In this Podcast you can join the in-depth Chassidus classes given at Yeshivas Tiferes Bachurim (Morristown, NJ) by Rabbi Zalman Dubinsky on the Maamar BeYom Ashtei Asar Yom 5731 (מאמר ד"ה ביום עשתי עשר יום תשל"א).
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Pull up a chair and sit alongside us as we journey into the Lubavitcher Rebbe's Maamarim and enter his soul. Along the way, we will harvest the deep wisdom, broad philosophy, and timely life instructions the Rebbe presents. We hope you will find this experience as nourishing as we have!
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Why The Rebbe Didn't Choose a Successor - V’ata Tetzaveh #3
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1:21:44In sections 9-12 of the Maamar, the Rebbe departs from the Friediker Rebbe’s Maamar and develops an original idea; the boundary up to which the Moshe can reach in his efforts to connect the people to G-d beyond which he cannot venture, and there the person needs to achieve a connection that only they can access.…
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Touching the Essence of Our Being - V’ata Tetzaveh #2
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1:03:06As we continue with sections 5-8 of the Maamar, we explore the Rebbe’s elaboration of the Friediker Rebbe’s Maamar and how Moshe Rabbeinu and Mordechai shepherd different modes of internalizing faith. Here is a link to the Maamar in Hebrew and in English. -Spencer and PeretzPor Peretz Chein & Spencer Clark
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Making G-d Salient, a Self Made Connection: V'ata Te'tzaveh #1
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1:14:20In the Maamar V'ata Tezaveh the Rebbe put forwards his vision for a time when he is not physically present. The Rebbe hand distributed this Maaamar 14 days before he suffered a debilitating stroke, after which he never spoke again. Originally recited in 5741 (1981), edited and distributed in 5752 (1992). Here is a link to the Maamar in Hebrew and i…
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As we conclude the maamar, we explore the real depth of the particular and the value of "sweating the details." Here is the full text of the maamar. -Spencer and PeretzPor Peretz Chein & Spencer Clark
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To Reach the Highest Degree of Intimacy - Shavuot '68 #3
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1:08:51Continuing with sections 5, 6, and 7 of the maamar, we explore that the reason for the system is for an ultimate state of presence with the Divine within the details of life. Here is the full text of the maamar. -Spencer and PeretzPor Peretz Chein & Spencer Clark
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We continue into sections three and four of the maamar exploring the reason for the system of creation, and the Torah, which operates from the universal to the particular. Here is the full text of the maamar. -Spencer and PeretzPor Peretz Chein & Spencer Clark
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In honor of the upcoming holiday of Shavuot we are studying a maamar the Rebbe recited on Shavuot 5728 (1968) and edited in honor of Shavuot 5749 (1989). In this episode, we introduce ourselves and study sections 1 and 2 of the Maamar. The full maamar can be downloaded here. -Spencer and PeretzPor Peretz Chein & Spencer Clark
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The divine blessing granted to those who transgress G-d's will are as "an aside", like one who throws what he gives to another over his shoulder.Por Rabbi Zalman Dubinsky
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7A - ['אות ז] - The Clever Person Wants The King Alone, Not Even Intermediaries Who Are Completely One With Him
The duke, prefect and commander are representing angels whose identity is subsumed in G-dliness, and even the Sefirot of Atzilus. The "cleverness" of the person who states "I will choose the king" is clear: He wants the king alone, not any intermediary, not even one bonded with the king.Por Rabbi Zalman Dubinsky
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6 - ['אות ו] - The Intellectual Decision to Choose Hashem Is Rooted In The Souls' Fundamental Bond With G-dliness
The reason the Jew recognize the need to forego the benefit they could receive from the intermediaries, and instead choose G-dliness, is due to their souls' intrinsic bond with Hashem, which affects their thinking processes.Por Rabbi Zalman Dubinsky
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5B - ['אות ה] - The Clever Person Desires Sustenance That Comes From The Kings' Inner Desire
By saying "I will choose the king because all the others are subject to replacement", the clever man is stating that he does not desire the prosperity that is drawn down from the place of death and impurity even though it is abundant. Instead, he desires sustenance from the realm of holiness even though it is limited in nature, for it is true and g…
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5A - ['אות ה] - Is The Clever Person Also Self-seeking?
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1:00:47One might ask: If the clever person's choice of the king is due to his desire to bond with him, why does the Midrash offer the rationale that all the others are subject to replacement?Por Rabbi Zalman Dubinsky
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The nurture received by the nether side comes from G-d's encompassing light ("Or Makkif") that is above the framework of the Spiritual Cosmos. The prosperity that emanates from that source is dispensed without any calculations.Por Rabbi Zalman Dubinsky
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The nurture received by the nether side comes from G-d's encompassing light ("Or Makkif") that is above the framework of the Spiritual Cosmos. The prosperity that emanates from that source is dispensed without any calculations.Por Rabbi Zalman Dubinsky
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4A - ['אות ד] - The Choice For Intermediaries Is Rooted In The Motivation To Receive Sustenance
The motivation for the choice of intermediaries is not intellectual. Instead, it is the fundamental motivation to receive sustenance that leads to the decision to choose the intellectual approach that will justify receiving sustenance from the intermediaries.Por Rabbi Zalman Dubinsky
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3B - ['אות ג] - Assuming The Laws Of Nature Have Intrinsic Value Is (Subtle) Idolatry
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1:12:54The Maamar states: "From a surface perspective it appears that the reason the sustenance comes through the stars and the constellations is because they have a positive quality which causes one to think that they are fit to serve as intermediaries. The awareness possessed by the Jews: that they [the intermediaries] are like an axe in the hand of the…
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3A - ['אות ג] - The Mistake Of The Nations Is Assuming That Intermediaries Have (Some) Independency
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1:06:05A possible reason for choosing false deities (the duke or the other officers) can be explained based on the rationale as why initial pagans worshiped the starts and the constellations in the first place.Por Rabbi Zalman Dubinsky
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2 - ['אות ב] - The Clever Person Is The Only One To Choose The King (The Analogy Of The Medrash)
On the verse "'G-d is my portion', says my soul," the Midrash offers an analogy: A king entered a country accompanied by dukes, prefects, and commanders... In contrast to some persons who decided to choose the duke, prefect or commander as their patron, the clever person said: "I will choose the king, because te others are all subject to replacemen…
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The Midrash (Bamidbar Rabbah 14:10) states that the good fortune of Israel is that they chose Hashem as their G'd, and afterwards it speaks of G-ds' choice of Israel. The use of the term 'choice' is problematic, since it is appropriate to use that term when speaking of two entities that are equal or when each possesses an advantage the other lacks.…
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The Midrash (Bamidbar Rabbah 14:10) states that the good fortune of Israel is that they chose Hashem as their G'd, and afterwards it speaks of G-ds' choice of Israel. The use of the term 'choice' is problematic, since it is appropriate to use that term when speaking of two entities that are equal or when each possesses an advantage the other lacks.…
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