Nuestro propósito es guiarlos en cómo NO aparecer en un capítulo de Forensic Files. Ésto será una conversación de historias sobre crimen real y lo paranormal. Hay que estar con las pilas puestas y alejados del viejo del costal!Por eso, acompáñenos y estén listos para ser nuestros cómplices, dedicando un ratico de su día, para escuchar estas historias contadas en nuestro idioma (y Spanglish también). Our purpose is to guide you on how NOT to appear in a Forensic Files episode. Get ready to be ...
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La expansión SBG (serial board gamers) somos un grupo de personas a las que nos une la pasión por los juegos de mesa y las series. No somos expertas de nada, pero nos gustaría serlo un poquito... así que hemos decidido juntar nuestras experiencias y compartirlas a través de un podcast/ programa de radio, donde (entre nosotras y el resto de personas que nos escuchen) crear un contexto común vivo donde aprender unas de otras. Tendremos un programa variado donde se mezclarán series con juegos y ...
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Happy Holidays/Felices Fiestas! It's been a while but today's episode talks about Charles Cullen, an American serial killer. Cullen was a nurse, who murdered dozens (maybe hundreds) during his 16-year career. Current series on Hulu will give you a very detailed account of what he did. Ha pasado un tiempito, pero el episodio de hoy habla sobre Charl…
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Mari tells us about some Halloween activities (I know, it's been a minute since we've recorded). Today's story is about the Delphi Murders we've been seeing on the news and throughout social media. Have you had a chance to look at the pictures & audio saved by the victims before their deaths?! Mari nos cuenta sobre ciertas actividades de Halloween …
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Jeffrey Lionel Dahner, también conocido como el Caníbal de Milwaukee o el Monstruo de Milwaukee, fue un asesino en serie y delincuente sexual estadounidense que cometió el asesinato y el desmembramiento de 17 hombre y niños entre 1978 - 1991. Mucho de sus asesinatos posteriores involucraron necrofilia, canibalismo y la preservación permanente de pa…
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Spoiler alert!! We talk about House of Dragon & start getting into the Netflix series of Dahmer. Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer, also known as the Milwaukee Cannibal or the Milwaukee Monster, was an American serial killer and sex offender who committed the murder and dismemberment of seventeen men and boys between 1978 and 1991. Many of his later murders in…
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Vunny tells us about lions, tiger and koalas mating? Some weird crazy ish! Today's story is about a murder that was solved on Tik Tok earlier this year. Friends of the victim went down the TT rabbit hole and eventually helped the family and authorities bring the killer home. ¿Vunny nos cuenta que tan cachondos son los koalas? ¡Algo muy raro! La his…
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Caro and Mari talk about 6 degrees of separation between The Lost Boys and The Exorcist. Today's story is about the Murder of Lisa Ann French, who was savagely murdered by Gerald Turner aka The Halloween Killer, in 1973. Caro y Mari hablan de los seis grados de separación entre las películas The Lost Boys y The Exorcist. El cuento de hoy se trata s…
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In today's episode, we talk about the movie, The Black Phone & some upcoming blockbusters. We get into the story about the Memphis 3 (Eddie Munson's character from Strangers Things was inspired from this crime). En el episodio de hoy, hablamos sobre la película, The Black Phone y algunos próximos éxitos de taquilla. Nos concentramos en la historia …
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In today's episode, we talk about Strangers Things, recap of La Luz del Mundo church scandal and Lafferty murders (Under the Banner of Heaven on Hulu). En el episodio de hoy, hablamos de Stranger Things, un resumen del escándalo de la iglesia la Luz del Mundo y también, los asesinatos de la familia Lafferty. Inglés/English (includes intro): :33 sec…
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In today's episode, we talk about Anthony Avalos, a ten-year-old American boy tortured and killed. When he was discovered, his body showed signs of physical abuse and malnutrition. His mother, Heather Barron, and her boyfriend, Kareem Leiva, were charged with murder with a special circumstances. En el episodio de hoy, hablamos de Anthony Avalos, un…
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BBQ season is around the corner! Today we talk about the Butcher of Plainfield, Ed Gein. He was the inspiration of Psycho, Leatherface, Hills have Eyes. You also get to hear our lovely cricket friend who decided to stick around and chirp almost the whole episode. Le temporada de asados se aproxima! Hoy les contamos sobre el Carnicero de Plainfield,…
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Vunny joins us on this episode to just catch up on all things going on in pop culture, Netflix series' & that infamous slap.Por Caro y Mari
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We finish up the story of Charles Sobhraj, the French serial killer (who is still alive) and preyed on Western tourists traveling around South Asia in the 1970s. Finalizamos la historia del asesino en serie, Charles Sobhraj, Frances (que todavia esta vivo) y se aprovechó de los turistas occidentales que viajaban por el sur de Asia en la década de 1…
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We start out by discussing the season finale of Euphoria. If you watched Netflix The Serpent, you'll have an idea about today's serial killer story, Charles Sobhraj, is a French serial killer (who is still alive) and preyed on Western tourists traveling around South Asia in the 1970s. Comenzamos discutiendo el final de temporada de Euphoria. Si vis…
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We dare you to Google Turpin House of Horrors and read about the unbelievable story of children who lived in a real horror, all in a quiet suburb of Southern California. Join us as we discuss a modern day survival story. Te retamos que Google-es a la casa de horrores de la familia Turpin y escuchar de la increíble historia de niños que vivieron en …
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In today's episode, we talk about the case that had so many law enforcement officials dealing with a maze of evidence and conspiracies, the Murdaugh Murders. En el episodio de hoy, hablamos sobre el caso en el que tantos detectives se encontraron en un laberinto de pruebas y conspiraciones. Inglés/English (includes intro): :35 sec - 38:35 min Españ…
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In today's episode, we talk about the bizarre life of Robert A. Durst, the wayward scion of a vast New York real estate dynasty, who recently died while serving a life sentence. Hablamos sobre la extraña vida de Robert A. Durst, el mogul de una gran dinastía inmobiliaria de Nueva York, quien recientemente falleció cumpliendo cadena perpetua por ase…
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In today's episode, we talk about the brutal assault and attack on a women's Paris Saint-Germain player. We also do a lot catching up and discuss #teamedward or #teamjacob. En el episodio de hoy, hablamos sobre el brutal asalto y ataque a una jugadora del Paris Sant-Germain. Tambien nos ponemos al dia y discutimos #equipoedward o #equipojacob. #par…
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Mari is shooketh with the stories, Gisel, sends in. Always trust your gut instinct! Mari está emocionada con las historias que nos mandó Gisel. Siempre confía en tus instintos! Inglés/English: :45 sec - 16:18 min Español/Spanish: 16:19 - 21:54 min #paranormal #devilsknocks #espeluznante #ghostlyencounters #scarystories #oldhouse #hauntedhouse #cuen…
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You may want to rethink Canadian bacon! Today we talk about Robert Pickton, one of Canada's notorious serial killers (who's still alive). He confessed to killing 49 women and was upset about it because he wanted his final number to be an even one. Quizás quieran reconsiderar el tocino canadiense! Hoy hablamos de Robert Pickton, uno de los notorios …
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Mari wants to scare Vunny and Caro by sending them spooky Tik Tok links late at night. She hopes they muster some courage in 2022 to view them at night! One of those links, was an update about Chris Watts and his gf. #paranormal #chriswatts #shannanwatts #wattsfamilymurder #psychopath #shadowyfigures #cuentosmiedosos #espantos #viejodelcostal #pers…
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In this episode, our listener, Q, sends in the story of a dream or was it more than that? En este episodio, Q nos cuenta sobre un sueño o sería más que eso? Inglés/English: :45 sec - 35:14 min Español/Spanish: 35:15 - 47:22 min #paranormal #phantomlady #dreamsturnedreality #ghostlyencounters #scarystories #oldhouse #hauntedhouse #cuentosdemiedo #gh…
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Short gossip episode (we're getting ready for Thanksgiving)... The ladies of CcC talk about lists and why does Mari think Pau Gasol looks like Jesus Christ? #cafecitoconcrimen #muchoojo #pilaspuestas #elviejodelcostal #caroymari #paranormal #cuentosdemiedo #cuentosdeespanto #personasquenoscaenbien #personasquenoscaenanhigado #robinwilliams #paugaso…
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Caro shares about some more of her mothers stories. Caro comparte mas cuentos que le conto su mamá. Inglés/English: :41 sec - 25:08 min Español/Spanish: 25:09 - 42:09 min #cafecitoconcrimen #muchoojo #pilaspuestas #elviejodelcostal #caroymari #paranormal #cuentosdemiedo #cuentosdeespanto #tumbas #escalofrio #hauntings #truecrime #truecrimecommunity…
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Hope you had a nice Halloween! Spoiler alert - we talk about the movie Veronica and the actual story it is based on . ¡Esperamos que hayan tenido un buen Halloween! Alerta spoiler - hablamos sobre la película Veronica y el caso real que está basado. Inglés/English: :40 - 31:07 min Español/Spanish: 31:08 - 52:45 min #paranormal #estefaniagutierrezla…
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If you look up the inspiration to Texas Chainsaw, make sure you don't do it at night! We talk about Edward Paisnel who not only struck a small town in the UK, but also left a horrible bodily smell everywhere he went! Si buscan la inspiracion de la serie Texas Chainsaw, ¡asegúrense de no hacerlo por la noche! Hablamos de Edward Paisnel, quien no sol…
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Happy Halloween! Caro talks about personal stories passed down to her mom about aggressive behavior at a rental location. Mari & Vunny tell us why they feel meh about the new Halloween movie. ¡Esperamos que tengan un buen Halloween! Caro habla sobre cuentos personales que le dijo su mamá sobre espiritus agresivos. Tambien, Mari y Vunny explican por…
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Most recently, there have been updates to the Zodiac Killer case (you know, the one you watched with Jakey Poo). We give you a summary about the case and the recent findings. Recientemente, hay datos nuevos sobre el caso el Asesino del Zodiaco (ustedes recuerdan, la película con el bizcocho de Jakey Poo). Les ofrecemos un resumen con los datos reci…
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Hablamos sobre las visitas en los sueños de Caro y porque Mari no puede flotar a un nivel más alto en sus sueños. We talk about the visits Caro has in her dreams and why Mari can only hover in her dreams. Inglés/English: :35 - 38:30 min Español/Spanish: 38:31 - 52:07 min #paranormal #dreams #suenos #visitasdelosdifuntos #scrarydreams #dreamsaboutfl…
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Ep. 18 - Cronologia de Gaby Petito / Henry Lee Lucas (Versión en español)
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1:19:00Advertencia: Este episodio contiene detalles gráficos de asaltos contra mascotas, niños y otros humanos. Vunny indeed has 8 lives! She shocks us about some theme park encounters. No sabemos como Vunny sigue viva (tiene 8 vidas), pero nos cuenta de la vez que escapó la muerte en un parque temático. Hablamos de la cronología del caso Petito y cómo ha…
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Vona shares more stories about their mother's house and the instances of noises in the night. Vona comparte sobre más ruidos extraños en la casa de su mamá. Inglés/English: :41 sec - 12:32 min Español/Spanish: 12:33 - 18:21 min #cafecitoconcrimen #muchoojo #pilaspuestas #elviejodelcostal #caroymari #paranormal #sleepparalysis #paralisisdesueno #pes…
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Caro shares about her mother's house and the instances of noises in the night. She also talks about how sleep paralysis has affected her. Caro comparte sobre esa los ruidos extraños que escucha en la casa de su mamá. También habla como el paralisis de sueño la afectado por varios años. Inglés/English: :41 sec - 13:49 min Español/Spanish: 13:50 - 18…
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We don't know what's more shocking... These stories or the fact that Vunny survived meningitis & told us about her ordeal on this episode! No sabemos que es más impactante... ¡Estas historias o el hecho de que Vunny sobrevivió a la meningitis y nos contó su terrible experiencia en este episodio! Super trigger warning: This episode discusses suicide…
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Super trigger warning: This episode discusses suicide and also contains graphic details regarding assault against pets, children and other humans. This story was so disturbing, that we could only do it in English. Spanish version will be up soon. Upon listening to a segment on NPR, I was surprised to hear about a macabre incident of an on-air suici…
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Tintico time! In this episode, our listener, Lulu, sends in her story about different experiences with her niece and one of the following: her grandmother's spirit or an imaginary friend. Mari also talks about how she kills succulents but is able to grow Huacatay (black mint). ¡Hora de tintico! En este episodio, Lulu, envía su historia sobre difere…
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Ep. 15 - Closure / Cierre al Caso
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1:05:47Did you know about the crime that triggered John Walsh to create the show, America's Most Wanted? Mari talks about the POS, Otis Toole, his background and how he became a horrible serial killer. Caro tells us about the murder of Reyna Marroquin, an immigrant from El Salvador, whose murder remained unsolved for more than 30 years. ¿Sabias sobre el c…
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Tintico time! In this episode, our listener, Q, sends in her family story of this ghost who has had different encounters with various family members. Their very own girl from the movie, The Ring? ¡Hora de tintico! En este episodio, Q nos cuenta sobre una niña fantasma que ha tenido encuentros con varios miembros de su familia. ¿Recuerdan la niña de…
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Advertencia: Esta historia contiene detalles gráficos sobre el asalto a mascotas, niños y otros humanos. Es tan inquietante, que solo pudimos hacerla un idioma a la vez. Mari nos había advertido que su historia era inquietante, pero no estábamos preparadas y en realidad nunca habíamos oído hablar de ella (¿quizás hay una razón por la cual)? Nos pre…
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Tintico time! In this episode, our friend Carlos tells us about a handful of experiences his family has encountered. Better rethink if you live in a home where many things have gone bump in the night... ¡Hora de tintico! En este episodio, nuestra amigo Carlos nos cuenta sobre varias experiencias que ha tenido su familia. Deberán reevaluar los ruido…
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Ep. 13 - Más Horrible Story
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1:21:06Super trigger warning: The story Mari talks about contains graphic details regarding assault against pets, children and other humans. This story was so disturbing, that we could only do it in English. Spanish version will be up soon. Mari had warned us about her story being disturbing, but we weren't prepared and actually had never heard about it (…
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Caro shares about that one time at the Queen Mary, where the family was given a very private tour by a ghost chef? Vunny also talks about how she wants to start a podcast where she will read your stories of asshole things your kids do. Lastly, we have an intervention with Mari and how she should really watch where she's walking (literally)! Caro co…
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Ep. 12 - Blanco y Black
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1:31:22How far would you go for your children? Mari's story is about the murderous assaults of Peter & Joan Porco. Caro talks about The Black Widow, former Colombian drug cartel leader, Griselda Blanco. ¿Hasta dónde llegarías por tus hijos? La historia de Mari se trata de los asaltos asesinos de Peter y Joan Porco. Caro habla sobre la Viuda Negra, ex líde…
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We hope you had a safe 4th of July and have all of your fingers! Caro talks about why it's "safe" to say RIP while doing the sign of the cross (when talking about the dead). Vunny talks about an experience at a haunted New Orleans hotel. ¡Esperamos que hayan tenido un 4 de julio seguro y que permanezcan con todos sus dedos! Caro habla sobre las cos…
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Ep. 10 - Bebés por todos los lados / Babies everywhere
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1:26:04Yeah, our 10th episode! We're so grateful for our fans! Mari tells us about a story of the Makins and their baby factory in New South Wales. Caro tells us about the death of Sarah Everard. Could there have been a police cover-up? Eso, nuestro decimo episodio. Gracias a nuestros oyentes. Mari nos cuenta una historia rara vez escuchada de los Makin y…
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Tintico time! In this episode, Miss I.R. DMs us about a story from 10 years ago regarding the Department of Health, State Hospital located in Norwalk and 2 separate crime scenes and how these were linked. ¡Hora de tintico! En este episodio, I.R. nos envío un DM sobre una historia que hace 10 años, 2 escenas de crimen relacionadas con el hospital de…
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Ep. 9 - Padres Mal Nacidos
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1:21:59¡Feliz día del padre! Hablamos del caso de Josh Powell y su padre perverso. Por ultimo, Gregory Green, hombre detestable quien mata a sus 2 mujeres e hijos... Con la fe de un pastor. Happy Father's Day! We talk about the case of Josh Powell and his perverted father. Then, Gregory Green, who killed 2 wives and 4 children, this is after a pastor said…
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Ep. 8 - Las Greñas Sueltas / Loose Hair
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1:00:19Always be suspicious when a landlord tells you not to go to a specific part of property (especially if they don't want pets to sniff around). Mari talks about the FL case (I know, shocking) of Bonnie Haim, who was murdered in 1993. Even though Vunny tries to get Caro to sing, she talks about the cult Mexican pop star, Gloria Trevi, was involved wit…
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Ep. 7 - Tras las Décadas
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1:16:34As we research more and more for our stories, there are so many crimes that remain unsolved or not quite settled. In Mari's story, someone dressed as a clown with carnations, rings the doorbell of Marlene Warren and kills her. Caro talks about the Pelley Family Massacre aka Prom Night Murders and how sometimes things are not always what they seem. …
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Tintico time! In this episode, we have our very first story from one of our listeners, Quentina, who emails us about her nephew, Kimo & his friend with the scary face, Luke. Hold unto your chonies because it's a scary one! ¡Hora de tintico! En este episodio más corto, tenemos nuestra primera historia de una de nuestras oyentes, Quentina, quien nos …
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Ep. 6 - Asesinos y Vino
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1:51:06Moraleja del cuento: nosotras sentimos que no debes dar nombres humanos a tus perros. Vunny lee por primera vez sobre Scott Peterson, quien fue condenado en 2004 por los asesinatos de su esposa, Laci y su hijo por nacer, Conner. Luego, a través de una historia sugerida por VB de Miami, hablamos sobre el asesinato de Jimmy Ryce. Moral of the Story: …
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¡Feliz Día de la Madre a todas menos a Casey Anthony (come mierda)! Este año, debemos agradecer mucho a nuestras madres por literalmente mantenernos con vida. Hablaremos del caso reciente de Liliana Carrillo, quien "protegió" a sus hijos de un culto mientras luchaba con sus propios demonios. Por ultimo, la madre de todas las madres (come mierda), C…
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