hardship, discovery, and ultimately a growing walking with Jesus and the opportunity to love his Bride, the church. Episodes come out daily Monday-Friday
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"The King" is our sermon series through Matthew. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way during this sermon, please let us know by contacting us at hello@newheightswv.com, so that we can celebrate and pray with you!Por Jeremy Berry
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Listen to a Bible teaching on Colossians 3:12-17. Today's teacher: Jim Hall Follow along with sermon notes in the Bible app Watch the video on YouTube Find out more about New Heights Church
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Por Corey Hancock
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Por Pastor Austin Kirkpatrick
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"The King" is our sermon series through Matthew. Jesus calls us to have the right motivations for our generosity. We should not give just so we can receive praise and acknowledgment from others, but we should do it from a pure heart that longs to please the Lord. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way durin…
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Listen to a Bible teaching on Colossians 3:1-11. Today's teacher: Chadd Holmes Follow along with sermon notes in the Bible app Watch the video on YouTube Find out more about New Heights Church
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Por JP Mumley
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"The King" is our sermon series through Matthew. How we relate to other people has a lot to do with how the world sees God and forms opinions of Christianity. The witness of Christ is too important for Christians to be careless with their promises or to be retaliatory in their actions amongst antagonists. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or…
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Listen to a Bible teaching on Colossians 2:16-23. Today's teacher: Lee Epstein Follow along with sermon notes in the Bible app Watch the video on YouTube Find out more about New Heights Church
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Por Matt Edmonds
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Por Pastor Bill Kirkpatrick
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"The King" is our sermon series through Matthew. Lust is a dangerous sin that entangles most everyone at some point or another in their lives. Jesus uses the seventh commandment against adultery to illustrate that the heart of the commandment is really the lust that exists in our depraved hearts. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God chal…
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Listen to a Bible teaching on Colossians 2:6-15. Today's teacher: Kevin Rusack Follow along with sermon notes in the Bible app Watch the video on YouTube Find out more about New Heights Church
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Por Mark Hartley
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Por Pastor Bill Kirkpatrick
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"The King" is our sermon series through Matthew. Jesus quotes the commandment against murder but then says that anyone with anger in their heart toward their brother will also be liable to judgment. This is the first of several instances where Jesus raises the demand of righteousness, showing that none of us are good enough for the kingdom without …
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Listen to a Bible teaching on Colossians 1:24-2:5. Today's teacher: Jim Hall Follow along with sermon notes in theBible app Watch the video onYouTube Find out more aboutNew Heights Church
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Por Corey Hancock
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"The King" is our sermon series through Matthew. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way during this sermon, please let us know by contacting us at hello@newheightswv.com, so that we can celebrate and pray with you!Por Stephen Wray
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Listen to a Bible teaching on Colossians 1:21-23. Today's teacher: Lee Epstein Follow along with sermon notes in the Bible app Watch the video on YouTube Find out more about New Heights Church
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Por John McLeod
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Por Pastor Bill Kirkpatrick
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"The King" is our sermon series through Matthew. The Beatitudes are a series of sayings in the opening of Matthew’s sermon on the mount that begin with the word, “Blessed.” In the beatitudes, Jesus teaches his followers how to live in the blessing of God, and it’s completely antithetical to the world’s ideas of pursuing happiness. If you made the d…
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Listen to a Bible teaching on Colossians 1:15-20. Today's teacher: Chadd Holmes Follow along with sermon notes in the Bible app Watch the video on YouTube Find out more about New Heights Church
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Por Pastor Bill Kirkpatrick
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Por Matt Edmonds
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"The Kingdom" is our sermon series through Isaiah. Isaiah inserts a song of praise after the first section of oracles concerning Israel and Judah. This psalm calls us to a holy posture before God and spurs us on to holy practice on mission in the world. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way during this ser…
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Listen to a Bible teaching on Colossians 1:9-14. Today's teacher: Lee Epstein Follow along with sermon notes in the Bible app Watch the video on YouTube Find out more about New Heights Church
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Por Pastor Austin Kirkpatrick
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Por JP Mumley
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"The King" is our sermon series through Matthew. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way during this sermon, please let us know by contacting us at hello@newheightswv.com, so that we can celebrate and pray with you!Por Jeremy Berry
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Listen to a Bible teaching on Colossians 1:1-8. Today's teacher: Jim Hall Follow along with sermon notes in the Bible app Watch the video on YouTube Find out more about New Heights Church
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Por Mark Hartley
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Por Pastor Bill Kirkpatrick
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Listen to a Bible teaching on Colossians 1:1-2, 4:7-18. Today's teacher: Kevin Rusack Follow along with sermon notes in the Bible app Watch the video on YouTube Find out more about New Heights Church
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"The King" is our sermon series through Matthew. Jesus’ baptism is the official start of his public ministry. The trinitarian God is seen at the holy baptism as the Spirit is visible and the Father is audible. Jesus begins his public ministry identifying with sinners and giving us an example to follow. Immediately following his wilderness temptatio…
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Por Corey Hancock
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Por Pastor Bill Kirkpatrick
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"The King" is our sermon series through Matthew. The forerunner of the Messiah is his cousin, John. This man resembled the Old Testament prophet Elijah and proclaimed the coming of the Messiah through preaching repentance and baptizing. After his arrest, Jesus preaches the same message of repentance. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God …
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Listen to a Bible teaching on Proverbs. Today's teacher: Lee Epstein Follow along with sermon notes in the Bible app Watch the video on YouTube Find out more about New Heights Church
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Por JP Mumley
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Por Pastor Bill Kirkpatrick
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"The Kingdom" is our sermon series through Isaiah. God’s people had abandoned trust in the Lord for trust in political alliances and they had forsaken true worship. Therefore, God would allow exile to come upon them, but the promise of freedom and return from exile was given to God’s remnant—the true believers of Israel. If you made the decision to…
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Listen to a Bible teaching on Proverbs. Today's teacher: Nathan Allen Follow along with sermon notes in the Bible app Watch the video on YouTube Find out more about New Heights Church
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Por Pastor Bill Kirkpatrick
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Por Bill Heck
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"The King" is our sermon series through Matthew. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way during this sermon, please let us know by contacting us at hello@newheightswv.com, so that we can celebrate and pray with you!Por Corey Bonasso
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"The King" is our sermon series through Matthew. The visit from the eastern magi shows significance of Jesus’ birth. Not only do these men from another nation travel a far distance to take notice of the prophesied birth of a new king, but they worship him, bringing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or …
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Listen to a Bible teaching on Proverbs. Today's teacher: Noah Epstein Watch the video on YouTube Find out more about New Heights Church
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Por Pastor Juan Marti
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