Every Month A Voyage Into The Trance, Progressive Trance & Techno Trance. Enjoy!
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“Whoever said that they don't enjoy reading didn't have the right book.” -Blair Waldorf (not really) Join Laura Matías, o Lala para los amigos, as she recommends, analyzes, fangirls, and rants about books from many different genres and flavors. If you need help developing a reading habit or you just can’t get enough of talking about books, you’re in the right place! New episodes every Friday!
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Marketing, emprendimiento, creatividad, innovación y cultura pop en la voz de los expertos, conducido por Armando Ruiz.
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ATN means All the news, All the news provids the info you need for just kids.
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Thoughts. Pensamientos. No de piolin y eso sino como nuestro cerebro nos puede llegar a controlar si no sabemos su poder. The power of pur brain is amaizing but we need to control it and use it instead he uses us.
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We are going through difficult times. In the middle of the corona virus and many other situations, we need to see that this was prophesied centuries ago in the Bible. In this podcast, I will cover many topics about the end times. Estamos enfrentando situaciones difíciles. En medio del corona virus y otros problemas que estamos enfrentando, Es importante ver que todo esto fue profetizado hace siglos en la biblia. En este programa, estaré hablando tocante varios temas de los tiempos finales.
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Throughout the history of humanity, women have been treated as second-class citizens. We have been seen as minorities, despite representing 50% of the world's population, and when it comes to leadership, we have consistently been underrepresented. This situation leads to our needs being sidelined. That is why, in this podcast, I want to place women where we rightfully belong: as first-class citizens. A lo largo de la historia de la humanidad las mujeres hemos sido tratadas como ciudadanas de ...
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Hello! I'm Katherine Montero (@Queith) and this is my podcast. I am a smiley human. I consider my podcast as a frequent place to record what I'm building in my life and it could potentially help you to build yours. Thanks for being here! Join my NewsLetter: http://VIP.Queith.net/profile 💙
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Money Maker is the podcast for everyone with untapped greatness who just needs the tools to take flight. New York Times bestselling author and business mogul Nely Galán brings her hard-won business advice and interviews with other self-made gurus ready to pass the baton to the next success story. With the goal of reaching listeners who have traditionally been denied a seat at the table, Nely tapes weekly episodes in English and in Spanish. /// Conozca a la autora de ‘bestsellers’ del New Yor ...
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A podcast attempting to shine light on the radical inequities and the oppressive nature of the library profession, specifically as it pertains to BIPOC professionals and the communities they serve in the state of Oregon. An Oregon Library Association EDI & Antiracism production. This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the State Library of Oregon. Este proyecto ha sido posible en pa ...
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Bienvenidos a Free Environment donde estamos comprometidos a darte ese empujón que todos en algún momento hemos necesitado o vamos a necesitar, convencidos que cada persona tiene algo único que dar, ese algo único que llevamos dentro es a lo que invitamos a un ambiente libre, libre de estereotipos, libre de prejuicios. Ve acomodándote y bienvenido a un ambiente libre a un Free Environment. . . . Welcome to #FreeEnvironment where we are committed to giving you the push that everyone at some p ...
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¡Practica tu inglés con los podcasts de nivel B1 de Trainlang! Practica tu listening y mejora tu inglés de la forma más divertida. En este podcast encontrarás contenido para el nivel B1 Intermediate. ¿Quieres saber más sobre nuestros cursos de inglés y las clases online? Aprende inglés con la academia de idiomas número 1 online: https://www.trainlang.com/
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Discover the world behind Mexico's Lucha Libre through the larger than life warriors that made la Lucha a global phenomenon. Over the course of 12 episodes, WWE's Santos Escobar peels off Lucha Libre's most iconic masks to give listeners a behind the scenes look at the people who have dedicated their lives to the ring. Each episode spotlights one famous luchador, the likes of which include El Santo, Blue Demon, Sangre Chicana, La Parca, Los Gringos Locos and Rey Misterio Jr., and many more. ...
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New podcast weblogQuieres ms de la vida ests buscando respuestas Snate te ensear cmo encontrarlas en tu interior Este libro cambi mi vida y creme tambin cambiar la tuya Una obra maestra de empoderamiento MEL ROBBINSautor de El poder de lossegundosLa Psicologa holstica proporciona un enfoque revolucionario para la sanacin personal que usa el empoderamiento del yo y genera un cambio definitivo hacia la paz interiorComo psicloga clnica la Dra Nicole LePera a menudo se senta frustrada por las li ...
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Send us a text In this episode, we welcome Kendra Morris-Jacobson with the Oregon Post Adoption Resource Center (ORPARC), and Lisa MM Butler, a Black, biracial, transracial, domestic adoptee working in libraries in Washington State. Kendra and Lisa discuss the vital role that libraries, books and educational resources play in the lives of children …
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En este Podcast veremos cómo dominar la pronunciación de palabras clave en inglés usando letras icónicas de canciones . Practicaremos los sonidos /æ/ y /ʌ/ para que puedas cantar y hablar como un auténtico pro. ¡No te lo pierdas! En Trainlang puedes aprender inglés con un profesor privado de calidad y un Campus Online diseñado para que aprendas a h…
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"Whatever you think it is, it can be a totally different thing years later for you and mean so much more".Lock in. Focus on your mission. Develop your goals. Build a project. Create tasks. You have to at least test your thesis.By working every day towards your project, you're getting closer to your mission. Lock in. Make a commitment with yourself …
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To respect your energy levels you have to understand yourself and study yourself. You'll notice there are certain hours when you're more awake than others. You'll feel more active certain days than others. Remember the structure I shared on the "Expectations are stopping your mission"'s video? If you followed that, you might have 3 projects (if not…
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Permits needed to build There was a project of 3D printing houses that never came here. The project was done with concrete blocks instead. Projects might change because of lack of money, lack of permits or lack of importation. In 2022, I questioned the lack of reinforcement steel for the 3D printed house, since this is a seismic country, we can't b…
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Publishing a video every day has its complication but it's not impossible.If the edition is minimum and done in the phone, it's doable.I've been able to publish videos everyday 3 times: 1. Veda August 2022 (1 minute horizontal videos). 2. Veda April 2024 (vertical shorts). 3. YouTube 75 Hard Challenge (15 minute horizontal videos).The videos are ed…
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If you enjoyed, subscribe, comment, and review the show. Love to hear from you!my social media: http://bio.site/confessionsDios te bendiga, Jesús te ama.#bookpodcast #january2025 #bookwrapup #tbr #booktube #theselectionseries #booklover
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This is what I've learned with home workouts for a year.Devotion is better than discipline.Action : reaction. If you put in the work, you'll know exactly what you're getting in return.Workoing out is like praying. First you feel it and then you see it.Once you engage your core, the limbs work easier.To make it a challenge, you'll need to progressiv…
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This is what I've learned 1.5 years after I graduated from my Architecture studies.It's so much more than drawing plans. It's about mergint your needs, your wants, your shoulds and your haven't imagined just yet with the available space and the gifts nature gave you (wind, sun, trees, river, etc) in a beautiful way so you can live comfortably for t…
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Send us a text In this episode, the hosts welcome back Jamia Williams, co-creator and co-host of the podcast LibVoices, which amplifies the voices of Black, indigenous, and people of color who work in archives and libraries. This time around, Williams, a Consumer Health Program Specialist with the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) …
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"And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey". Mathew 25:15.Expectations are stopping your missionExpectation is the strong belief that something will happen or something will be the case in the future.All action has a reaction. Until it has p…
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"There's a little game Jose and I play sometimes, where we trace back through everything that had to happen in order for us to meet. The kobs we did or didn't get. The trips we did or didn't take. The other loves that didn't workout so that ours could". Dandelion Seed. Goodbye to closed doors. Every relationship ends in breakup, divorce or death. A…
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"As long as the Earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease". Gen 8:22 It will happen again. Life is a cycle. It has chapters and seasons. Design your days to enjoy the cycles and routines. Make sure to invest energy into your life. Eventually all planets align, again and you'll face the sam…
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My goodreads: http://goodreads.com/lauramatias My storygraph: https://app.thestorygraph.com/profile/laura_matias If you enjoyed, subscribe, comment, and review the show. Love to hear from you! My social media: http://bio.site/confessions Dios te bendiga, Jesús te ama.
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Mentioned Links Becoming Something Podcast https://becomingsomething.com/ Espresso Epilogues Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/2jwyrRLAevLE0Tq8q26y5B If you enjoyed, subscribe, comment, and review the show. Love to hear fromyou! My social media http://bio.site/confessions Dios te bendiga, Jesús te ama.…
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Send us a text In this episode we welcome We Need Diverse Books (WNDB) board members and authors Caroline Richmond (Executive Director) and Dhonielle Clayton (COO) to discuss why it is more important than ever to ensure diverse books are available and accessible to youth. Since its creation in 2014, WNDB has championed diverse publishing and divers…
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#35 How Many Hours Do We Really Need to Sleep? Learn Quantifiers | Podcast para aprender inglés | B1
️ ¿Cuántas horas de sueño necesitas? En este episodio, exploramos los hábitos de sueño en diferentes países y te enseñamos cómo usar los quantifiers en inglés para hablar de cantidades. Aprenderás expresiones útiles como a lot of, too much, not enough, y muchas más, mientras descubres datos curiosos sobre el sueño en Japón, España, Finlandia e Isla…
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Looking for the perfect gift for the reader in your life (or in some cases, yourself)? En este episodio navideño, I´ve selected some of fantastic books to gift to your bookworm this Christmas. Whether they’re into fiction, non-fiction, whether they´re young or old-er, I´ve got you covered. Merry Christmas! ¡Feliz Navidad! Mentioned Links The World …
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This episode has everything: book wrap-up, TBR, book haul, and bookish storytime. What isn’t there to love? In this episode of Laura Reads her Way Out, I share with you my adventures en la Feria Internacional del Libro, my NANOWRIMO experience, and what’s coming up next in the show. Mentioned Links Llama Llama Red Pajama Willow and Wonder Smeldis P…
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When reading a book, and you aren’t enjoying it, should you: a) soldier on and keep reading the book b) leave it for a more oportune time c) set the book on fire and roast some marshmallows Leave answers in comments, while I tell you about all the books I have Did Not Finished (at least the ones I recorded on Goodreads). Links Mentioned: The World …
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Send us a text In this episode, Dr. Emily Knox, a professor in the School of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, explores the intersection of intellectual freedom, freedom of expression, and social justice, as well as power, neutrality, and the rise in book challenges and bans in the United States. Hosts: Ericka Bru…
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#34 Retro Gaming Nostalgia! Mastering Reported Speech (Part 2) | Podcast para aprender inglés | B1
En este episodio, nos sumergimos en la nostalgia de los videojuegos clásicos mientras aprendemos a usar el reported speech para preguntas y verbos modales. Diseñado para estudiantes de nivel B1, este podcast combina diversión y aprendizaje práctico de inglés.En Trainlang puedes aprender inglés con un profesor privado de calidad y un Campus Online d…
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Better late than never. In this episode I do the End of the Year Book Tag and tag anyone who is interested in doing. Cause technically it’s still the end of the year, therefore still on time.End of the Year Book Tag QuestionsAre there any books you started this year that you need to finish?Do you have an autumnal book to transition into the end of …
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"Flor sin olor, no es completa esa flor." Parece que los personajes de la novela Pefume: Historia de un Asesino de Patrick Süskind se tomaron ese refrán muy apecho. In this episode, I review and analysis this gothic thriller, sobre un hombre con un sentido del olfato super desarrollado y los crímenes que comete para crear el perfume más poderoso de…
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PDF Delivering Culturally Competent Nursing Care: Working with Diverse and Vulnerable Populations 3rd Edition Kindle
PDF Delivering Culturally Competent Nursing Care: Working with Diverse and Vulnerable Populations 3rd Edition Kindle | COPY LINK DOWNLOAD : gooread.fileunlimited.club/amsp24/0826183018Por jaylynktylehines
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(PDF) Reclaim Your Self: The Busy Mom's Secret to Escaping the Ordinary, Listen to Your Needs, & Go from Burnout to Bliss Kindle
(PDF) Reclaim Your Self: The Busy Mom's Secret to Escaping the Ordinary, Listen to Your Needs, & Go from Burnout to Bliss Kindle | COPY LINK DOWNLOAD : gooread.fileunlimited.club/amsp24/B0BCDB95FLPor jaylynktylehines
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(PDF) Slatter's Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophthalmology - E-Book Ipad | COPY LINK DOWNLOAD : gooread.fileunlimited.club/amsp24/B00E8NEYXYPor jaylynktylehines
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#33 Iconic Quotes from English Literature: Mastering Reported Speech (Part 1) | Podcast para aprender inglés | B1
En este Podcast te explicamos de forma clara y sencilla cómo usar el reported speech en inglés. Aprenderás cómo transformar oraciones directas en indirectas, cambiar los tiempos verbales y los pronombres, y cuándo es necesario hacer estas modificaciones. ¡Escucha y mejora tu habilidad para comunicar lo que otros dijeron en inglés! ¡NO TE PIERDAS ES…
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En este episodio, exploramos cómo la ciencia ficción se ha convertido en realidad, hablando de gadgets icónicos que usamos todos los días. Desde los smartwatches inspirados en Star Trek hasta los coches autónomos como KITT de Knight Rider, e incluso robots de reparto que nos recuerdan a Wall-E, Aline y Matthew se sumergen en cómo la tecnología ha c…
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How wonderful it is to live in a world with books and Octobers. In this episode of Laura Reads Her Way Out, we’re chatting about all two books I read this month! From childhood classics, cozy japanese fiction, and a very depressing book. Also, if you wanna hear about an accidentally long book haul, a slightly less ambitious TBR, and fun bookish new…
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En este podcast aprenderás cómo dominar el inglés mientras haces compras durante las rebajas de verano. Acompaña a Jony y Santi en su visita a un centro comercial, y descubre frases esenciales y vocabulario clave para hablar de compras en inglés. Aprende a preguntar por descuentos, probarte ropa y encontrar las mejores ofertas, todo mientras mejora…
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S3, E7: The Power of Stories w/Donna Barba Higuera
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1:10:57Send us a text In this episode*, we have the absolute honor of conversing with Donna Barba Higuera, Middle Grade and Picture Book Author, Newbery Medal and Pura Belpré Award Winner and New York Times Best Seller. Donna shares from where and whom she draws her stories, and how she went from an imaginative child to inspiring readers of all ages. In a…
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Welcome to Laura Reads Her Way Out! Después de durar casi un año diciendo que volvería, ya estamos de vuelta (por fin). Thank you so much for your patience and suppport. This new epoch (not gonna use the word era, ya la quemamos) has a bunch of amazing changes that you´ll totally enjoy. In this episode we discuss… Life Updates Shout out to everyone…
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A lo largo de la historia, muchos luchadores mexicanos han viajado a Estados Unidos en busca de éxito, pero hubo uno que elevó la lucha libre mexicana a nuevas alturas: Rey Mysterio. Con su estilo espectacular, Rey Mysterio popularizó aún más el estilo mexicano del otro lado de la frontera. Su carrera inspiró a muchos, incluyendo a Santos Escobar, …
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Throughout history, many Mexican wrestlers have ventured to the United States to try their luck, but one wrestler elevated Mexican wrestling to new heights: Rey Mysterio. Inspired by him, others followed, including Santos Escobar, who is now one of WWE's stars. Rey and Santos represent Mexico and showcase why Mexican Lucha Libre is the best! See om…
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La lucha libre es un deporte apasionante, pero no todo son llaves, maromas y diversión. Los luchadores arriesgan sus vidas cada vez que suben al ring. Historias como la de Charly Manson nos muestran que, tras una lesión grave, se puede regresar aún más fuerte. Pero no todas estas historias tienen un final feliz o alentador. Hay otras en donde una l…
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Professional wrestling is a spectacle due to the ability showcased by the athletes, but the moves they perform can pose significant risks. In Lucha Libre, there are cases where a wrestler returns to the ring after an injury, others where their career is never the same, and some where a movement can be fatal. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy …
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As times evolve, so does wrestling, along with the stories told in the ring. In the United States, an in-ring wedding was a spectacle, and mixed tag team matches had been around for years. This caught the attention of Antonio Peña, who brought the same format to Lucha Libre, naturally giving it a distinctive Mexican twist: the love story between La…
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La lucha libre es más que solo peleas sobre el ring. La historia de una joven luchadora que encontró el amor dentro del ring es prueba de que este es un deporte y un espectáculo. lady Apache y Electroshock encabezaron luchas espectaculares y su historia podría haber sido una telenovela: una familia separada por el amor, villanos que los querían sep…
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La lucha libre mexicana experimentó una serie de innovaciones lideradas por Antonio Peña y el crecimiento de la AAA. Peña hizo historia al realizar el primer pago por evento mexicano en Estados Unidos, "When Worlds Collide". Paralelamente, Eddie Guerrero, un luchador méxico-americano, contribuyó a esta revolución con la facción "Los Gringos Locos",…
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“¡Viva la raza!” Eddie Guerrero, is one of the most beloved wrestlers. But did you know that before joining one of the top wrestling companies in the USA, he wrestled in Mexico? Eddie Guerrero was a significant figure in Mexico, as he helped create one of the most iconic factions in Lucha Libre: Los Gringos Locos. See omnystudio.com/listener for pr…
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Send us a text In this episode we are joined in conversation by Shannon LaRance (Dine'/Hopi/Assiniboine). Founder of Indigenous Empowerment, Indigenous Empowerment's mission is to ensure culturally sensitive counselors and social service agents are accessible to those in need. Their goal is to train human service organizations across the nation on …
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En los años 90, surgió una nueva empresa de lucha libre en México: La AAA, fundada por Antonio Peña. Este hombre revolucionó el espectáculo con decenas de innovaciones. Antonio Peña sabía que la lucha libre era un espectáculo más allá de las arenas. Eso empató perfecto con el regreso de las luchas a la televisión mexicana. Por si fuera poco, en eso…
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In the 90s, a new wrestling company emerged in Mexico: AAA, founded by former wrestler Antonio Peña. Seeking to innovate within Lucha Libre, Peña believed that, as pro-wrestling, Mexican luchas could go beyond the ring. As televised wrestling made its comeback, a new generation of wrestlers like El Hijo del Santo arose, committed to upholding tradi…
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In this episode of No Second Class Citizens, we sit down with Michelle Yañez-Olivares, the powerhouse behind Amiga Mia—a thriving community hub connecting and empowering Latin Americans across Australia and New Zealand. Michelle shares her incredible journey as the daughter of Chilean immigrants, navigating cultural identity, and how she turned her…
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En la lucha libre mexicana hay dos bandos: técnicos y rudos, los buenos y los malos. Fue hasta la década de los setenta, cuando un "tercer bando" cobró popularidad con el debut de May Flowers en el ring. Con su estilo único y llamativo, adornado con plumas, brillos y el gesto inesperado de besar a sus rivales, May Flowers inauguró la era de los "lu…
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In the 1940s, American wrestler Gorgeous George revolutionized the spectacle of Pro-Wrestling. When his show was brought to Mexico, it inspired the creation of a third category of luchadores: the exóticos. In the 1970s, wrestlers like May Flowers transformed Lucha Libre, bringing makeup, feathers, and glitter to the ring. See omnystudio.com/listene…
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La máscara es uno de los elementos más importantes para un luchador, pero... ¿Qué pasa cuando un luchador la pierde? ¿Su carrera se va al olvido? En los años 70, una lucha emblemática capturó al público: Fishman, Sangre Chicana y El Cobarde pelearon por retener sus máscaras, pero solo uno logró conservarla. Esta contienda histórica demostró que, a …
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In Lucha Libre, the mask is one of the most important elements for a wrestler. What's at stake when a wrestler loses their mask? Does their career come to an end? In the 1970s, an iconic match captured everyone's attention. Three wrestlers fought to retain their masks, but only one emerged victorious. This historic contest between Fishman, Sangre C…
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En los años 50, Surgió una luchadora que se convirtió en una leyenda de la lucha libre femenil: ¡Irmaaa Goonzález! A pesar de enfrentar la falta de aceptación del público y la prohibición que impedía a las mujeres luchar en el Distrito Federal, Irma logró abrirse paso en el deporte. Su perseverancia y talento la convirtieron en un ícono del pancrac…
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