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sharing workshop
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Hi, Gue Dentin, isi podcast gue bakal ceritain ttg semua hal yg ada manfaatnya dong
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Lagim Podcast brings you stories of crimes from the Philippines. Lagim is a Filipino word that means dread/terror. Every two weeks Filipino-German host, Christine Abrigana, takes a close look at infamous and not so known cases that have certainly given Filipinos that feeling of fear and dread. If you need a true crime fix Filipino-style, then please follow, subscribe and listen to Lagim. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/lagim-a-filipino-true-crime-podcast- ...
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Kalo disingkat kalcer, agak cringe tapi yaudah lah y bang.
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Ruang untuk membicarakan hal-hal sederhana yang terpintas dalam benak saya, udah gitu aja.
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Bukan podcast, cuma curhat, direkam, trus kasih lagu kalo gak males. | bahas jeketi | JKT48
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Serial Ma'ruf El Munir yang ingin mengajak teman teman untuk pikir pikir lagi perihal kesehatan mental, kepemudaan, pengembangan diri, dan psikologi. Mari berinteraksi dan berdiskusi di Email: Marufelmunir@gmail.com | IG : MarufElMunir
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obrolan random 2 orang teman yang dijadikan podcast sambil mencari nama yang tepat.
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Temen buat kamu yang lagi sibuk. Sempet-sempetin buat istirahat, DM kita kalo mau curhat (lagisibuk.jagaya@gmail.com).
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s3buah podc4st oleh @ghozifadillah karena lagi pengen bikin podcast dibuat pada saat lagi pengen, mengudara pada saat lagi pengen.
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Disini kamu bisa dengerin pillow talk kami, mulai dari pekerjaan, passion, hobi, dan lain-lain. Kami mau ngambil hikmah dari semua kejadian dalam hidup.
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sebuah podcast yang dibuat lagi niat.
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Stories ( mainly from the seventies, mainly in Italian) written and lived and read by Laura Giarre' Racconti in italiano principalmente degli anni settanta, scritti, vissuti e letti da Laura Giarre'
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Hallo Para Penghuni Kamar. Selamat datang di LDK, Podcast Horror Lagi di Kamar season 02 | Kamu punya pengalaman horor nyata yang mau dibagikan? Boleh DM Instagram @lagidikamar
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Podcast-nya manusia-manusia pecinta buku yang ingin berbagi tentang buku bacaannya ke sebanyak-banyaknya manusia. Jangan lupa follow Instagram dan Twitter kita di @SatuHalamanLagi. Enjoy!
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The Mary Jane Veloso Case
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In this episode, I thoroughly examine the case of Mary Jane Veloso, a Filipino domestic worker who was arrested in Indonesia in 2010 for smuggling heroin—a crime she insists she was duped into committing by human traffickers. Sentenced to death, her case has been a long and painful journey marked by her family’s tireless fight, the support of allie…
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In this episode, I delve into the heartbreaking stories of three young women whose lives were cut short by senseless violence. First, I explore the case of Mitzi Joy Balunsay, a young and promising college student in the Philippines who was murdered in 2017 under harrowing circumstances that continue to haunt her community. I also examine the 2023 …
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Tales of Modern Slavery + interview with Marissa Begonia of Voices of Domestic Workers (UK)
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In this episode, I feature three cases that all involve the heinous crime of modern slavery and its iterations. This episode is in commemoration of Anti-Slavery Day, which is celebrated yearly on October 18th. The first case in this episode is from the US and it involves a Filipina who was kept hidden as a slave by her Filipino "employers" for a to…
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UPDATE Episode - The Kingdom of Quiboloy
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It has been two years since I last covered the case of Pastor Apollo Quiboloy and his megachurch, The Kingdom of Jesus Christ, The Name Above Every Name. I cover a lot in this episode, so make sure you take breaks in between. In this episode, I make sure to highlight how Quiboloy went from confident preacher to a church leader in hiding. There are …
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Re-Release - The Death of Bree Jonson (Third Death Anniversary)
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In this episode, I delve into the life and untimely death of the talented Filipino artist Bree Jonson. Known for her evocative, nature-inspired paintings, Bree was on the cusp of further recognition in the art world when tragedy struck. On 18th September 2021, she was found dead in a hotel room in La Union, a popular beach town in the Philippines. …
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In this episode, I dive into one of the most chilling and brutal crimes in Manila's history. On August 26, 1963, a violent robbery at the RCA Building on Canonigo Street shocked the city, leaving five security guards dead and others narrowly escaping with their lives. Armed with an axe found on the scene and a twisted plan, the gang of perpetrators…
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In this episode, I explore the mysterious and tragic death of Steven Alston Davis, a British national found dead in his Makati apartment in 2002. What seemed like an ordinary crime turned into a shocking revelation of betrayal and deceit. Who was responsible for this heinous act, and what were the true motives behind it? Join me as I piece together…
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The Death of Ensign Philip Pestaño
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In September 1995, Felipe and Evelyn Pestaño were anticipating the return of their son Philip who was working on board the BRP Bacolod. Their son was a young cargo officer in the Philippine Navy. What was supposed to be a heartwarming welcome turned into a bitter and tragic realisation that Philip had apparently died on board the navy ship under ve…
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Sebuah pengalaman seorang anak tunggal yang ingin bekerja di kampung halaman, namun terkendala dengan kesempatan dan lapangan pekerjaan yang yang ada
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Gangguan yg dialami para nakes tiap nge shift malem pasti ada-ada aja. Mulai dari sosok menyerupai sampai alat yg baru aja dateng dan masih dibungkus plastik tiba-tiba nyala sendiri.
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Kebayang ga sih kamu punya pacar, tapi pacar kamu dirasuki arwah mantanmu sendiri?
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ada yang masih inget sama permainan jailangkung? illustrasi : Gurusiana
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Bangsal anak pasti hantunya juga anak-anak. Pertanyaannya, kenapa mereka masih linger disitu dan suka nampakin diri ya? Ada yg tau atau pernah ngalamin juga ga?
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Dapet shift jaga malem pasti ada ada aja gangguannya. Kaya yg dialami narsum kita nih diusilin hantu pas lagi di lift. Hiiii
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sekarang percaya ga kalo maghrib-maghrib masih di luar apalagi di tempat wingit bisa ada yang ngikut pulang?
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adulting w/ @fauzimahdy
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Bahas gen z, ikn, pernikahan bareng fauzi mahdy
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Mabuhay, LagimFam! Welcome to the first ever episode of Lagim: After Hours, a semi-regular bonus content series that I am embedding in the regular feed as well as on my YouTube feed. The episodes are mainly a more freestyle vodcast but I have extracted the audio for the podcat-only audience in case you do not want to watch a video. There are not a …
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On the 2nd August 2023, Jerhode Jemboy Baltazar and his friend, Sonny Boy, planned a fishing trip to earn a couple of bucks. The boys set out to first clean their boats before sailing out but as they were minding their business, a group of police officers approached their area in Navotas and opened fire. Sonny Boy saw his friend fall into the water…
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Nenek yang sudah berusia rentan, bahkan bangkit dari kasurpun pun harus dibantu, tiba-tiba suatu malam ia terlihat terduduk sendiri bahkan mampu melepaskan bajunya dan terlihat sedang menimang bayi dipangkuannya.
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“Ibu itu memang melahirkan di RS ini, tapi setelah melahirkan Ibunya tidak tertolong” kira-kira kalimat itulah yang membuat Didi dan teman-temanya merinding setelah didatangi arwah Ibu melahirkan yang ternyata baru saja meninggal tadi pagi.
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Rumah yang terletak di tengah kota Jogja ini dulunya angker hingga banyak sosok-sosok yang mengganggu mulai dari genderuwo, kuntilanak, hingga satu keluarga tak kasat mata yang mendiami rumah tersebut.
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Ternyata ada sebuah portal di dekat kamar bersalin yang mengganggu kenyaman pasien yang baru saja melahirkan. Makhluk-makhluk tak kasat mata mulai menjelma menjadi seorang suster yang ingin memandikan bayi di waktu yang tak wajar.
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Sebuah kisah horor dari para nakes yang menghadapi pasien diambang kematiannya.Punya kisah mistis/horor? Silahkan kirim ke email sedikithororbanyaktakutnya@gmail.com
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“Kejadian horor di sebuah mess modern di Jakarta. Mess yang terlihat bersih dan nyaman, tak disangka di sanalah aku melihat sosok perempuan menggantung di pohon dan meneror kamarku”.
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Segmen LDK akhirnya bisa upload lagi setelah kemarin kedatangan narasumber baru yang mau ceritain pengalaman horor nyatanya! Cerita oleh : Uray (@raayyrain)Punya pengalaman mistis/horror nyata juga? Ayok ngobrol bareng! (DM @lagidikamar)
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“Terlalu banyak gangguan yang datang sehingga fokusku terpecah saat akan mengikuti lomba. Tapi ternyata tidak hanya aku yang diganggu. seluruh teman satu timku pun juga diterornya!”
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The Murder of Jullebee Cabilis Ranara
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Overseas Filipino Workers or OFWs have long been dubbed as the Philippines' modern-day heroes. They leave family and friends, their comfort zones, their culture and homes behing to try their luck in foreign and far-flung countries, hoping to earn a better living than from the few opportunities offered back home. In July 2022, Jullebee Cabilis Ranar…
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Jin penjaga pusaka Kakek mulai mengganggu kenyamanan rumah Wedhar dan keluarganya. Banyak kejadian horor yang dialami, namun anehnya sosok penjaga yang Kakek sebutkan berbeda dengan yang aku temui.
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Sebuah musik drumband khas jaman dulu, setelah ditelusuri, ternyata berujung di sebuah makam pahlawan tak dikenal di salah satu kota di Jogjakarta.
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The Pamplona Massacre and Killing of Roel Degamo
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On the 4th March, a group of armed men in military gear entered the residence of Negros Oriental governor Roel Degamo. What looked to be a normal Saturday of meeting his constituents suddenly turned into a nightmare that his family is still living to this very day. In a matter of days, it became apparent that the killing of Degamo was not just an u…
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Lanjutan dari kisah horor Sasa yang diteror hantu tanpa kepala selama field trip di Jakarta.
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Makhluk-makhluk itu mulai menyerupai. Apakah kalian yakin kos kalian aman? Yang punya cerita atau pengalaman berbau horor dan mistis boleh berbagi dengan kami ya!Bisa DM ke instagram @sedikithorror.id atau email ke sedikithororbanyaktakutnya@gmail.com
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Kisah horor kali ini datang dari seorang mahasiswi Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta yanb mengikuti kegiatan field trip tapi malah berujung diteror hantu tanpa kepala
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Sepulangnya dari mengantar rombongan menjenguk orang sakit, tiba-tiba mobil yang ditumpangi Mas Agus mogok di tengah jalan. Dari sitilah hal-hal mistis mulai terjadi.
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Sepulngnya dari berwisata ke Dieng, Iffan dan temannya bertemu dengan banyak kejadian mistis yang di luar nalar. Apakah dari kalian pernah mengalami hal serupa?Buat kalian yang punya pengalaman horror. Kirimkan cerita kalian melalu email sedikithororbanyaktakutnya@gmail.com atau langsung melaui DM instagram sedikithorror.id…
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Hi LagimFam! I am releasing this episode a week earlier as it is my birthday weekend and I want to fully be in the moment for the next weekend and the next couple of weeks as I go travelling again. So today, I am presenting the story of Blessie Gotingco, a Filipino expat in New Zealand who in 2014 met a cruel fate at the hands of someone who was no…
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Lanjutan dari kisah Kusni yang terus-terusan diganggu oleh sosok hitam di kontrakannya. Kira-kira wujud sebenernya dari sosok hitam ini seperti apa? Yang pengen tau dokumentasi aslinya, bisa cek di Tiktok sedikithorror.id ya.Yang punya cerita atau pengalaman berbau horor dan mistis boleh berbagi dengan kami ya!Bisa DM ke instagram @sedikithorror.id…
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Sering kali kita banyak menghabiskan waktu di dalam kamar kos, tempat ternyaman untuk menyendiri, namun bagaimana kalau ternyata kita tidak sendiri? Sebuah kisah horor nyata dialami Linda ketika sholat tahajjud dan ternyata ia tak pernah sendirian.
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Re-release - The Ongoing Case of Bree Jonson
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Two years after her death, justice for Filipino artist Bree Jonson remains elusive. This is frustrating, heartbreaking and a stark reminder that the wheels of the justice system in our country are so slow and so hindered by power, influence and wealth that it might as well be stationary at this point. I decided to re-release this to help the case i…
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Tinggal di sebuah kontrakan tua, membuat hari-hari Kusni dihantui oleh sosok hitam terus menerus. Tapi, ternyata gangguan tersebut tidak berhenti hanya di situ saja.Yang punya cerita atau pengalaman berbau horor dan mistis boleh berbagi dengan kami ya!Bisa DM ke instagram @sedikithorror.id atau email ke sedikithororbanyaktakutnya@gmail.com…
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Hi LagimFam! This is the last instalment of the Martial Law Series for this season. In this episode, I look into the incredible life of Maria Lorena Barros, a remarkable Filipina activist and the founder of MAKIBAKA. From her early years to her pivotal role in the face of Martial Law, Lorena's story is a testament to the power of conviction and res…
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Hi LagimFam! I am finally back and with me is this season's first instalment of The Martial Law Series. In this episode, I delve into a somber chapter of Philippine history as we explore the Escalante Massacre of 1985. Join me as I give a brief history of sugar and as I uncover the events leading up to that fateful day in the town of Escalante, Neg…
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In this Pride Month episode, I cover two cases involving a trans woman and a trans man, respectively. I talk about Jessa Remiendo from Pangasinan and Ebeng Mayor from Quezon City. I want to issue one of many trigger warnings at this point as some of the details in these cases are truly upsetting. *** For the past two years or so, I have refused to …
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Mabuhay, LagimFam. This week, come dive with me into an international case that has echoed globally - the Mitsero Killings, involving Cyprus' first recognized serial killer. In this episode, I narrate the chilling events in the serene village of Mitsero in Cyprus. I cover the 2019 discovery of the bodies of several women and children, all foreign w…
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On 11th October 2011, some residents of Brgy Putho-Tuntungin in Los Baños, Laguna woke up to a horrible discovery in one of their canals. It was the body of a young woman who seemed to have been murdered only a few hours before. This discovery would send shockwaves all throughout the municipality of Los Baños, best known for the University of Los B…
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In September 2017, a family was left waiting and then reeling when reports emerged that their son has died as a result of hazing. A once brilliant light in his family's life, Atio's star was extinguished so prematurely after going through the intiation rites of teh Aegis Juris Fraternity, a fraternity based and supported by the University of Santo …
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Isinya sumpah serapah
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It was 2021 and most of the world was still in the tight grip of the COVID-19 pandemic that started the year before. Countries had implemented strict lockdowns. Life as we knew it came to a grinding halt and we were being bombarded by daily updates of COVID deaths, as if it was just a part of our lives then. It was therefore all the more jarring wh…
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