Listen as Compass Bible Church (Aliso Viejo, CA) Senior Pastor Mike Fabarez preaches verse by verse from the Gospel of Luke.
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Our forthcoming resurrection in God’s new and righteous world can be confidently and joyfully anticipated because of the finished work of Christ and the faithful promises he made to us.Por Compass Bible Church
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We are commissioned to bring the message of salvation to everyone, mindful that God will sovereignly choose to effectually empower our efforts as we are faithful to accurately relay the biblical gospel.Por Compass Bible Church
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Christians ought to be heartened, motivated, and excited by the preview of our own resurrection which can be seen in the resurrected bodily appearances of Christ.Por Compass Bible Church
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The veracity of the bodily resurrection of Christ is seen in the fulfillment of prophecy, its massive influence on the world, and the transformative impact the risen Christ has countless people in every generation.Por Compass Bible Church
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The defeat of death is the logical product and central feature of God’s successful redemptive solution for the impact and effect of our sinful rebellion.Por Compass Bible Church
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Responding rightly to Christ’s redemptive work should result in a growing love for God that produces good works, love for people, and a desire to obey the Bible’s commands.Por Compass Bible Church
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Luke 23:44-49 | The Final Payment | No Greater Love (Part 11)
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1:00:49We must be careful to consider the high cost of our redemption as Jesus suffered sin’s just penalty on the cross purchasing reconciliation for those who are truly penitent.Por Compass Bible Church
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Luke 23:32-43 | Pardon for the Penitent | No Greater Love (Part 10)
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1:00:37God is rich in mercy to all, but shows the magnificence of his grace in bestowing favor to the penitent who deserve nothing but his unmitigated justice.Por Compass Bible Church
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We would do well to keep this sinful world and our eternal salvation in perspective, pitying the lost and joyfully anticipating the return of our glorified and exalted Savior.Por Compass Bible Church
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Luke 23:13-25 | Condemned In Our Place | No Greater Love (Part 8)
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1:01:35We must learn to appreciate the great exchange of our redemption wherein Christ’s perfection is granted to sinners like us while the entire penalty for our sin was borne by him in his suffering and death.Por Compass Bible Church
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Luke 23:6-12 | Unmet Expectations | No Greater Love (Part 7)
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1:09:56Knowing many people are interested in Christ for all the wrong reasons, we must be vigilant about maintaining a thoroughly biblical view of God and the Christian life amid all voices to the contrary.Por Compass Bible Church
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We must be mindful and vigilant of the continual battle we face with sin and temptation, grateful for God’s restraining grace and his immeasurable patience.Por Compass Bible Church
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We must resolutely affirm that Jesus is the expected Messiah of the Old Testament and unabashedly live in light of his credentials as Deity.Por Compass Bible Church
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The perfect and infinitely valuable life of Son of God fully paid the just demands of the Father’s holiness by incurring all the painful punishments our sins deserve.Por Compass Bible Church
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Luke 22:54-62 | Christ’s Unfaithful Friends | No Greater Love (Part 3)
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1:02:57Peter’s denials certainly remind us that our best intentions to follow Christ will be punctuated by stumbling, but they should also motivate us to quickly get up, confident that God uses imperfect servants to do great things.Por Compass Bible Church
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Spiritual defection and apostasy should rightly concern and even anger us, leading us to personal vigilance and a thoughtful ministry of strong encouragement in the lives of others.Por Compass Bible Church
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The triune God demonstrated love for us in the most costly transaction imaginable; in response we ought to eternally thank him and sacrificially obey all that he commands.Por Compass Bible Church
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Christ expects us to prudently plan and wisely prepare for life’s eventuality while fully and fearlessly trusting in God’s sovereign and loving oversight of our livesPor Compass Bible Church
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Luke 22:31-34 | Strength in Frailty | Prelude to the Cross (Part 5)
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1:03:30We must be continually mindful of our inherent human frailty, knowing that God wants us to be spiritually strong by trusting in his varied provisions as we seek to live for Christ and serve his cause.Por Compass Bible Church
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Luke 22:24-30 | Real Power & Prestige | Prelude to the Cross (Part 4)
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1:01:06We must be quick to rid ourselves any selfish ambition or self-promotion, knowing that we are required to sacrificially serve others in our calling to advance the cause of Christ in our world.Por Compass Bible Church
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Christ’s institution of the Lord’s supper in the presence of Judas should lead us to a vigilant introspection as we regularly and actively remember Christ’s death and coming kingdom.Por Compass Bible Church
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Luke 22:7-13 | The Picture in the Passover | Prelude to the Cross (Part 2)
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1:01:20The biblical Passover celebration provides us a helpful picture of the eternal redemption that has been provided for us by the eternal and divine Lamb of God.Por Compass Bible Church
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We must remember and wholeheartedly affirm God’s good management of all things in history, in life, and the future, confident that all things work together for good.Por Compass Bible Church
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In light of Christ’s imminent return for his Church, Christians must be actively focused on prayer and God’s word, being careful not get entangled in the distracting sins of this world.Por Compass Bible Church
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We can and should be completely assured of God’s promises regarding the future and our own future because of his impeccable trustworthiness and his perfect fidelity to all that he has said.Por Compass Bible Church
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Our lives will be motivated and calibrated as we remain mindful that this current age will culminate with an unprecedented display of God’s wrath on the earth and its wholesale transformation at Christ’s second coming.Por Compass Bible Church
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Luke 21:20-24 | The Importance of Jerusalem | Christ's Kingdom Forecast (Part 3)
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1:00:41As recipients of God’s gracious promise of forgiveness and everlasting adoption, our faith should be strengthened by God’s tenacious loyalty to the people of Israel and the city of Jerusalem.Por Compass Bible Church
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Luke 21:10-19 | The Turbulent Intermission | Christ's Kingdom Forecast (Part 2)
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1:05:25We ought to expect a turbulent and hostile experience as we seek to stand with Christ and advance his cause in this world, remaining resolute, unafraid, and confident in God’s promise of ultimate deliverance.Por Compass Bible Church
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While Israel’s widespread rejection of King Jesus resulted in a postponement of the earthly kingdom, we should remain confident in God’s impeccable promises as we work and patiently await the King’s second coming.Por Compass Bible Church
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Luke 21:1-4 | Giving Gifts Fit for Royalty | King Jesus (Part 10)
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1:03:38We must understand and always thoughtfully consider that our Christian financial giving is an extension of our loyalty, love, and submission to the King of kings.Por Compass Bible Church
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We must be vigilant and careful to not follow the trends of so many who attempt to leverage Christianity for their own selfish ends.Por Compass Bible Church
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We must understand and appreciate the full humanity and the full deity of Christ as we admire his redemptive work and anticipate his coming kingdom.Por Compass Bible Church
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We must think more often and more sensibly about our own mortality, preparing and shaping our expectation and hope by Scripture and not by the world, our feelings, or the culture.Por Compass Bible Church
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Luke 20:19-26 | Living as His Expatriates | King Jesus (Part 6)
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1:00:29We must seek to honor God by honoring and submitting to the earthly authorities he has placed over our lives, while being careful to never resist or defy Christ’s ultimate authority.Por Compass Bible Church
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It is entirely reasonable for us to trust and obey the words of the Triune God, not only in light of his character and authority, but also in view of the judgments meted out on those who rebel.Por Compass Bible Church
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We must be very careful that we do not evade our responsibility to submit to Christ’s lordship by seeking excessive information or unneeded confirmation when the application of God’s word is sufficiently clear.Por Compass Bible Church
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Luke 19:45-50 | Adopting His Regal Priorities | King Jesus (Part 3)
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1:00:53We ought to supremely value God’s truth the way Christ did – promoting it, obeying it, and prioritizing fellowship with those who do the same.Por Compass Bible Church
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We will undoubtedly experience genuine grief if we truly understand the problem of sin and the consequences of rejecting Christ, yet it should also motivate us to continue to urgently and regularly share the gospel.Por Compass Bible Church
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Jesus fulfilled prophecy when he presented himself as the Kingly Messiah in Jerusalem – an event that should motivate us to respect God’s prophetic word and wholeheartedly worship and serve our King.Por Compass Bible Church
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Luke 19:11-27 | Living the Christian Life | Made Right With God (Part 7)
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1:01:03True Christians must be fearless and faithful as stewards of God’s message of reconciliation in a defiant culture until Christ returns to reward his ambassadors.Por Compass Bible Church
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We should rejoice in our salvation and pursue our sanctification knowing that when God works repentance in our lives his forgiving grace entirely covers our sins and permanently redirects our lives.Por Compass Bible Church
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Realizing our desperate need, we ought to trust the omnipotent Christ for salvation, willing to follow him in this life knowing that soon he will take his great power and begin to reign over all things.Por Compass Bible Church
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Luke 18:31-34 | God's Payment for Lawbreakers | Made Right With God (Part 4)
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1:08:57Pondering God’s longtime plan of redemption humbles us Christians, as we realize that Christ’s horrible suffering was the judgment our sins and transgressions had earned.Por Compass Bible Church
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To get right with God we must humbly admit we fall sinfully short of his absolutely perfect standards, knowing that our only hope is to fully trust his power to save and his right to lead our daily lives.Por Compass Bible Church
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Christ calls us to trust him for salvation with the helplessness and full dependence of a little child, and in the process shows his special regard for children.Por Compass Bible Church
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We must never try to measure our worthiness before God by comparing our morality with others, instead we must honestly admit our utter sinfulness and embrace his amazing gift of unearned acceptance.Por Compass Bible Church
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We ought patiently endure this present age with great faith, confidently working and praying for God’s will in everything, always looking with hope for the return of Christ and the establishment of his kingdom.Por Compass Bible Church
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We must be mature in our praying, not continuing to pray for just anything, but knowing that the call to persevere in prayer is qualified throughout the Bible by a number of wise and godly factors.Por Compass Bible Church
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God’s pending judgment is the sobering aspect of Christ’s return that should make us grateful for its gracious delay, motivated by the current opportunity for evangelism, and thankful for our forthcoming salvation.Por Compass Bible Church
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It is normal and expected that we intensely long for Christ’s coming kingdom as we seek to undistractedly obey the teachings of Christ in a deteriorating and rebellious culture.Por Compass Bible Church
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