Hey guys God bless you welcome to my channel my name is Keysha Marin Cofounder of God’s Footprints Ministry, in this podcast you will find a variety of topics from how to balance our daily life to our marriage, relationships, children, self-care, The importance of having a heathy spiritual life and how to have God in the center of all. Join us every week with a new topic and become part of the family.
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We have so many part of our life that we need to balance that sometimes we have to take a step back and make a plan and refocus.
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Let’s talk about the ups and downs about the ministry, the Christian walk, teachings and practices.
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We are back every Tuesday with new topics.
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Let’s talk about new year resolutions, new plans, new goals and what we need to let go off.
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When you are empty inside but you still walking with a smile on your face.
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Estas cansado
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En este episodio hablamos de la importancia de obedecer a Dios aun cuando no entiendes su plan
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No dejes que el miedo te paralise.
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Que as podido para la Navida y que metas nuevas tienes para este nuevo año. Te as puesto a pensar si hay algo que te puede durar mas tiempo y te dara verdadera felicidad o esas metas cambiara tu vida para siempre o solo unos meses. Tengo una lista nueva que te llenara de felicidad y cambiara tu vida para siempre…
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Muchas veses vivimos nuestra vida como una rutina y no tomamos el tiempo de evalual la direccion que nuestra vida esta tomando y hacia donde nos estamos dirigiendo. No tomamos esa oportunida de pedirle direccion a Dios y de renovar nuestro pacto com el. Cada dia es una bendicion nueva y tenemos que balorarla.…
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Muchas personas piensan que reconoser que Dios existe es suficiente pero enrealidad es suficiente?
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Como mujerea a veses somos muy duras con nosotras mismas y debemos de entender que no siempre vamos a tener todas las respuestas, ni todas las piesas del rompecabeza pero poreso no significa que mi vida no puede ser perfecta.
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Today I'm with my two favor girls Vanessa and Betzy talking about bullying and join us my 6 year old daughter
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Today we are taking with Jossiel Vargas about the benefits of playing sports and how it teach them not only discipline but to be team player.
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How to deal and understand teen depression.
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In today’s world we see more and more our teen going into depression. Today’s episode we talk with three teens Vanessa Garcias, Betzy Castro and Milly Robles, they give us an inside of how hard is to deal with this and how can we help. Messenge us with what you want us to talk about in our next episode.…
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Is ok not to always have it all together.
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Te as parado al frente de un espejo y te as valorisado a ti misma?
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