The least downloaded podcast in the country. Hosted by Greg and Rob with John Zombie Thompson and Antonio Guirato.
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2 Passionate coaches talking mindset, motivation and fitness. Greg is a Small business and life coach Rob is a personal trainer and online coach specialising in weight loss.
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Look around. Every single person next to you or in front of you is using a mobile device of some sort. Your challenge as a business owner is to get in front of your target customer and mobile is one of the most effective and affordable ways to do it. This show is dedicated to bringing tactical ways to bring business to your business through mobile and is hosted by Rob Woodbridge or and Greg Hickman of
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After a bad experience buying a suit for a family event, James Hutchison made the decision to lose weight and improve his health. He lost an incredible 8 stone, dropping from 22 stone down to 14 stone. He shared his journey of how he lost weight and how his transformation led to new business opportunities. Check out James: www.themonthlycoffeeclub.…
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In episode 39 we are joined by professional speaker and mental health guru David Heffernan, he shared his top tips on how to manage grief and mental health, especially during the Coronavirus pandemic. Check out Dave: Greg: Rob:…
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In episode 38 Rob and Greg interview conservationist & adventurer Paul Teasdale. Paul shares some stories of his adventures living in Zimbabwe, including near-death encounters with hippos and crocodiles, and rescuing people from floods. Paul: Instagram @rawteasdale Twitter @RAWTeasdale Facebook paulteasdalezim Greg: ht…
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In episode 37 of Coffee talk with Rob & Greg we interview Jessica Fleischer who is a 2x English Kickboxing champion and founder of the company I am Fighting Fit. She talks about how she got into kickboxing and why she started her business. Check out Jess: Greg: https://…
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Ep 36 Interview with Gary Jones: How To Market Your Business During The Coronavirus Outbreak
In episode 36, Rob and Greg are joined by marketing expert Gary Jones from Grow Marketing and Media. He shared his top tips for how business owners can stay visible and market their business during the coronavirus outbreak. Gary:…
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This week Rob and Greg are joined by 2x Paralympian James Roberts. James now works as a transformation coach specialising in helping fellow amputees to lose 10-30lbs. In this episode, he talks about what it is like to be an elite athlete and how to cope with the lockdown. Find out more about James here: Greg: https…
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Ep 34: Interview with Stephen Jones, How To Survive & Thrive During The Coronavirus Outbreak
For episode 34 Myself and Greg asked previous guest Stephen Jones to come back and share his advice for how business owners can Survive and Thrive during the coronavirus outbreak. Stephen has helped many business owners to pivot and continue to run their businesses during these difficult times. Stephen: https:/…
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In the crazy times, we are currently experiencing with the coronavirus outbreak many business owners are having to adapt to survive. Rob and Greg share their top tips for going online and pivoting your business model to make money online. Rob: Greg: For more information on the cor…
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Patrick M Powers is a serial entrepreneur, public speaker and founder of one of the largest business meet ups in the UK. He shares his story of he became successful in the world of network marketing. Patrick: Greg: Rob:…
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Ep. 100 - Repeat
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1:42:00Our 100th episode, still no one listens to the show. We also live streamed this, so we say a lot of the same things from the previous episode.Por The Greg and Rob podcast
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Ep. 99- Nowhere to go these days
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1:00:09We’re quarantined like fucking jerkoffsPor The Greg and Rob podcast
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In this epsiode Rob and Greg discuss 10 really simple things you can do to improve your mental health Source: Greg: Rob: If you enjoyed this episode please make sure to subscrib…
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We use the Portnoy Scale to rate pizzerias now.Por The Greg and Rob podcast
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In this episode we interviewed Fenella Hemus from Above Beyond Coaching and Training. Fenella is an NLP expert, she talks about the power of NLP and how it can help you to improve your life and your business. Fanella: Greg: We would appreciate it if you coul…
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Ep. 97- Mel Gibson you crazy bastard
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1:05:46We talk extreme baseball league, that bullied dwarf, and Mel Gibson being fucking crazyPor The Greg and Rob podcast
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Amy Oldfield is the owner of a successful Personal training studio in Bristol called Empowered fitness. She shares her business journey, her top tips for women looking to get in better shape and why she doesn't like gyms. Amy: Rob: Greg: https://www.gre…
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This week Rob and Greg Interview Dani Wallace aka The Queen Bee. She drescribers herself as a former serial self-saboteur having grown up on the council estates of Preston, Dani has survived the adversity of domestic violence, homelessness and single parenthood to become a leading voice in female empowerment. Dani:…
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This week Rob and Greg are joined by Brad Burton the UK's number 1 motivational business speaker. Brad shares his lessons learned from years of running a nationwide networking business, and how he went from being on benefits and in debt to being a success. Find more about brad at: Greg: Rob: http…
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In Episode 26 Rob and greg discuss how to find a good coach/ traier and how to avoid wasting money on a s**t one. Greg: Rob:
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In Episode 25 of Coffee Talk With Rob and Greg they are joined by Stephen Jones aka The Business Disruptor. Stephen Jones helps businesses and business owners to stop selling and start growing. He's run several successful businesses and has made it all and lost it all in the past. He shares his top tips for success in business and how you can close…
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In this episode, Rob and Greg Look at 12 Things Successful People Do Differently, and how you can be more successful in your life and business. Greg: Rob:
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In episode 23 Rob and Greg Innterview Croz Crossley The Mindset master. Croz has been helping people with their mindset for the last 25 years. With 40 years experience in business hes experiended the highs and sometimes VERY LOWS of running your own business.…
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Chris Dawes left a Corporate IT career with Blackburn rovers FC to start his own web design company called Scruffy Monkey. Chris shares how he grew the company from a start up to an award-winning web design comapny with a team of 16 people working with them Chris: Greg: Rob: http://rleat-fitne…
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In this episode Rob and Greg speak to Paul Doran. Paul is a trader from Liverpool who started his busines at 14 years old. He retired at 34 but realised something was not right. Paul shares his top tips for success in life. How life taught him that the way to a great life it to practice surrender. To learn to relax and smile no matter what is going…
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In this episode Rob and Greg Talk about their recent travels. And how Rob is changing his business model. Rob: Greg: Subscribe and leave a review.
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In episode 19 of Coffee Talk With Rob and Greg, we are joined by Nicky Marshall founder of discover your bounce. Nicky is an Author, Speaker, Mentor & Entrepreneur. Nicky: Greg: Rob:…
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in this episode, Rob and Greg discuss how to stay motivated over the festive period. Rob: Rob's xmas guide: Greg:
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In this episode, Rob and Greg talk about fitness, what we are currently doing and how you can get into fitness. Greg: Rob:
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In episode 16 Rob and Greg discuss the mindset for success & What does it take to be successful. Greg: Rob:
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Guess who's back. In this episode we talk about what we have been up to since you last heard from us. Such as productivity tips we have picked up and whats happening in our businesses and lives etc. Greg: Rob:
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It's been a while since we posted an episode... sorry. Here's one we recorded back in february/ march but never uploaded. More episodes coming soon Greg: Rob:
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In this episode of Coffee Talk with Rob and Greg they are joined by Owen Morgan who founded The World Health Heroes. A company which aims to make complementary health more affordable for all. Check owen out here: Youtube, Greg: Rob:…
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In this episode Rob and Greg discuss relationships. They cover both personal and business relationships. Rob: Greg: Review us on itunes:
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We are back after a bit of a hiatus. In episode 11 of coffee talk with Rob and Greg they discuss all things mindset. What is it? How can you get a positive mindset and lots more. They were also joined by a film crew from TroyTV. Rob: Greg.
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In this epsiode Rob and Greg talk about what they have been update and share their top business, mindset and motivation tips Greg: Rob:
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As part of mental health awareness week Rob and Greg talk about how to manage stress. Rob: Greg:
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In episode 8 Rob and Greg discuss how to start a coaching business. Greg: Rob:
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In This episode Rob and Greg discuss how you can stay motivated to achieve your goals. Tools mentioned: Greg: Rob:
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In this Episode Rob and Greg share with you how to break out of your comfort zone. Please note quality is not as good as normal as we recorded using the wrong mic. Follow us on facebook: Greg: Rob:
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In This episode Rob and Greg discuss how to follow your passion and turn it into a business. Greg: Rob:
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In this episode of Coffee Talk With Rob and Greg they discuss what their health goals are, and tips and tricks for improving your health. Greg: Rob:
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In this episode Rob and Greg share things they have learned to help them focus and improve their productivity. Tools mentioned: Google Calendar Self-control chrome plug in News feed eradicator for facebook Trello Greg: Rob:
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In this episode Rob and Greg discuss their entrepreneurial journey's Rob and Greg are 2 passionate coaches, this podcast covers mindset, motivation and fitness. Greg: Rob:
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2 passionate coaches talking mindset, motivation and fitness In this episode Rob and Greg introduce themselves and what they do, and the future of this podcast.
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It may seem odd that we think that mobile broke marketing but it did. Honestly. The reasons are plentiful but this is a natural occurrence in the evolution of the craft of marketing. Each new shift brings with it this type of creative destruction - think about the shifts that have occurred as we moved from print to radio to television to the web to…
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The privacy issue has been slowly bludgeoned to death since we first set foot on digital soil yet slowly but surely we have all given up parts of it for different reasons. The fact is that we all have a price in mind when someone asks us for our personal information - it could be a latte or a discount or a new car - there is a threshold where "no" …
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Don't get confused by the title here. We still love mobile. We still think it has changed the world we live in more than many of us realize yet. We still think we are in the soft foam of the real mobile wave that is yet to come. BUT what has happened in the last 18 months is that mobile has gotten more complex as more and more people make it a cent…
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Do you think the people talked about bank notes when they emerged in 1861 the way that we talk about mobile payments today? Were they proclaiming that 1862 would be the "year of cash"? That's how I feel about the way we bring mobile payments into the conversation - like it needs to have higher status than the way we've paid for things forever. It d…
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This is our first (of seven) dives into our 2015 predictions (watch the overview here) and we start with beacons. Those little peel-and-stick bluetooth transmitters that emerged in the second half of 2014 in retail will go far beyond their origins in 2015. We both weigh in on where we think they will be by the end of the year and what the industry …
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We are now a full week into 2015 - how are those resolutions going? Every new year brings an onslaught of predictions and, well, we are no different. This is the first of 8 (yes 8!) shows on what to expect in 2015. We start off here with an overview of our 7 predictions and will follow up each of the next 7 weeks with a deeper dive into each one of…
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