Learn about the differences between Alzheimer's and dementia, and how Alzheimer's disease progresses. We talk about why catching the disease early can make a big difference. Dr. Sharon Cohen and Dr. Yaakov Stern walk us through the stages of Alzheimer's disease, from when there are no symptoms to when memory issues start to show. They explain the stages of Alzheimer’s and how it develops over time. We also hear from Kelly, who explains her personal experiences and concerns about developing Alzheimer’s, and what she does about it. For links to resources and information covered in this series, visit our website at HealthUnmuted.com/resources What did you think of this episode? We’d love to hear from you. Please visit healthunmuted.com/feedback to let us know! Rethinking Alzheimer’s Disease was made possible with support from Eisai Inc. [00:00:00] Introduction [00:03:10] What's the difference between Alzheimer's disease and dementia? [00:07:04] When does Alzheimer’s begin to develop? [00:09:08] What is Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)? [00:10:36] What is subjective cognitive decline? [00:11:59] What is preclinical Alzheimer's disease? [00:13:13] Why is it important to detect Alzheimer’s disease early? Disclaimer: The content provided in this podcast is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on this podcast. Reliance on any information provided by this podcast or its guests is solely at your own risk. ©2024 Mission Based Media Ltd • April 2024 • AD-M2059…
Faith Fueled Business with Eboni L. Truss

Faith Fueled Business with Eboni L. Truss
Eboni L. Truss
This podcast is for Christians who are aspiring or active “FaithPreneurs” - Believers in Business 😇. My goal is to help you to monetize your message and start or grow a business that honors God, launches your spiritual gifts, and transforms the lives of those you serve. This podcast will feature relevant, action oriented content and expert interviews in order to grow you and your business. Join me! #Subscribe #Share
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She’s BAAAAACK! Listen in to find out where I’ve been and what you can expect going forward. This is SERIOUS encouragement right here, so if you need some (and even if you don’t) listen in!
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Some conversations are necessary... #TotallyUnscripted, this episode is about the conversation that confirmed for me that God was changing my direction and focus in the marketplace. Sometimes God pivots us and we’re left like 🤷🏾♀️. What do you do in that situation? Today I’m sharing what one conversation meant for me and giving you some direction …
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I’m under attack!
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Faith Fueled Business with Eboni L. Truss

There has been a certain righteous indignation that I have developed as I watch and listen to those in the marketplace in general and those in my industry specifically. This is a season where God desires to return His influence to the marketplace and there is a groundswell of believers who sense a call to join Him in that. On this episode, I dive d…
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Faith Fueled Business with Eboni L. Truss

Why did people follow Jesus? A lot of it had to do with the anointing on His life, the truth that He taught, and the miracles He performed. Why do you follow the people in the marketplace that you follow? Is it for the same reasons? On today’s episode I dive headlong into the cost of aligning your life and your business with those who’s lifestyles …
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On this episode we’re starting with a guiding question: “In whom or in what is your trust?” The experts? The economy? Your education? We can have trust in a lot of things, but what fruit do we have as a result? And even though it’s risky for me (and I share why in the episode), today I want to challenge you to examine your business. Listen in!…
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Faith Fueled Business with Eboni L. Truss

Shiny Object Syndrome... the root of the seemingly “necessary” distraction that takes our eyes off our God-given assignment in the marketplace. In this episode I share my struggles with Shiny Object Syndrome, uncover it for what it *really* is, and then share how we can both overcome it. 🙌🏾 Listen in!…
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As believers, we have to understand that we aren’t to do business the world’s way. There are tactics and principles that are used in the marketplace that just don’t jibe with the Word of God. There was one tactic in particular that Homy Spirit told me I was NOT to use and then He shared who WE as Believers in Business truly are in the marketplace. …
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No joke... this episode could change things for you. You’ve gotta listen to understand what I mean. #Share
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The concept of a Believer having a “Faith Fueled Business” makes total sense. But making it an entire movement 😳 That takes cojones! On today’s episode I share the moments I had with Holy Spirit that led me to launch the Faith Fueled Business Movement, develop Monetize YOUniversity, and create the SavedCEO System. Listen in!…
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Faith Fueled Business with Eboni L. Truss

In every business I’ve started, I’ve made mistakes. A few times the same mistake more than once 🙄. In hindsight, what I’ve come to realize is that asking myself one simple question would have alleviated at least 95% of the trouble I had. It wasn’t God. It wasn’t the devil. It was ME... because I didn’t ask the right question in the beginning. And i…
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Faith Fueled Business with Eboni L. Truss

By all intents and purposes, I was a successful business owner. I worked hard at growing my business, worked a lot of hours, and my revenue was respectable. But... my cash flow was dismal! Why? Because I was working so hard that finding time to actually take control of my money was impossible. What did I do to fix it (and how can you turn it around…
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Faith Fueled Business with Eboni L. Truss

Ep. 23: Making the Most of Your Time - 5 Productivity Tips Believers in Business Should Live By
It’s not enough to dream of success. It’s not enough to set goals. And it’s not even enough to “pray about it.” The only way to truly achieve your dreams and build the business God has called you to build is to sit down and just DO it. But... isn’t that where most of us miss the mark? There’s help for both of us in today’s episode. Listen in!…
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Faith Fueled Business with Eboni L. Truss

As a coach, it is always difficult for me to watch the lack of progress if so many promising entrepreneurs and business owners (especially believers in business). They’ve dreamed about, prayed about, and out their faith out for so long about creating a solid, sustainable business, and yet, all they do is dream... Are they just lazy? Find out on tod…
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Faith Fueled Business with Eboni L. Truss

I want to challenge the whole “SMART Goal” setting paradigm on today’s episode. Is it really *smart* to set goals that’s are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely? I don’t think so and I’m sharing why on today’s episode!
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Income producing idea (✔️)... Strategies to promote the idea (✔️)... but how are we gonna get 👀 on what we have to offer? Today’s episode gives you three simple ways to start doing that *today* plus tells you how you get get 47 MORE for free! Listen in! P.S. in today’s episode I mention an email management service. The one I use is ConvertKit and I…
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Faith Fueled Business with Eboni L. Truss

Ep. 19: “Never Ending” Promotional Strategies for Your Product or Service (I Have 50 For You 🙌🏾)!
Now that we have some ideas on how to make the income, how do we get the ideas out in front of people? Today’s episode covers that! I’m giving some radical yet somewhat unconventional ways to get eyes on your business and idea. Listen in!
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Faith Fueled Business with Eboni L. Truss

I can’t preach #MoneyAndImpact without having the money conversation and we can’t talk about serving an abundant God and not talk about how to create abundance for ourselves. So on today’s episode, I’m giving you the deets on ways you can start making money from products and services that you already have. Instant payday! Listen in...…
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Most heart-centered business owners have one thing in common: they don’t effectively plan for profit. In our excitement we sometimes put the cart before the horse (🙋🏾♀️ 🤦🏾♀️) and we launch without knowing how to make money. On today’s episode I want to begin giving you some steps to ensure that you make money when you start or as you build. Liste…
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Faith Fueled Business with Eboni L. Truss

My mission is to help people make a lot of money helping other people. What’s driving you in your business, to do business the way you do, and with the people you do it for? That’s one of the questions I ask on today’s episode (which is a FBL simulcast). Listen in to find out what this means for you as a Believer in Business.…
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Faith Fueled Business with Eboni L. Truss

For all of my coaching and speaking career, I have had coaches and mentors who trained and instructed me. I learned valuable lessons from each of them, but I found myself at a crossroads: would I continue to do what the experts told or would I choose to be led by the Spirit of God and rely on His guidance...? The answer may surprise you. Listen in!…
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Jeremiah 29:11 let’s us know that God designed each of us with purpose and for purpose. But what does that mean practically? What do we need to do as a result? Listen to find out the role that purpose and assignment play in your marketplace ministry.
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On today’s episode I dive into how I’ve become comfortable with allowing Holy Spirit to use my business “for the common good” through the use of my spiritual gifts in the marketplace. What are your spiritual gifts and how could God use them in your business? Listen in!
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Faith Fueled Business with Eboni L. Truss

We’ve qualified your genius. Now it’s time to quantify your genius - time to decide whether or not you can actually start a business from this thing! Today we’re covering 3 ways to help you to decide if you’re headed in the right direction. Listen in!
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Faith Fueled Business with Eboni L. Truss

So you’re called to the marketplace, huh? Wonderful! But, are you sure? Here are 3 keys to to clearing the “clutter” and being sure about your called to a “Marketplace Ministry”.
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You have been endowed with power to get wealth. But, where does that “power” come from? How do you identify it? Listen in to find out how to tap into your marketplace anointing!
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Not every Believer is called to start a church or ministry. There are many Believers who God has purposed for the marketplace - to start businesses that return His influence to the marketplace. Is that you? Listen in to find out!
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My journey into business ownership wasn’t *always* doom and gloom! Today I want to share how God called me to the coaching and speaking space and the revelation I had as a result. Listen in!
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Have you ever had to have a difficult conversation that caused you to have to face a reality that you didn’t want to face? I had to have one... with my son. Here’s what happened, and what I learned.
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On this episode I share what happened in the aftermath of being hoodwinked in business by people I thought I should trust. Listen in to find out what happened and the lessons learned in the process.
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Hoodwinked... bamboozled... run amuck... led astray. If you’ve ever been betrayed in a relationship, whether personal or business, you’ll be able to relate. In this episode I share the “drama” that I encountered as I embarked upon my first serious business launch and the lessons I learned that apply to every business owner.…
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Do you feel “regular” and you’re not sure what to do with that? I felt the same way, and I wound up envious of other people, trying to “keep up with the Joneses” and hating my own life. Thank God I didn’t stay there, but how do you move on from that? Listen in to find out what I did start living a fulfilled life instead (and how you can too).…
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Have you ever had God just come in and totally alter the plans you had for your life or your business? If you haven’t, I suspect it’s something you’ll experience at some point in your walk with Him. Here on Episode 3, I share my experience and what I did as a result. Come join me!
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Have you been around the “business block” a few times and now you’re ready to throw in the towel? Hey, I understand - I’ve started and stopped more businesses that I care to remember! But there IS hope. Listen in to Episode 2 for more.
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Welcome to the first episode of the Faith Fueled Business (FFB) Podcast! Listen for the backstory of how I left a life of “regular” to being the leader of the Faith Fueled Business Movement and SavedCEO!
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