Welcome to Samuel Koutsoftas, where amazing things happen.
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Hardo Pajula värskes “internetipõhises plärasaates” kohtuvad kõutsiga eri tüüpi tegelased, et arutleda asjade ja teooriate üle, mis meie olemist mõtestavad. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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The Kouts Fire Podcast is recorded and Produced by the members of the Kouts Fire Department. We introduce our members and their stories. We also talk with our mutual aid departments and their members, local business owners, and community leaders.
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We interviewed Zach Johnson (The Millennial Farmer) in June of 2021. He donated money to our Department that allowed us to buy important gear to help in grain bin rescues. Be sure to check out his YouTube channel and tell him Kouts Fire sent ya.!! Zach we again would like to thank you for your generosity and support. If you would like to donate to …
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On this episode of the Kouts Fire Podcast we speak with Matt Kodicek who currently serves on the Crown Point Fire Department. He holds the rank of Lieutenant and is the founder of Ben’s Blue Bags. He shares some of his history in the fire service and explains the what and why of Ben’s Blue Bags. If you would like more information about this program…
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We talked Captain Mike Luczak into hosting this weeks episode. He interviews North Judson’s Firefighter Eric Wappel. They talk about his history in the fire service and the changes he has seen during his time serving and more. If you would like to support this podcast or the Kouts Fire Department goto: www.koutsfire.com/donate…
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Our youngest firefighter Kendon Gudeman talks about the vocational program at the high school and the opportunities he received because of grants at Ivy Tech. He also explains why he chose to join Kouts Fire and more. If you would like to support the Kouts Fire Department or this Podcast please visit www.koutsfire.com…
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Firefighter Alex Leman talks about his move to Kouts and his experience in the Fire Service. He also serves as the Vice President of the Kouts Fire Department Executive Board. We discuss trainings and more. If you would like to support this Podcast and the Kouts Fire Department visit us at www.koutsfire.com…
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The Assistant Chief from Morgan Township Josh Kandel talks about how he got started in the fire service, and what got him interested in joining. He also explains how he got his nickname Sparky and more. If you would like to support the Kouts Fire Podcast and the Kouts Fire Department you can make a donation online at www.KoutsFire.com…
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Police Officer, Assistant Fire Chief, Auctioneer, Army Ranger, Coffee Roaster, And Lightning
Yes it is a bit of a long title for this episode. But what do these things have in common? That answer is one man. Dan Becker the Assistant Fire Chief for Wheatfield Volunteer Fire Department sat in front of the mic to introduce himself and all of his titles. He wears allot of hats and maybe should stay out of the rain. He is also very active with …
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Assistant Chief Don Sutter stops in and talks about the history of the Kouts Fire Department and the role he played as a 45 year member. He also answers a question from one of listeners. If you would like to call and ask a question you can call 219-552-1344. If you would like to support the Kouts Fire Podcast and the Kouts Fire Department you can n…
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Kouts Fire Department Captain Mike Luczak talks about his beginnings in the fire service, where he served and more. The conversation lead into Kouts Fire Departments ISO ratings in town a 3 and in the township a 5 and explains how this is important to those living in these areas. If you would like to support this podcast and the Kouts Fire Departme…
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Lieutenant Lane Rodrick introduces himself to the community. If you would like to support our community outreach programs you can donate online by visiting www.koutsfire.com and clicking on donate.Por Kouts Fire
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In the episode we interview Captain Kevin Salyer. If you would like to help support our community outreach programs you can do so by donating online here.Por Kouts Fire
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On our first episode we interviewed Kouts Fire Chief Jeremy Gettler.Por Kouts Fire
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#5 Alar Tamming
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1:57:29“Kõutsi külalised” #5 avalik salvestus Alar Tamminguga toimub neljapäeval, 05.12.2019 Tallinna Kammerteatris/Vabriku seminaris, Vabriku 12, Kalamajas kell 17.00. Piletid 5€ Saadet juhib Hardo Pajula https://kammerteater.ee/vabrikuseminar/ Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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#4 Peeter Espak
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1:33:41“Kõutsi külalised” #4 Tartu Ülikooli Orientalistikakeskuse vanemteaduri, MTÜ Ühiskonnauuringute Instituut juhataja, Eesti Noorte Teaduste Akadeemia liikme Peeter Espakiga salvestatakse teisipäeval, 26.03.2019 Tallinna Kammerteatris/Vabriku seminaris, Kalamajas. Saadet juhib Hardo Pajula Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.…
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jordan sam
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#3 Ahto Lobjakas
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1:45:14“Kõutsi külalised” #3 Ahto Lobjakaga toimub neljapäeval Tallinna Kammerteatris/Vabriku seminaris, Vabriku 12, Kalamajas kell 19.00. Piletid õpilastele ja pensionäridele 5€, teistele 10€. Saadet juhib Hardo Pajula Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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#2 Jelena Skulskaja
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1:43:21Minu vestluspartneriks on luuletaja, kriitik ja tõlkija Jelena Skulskaja ning jutuajamise lähtepunktiks on Jelena tõlkeraamat "Ночная песня для мужского голоса." Mis suuna vestlus sealt edasi võtab, on praegu raske prognoosida. Võimalusi on mitu: Juhan Viiding, selge eesti keel, vene keel (selge), luule, rahvaste vahelised suhted, kultuurivahetus v…
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#1 Sheldrake ja seened
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2:00:05Hardo Pajula värskes “internetipõhises plärasaates” kohtuvad kõutsiga eri tüüpi tegelased, et arutleda asjade ja teooriate üle, mis meie olemist mõtestavad. Esiksaates on kõutsil külas lavastaja Toomas Saarepera ja kirjanik Sven Sildnik ehk (:)kivisildnik. Teemaks – nagu pealkirigi ütleb – on biokeemia doktor, parapsühholoogia uurija Rupert Sheldra…
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