Learn real English through inspiring stories told by people from all over the world. Intermediate to advanced learners — including those preparing for Cambridge B2 First, C1 Advanced, and IELTS exams — will improve their English by listening to life-changing stories and motivational advice. Bree Aesie uses her psychology background to take you into the lives of extraordinary people, discovering different English accents and cultures. Studies show that stories activate your brain, making flue ...
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Intermediate English podcast for Spanish speakers who want to improve their listening comprehension of American English. Two American brothers give relaxed, humorous examples of American culture, vocabulary, and personal stories. ¡Inglés para hispanohablantes! Si eres un estudiante intermedio de inglés, prueba a nuestro show para escuchar conversaciones auténticas dadas para una audiencia latina. Nuestro canal: https://www.youtube.com/@NoTeRindasIntermediateEnglish Nuestras Aplicaciones Andr ...
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¡Practica tu inglés con los podcasts de nivel B1 de Trainlang! Practica tu listening y mejora tu inglés de la forma más divertida. En este podcast encontrarás contenido para el nivel B1 Intermediate. ¿Quieres saber más sobre nuestros cursos de inglés y las clases online? Aprende inglés con la academia de idiomas número 1 online: https://www.trainlang.com/
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Welcome to English o’clock 2.0! English o’clock 2.0 es un divertido podcast diario cuyo objetivo es ayudaros a mejorar vuestro inglés a través de ejercicios, anécdotas, vocabulario ¡y mucho más! English o’clock 2.0 trabaja tres niveles y (¡de momento!) dos temáticas de la siguiente manera: - Lunes & jueves: Nivel principiante (Beginner) - Martes: Nivel intermedio (Intermediate) - Miércoles: Nivel avanzado (Advanced) - Viernes: • Gramática: Os hablo sobre un tema gramatical (como, por ejemplo ...
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Bree and Stephen discuss how to become a clear communicator and the one piece of advice he’d give his 19-year-old self. 👉 Join Bree’s Free Newsletter to get tips on becoming a more powerful speaker.
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"Do" she play tuba or "does" she play tuba? A diferencia del español, es necesario en ciertas preguntas usar el verbo auxiliar "do." This episode gives examples, repetition, and a quiz at the end! Support the showPor Greg and Gabriel Sanchez
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Getting a job in a fancy restaurant helps Stephen learn the balance between confidence and realism. Level: Upper Intermediate Accent: United Kingdom (Kent) Get More 🎯 Join Bree’s Free Newsletter to get tips on becoming a more powerful speaker. 👉 Click for Free Learning Pack Key Vocabulary SOFT-SPOKEN: Speaking gently and quietly. BLAG (UK slang): …
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Join Bree’s Course Master Public Speaking in English 👉 Sign up now! Bree and Araceli Adams share communication tips and the power of trusting your intuition when something doesn’t feel right.
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En este Podcast veremos cómo dominar la pronunciación de palabras clave en inglés usando letras icónicas de canciones . Practicaremos los sonidos /æ/ y /ʌ/ para que puedas cantar y hablar como un auténtico pro. ¡No te lo pierdas! En Trainlang puedes aprender inglés con un profesor privado de calidad y un Campus Online diseñado para que aprendas a h…
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Join Bree’s FREE live masterclass: "5 Steps to Speak Confidently in Any Presentation"on February 13 👉 Sign up now! Araceli’s journey to becoming an artist proves that every experience, even the hardest ones, can shape your success. Level: Advanced Accent: Australian Get More: 👉 Click for Free Learning Pack Key Vocabulary: BODY OF WORK: All the wor…
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Join Bree’s FREE live masterclass: "5 Steps to Speak Confidently in Any Presentation"on February 13 👉Sign up now! Bree and Emma Walker chat about communication tips, morning routines, and dealing with bullies.
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69, Gabo and Goyo interview Mike Ben! An English teacher to hispanohablantes offers his advice about learning English
Mike Benjamin (www.youtube.com/@MikeBen) has dedicated the most recent years of his life to learning and teaching language. As an English speaker, he has learned so much Spanish (you can watch his progress on his YouTube channel) since 2020 that he now leads a group of Conversational Spanish students as their language coach. As a lover of both Hisp…
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Join Bree’s FREE live masterclass: "5 Steps to Speak Confidently in Any Presentation"on February 13 👉Sign up now! As a child, Emma faced many years of bullying before realizing that her voice had the power to create change. Level: Upper Intermediate Accent: United Kingdom (Yorkshire) Get More: 👉 Click for Free Learning Pack Key Vocabulary: SINKI…
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Join Bree’s FREE live masterclass: "5 Steps to Speak Confidently in Any Presentation"on February 13 👉Sign up now! New episodes start January 28.
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Psychology of Creativity (A Conversation with Fabio Cerpelloni)
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1:04:41A conversation between Bree and Fabio Cerpelloni talking about how creativity shapes our work, problem-solving, and everyday lives. ⚡ Join Bree's Public Speaking in English Bootcamp — Sign up now! The bootcamp starts February 6. Follow Fabio Cerpelloni: - Visit FabioCerpelloni.com - Listen to Episode 61 | Making Something Possible (with Fabio C…
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Bree and Anna Tyrie discuss the psychology of fear, how it impacts different areas of our lives, and share strategies to overcome it. ⚡ Join Bree's Public Speaking in English Bootcamp — Sign up now! The bootcamp starts February 6. Follow Anna Tyrie: - Visit Anna Tyrie’s website English Like A Native - Listen to Episode 56 | Imposter Syndrome (…
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#35 How Many Hours Do We Really Need to Sleep? Learn Quantifiers | Podcast para aprender inglés | B1
️ ¿Cuántas horas de sueño necesitas? En este episodio, exploramos los hábitos de sueño en diferentes países y te enseñamos cómo usar los quantifiers en inglés para hablar de cantidades. Aprenderás expresiones útiles como a lot of, too much, not enough, y muchas más, mientras descubres datos curiosos sobre el sueño en Japón, España, Finlandia e Isla…
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Bree believes in her idea, but when reality doesn’t match her expectation, she must rethink and adapt. Level: Upper Intermediate Accent: Canadian ⚡ Join Bree's Public Speaking in English Bootcamp — Sign up now! The bootcamp starts February 6. Key Vocabulary: LEAN: To bend your body slightly forward or toward something. "Lean in" can also be used…
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Gabriel Kazz’s musical journey takes him to the TV show The Voice, where he realizes the power of showing up and trying. Level: Advanced Accent: Canadian Get More: ⚡ Join Bree's Public Speaking in English Bootcamp — Sign up now! The bootcamp starts February 6. Key Vocabulary: HONE: To improve a skill through practice and effort. HAVE A THICK SKI…
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Greg reflects on changing family circumstances and how this year, his wife and kids will not sit down with extended family to eat the traditional meal. Instead, Goyo will take his family to...a buffet? If you would like to hear more about Thanksgiving in its traditional sense, please go to Episode 23 of No Te Rindas Intermediate English Podcast. Su…
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#34 Retro Gaming Nostalgia! Mastering Reported Speech (Part 2) | Podcast para aprender inglés | B1
En este episodio, nos sumergimos en la nostalgia de los videojuegos clásicos mientras aprendemos a usar el reported speech para preguntas y verbos modales. Diseñado para estudiantes de nivel B1, este podcast combina diversión y aprendizaje práctico de inglés.En Trainlang puedes aprender inglés con un profesor privado de calidad y un Campus Online d…
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When Charlie Baxter meets his girlfriend's parents for the first time, a big mistake turns into a lesson on honesty and connection. Level: Upper Intermediate Accent: United Kingdom (London) Get More: Join Bree’s free newsletter for tips on confident communication in English. Preparing for your Cambridge B2 First Certificate? Enroll in my free Cam…
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#33 Iconic Quotes from English Literature: Mastering Reported Speech (Part 1) | Podcast para aprender inglés | B1
En este Podcast te explicamos de forma clara y sencilla cómo usar el reported speech en inglés. Aprenderás cómo transformar oraciones directas en indirectas, cambiar los tiempos verbales y los pronombres, y cuándo es necesario hacer estas modificaciones. ¡Escucha y mejora tu habilidad para comunicar lo que otros dijeron en inglés! ¡NO TE PIERDAS ES…
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En este episodio, exploramos cómo la ciencia ficción se ha convertido en realidad, hablando de gadgets icónicos que usamos todos los días. Desde los smartwatches inspirados en Star Trek hasta los coches autónomos como KITT de Knight Rider, e incluso robots de reparto que nos recuerdan a Wall-E, Aline y Matthew se sumergen en cómo la tecnología ha c…
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En este podcast aprenderás cómo dominar el inglés mientras haces compras durante las rebajas de verano. Acompaña a Jony y Santi en su visita a un centro comercial, y descubre frases esenciales y vocabulario clave para hablar de compras en inglés. Aprende a preguntar por descuentos, probarte ropa y encontrar las mejores ofertas, todo mientras mejora…
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When Nikki started her career in human rights, she found herself adapting to a job that required a lot more than she expected. Level: Upper Intermediate Accent: Canada (Calgary) 👉 Get the FREE EPISODE PACK to go further Into the Story. 5 Words & Expressions in Today's Story: - BLASTING (MUSIC/AIR-CONDITIONING): Playing music or running air-cond…
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67 - SPECIAL HALLOWEEN EPISODE for hispanohablantes - Witches and ghosts from the old South, USA
Americans love a scary story, and there is plenty of tragedy in the history of some of its towns to promote spirits and phantoms. Where Goyo lives, in Marietta, Georgia, hundreds and hundreds of Union and Rebel bodies lay in the town square, waiting for funerals. Listen to one ghost story based in local folklore about a young married couple doomed …
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Sarah Allworthy tells a story of what happens when you do something you're "not supposed to do." Level: Upper Intermediate Accent: United Kingdom (London) 👉 Get the FREE EPISODE PACK to go further Into the Story. 5 Words & Expressions in Today's Story: - TO CALL SOMEONE’S BLUFF: To challenge someone to prove something they said or did. "He called…
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Episode 66: The language of employee evaluation - como los jefes miden el desempeño y describen la retroalimentación en inglés en EEUU a los trabajadores
In this episode, Gabo y Goyo talk about the language of "employee evaluation" in American English, as well as some of the factors that affect evaluation, such as taking breaks and requesting leave. Support the showPor Greg and Gabriel Sanchez
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Growing up, Archy Jamjun didn't feel seen, until someone finally saw him for who he really was. Level: Advanced Accent: United States (Chicago) 👉 Get the FREE EPISODE PACK to go further Into the Story. 5 Words & Expressions in Today's Story: - TO THROW DOWN THE GAUNTLET: To challenge or invite someone to compete or flight. "She threw down the gau…
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65 - Customer Service English, part 3 - spelling and giving phone customers concrete choices
To access Milena's guide to spelling using the NATO phonetic alphabet: https://tinyurl.com/EnglishMadeSimple or visit her website at EnglishMadeSimple.net. In today's episode, Gabo y Goyo teach two ways to make oneself more clear in English to customers. Support the showPor Greg and Gabriel Sanchez
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After her dream job left her exhausted, Megan Nicholls decides to change her pace completely. Level: Upper Intermediate Accent: United Kingdom (Manchester) 👉 Get the FREE EPISODE PACK to go further Into the Story. 5 Words & Expressions in Today's Story: - TO RUSTLE: To make a soft, crackling sound, usually from something moving, like leaves or pa…
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64 - Mistakes in English that you will hear from NATIVE SPEAKERS -- errores comunes que cometen los nativos del inglés
The most important habit you can have in moving through Intermediate proficiency in a language is to listen to natives who speak it. However, what happens when native speakers "break" the rules of their own language? We talk about this issue with humor, examples, and a wide variety of voices, in today's episode. We discuss: had went I seen There's …
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Ariel Goodbody steps into the world of stand-up comedy with a performance no one expected. Level: Advanced Accent: United Kingdom (Bath) 👉 Get the FREE EPISODE PACK to go further Into the Story. 5 Words & Expressions in Today's Story: - DEADPAN: To say something serious or with no emotion, often in a funny way. "He told the joke in a deadpan voice,…
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Rob Rudge tells a story about that moment when you’re so close to a problem that you can’t see the solution. Level: Upper-Intermediate Accent: United Kingdom (Yorkshire) FREE EPISODE LEARNING PACKAGE to make the most of this episode and subscribe to our newsletter to take your English much further. SPONSORS THAT SUPPORT THIS PODCAST: - Free course…
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63, Intermediate English - Compare these American words with their Australian counterparts! Interview with Milena of English Made Simple! Aprender cómo baño, carrito, quejarse y otros conceptos son diferentes ...
Please listen to EnglishMadeSimple.net to hear Milena's podcast about English in Australia! In this episode, we discuss in depth with humor, examples, and "matíces" the following concepts: AUS -- USA Bloke — guy Bushwalk/bushwalking — hike/hiking Chemist shop — drug store Dunny - bathroom Footpath or pavement — sidewalk Holiday -- vacation - holida…
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Fabio decides to contact someone famous and what ends up happening gives him a new perspective on what becomes possible, when you ask. Level: Intermediate Accent: Non-Native English Speaker (Italy) 🚐 Ready to take your English further? CLICK HERE FOR FULL EPISODE PACKAGE with vocabulary, test, transcript, and more. WE HAVE A NEW SPONSOR!…
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62 - Intermediate English - Olympics 2024 - We discuss Americans Simone Biles, Ilona Maher, sprinter Steven Sobino, and boxer Imane Khelif - Enseñamos inglés mientras hablamos de nuestras perspectivas ...
Gabo and Goyo discuss the hottest issues this week in the Paris Olympics, including Gabo's analysis of the Algerian-Italian boxing fiasco, Simone Biles' changing of the narrative in the US about mental and physical health, even outside of gymnastics, and Goyo's opinion if his sons were to date Ilona Mayer, the rugby player with the huge Instagram f…
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61 - Intermediate English - does your pareja emotionally twist you backwards, upside down, or inside out? - al revés, con boca abajo, y con el lado interior hacia afuera
These three concepts can be confusing in English for learners. Goyo y Gabo ofrecen ejemplos ricos de cada concepto, y contestar estas preguntas: What happens when you put your ballcap on **backwards**? What goes wrong when a husband gets dressed in the morning and leaves the light off? Will he get dressed with his shirt on **upside down** or **insi…
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Season 6 of Into the Story arrives August 2024! Meanwhile, enjoy this fiction story from Ariel Goodbody of Easy Stories in English about two sisters. If you haven't already listened to Sisters, Sisters (Part 1), go listen now! Angeline and Annabelle are a classic sister act. Annabelle writes the songs and they sing together, but Angeline gets all…
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60 - Intermediate English - Does he "make chores" or "do chores"? We commemorate number 60 with a re-broadcast of our most downloaded episode, about the word "do."
Spanish speakers can become frustrated when learning which English expressions use "do" and which use "make" for the verb "hacer" in Spanish. This episode focuses on frequently used expressions using the word "do" such as "doing well," "doing housework," "doing paperwork," and many others. Learn who does the most chores (los quehaceres) in Greg's h…
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Season 6 of Into the Story arrives August 2024! Meanwhile, enjoy this fiction story from Ariel Goodbody of Easy Stories in English about two sisters. Angeline and Annabelle are a classic sister act. Annabelle writes the songs and they sing together, but Angeline gets all the compliments. When a music producer offers a deal to Annabelle, she realise…
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59 - Intermediate English - La Velada del Año 4 - Our thoughts as two Americans about Streamers who box
Ibai Llanos' annual event was just yesterday! Listen as Goyo y Gabo draw comparisons with YouTubers who box and their own experiences with the fighting arts. Along the way, they will give you a useful English lesson about key concepts like "headgear," "shed light on," "riveted," "far cry," and others! We also answer the questions from our perspecti…
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#30 What's Your Favorite Movie for Practicing English? Gerunds and Infinitives | Podcast para aprender inglés | B1
En este Podcast hablaremos de películas que son útiles para mejorar tu nivel de inglés. En el proceso también te explicaremos la diferencia entre los gerundios y los infinitivos. ¡NO TE PIERDAS ESTE PODCAST! En Trainlang puedes aprender inglés con un profesor privado de calidad y un Campus Online diseñado para que aprendas a hablar rápido y con el …
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Christie was on tour as a professional dancer when unexpected turns teach her about strength and confidence, even when things get difficult. Level: upper intermediate Accent: Canadian 🚐 Ready to take your English further? CLICK HERE FOR FULL EPISODE PACKAGE with vocabulary, test, and transcript! 5 words and expressions in today's story: …
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58, Intermediate English: "Does she play tuba?" or "**Do** she play tuba?" Which one sounds good? How we use "do" in English questions and answers - Como utilizamos el verbo "do" para hacer preguntas ...
In Spanish, one can ask a question by simply changing the vocal pitch: "Beto practica el piano" becomes "¿Beto practica el piano?" In English, it is extremely common to require a form of "do" to make a statement into a question. The answer to the question, then, will **also** utilize the word "do." Wow! I read two books a week. --> **Do** you read …
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57 - Intermediate English: "You don't eat meat, don't you?" -- Expert English, or a rookie error? Como hacer preguntas en inglés de una manera nativa, parte uno
Don't sound foolish when you ask questions in English! Haz un clic en el episodio para aprender como los angloparlantes producen preguntas de comprobación. She works after school, **doesn't** she? He is a fine example of the benefits of a hobby, **isn't** he? She doesn't tolerate bad behavior, **does** she? Listen as Goyo and Gabo both explain how …
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Tom spends months preparing for an ultramarathon, but race day brings surprising challenges. Level: upper intermediate Accent: Australian 🚐 Ready to take your English further? CLICK HERE FOR FULL EPISODE PACKAGE with vocabulary, test, and transcript! 5 words and expressions in today's story: - TO PUSH YOURSELF TO DO SOMETHING: To make a …
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Jaclyn tells the story of a paragliding accident and its emotional impact on her life. Level: upper intermediate Accent: Canadian 🚐 Ready to take your English further? CLICK HERE FOR FULL EPISODE PACKAGE with vocabulary, test, transcript and much more! 5 words and expressions in today's story: - TO END UP: To arrive at a particular place…
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En este Podcast veremos cómo hablar de remordimientos sobre el pasado usando la tercera condicional en inglés. Lo explicaremos y usaremos ejemplos de famosos para ponerlo en práctica. ¡ESTE PODCAST PROMETE SER INTERESANTE! En Trainlang puedes aprender inglés con un profesor privado de calidad y un Campus Online diseñado para que aprendas a hablar r…
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56, Intermediate English - Does "We don't have some milk" sound clumsy or silly in English? Cuando se usan "some," "few," "a little" en inglés
Click the link to play our suite of Intermediate English games! Google Play store apps... In this episode, Gabo and Goyo show how to listen for the difference between positive, negative, and interrogative uses of English. These affect when you use terms like some, any, and few. Also, they illustrate with examples and gentle humor the difference bet…
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Twice in her life has Brigitte felt alone and lost, and both times she decided to search for the northern lights. Level: Intermediate Accent: Canadian (Quebec) 🚐 Do you want to get much further? CLICK HERE FOR FULL EPISODE PACKAGE with vocabulary, test, transcript and more! 5 words and expressions in today's story: - UPROOT: to pull somethin…
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When Scott goes exploring in a dark cave and gets stuck hanging on a rope with no light, he has to use his imagination to find a way out. Level: Advanced Accent: United States (Ohio) 🚐 Ready to take your English further? CLICK HERE FOR FULL EPISODE PACKAGE with vocabulary, test, and transcript! 5 words and expressions in today's story: -…
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55 - Intermediate English - What are 3 issues related to buying a house in the USA? Concepts in English related to real estate and loans! Como hablar de préstamos hipotecarios en inglés
Click the link to play our suite of Intermediate English games! Google Play store apps... Entrevistamos al Sr. Ángel Del Valle, un experto en el campo de los préstamos hipotecarios en los EEUU. Él explica en inglés y español: 1. La tasa de interés actual 2. El nivel usual del abono inicial 3. El periodo usual de tiempo para pagar los préstamos y mu…
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