Podcast by John Doe Bodybuilding
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DHB Steroid for Results
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1:04:57In this podcast I talk about my current steroid cycle which includes the compound DHB, and the importance of checking off the boxes as it relates to your bodybuilding resultsPor John Doe Bodybuilding
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My newest e-book is close to release and in this podcast I share the introduction, just giving you a small sample of one of the best resources for bodybuilding knowledge!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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Develop the bodybuilding mentality by asking yourself if something is truly possible or if you're simply making excuses for yourself!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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Why get into bodybuilding if there is never enjoyment in it? In this podcast I explain the difference between bodybuilding that works with life and bodybuilding to the point it's a mental f*ck.Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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Short rant on working out when tiredPor John Doe Bodybuilding
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JD's epic motorcycle trip from the east coast out to Arizona and back!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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My experience on a cruise ship and why I don't like cruises!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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Wipe the slate clean with a better approach to bodybuilding! Definitely a MUST LISTEN for gym goers and committed fitness enthusiasts!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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Avoid these 10 gym mistakes if you want to build your body safely and you're involved with working out for the long-haul!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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The big benefits of metabolic training during TRTPor John Doe Bodybuilding
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Stimulate versus annihilate when it comes to lifting weights, and my opinion on intuitive eating versus regimented meals.Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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Some insider secrets to a killer workout! In this podcast I cover some techniques that mainstream fitness doesn't talk about.Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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Stop trying to show the world how great you are and become more engaged in your workouts!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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Just some thoughts/experiences on building muscle with high reps in the gym!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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Are you checking off all the boxes when it comes to the gym and nutrition or are you just lying to yourself?Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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Finding your new 100% with the gym, diet, and anabolic steroids!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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"Should I bulk or cut?" That is the question I get asked all too often. I think it depends on several factors. My answers are in this podcast!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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What are the benefits and pitfalls of IIFYM diets versus the benefits of a hardcore transformation diet? And of course, it's explained the JDB way!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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I wrote an article about 5 years ago about the campfire of life. The campfire of life applies to anything great in life, and it certainly applies to building a great physique!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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An update on my experience so far with semaglutide nutrient transport/weight loss drug and how an iron mind has more to do with results than just the hour you're in the gymPor John Doe Bodybuilding
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Some thoughts on HGH, insulin resistance, and semaglutide for weight loss and insulin sensitivityPor John Doe Bodybuilding
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We've all been there; constantly searching for the next best way to build a better body. But what happens when this approach seems so involved that it actually derails your progress? What are the benefits to a simple and effective strategy versus a "kitchen sink blend style approach?" Listen here to find out!…
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A good podcast for beginners to listen to when it comes to accelerating results, and a good reminder for experienced gym goers as well!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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There are SOME benefits to cruising/reverting back to TRT between steroid blasts that you may not have considered before. Learn about them in this podcast!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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My experience as a bodybuilder and fatherPor John Doe Bodybuilding
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Some people cannot achieve their bodybuilding goals because they have a spoiled brat mentality, they don't know how to sacrifice, and they can't go without!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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We have all been there; the dreaded post cycle therapy and/or cruising between anabolic steroid cycles. In this podcast I explain some things that you can change to continue moving forward with progression!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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My experience with Kratom as part of my pre-workout regimen and my honest thoughts on personal training for a gym!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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Natty Life Sucks ft. Fired-up Frank - Part 2
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1:49:48Continuing on from Natty Life Sucks pt. 1, Fired-up Frank is back as we continue our conversation about the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy, cycle blasts, and bodybuilding!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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Frank and I discuss the benefits of anabolic steroids, TRT, and why being natty SUCKS!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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In this episode I speak on the importance of hitting key points in any diet, workout, or steroid cycle regimen. Without covering these points, looking beyond average is near impossible for most people!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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In this podcast I discuss my take on bodybuilding "science" versus limited knowledge with superior work ethic. I also talk about my beliefs on the real truth about what Golden era bodybuilders claim versus what they really did, and the differences with exercise selection and what I think is inferior or superior.…
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The #1 way to ARM GROWTH! - What the so called "experts" aren't telling you about building bigger arms, and why it's not as difficult as it's made out to be!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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Bodybuilding: Things I'm Glad I Did and Things I Would Have Done Differently
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1:02:07Bodybuilding reflection: things I'm glad I did and things I would have done differently!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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BPC-157 & TB500 Peptides for Injury Recovery and The Shotgun Approach to Building Muscle Mass
update on my TB500 & BPC-157 injury recovery protocol (dosing explained) and the basic shotgun approach to gaining muscle mass explained!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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Sometimes we need to make mid-cycle changes due to something that isn't agreeing with is or throwing us off during our steroid cycle. Just because you need to add something, drop something, or lower something, doesn't mean you aren't committed or disciplined to this lifestyle. You need to be aware and wise enough to recognize the need for mid-cycle…
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The psychology needed to succeed with a hardcore diet and achieve REAL RESULTS!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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My experience with the steroid DHB, along with my thoughts on SARMS in conjunction with anabolic steroids or as a standalone supplement.Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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Who NOT TO LISTEN TO for muscle building advice, as well as some real tactics for injury rehab and training through those injuries!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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How Bodybuilding Changed My Worldview (ft. guest Fired-up Frank)
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1:06:57A lot of people are lost, chasing nothing but materialistic possessions that don't yield true happiness. Thankfully, the lifestyle of bodybuilding has helped me from going down that rabbit-hole of emptiness. A MUST LISTEN FOR ANYONE LOST IN LIFE OR NEW TO THE GYM!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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A superior pre-workout stack and probably a much better alternative than what you've been using for pre-workout!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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Some tactics for breaking gym monotony and keeping your diet on track! Don't fall victim to the hot and cold approach, stay consistent with your goals!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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Get rid of the fat fuck mentality in the gym or forever get no results!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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My thoughts on recreational drugs such as marijuana for recovery and improved sleep, as well as my take on oral steroids for the gymPor John Doe Bodybuilding
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My thoughts on workout partners and why we should all be putting in hard work right now during world chaos!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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Not everything with the bodybuilding lifestyle is peaches and cream. Despite the picture that fitness professionals and influencers try to paint, there comes a point when self-awareness is extremely important!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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Steroids Deca (Nandrolone and fast acting NPP) and Equipoise explained the JDB way!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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More beginner bodybuilding fundamentals geared towards physique building results! No B.S. information that works, johndoebodybuilding.comPor John Doe Bodybuilding
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REAL Advice for beginners in the gym! Surprise, surprise... you don't need to know everything in order to build an impressive body!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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Testosterone Replacement Therapy or Creeping Death? w/ guest Fired-Up Frank
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1:07:53Fired-up Frank and I discuss the benefits of TRT and how they strongly outweigh the risks and can give the average male a much more fulfilling life!Por John Doe Bodybuilding
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