Hola profes, Bienvenidos a su pódcast Para Maestros, Este pódcast tiene como misión visualizar el trabajo que hacemos los maestros en Latinoamérica, dentro y fuera del aula. Aquí cuento mi experiencia como maestra internacional, y también hablamos de temas de actualidad que competen a los maestros. Tenemos entrevistas con maestros de varios países de Latinoamérica y expertos en temas de interés. Si tiene y quieren contarnos sobre su experiencia, por favor escríbeme a paramaestros@podcast.info
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English Ask the Lawyer: You have questions, we got the answers. We bring you the latest updates on the law and community issues on our radio show. For a case evaluation, call 855-768-8845 or visit www.askthelawyer.us Español Pregúntele al abogado: usted tiene preguntas, nosotros tenemos las respuestas. Le traemos las últimas actualizaciones sobre la ley y los problemas de la comunidad en nuestro programa de radio. Para una evaluación de su caso, llame al 800-470-6113 o visitar www.preguntale ...
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Videos que invitan a pensar en la vida y en el ser humano, con ideas provenientes de líderes empresariales, psicólogos e investigadores que se presentan en el escenario de TED, en eventos TEDx y en otras reuniones del sistema en todo el mundo. También se pueden descargar estos y muchos otros videos en forma gratuita desde TED.com, con transcripción interactiva en inglés y con subtítulos en casi 80 idiomas. TED es una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a comunicar ideas que vale la pena ...
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Equitable Distribution in a Post-Divorce Judgement. Plus, the Visa Waiver Program: Overstays and Enforcement Policies.
Ask the Lawyer - You have questions, we've got the answers! Whatever your legal issue or concern, call us right now 855-768-8845 or schedule an appointment at https://www.askthelawyer.us
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Hola profes, La canción '+57' ha dado mucho de qué hablar. ¡Vamos a analizarla a fondo! En este post, te compartimos nuestra conversación con expertos y te damos algunas ideas para trabajar en el aula con tus estudiantes. Escucha todos los episodios aquí Para Maestros síguenos y apoya nuestra labor Red divergente: sigue las redes de Divergente, un …
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Trump 2.0: Promises & Impact. Plus, Green Card to Citizenship: Benefits and Deportation Defense Under Trump in 2025.
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Understanding the Financial Impact of Divorce: How Taxes Affect Your Post-Divorce Wealth. Plus, Filing for Bankruptcy, Estate Planning Essentials and ITIN FAQS.
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Stop Green Card Slavery: Free Immigration Consultations for Victims of Domestic Violence. Plus, Divorce as an Act of Love.
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Ask the Lawyer - You have questions, we've got the answers!Whatever your legal issue or concern, call us right now 855-768-8845 or schedule an appointment at https://www.askthelawyer.us
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Black Power. Plus, The Reality of Divorce: Why Do Half of All Marriages End? Is It Because of "Falling Out of Love"?
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Ask the Lawyer - You have questions, we've got the answers!Whatever your legal issue or concern, call us right now 855-768-8845 or schedule an appointment at https://www.askthelawyer.us
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My Grandmother Used to Say: Do You Have Book Sense or Common Sense? Plus, The Power of a Sincere Apology: Why Saying “Sorry” Isn’t Always Enough
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Windella Sanderson Wells - The Latest Perpetrator of Immigration Fraud
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Ask the Lawyer - You have questions, we've got the answers!Whatever your legal issue or concern, call us right now - 855-768-8845 or schedule an appointment at https://www.askthelawyer.us
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The Psychology of Being Undocumented and Arleigh Louison Fraud and Why Women Stay in Abusive Relationships
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Filing for Citizenship with Convictions & Arrests and Protecting Yourself from Deed Fraud Theft
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Filing for Citizenship with Convictions & Arrests and Protecting Yourself from Deed Fraud Theft
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Green Card Petitions, Divorce and Dementia and Travel Permissions and Risks for DACA Holders
Green Card Petitions, Divorce and Dementia and Travel Permissions and Risks for DACA Holders
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Summer Warnings. Plus, Green Card Marriage Fraud - When There Are Children and When Legal Malpractice Constitutes Fraud
Summer Warnings. Plus, Green Card Marriage Fraud - When There Are Children and When Legal Malpractice Constitutes Fraud
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The U Visa & Domestic Workers’ Rights, Plus, Do Healthy Couples Fight? Can Conflict Bring You Closer Together or Further Apart?
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The U Visa & Domestic Workers’ Rights, Plus, Do Healthy Couples Fight? Can Conflict Bring You Closer Together or Further Apart?
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Breaking News: Biden Announces Immigration Protections for Up to 550,000 Spouses and Children of US Citizens. And, Are you Happy in Your Romantic Relationship?
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Breaking News: Biden Announces Immigration Protections for Up to 550,000 Spouses and Children of US Citizens. And, Are you Happy in Your Romantic Relationship?
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The Importance of the Paternity Test
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The Importance of the Paternity Test
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Grounds for Divorce, Estate Planning Guide for Everyone and What Are My Rights in a Foreclosure?
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Grounds for Divorce, Estate Planning Guide for Everyone and What Are My Rights in a Foreclosure?
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Excuses Women Use Not to Have Sex
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Involved in a Car Accident. Plus, The Struggle to Let Go: Why It’s Hard to End Unhealthy Relationships?
Involved in a Car Accident. Plus, The Struggle to Let Go: Why It’s Hard to End Unhealthy Relationships?
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The Man That I Am. Plus, We Can Save Your Property From Foreclosure.
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The Man That I Am. Plus, We Can Save Your Property From Foreclosure.
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What Happens When You Overstay in the US? And Free Consultations on Wills & Estate Planning
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Navigating the Waters of Divorce: Choosing to Divorce Well and How Do I Return to the US After Being Deported?
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Navigating the Waters of Divorce: Choosing to Divorce Well and How Do I Return to the US After Being Deported?
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Do You Want to Go to Heaven? Be Kind to Immigrants. Plus, When a Man Loves a Woman and Saving Your Property from Foreclosure!
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Do You Want to Go to Heaven? Be Kind to Immigrants. Plus, When a Man Loves a Woman and Saving Your Property from Foreclosure!
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¡Hola Profes! Para cerrar esta temporada, les traigo 3 estrategias de diferenciación que son útiles en diferentes grados y asignaturas. ¡Espero que les sean de gran ayuda! Aquí les dejo el enlace al manual en versión Kindle. Amazon.com: Diferenciacion: Manual Para Maestros (Spanish Edition) eBook : Londono, Y Carolina, Londono, Carolina: Kindle Sto…
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¡Hola Profes! Hoy quiero compartir algunas ideas clave para diferenciar los materiales de trabajo en el aula. Son consejos generales, pero muy útiles que pueden adaptarse fácilmente. Aquí les dejo el enlace al manual, disponible en versión Kindle y física, ¡espero que les sea de ayuda! Amazon.com: Diferenciacion: Manual Para Maestros (Spanish Editi…
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Foreclosures in New York: We Can Help You Save Your Property
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What Happens When You Overstay in America? Plus, Gold Digger, Where Should I Put My Will and Common Tax Errors
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What Happens When You Overstay in America? Plus, Gold Digger, Where Should I Put My Will and Common Tax Errors
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Is It Because You Are a Woman? Plus, Workers' Compensation for Repetitive Injuries, Divorce and Wills, Trusts and Estate Planning.
Is It Because You Are a Woman? Plus, Workers' Compensation for Repetitive Injuries, Divorce and Wills, Trusts and Estate Planning.
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The US Government is Both a Love and Racist Government. Plus, Grounds for Divorce and Forgiveness for Bankruptcy.
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The US Government is Both a Love and Racist Government. Plus, Grounds for Divorce and Forgiveness for Bankruptcy.
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Immigrants! Come to America, Grounds for Divorce, and God Will Forgive You for Filing for Bankruptcy. Plus, Filing for Taxes Jointly: Whose Name Goes First?
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Immigrants! Come to America, Grounds for Divorce, and God Will Forgive You for Filing for Bankruptcy. Plus, Filing for Taxes Jointly: Whose Name Goes First?
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Ask the Lawyer - You have questions, we've got the answers!Whatever your legal issue or concern, call us right now - 855-768-8845 or schedule an appointment at https://www.askthelawyer.us
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¿Te apasiona la educación y quieres descubrir cómo llegar a todos tus Estudiantes? En este pódcast, exploraremos el mundo de la diferenciación en el aula, una estrategia poderosa para personalizar el aprendizaje y desatar el potencial de cada estudiante. Acompáñanos a descubrir: Por qué la diferenciación es esencial en el aula moderna. Los diferent…
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¡Hola profes! Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes mi enfoque en la estrategia de trabajo en pequeños grupos en el marco de la diferenciación y cómo la implemento en mis clases, especialmente en el área de lenguaje. 📚💡 Espero que encuentren útiles mis experiencias y consejos para mejorar la dinámica y el aprendizaje en sus aulas. ¡Vamos a sumergirnos j…
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Como elevar la originalidad en el aula diferenciada y que logística requieres para diferenciar/
¿La diferenciación podrá ser tu sello personal, pero como lograrlo? Aquí te doy algunos consejos muy importantes que no tienen que ver con pedagogía sino con logística, la cual es crucial en un aula diferenciada. Support the show @para.maestros.podcast en Instagram (8) Para Maestros podcast: administrador de la página de empresa | LinkedIn…
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En este episodio explicó un poco más por qué diferenciar la instrucción, el cómo nuestros estudiantes llegan al aula con diferentes niveles de aprendizaje y como en ocasiones nos olvidamos de estas diferencias cuando estamos enseñando. Support the show @para.maestros.podcast en Instagram (8) Para Maestros podcast: administrador de la página de empr…
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Hola profes En este episodio hablaremos de los primeros pasos para diferenciar el aula, que hacer y como preparar a los padres de familia y- tutores y a los estudiantes para entender las dinámicas de un aula diferenciada. Support the show @para.maestros.podcast en Instagram (8) Para Maestros podcast: administrador de la página de empresa | LinkedIn…
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En este episodio explico un poco más esta teoría que es original de Carol Ann Tomlinson, ella nos da las bases de que podemos diferenciar en el aula de clase. Support the show @para.maestros.podcast en Instagram (8) Para Maestros podcast: administrador de la página de empresa | LinkedInPor Carolina Londono
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It's the Love Month: Excuses Women Use Not to Have Sex. Plus, Tax Issues for Same Sex Couples
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It's Snow Season. Plus, Filing Taxes Jointly - Whose Name Goes First?
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Ask the Lawyer - You have questions, we've got the answers!Whatever your legal issue or concern, call us right now - 855-768-8845 or schedule an appointment at https://www.askthelawyer.us
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January is Divorce Month: Don't Divorce Your Money or Your Kids, Divorce Your Spouse!
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Ask the Lawyer - You have questions, we've got the answers!Whatever your legal issue or concern, call us right now - 855-768-8845 or schedule an appointment at https://www.askthelawyer.us
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Ask the Lawyer - You have questions, we've got the answers! Whatever your legal issue or concern, call us right now 1-855-768-8845 or schedule an appointment at www.askthelawyer.us
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Oh Jamaica! Plus, Dealing with a Difficult Mother-in-Law, Bankruptcy After the Holidays and more!
Ask the Lawyer - You have questions, we've got the answers! Whatever your legal issue or concern, call us right now 1-855-768-8845 or schedule an appointment at www.askthelawyer.us
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Happy Holidays! Should I File for Bankruptcy Before or After the Holidays?
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Ask the Lawyer - You have questions, we've got the answers! Whatever your legal issue or concern, call us right now 1-855-768-8845 or schedule an appointment at www.askthelawyer.us
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Start Planning Your Future Now. Plus, Are You a Victim of Personal Injury?
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Ask the Lawyer - You have questions, we've got the answers! Whatever your legal issue or concern, call us right now 1-855-768-8845 or schedule an appointment at www.askthelawyer.us
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Enjoy Your Holidays, File for Bankruptcy After. Plus, 7 Signs You Should Contact a Premises Liability Lawyer.
Ask the Lawyer - You have questions, we've got the answers! Whatever your legal issue or concern, call us right now 1-855-768-8845 or schedule an appointment at www.askthelawyer.us
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Arleigh Louison is Dead. The Pain and Devastation of His Immigration Fraud Lives On. FREE Immigration Consultations for victims of Domestic Violence & What to Do If You Are a Victim of Personal Injury
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Ask the Lawyer - You have questions, we've got the answers! Whatever your legal issue or concern, call us right now 1-855-768-8845 or schedule an appointment at www.askthelawyer.us
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My People - Protect Your Assets. Plus, Free Immigration Consultations for Victims of Domestic Violences
Ask the Lawyer - You have questions, we've got the answers! Whatever your legal issue or concern, call us right now 1-855-768-8845 or schedule an appointment at www.askthelawyer.us
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How to Get a Green Card: Green Card Through VAWA - Abused Spouse Petition and Power of Attorney
Ask the Lawyer - You have questions, we've got the answers! Whatever your legal issue or concern, call us right now 1-855-768-8845 or schedule an appointment at www.askthelawyer.us
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A Good Lawyer. Plus, The Emotional Factors of Divorce.
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Ask the Lawyer - You have questions, we've got the answers! Whatever your legal issue or concern, call us right now 1-855-768-8845 or schedule an appointment at www.askthelawyer.us
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Ask the Lawyer - You have questions, we've got the answers! Whatever your legal issue or concern, call us right now 1-855-768-8845 or schedule an appointment at www.askthelawyer.us
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Gracie Mansion Plantation - They Don't Understand History. Plus, Workers’ Compensation – Repetitive Injuries.
Ask the Lawyer - You have questions, we've got the answers! Whatever your legal issue or concern, call us right now 1-855-768-8845 or schedule an appointment at www.askthelawyer.us
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