Weekly audio messages on the world-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ and the life-changing love of God from Island ECC in Hong Kong. For more resources and to get connected with us, visit our website at www.islandecc.hk
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If all we had of Scripture was John 4, the Woman at the Well, we could be convinced of the gospel’s great message of love. Here we see a paradigm for bringing good news to a lost world.Por Brett Hilliard
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Without faith it is impossible to please God. Hmmm. Pretty powerful statement. So how can I realistically increase my faith?Por Brett Hilliard
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Carrie Lo: In the Parable of the Great Banquet (Luke 14:15-24), the host prepared a banquet and invited many guests, but many of them rejected with excuses. This is an analogy of the kingdom of God. This invitation has also been made to us, so how should we respond? How can we stop making excuses, and take steps to move towards the “banquet”? Danie…
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Zelda Cheung: We all want to be blessed and happy, but how can we attain a state of blessedness? Psalm 1 shows us that our best bet is keeping our hearts and minds on God, the wellspring of blessings and the giver of every perfect gift. Michael Wong: The sermon highlights the profound connections between body, mind, spirit, and community. Rather th…
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It seems as if every Christian goes through a season of being spiritually dry and disconnected. How do we fight against the seemingly unavoidable experience of becoming lukewarm in our faith? In the final sermon of our People of God series, we look to the book of Revelation for answers.Por Kevin Kusunoki
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Our default setting is to focus on the externals. We perform, we manage our reputations, we dress to impress. But so often, our focus on externals comes at a great expense. Our inner lives go untended.Por Brett Hilliard
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“Work hard, Play hard”. Is that the sum total of life purpose? Many people embrace this, whether they realise it or not. But there certainly is a better way. Finding your purpose and living it out is your chief goal of life. Regardless of your job, your status, your talent, or your personality, you have a God-designed purpose awaiting you.…
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Most of us don’t think of worship as a skill to be developed. Are you a good worshipper? Consider making a goal of your 2025 to be a better worshipper of God.
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This message speaks to the value of making good life resolutions, rather than the more typical new year resolutions. The most important life resolution is being connected to God in Christ. The sermon gives a clear presentation of the gospel message of Jesus Christ.Por Rick Bates
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The fourth candle of this advent series is the candle of love. For many of us, the struggle is not that we don’t know how to love, rather it is that we don’t know how to receive love. Many of us are so scarred from relationships that we have made it impossible for ourselves to experience love of any sort. We look to the example of Mary to learn abo…
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Joy can’t be produced, but it can be managed.Por Brett Hilliard
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Many of us seek to make peace something tangible – something we can grasp and claim as "our peace". However, true peace cannot be manufactured. When we lack this genuine peace, it can weigh heavily on our hearts and burden our souls. Listen closely and open your hearts to receive the transformative Gift of True Peace.…
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Hope is a word that gets thrown around a lot at Christmas. It’s found on Christmas cards and in song lyrics. But what does it really look like to experience deep and abiding hope?Por Brett Hilliard
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We have a generous God who gives us all our money and possessions. However, that’s not the end of the story. God desires us to multiply them and share them with others. We are meant to be generous, just like God is so generous to us.Por Albert Ng
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How can singleness become a season of purpose and service? What if marriage is more about sacrificial love than personal happiness? How can we understand parenting as a mission to raise God-centred children? Today we explore how to glorify God and reflect His love in every stage of life by realigning our priorities with His Word.…
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The topics of life and death are some of the weightiest realities we are all called to carry as humans. And despite our inclination to look away and avoid, the healthiest thing we can do is face these questions head-on while in the safe presence of a loving God. His words will keep us from regret and rewire the way we think about these vital topics…
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There are many sacred texts which provide inspiration for how to live. How is the Bible unique, and how does it demonstrate reliability?Por Brett Hilliard
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Like a pair of glasses, your worldview is the lens through which you view life. It forms your values, determines your decisions, and reveals your priorities. But so many don’t even realise what their worldview is.Por Brett Hilliard
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What triggers you? Chances are, you’ve got some things that just really annoy you, and invoke in you a response that you might not be proud of... But what if you became un-triggerable? What if you were able to manage your reactions in a way that revealed a confidence in God more than an easily triggered reaction?…
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Finding contentment has always seemed elusive. Try as we might to be satisfied with our current life, we still have ambitions and goals. It’s a natural human instinct to have those. But oftentimes that leads to undue stress and anxiety, and can drive others away from us. In this sermon, we will explore different ways of finding true contentment in …
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Like fish in water, most of us don’t realise that we swim in a world of shame. We are unaware of its presence and even more unaware of its effect on our lives. However, we are told that Jesus “despises the shame” in His own life, a principle that could unlock freedom and joy in our lives like nothing else.…
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Empathy is vitally important when it comes to experiencing a full life. It helps us to be compassionate and caring, while building connections with others and expanding our worldview. We can’t fully understand what everyone goes through in life, but we can imagine what it would be like to be in their shoes. And when we take those steps, we encounte…
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God’s invitation to the abundant life goes well beyond simply becoming unabrasive when we think of self-awareness. It is instead a call to discover and pursue what it means to be made in His image, and the people we will be forever with Him.Por Eric Farmer
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Does Jesus desire us to be happy? We know that we are to consider all our circumstances “joyful”, but what about happiness? Is that the same thing? Happiness is a journey, but the path isn’t always easy to navigate.Por Brett Hilliard
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A seeking world, mixed with an energized church, deserves a creative strategy.Por Brett Hilliard
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It’s easy to miss the work of God in our lives. But in the big picture, it’s the most important thing we can ever notice.Por Brett Hilliard
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Most of us assume a very passive posture toward our faith. Our unspoken approach is “let go and let God”. Even as we are ambitious in our careers, our studies, and our relationships, often our spiritual life gets the leftovers. Just a slight shift in our priorities can make a world of difference in our spiritual experience.…
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There is a shared desire among all Christians to share their faith and win people over to the gospel. However, it comes with many challenges and difficulties. Especially to those who really immerse themselves with the people they are trying to reach. In those circumstances, how can one keep their own faith?…
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Our culture conditioned us to look only to the future for things that are bigger and better. The Bible, however, teaches us to look back. By remembering how God helped us in the past, our hearts will be infused with gratitude and hope for the future. Thus far the Lord has helped us. He was faithful in the past. He will continue to be faithful in th…
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Our world is full of stressors. We are constantly bombarded with emails, text messages, and news alerts. So many things happen at the speed of light and they can cause our anxiety to skyrocket. Today, we’re going to look at a bookmarked Bible verse that helps to alleviate this stress and keep us on the right track.…
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We all live by hope and for hope. Then, too often, hard reality impacts that hope. In chapter 5 of the book of Romans, Paul shares a fascinating process that God has woven into our lives that can help us maintain and even deepen our hope in the midst of suffering.Por Rick Bates
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At its core, our need for approval is a God-given longing. It points to a deeper need we all have for a right standing before a holy God.Por Brett Hilliard
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Listen through the book of Romans and follow along with our “When in Rome” sermon series. Chapter 15Por Martin Radford
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Listen through the book of Romans and follow along with our “When in Rome” sermon series. Chapter 16Por Martin Radford
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The world has become increasingly divided. That division can sometimes make its way into the church. How can we truly live as a united community while celebrating the diversity of views and opinions that we might have, especially if those opinions are opposed to one another? We look to the final chapters of the book of Romans, and seek insight from…
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Listen through the book of Romans and follow along with our “When in Rome” sermon series. Chapter 13Por Martin Radford
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Listen through the book of Romans and follow along with our “When in Rome” sermon series. Chapter 14Por Martin Radford
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One of the most difficult passages to interpret is Romans 13, because of its call to submit to authority. It has become a flashpoint for and against civil disobedience. So how should we as Christians interpret the passage and how can we abide by it when it comes to respecting authority?Por Kevin Kusunoki
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Listen through the book of Romans and follow along with our “When in Rome” sermon series. Chapter 11Por Martin Radford
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Listen through the book of Romans and follow along with our “When in Rome” sermon series. Chapter 12Por Martin Radford
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Based on the mercies that God has shown us in Chapters 1 to 11, Paul in Romans 12 teaches us how to live out a truly counter-cultural life. Christians can be different. In fact, Christians should be different. Not because we are better, but because we have experienced God’s mercies and forgiveness.Por Albert Ng
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Listen through the book of Romans and follow along with our “When in Rome” sermon series. Chapter 9Por Martin Radford
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Listen through the book of Romans and follow along with our “When in Rome” sermon series. Chapter 10Por Martin Radford
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Romans 7-8 contain some of Paul’s most personal reflections and utmost convictions about our Christian lives. This message dives into the heartfelt centre of Paul’s theology, which is based in his utter faith in God’s love to us in Christ.Por Rick Bates
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Listen through the book of Romans and follow along with our “When in Rome” sermon series. Chapter 7Por Martin Radford
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Listen through the book of Romans and follow along with our “When in Rome” sermon series. Chapter 8Por Martin Radford
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In this section of Paul’s letter to the Romans, he is explaining that now that we have been justified by faith, we now have peace with God and freedom in Christ. But as he builds his argument, he can see the questions coming at him. Questions that are only natural to ask. His eloquent explanation helps us understand what it truly means to be free –…
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Listen through the book of Romans and follow along with our “When in Rome” sermon series. Chapter 5Por Martin Radford
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Listen through the book of Romans and follow along with our “When in Rome” sermon series. Chapter 6Por Martin Radford
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Have you ever felt like you don’t belong in church, because for some reason you feel like you are not “righteous” enough? This is a universal struggle that we all feel at one point or another. We continue in our series of going through the book of Romans, by looking at chapters 3 and 4 and how we can attain the righteousness that we long for.…
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