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Orientar sobre la Epidemia de Opiodes en Puerto Rico Cover art photo provided by Siora Photography on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@siora18
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Delbert McClinton - The Afghan Whigs - James Elkington - Tim Cohen - The Strypes - Uriyah & The Psychedelics – Cast – Hollerado - Jason Loewenstein - Geoff Gibbons - Carolyn Wonderland - Cable Ties - The Routes - Menace Beach - - Psymon Spine – Incubus - Modern English - American Opera - Sigmund Fried – Styx - Dead Letter Circus - Trevor Sensor – Big Hogg - This Is The Kit – Coldplay
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This is the daily meditations of Pastor Juan Lopez of La Bendicion Covenant Church. He has been sending his Meditations daily since 2002 in our news letter and now has decided to record these teachings for all to hear.
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Romanticismo italiano.
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Se enviarán cartas al Gobernador para solicitar atienda la Crisis de Opioides en el país
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Octavo y último programa de las novedades del primer semestre del 2017 con Delbert McClinton - The Afghan Whigs - James Elkington - Tim Cohen - The Strypes - Uriyah & The Psychedelics – Cast – Hollerado - Jason Loewenstein - Geoff Gibbons - Carolyn Wonderland - Cable Ties - The Routes - Menace Beach - - Psymon Spine – Incubus - Modern English - Ame…
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Octavo y último programa de las novedades del primer semestre del 2017 con Delbert McClinton - The Afghan Whigs - James Elkington - Tim Cohen - The Strypes - Uriyah & The Psychedelics – Cast – Hollerado - Jason Loewenstein - Geoff Gibbons - Carolyn Wonderland - Cable Ties - The Routes - Menace Beach - - Psymon Spine – Incubus - Modern English - Ame…
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Octavo y último programa del primer semestre del 2017 con Delbert McClinton - The Afghan Whigs - James Elkington - Tim Cohen - The Strypes - Uriyah & The Psychedelics – Cast – Hollerado - Jason Loewenstein - Geoff Gibbons - Carolyn Wonderland - Cable Ties - The Routes - Menace Beach - - Psymon Spine – Incubus - Modern English - American Opera - Sig…
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Octavo y último programa del primer semestre del 2017 con Delbert McClinton - The Afghan Whigs - James Elkington - Tim Cohen - The Strypes - Uriyah & The Psychedelics – Cast – Hollerado - Jason Loewenstein - Geoff Gibbons - Carolyn Wonderland - Cable Ties - The Routes - Menace Beach - Psymon Spine – Incubus - Modern English - American Opera - Sigmu…
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Referencias Biblica: Salmo 98Para la meditacion de hoy el pastor Juan Lopez habla sobre los Salmos de la biblia.Por Pastor Juan Lopez
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Referencias Bíblica: Lucas 12:16-21 Para la meditación de hoy el pastor Juan Lopez habla la necedad de nosotros.Por Pastor Juan Lopez
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Referencia Bíblica: Mateo 22:34-40Para la meditación de hoy el pastor Juan Lopez habla sobre el grandioso amor de Dios.Por Pastor Juan Lopez
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Referencia Biblica: Juan 14:1-6Hoy el pastor Juan Lopez habla de ser sustentados a Dios por medio de la palabra.Por Pastor Juan Lopez
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Referencia Biblica Jueces 7:2-8 El pastor Juan hoy habla de la confianza de Gedeón en Dios.Por Pastor Juan Lopez
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Salmos 119:97-104 (NVI)97 ¡Cuánto amo yo tu ley! Todo el día medito en ella.98 Tus mandamientos me hacen más sabio que mis enemigos porque me pertenecen para siempre.99 Tengo más discernimiento que todos mis maestros porque medito en tus estatutos.100 Tengo más entendimiento que los ancianos porque obedezco tus preceptos.101 Aparto mis pies de toda…
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Mejores Son Dos by Pastor Juan LopezPor Pastor Juan Lopez
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Salmos 34:15-22 (NIV)Por Pastor Juan Lopez
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Referencia Bíblica: Miqueas 6:1-8Por Pastor Juan Lopez
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Amigo Fiel by Pastor Juan LopezPor Pastor Juan Lopez
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Imitar Lo Aprendido by Pastor Juan LopezPor Pastor Juan Lopez
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Recompensas by Pastor Juan LopezPor Pastor Juan Lopez
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Insignificante by Pastor Juan LopezPor Pastor Juan Lopez
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Florecer by Pastor Juan LopezPor Pastor Juan Lopez
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Caricaturas by Pastor Juan LopezPor Pastor Juan Lopez
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Super Estrellas by Pastor Juan LopezPor Pastor Juan Lopez
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Mujeres by Pastor Juan LopezPor Pastor Juan Lopez
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Engaño by Pastor Juan LopezPor Pastor Juan Lopez
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Hacer Vorlver by Pastor Juan LopezPor Pastor Juan Lopez
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Bueno by Pastor Juan LopezPor Pastor Juan Lopez
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Este es la decima instalacion de las meditationes del Pastor Juan Lopez de La Bendicion Covenant Church. Background song 10000 Reasons - © 2011 Atlas Mountain Songs (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Special Arrangement - Carlos Santiago Lopez Luna.Por Pastor Juan Lopez
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Este es la novena instalacion de las meditationes del Pastor Juan Lopez de La Bendicion Covenant Church. Background song 10000 Reasons - © 2011 Atlas Mountain Songs (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Special Arrangement - Carlos Santiago Lopez Luna.Por Pastor Juan Lopez
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Este es la octaba instalacion de las meditationes del Pastor Juan Lopez de La Bendicion Covenant Church. Background song 10000 Reasons - © 2011 Atlas Mountain Songs (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Special Arrangement - Carlos Santiago Lopez Luna.Por Pastor Juan Lopez
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Este es la septima instalacion de las meditationes del Pastor Juan Lopez de La Bendicion Covenant Church. Background song 10000 Reasons - © 2011 Atlas Mountain Songs (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Special Arrangement - Carlos Santiago Lopez Luna.Por Pastor Juan Lopez
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Este es la sexta instalacion de las meditationes del Pastor Juan Lopez de La Bendicion Covenant Church. Background song 10000 Reasons - © 2011 Atlas Mountain Songs (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Special Arrangement - Carlos Santiago Lopez Luna.Por Pastor Juan Lopez
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Este es la quinta instalacion de las meditationes del Pastor Juan Lopez de La Bendicion Covenant Church. Background song 10000 Reasons - © 2011 Atlas Mountain Songs (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Special Arrangement - Carlos Santiago Lopez Luna.Por Pastor Juan Lopez
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Este es la quarta instalacion de las meditationes del Pastor Juan Lopez de La Bendicion Covenant Church. Background song 10000 Reasons - © 2011 Atlas Mountain Songs (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Special Arrangement - Carlos Santiago Lopez Luna.Por Pastor Juan Lopez
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Este es la tercera instalacion de las meditationes del Pastor Juan Lopez de La Bendicion Covenant Church. Background song 10000 Reasons - © 2011 Atlas Mountain Songs (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Special Arrangement - Carlos Santiago Lopez Luna.Por Pastor Juan Lopez
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Este es la segunda instalacion de las meditationes del Pastor Juan Lopez de La Bendicion Covenant Church.Hoy el Pastor Juan habla de hacer un pacto con Dios. Background song 10000 Reasons - © 2011 Atlas Mountain Songs (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Special Arrangement - Carlos Santiago Lopez Luna.…
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Meditacion de Pastor Juan Lopez de La Bendicion Covenant Church. Background song 10000 Reasons - © 2011 Atlas Mountain Songs (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Special Arrangement - Carlos Santiago Lopez Luna.Por Pastor Juan Lopez
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Bienvenidos - Martha Luna by Pastor Juan LopezPor Pastor Juan Lopez
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