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EMF Remedy

Keith Cutter

Our mission is to help those who's lives are being adversely impacted through the reckless spread of harmful man-made electromagnetic radiation by equipping them to understand, measure and remediate EMF in their own homes. We also help with the harder part -- undoing the social programming and gaslighting so you can free yourself from the electromagnetic 'matrix'.
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Estás escuchando Emfit Podcast. Aquí aprenderás sobre nutrición, entrenamiento, hábitos saludables y los suplementos que te pueden ayudar. Ideas efectivas, a dosis efectivas.
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Join Matt Cossey on a journey into the invisible world of EMFs. The electro-smog that we find ourselves living in is negatively affecting all life on the planet. Scientists are sounding the alarm yet most people are completely unaware of the health risks. This invisible pollutant is also increasing at a faster rate than ever before. Matt is a certified electromagnetic radiation specialist in Sydney and is helping to spread awareness all over the world. Find out more at https://biome-living.com
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The EMF Action Network (EMFAN) is a organization dedicated to providing discussion on topics concerning the overgrown spread of wireless technology in our lives and how it affects our well being. Each show features different guests and is distributed primarily through podcasts on ITunes and YouTube. Each podcast presents different guests who present their point of view and stories concerning the exorbitant expansion of wireless technology in our culture. Topics include electromagnetic hypers ...
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Today was graduation day for students attending the maiden voyage of Foundations in EMF Assessment – the class we discussed in episode 108. We have three new EMF consultants ready to serve in their local communities and get this – the course was based out of the EMF challenge facility under development, as discussed in episodes 112 and 101. My firs…
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Here’s the bottom line: You’ll need a paid subscription to continue this podcast journey. I’m going to continue – I love producing this audio podcast. The transition from free to paid-only will be seamless and we have three options, all of which will get you access to all episodes moving forward. A plan to help you and your family, one to also help…
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EM という立場は、時には孤独になりやすいポジションでは無いでしょうか。そんな時にこそ、仕事と離れた、利害関係の無い関係が大切になってくることがあると感じています。今回は、EMFM 開始のきっかけを振り返りながら、利害関係のない関係の重要さや、そんなつながりの作り方、などについて話しました。■ 参考Engineering Manager Meetup : https://engineering-manager-meetup.connpass.com/EMConf JP : https://2025.emconf.jp/
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新しいメンバーをどうやって受け入れていく?を悩まれているEMの方も多いのではないでしょうか。 今回は、オンボーディングについて、難しさや気をつけるポイントから、効率的に進めるための工夫などを、実体験も交えながら話しました。 ■ YouTube 版はこちら! https://youtu.be/naGt9OOnt_g
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ソフトウェアエンジニアリングでは、答えのない難しい問題に向き合いつづけなければいけません。そのために継続的な改善と学習が重要になりますが、その時に注意しなければいけない「思考停止ワード」があると考えています。 思考停止ワードの具体例も挙げながら、どうして思考停止ワードが出てきてしまうのか、それを止めるにはどうしたらいいのか、などについて話しました。 ■ 参考 PAUL GRAHAM : Keep Your Identity Small : https://www.paulgraham.com/identity.html けまらしさについて : https://koseki.hatenadiary.org/entries/2004/07/23 ■ YouTube 版はこちら! https://…
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リーダやマネージャになったばかりだと、うまく役割が果たせず悩むことも多いのではないでしょうか。もしかすると「素の自分」のままで役割を果たそうとしていることが原因かもしれません。 今回は、そんな方にこそ聴いていただきたい、役割を演じること、について話しました。 ■ Youtube 版はこちら! https://youtu.be/bW_gosdkKPQ
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定量的な目標、評価指標などを設定する際に「その数値はハックできる」という話になることがあると思います。 果たして、本当に数値評価はハックされてしまうものなのか?なぜ数値ハックを危惧するのか?どうしたら数値ハックを防げるのか?などについて話しました。 ■ Youtube 版はこちら! https://youtu.be/P9G3mgfvjKc
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あなたは一言でいうと「何をする人」でしょうか?EM という仕事の役割は多岐に渡ることもあり、結果、自分の価値や役割に悩む方も多いのではないでしょうか。今回は、そんな EM の役割を明確にする事の大事さや、その方法、逆に明確にしてしまう事のデメリットなどについて話しました。 ■ Youtube 版はこちら! https://youtu.be/QyZv62xJ0S8■ 参考・エンジニアリングマネージャ/プロダクトマネージャのための知識体系と読書ガイド・100名に聞いた!エンジニアリングマネージャーの給与と責務の実態調査・本当に意味のある目標設定 #EMFM Re.8
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「技術力を上げたい」という話をよく聞きますが、一体「技術力」とは何でしょうか? 新しいフレームワークに触る、○○使ってみる、みたいなもので得られるもの?難しい技術を扱えること?キャリアはマネージャーとは異なる?などなどについて話しました。
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Dirty electricity is increasing faster than ever. But what exactly is it? And how does it radiate off all your walls and ceilings? We also discuss the 5G rollout, with all the latest updates! Discover the ultimate shield against EMFs with our groundbreaking EMF Protection Protocol⁠. Engineered by experts, it offers comprehensive 360-degree defense …
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Today we're trying something different, a guest podcast. Another podcaster and I have decided we have common ground on EMF and each of us will feature a podcast produced by the other. Should be fun. I believe you'll enjoy this episode, and who knows? You may want to follow Roman and Bohdanna, The Power Couple Podcast. Here's their web site: https:/…
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Today, I don't know of any fiber internet service without significant EMF issues. Period. The main problem is the amount of EMI, that stands for electromagnetic interference, radiated by the technology. EMI may also be conducted into your home and yard, perhaps even if you didn't sign up for the service. There are also other issues, just as bad as …
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I’m not aware of anyone in the world more qualified than Arthur Firstenberg, Author of The Invisible Rainbow A History of Electricity and Life, to talk about the historical impacts of the reckless spread of harmful man-made electromagnetic radiation. His 40+ years of surviving electromagnetic poisoning, his medical background, his keen intellect an…
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If you earth outside (barefoot earthing) or use grounding products - don't miss this episode! And if you don't, tune in to save yourself the health consequences. In this episode I expose the dangers of grounding products and earthing outside in this ever increasing electro-polluted world we are living in.…
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Nighttime use of an RF shielded bed canopy can be a life saver, but what if you need more? Protection during the day in addition to protection at night. After all you can’t spend all day in bed! If you’re in survival mode; you’ve realized the place you’re living is uninhabitable from an RF radiation exposure perspective; and you need a way to endur…
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#31 のアフターショーです。前回に引き続き、れいっち(株式会社ゆめみ 代表取締役 片岡さん)をゲストに迎え、ゆめみでアウトプットカルチャーを如何に浸透させたのか、という話から、組織/個人のアウトプットを増やすには、これからのアウトプット方法は、などざっくばらんに話しました。【特別ゲスト】片岡俊行 氏(@raykataoka)1976年生まれ。京都大学大学院情報学研究科在学中の2000年株式会社ゆめみ創業、代表取締役就任。株式会社ゆめみ https://www.yumemi.co.jp/
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Today we’re talking about an amazing, and I don’t use that word lightly – an amazing type of remediation appropriate in SOME (not all) cases. If a bed canopy is appropriate in your situation you really must consider using one. There is no more important time and place than during sleep in your bedroom that you need to protect from RF radiation expo…
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Let's explore Electric Fields even deeper with part 2! If you haven't listened to part 1 yet, tune into episode 11 to learn about these melatonin zapping, sleep depriving electrifying fields. The sponsor of this show is the EMF Protection Protocol. The world's only expert designed EMF defense protocol: 360 degree protection from all 4 types of haza…
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EMF consultant, author and inventor Andrew McAfee joins Keith Cutter to talk about serious, no-nonsense EMF assessment and remediation. We live in a created world. We are created beings -- electromagnetic in nature. For many years now we’ve been trading the healing and nurturing electromagnetic environment we were given for an electromagnetic envir…
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When Andrew McAfee began constructing an underground bunker, it wasn't for the zombie apocalypse—it was a matter of survival against an invisible enemy: electromagnetic fields. Tune in to an extraordinary account of his quest for health amidst the perils of electromagnetic poisoning, and how creating an EMF-reduced sanctuary propelled his recovery.…
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What health depleting EMF radiates off all the walls in your home? Discover the hidden health impact of Electric Fields in your home! Join us to explore their link to insomnia and how they disrupt your rest. Plus, an exclusive offer for dedicated listeners: The EMF Protection Protocol is now live at https://emfprotocol.com…
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This is part one of a conversation with Andrew McAfee, an EMF consultant with a powerful narrative of transition from professional musician to an EMF consultant, author and inventor. Together, we shine a light on the hidden dangers lurking in our homes, exploring the paradox of our dependence on modern conveniences that may come at the cost of our …
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As the days grow shorter and we find ourselves on the cusp of a new year, I found myself grappling with the invisible forces that shape our lives - not just fate or circumstance, but the electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) that weave through our existence, often unnoticed. This episode is an invitation to join me in this moment of introspection, as …
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今回は特別ゲストとして、株式会社ゆめみ 代表取締役 片岡さんを迎え、ゆめみの「弱者の技術広報戦略」について話していただきました!ゆめみさんの活躍は Qiita や X を始めとして、日々目にするところではありますが、その裏側にはどんな戦略があるのか?広報戦略にお悩みの企業様など、必見の内容になっています!【特別ゲスト】片岡俊行 氏(@raykataoka)1976年生まれ。京都大学大学院情報学研究科在学中の2000年株式会社ゆめみ創業、代表取締役就任。株式会社ゆめみ https://www.yumemi.co.jp/
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Can you imagine the peace of mind that comes with knowing your home is safe from potentially harmful non-native EMFs? Or the thrill of purchasing a carefully chosen, potentially life-altering Christmas present for a loved one? That's what you'll gain from tuning into this podcast episode. As your host, Keith Cutter, I'll guide you through the ins a…
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遅くなってしまいましたが、Re.29 適切なフィードバック (10/6収録) のアフターショーです。 Re.29 に引き続き、フィードバックの話として、感謝する/褒めるタイミングや頻度などフィードバックの難しさ、感謝すべきことに気づくことの難しさ、フィードバックを集める方法、ネガティブフィードバックへの対応、などについて話しました。
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Were sincerely grateful for each of you who have joined us on this journey, listening, learning, and creating healthier living environments. We're taking a five-week planned break to recharge, but can't wait to return with more enlightening discussions. We'd love to hear your ideas for future episodes and questions. So, don't be a stranger! Reach o…
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Can the poisoning be reversed? It can to some extent with many environmental toxins. I would argue it can also be reversed with electromagnetic poisoning, because it's what I've witnessed in my life. I've also seen it in the lives of other survivors. It's not really that hard to grasp either. We'll look at what it takes with certain other toxins an…
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Welcome to an exciting new chapter of our podcast, we're rebranding -- changing our name and cover art. The new name of the podcast is EMF Remedy -- same as our business name, same as our web site. Rest assured, your subscription to our podcast remains untouched, requiring no extra effort on your part. Make sure you look for our new podcast name an…
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What lengths would you go to for your health? In an electrifying conversation with Julia Lupine, we journey through her extraordinary story of survival amidst severe electromagnetic poisoning. Julia's remarkable adaptation, from taking shelter in a cave to braving a diet of dog food, paints a vivid picture of the harsh reality faced by electrosensi…
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Want to make an informed decision when purchasing an EMF meter? Hold on tight as we unlock the mystery of selecting the right one! We go through the five crucial factors you need to consider to ensure your measurements are accurate and reliable. Overlook any of these, and you may end up with flawed readings that could potentially compromise your he…
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EM/エンジニア として、フィードバックの機会は多々あると思います。 一般に言われるフィードバックの難しさ、重要なポイントなどから、実際に行なっているフィードバックの中で大切にしている点や工夫などを話しました。
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Ever wondered how the worlds of magic and media are related to FCC RF exposure safety guidelines? Brace yourself for an intriguing voyage that draws parallels between the art of magic by misdirection and the development of these regulations - a seemingly disparate pairing that's both fascinating and enlightening. We'll dissect the absurdities in th…
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In this episode we review two questions from listeners. Candice writes in to tell about her painful experience during a routine MRI. Another listener asks about whether or not he should consider Building Biologists when searching for someone to perform an in-home EMF assessment. Support the show Continue the journey with the EMF Remedy Premium Podc…
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This episode is all about Ham Radio AKA Amateur Radio. It is an environmental toxin, the safe level of exposure to which is likely zero. Nevertheless, I've had a lifetime fascination with wireless communication and learning about this topic contributed to my survival and has made me a better EMF Consultant. Here's Dr Milham's paper: http://www.samm…
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I’m a 38 year survivor of electromagnetic poisoning, didn’t even know nnEMF was the root cause of my medical problems for 33 of those 38 years. Misdiagnosed and mistreated for over three decades then by God’s grace I learned the root cause. After witnessing how EMF assessment and remediation of my home precipitated a dramatic turnaround in well bei…
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Are you ready to escape the EMF jungle of the modern world? Join us in this compelling discourse as we reveal how an off-grid home can be your sanctuary from the chaos and become a haven of reduced man-made electromagnetic radiation. Unearth the secrets of low power consumption design, effective natural gas application, and the creation of a favora…
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Ever thought about the potential dangers lurking in your everyday Wi-Fi router? Imagine if you had a simple, cost-effective method to reduce exposure to RF radiation from your wifi router at your fingertips. That's exactly what we're discussing in today's episode. We navigate the steps to effectively reduce your family's exposure to harmful man-mad…
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いつもはEngineering Managerがためになる話中心でしたが、ちょっと趣向を変えて、エンジニアのことをわかってもらいたい人に向けて聞いてもらえるように、エンジニアってこういう人が多いよね、のあるあるネタを話しました。
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Ready to challenge your beliefs and examine some hard truths? We tackle the contentious topic of non-native EMF exposure and why some individuals resist acknowledging its harmful nature. We'll traverse complex terrains of knowledge avoidance, willful ignorance, and deeply ingrained beliefs, while shedding light on how data, logic, and green tea can…
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From my years working in public safety I've seen how devastating an impact forced relocation can be -- and that's without the complications of nnEMF sensitiviity. After being displaced from her home by a wildfire, Shannon Rowan shares her story via a letter on this special edition of Reversing Electromagnetic Poisoning. Shannon is the author of "Wi…
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Today we dive into the often overlooked world of AC Magnetic Fields with our guest, Eric Windheim, a respected Building Biologist and Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist. Eric shares his wealth of knowledge on the topic, explaining how these unseen forces can pose significant risks to our health. We explore a range of subjects, from the remediatio…
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A solo cross country adventure taught me life lessons I still hold dear. Just as in-flight crises deserve swift action, so does surviving electromagnetic poisoning. Tune in as I share how having a game plan for these unexpected events became my lifeline, and don’t forget to check the exciting EMF educational series 5G radiation webinar special this…
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