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100年後の地球を生きる子どもたちへ、 つなげていきたい“ヒト・モノ・コト”。 それらを集めたものが「みらい図鑑」。 「みらい」へ受け継いでいきたい“ヒト・モノ・コト”。日本全国、あなたの身近にあるステキな“ヒト・モノ・コト”を教えてください!100年後の子どもたちへ伝える「みらい図鑑」を一緒に作りましょう。日本全国にきっとたくさんあります。
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Dunlop Presents Bass Freq's

Dunlop Manufacturing, Inc

The Bass Freqs Podcast brings you the unique perspectives and insights of bass players—the backbone of every band. Hosted by lifelong recording and touring bass player Josh Paul (Suicidal Tendencies, Infectious Grooves, Daughtry), each episode features in-depth discussions with some of the top bassists working today. Get the direct lowdown on how they got their start, how they approach their role as the driving force of a song, what gear they use, and what it takes to perform at the highest ...
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show series
As the co-founding bass player and primary songwriter of Motley Crue, Nikki Sixx was the foundation of one of the most iconic rock bands to come out of the 1980s. Recently, he sat down to talk with Bass Freq’s host Josh Paul, and we’re super excited to share that conversation with you here. Nikki took Josh on a journey through his whole story, from…
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Many of the guests who’ve come on the Bass Freq’s Podcast showed promise from an early age before being hailed as child prodigies on their way to amazing careers. This week's episode gives host Josh Paul the chance to talk to once such phenomenon while he is actually at the start of his meteoric rise. Aron Hodek, a 12-year old bass player from Slov…
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Blue DeTiger is one of the shining stars among a new crop of highly skilled bass players on their way to becoming the icons of the future. She's been dedicated to the craft since the age of seven, but instead of following the traditional routes to success, she took advantage of the new medium of our age—social media, through TikTok—to make her bigg…
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Respected performer and educator Rufus Philpot wears his love of the bass guitar on his shirt sleeves. He’s studied, taught, recorded, and performed at the highest levels, and in this conversation with host Josh Paul, Rufus dishes on that entire range of experience without holding back. Through stories about his influences, how hard he worked to ma…
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This week on the Bass Freq’s Podcast, we hear from LA-based award-winning bass player Pete Griffin. His resume includes some of the most respected acts in music, from Dweezil Zappa and Steve Vai to Stanley Clarke and Jean Luc-Ponty to name just a scant few. On top of being a top-tier journeyman of the stage and studio, Pete is a highly sought-after…
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This week, we’re joined by yet another Grammy Award-winning artist to its roster—Tommy Sims. Launching his career as a session-and-touring bass player in the late 1980s, he has contributed not only his accomplished bass grooves but also his chops as a songwriter, producer, arranger, and multi-instrumentalist to a long list of artists that includes …
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Nathan East’s tasty bass grooves have been making the hottest pop records pop for decades. He’s worked with the world’s top recording artists, from Eric Clapton and Stevie Wonder to Sting and Daft Punk—and that’s not even the half of it. On top of that, Nathan is a founding member of the prolific jazz group Fourplay, and he’s put out three of his o…
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Frank Brunot is s professional session and touring bassist who approaches his craft with a solid foundation of groove honed during his upbringing playing Gospel but counters that with his strong love the melodic nuances that a make a song stand out in any genre he applies himself to. Host Josh Paul gets to chat with Frank about getting his start, t…
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This week, we put the spotlight on Oskar Cartaya this week, yet another guest who possesses immense talent and exhibits unwavering dedication, to his craft. His unique style has garnered him an impressive list of credits playing, composing, arranging, and serving as musical director for the likes of Spyro Gyra, Herb Albert, Jennifer Lopez, Celia Cr…
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This week's guest is Jonas Hellborg. Drawing from a diverse range of influences that includes eclectic jazz, Arabic music, and improvisational psychedelic rock, Jonas burst onto the scene in the late 1970s and stunned audiences with his command over the electric bass. He quickly established himself with gigs such as the Mahavishnu Orchestra, Bill L…
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吉田美穂が6年7ヶ月に渡ってお送りしてきた「みらい図鑑」は、今回で最終回。 身の回りのモノやコト。 背景に“物語があるもの”を探して、その豊かさをこれまで数多くご紹介してきました。 3年前に東京から沖縄へ移住した吉田美穂、 そこで出会ったもののひとつが、「やちむん」です。 「やちむん」とは、沖縄の方言で「焼き物」のこと。 おおらかで、南国の空気を感じさせる味わい深い器は、“物語”そのものです。Por TOKYO FM
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国産オリーブオイル発祥の地といえば、香川県・小豆島ですが、 現在では産地も増え、生産農家さんも多くみられるようになりました。 今回、注目するのはそのうちのひとつ、 山梨県笛吹市生まれのオリーブオイルです。Por TOKYO FM
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家の中に置いておきたい。 そんな消化火器が、防災関連製品を開発・製造・販売する老舗メーカー、 「モリタ宮田工業」から誕生しました。 同社が立ち上げたブランド、「+maffs(マフス)」の「+ 住宅用消火器」です。Por TOKYO FM
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Miles Mosely is a captivating artist whose unique stylings have invited many to refer to him as the Jimi Hendrix of upright bass. Combining a solid groove and improvisational prowess with his upright, bow, and an array of effects pedals, Miles has contributed his innovative tones to top acts from Chris Cornell and Kendrick Lamar to Korn’s Jonathan …
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This week’s guest is Jacob Umansky, a bass player who demonstrates the powerful potential of playing with both great chops and killer tone. Jacob’s resume includes studying under the direction of such luminaries as Victor Bailey at Berklee College of Music and playing as part of masterful prog metal band Intervals. While his 6-string wonder of an i…
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野球道具を模った一口サイズのお菓子、「野球カステラ」。 その歴史は、100年以上にもなります。 大正時代、日本での野球の普及をお菓子にも活かして商売につなげられないか、と、 瓦せんべい屋で生まれたのがはじまりと言われていて、 その後、いろんなお店に伝わり、神戸を中心に近畿圏に広がりました。Por TOKYO FM
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This week's guest Rich Brown. Hailing from Canada, Rich is a highly accomplished performer, composer, producer, and educator. He's recorded three albums as band leader and has been featured on over 70 recordings covering a wide range of musical genres. Rich has played, toured, and recorded with some of the most distinguished musicians on the planet…
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福岡県柳川市で農業を営む、「杏里(あんり)ファーム」。 この農園が別事業部として手掛けているのが、アイスの製造です。 なかでもひときわ人気なのが、アイスキャンディ。 レトロなパッケージが目を引きます。Por TOKYO FM
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山口県宇部市の山合いにある吉部地区(きべちく)に、 江戸時代中頃から伝わる「ゆうれい寿司」。 角型の押し寿司なのですが、 具を混ぜたり、乗せたりせずに、“真っ白な酢飯”のみでつくることから、 ゆうれい寿司と呼ばれています。Por TOKYO FM
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1977年の創業以来、40年以上に渡って、 無添加食品の製造・販売をおこなっている、「りんねしゃ」。 愛知県津島市に本社を置くこの会社が手掛けているのが、 100%天然成分の蚊取り線香、「菊花(きっか)せんこう」です。Por TOKYO FM
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Every episode of the Bass Freq’s Podcast brings you bass players from different walks of life, different genres, and different musical philosophies. But all are united by a true love of their craft and a dedication to pushing themselves to new levels of expression. This week's guest, the frighteningly talented fretless specialist Gary Willis, exemp…
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This week, Josh speaks with Fernando Rosa. Hailing from São Paulo, Fernando’s deep appreciation and comprehension of the soul groove has developed and matured ever since he first learned to play bass as a child. Many sessions and tours later, he is truly a master of his craft. In recent years, he’s gained an online following through simple-yet-crea…
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埼玉県にある「見沼たんぼ」。 東京都心から30キロ圏内にありながらも、 奇跡的に開発をまぬがれてきた大規模な自然空間で、 その大きさは、じつに、東京ドーム269個分です。Por TOKYO FM
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When Dave Grohl formed the Foo Fighters back in 1994, he tapped Nate Mendel to hold down the low end—and he’s carrying that groove to this day. Host Josh Paul speaks with Nate about starting out, stories from the road, what inspires him and how he approaches songwriting, and—of course—the gear that makes it all possible.…
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This week's guest is Daric Bennett. Not only a well-respected and consistently touring-and-recording bass player, Daric is also a great influence on the up-and-coming generation of players who take advantage of his popular online bass lessons. Speaking with Josh Paul, Daric shares how he discovered his calling as an educator as well as how he taugh…
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東京・吉祥寺。 100年の歴史を持つ老舗の牛乳屋さんが、 今年、クラフトミルクスタンドにリニューアルオープンしました。 名前は、「武蔵野デーリー」。 店内に並ぶのは、大自然の中、放牧というスタイルで、 伸び伸びと育った牛のミルクばかりです。Por TOKYO FM
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Becoming part of music history takes talent, no doubt. But being in the right place at the right time also plays its own part, and prolific bassist Nate Watts has a perfect score on both counts. He grew up next door to Motown Studios in its heyday, watching the one-and-only James Jamerson walk to work from his window. This proximity to musical grea…
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100年後の未来に語り継ぎたい里山が、 愛知県瀬戸市に広がっています。 「海上の森(かいしょのもり)」。 様々な生き物が暮らしていて、 生態系の頂点に君臨する“オオタカ”もいます。Por TOKYO FM
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This week, we’re joined by John Myung, a bass player whose high-school friendship with one John Petrucci would lead to the formation of one of the most successful and long-running prog metal bands of all time—Dream Theater. Speaking with host Josh Paul, John tells us all about the band’s origins at the Berklee College of Music, his discovery of the…
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お店でコーヒーを淹れたあとの、 “コーヒーカス”を活用した再生紙ブランド、「Caffe Latte」。 その再生紙で作った、オーダーメイドの名刺作成サービスが始まりました。 手がけているのは、2人の20代バリスタです。Por TOKYO FM
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The Bass Freq’s Podcast, hosted by experienced recording and touring bass player Josh Paul (Suicidal Tendencies, Infectious Grooves, Daughtry), features in-depth discussions with some of the top bassists working today. This week, we bring you an insider's view of the Nashville session scene courtesy of Tully Kennedy. He’s a first-call for studio wo…
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大阪府東大阪市発のブランド、「Nhes. (ナエス)」が作った歯ブラシ、 「turalist(チュラリスト)」。 100%、天然由来にこだわり、自然に還るのが特徴です。 ハンドル部分は、家具職人が家具を作るときに出る、ブナの木の廃材を利用。 ブラシには、食肉用として育てられた馬や豚。 大切な命の副産物としての「毛」を活用しています。Por TOKYO FM
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Another episode of Bass Freq's means another intimate conversation with an award-winning and influential bassist. This time, we feature Andrew Gouché, a player who cut his teeth in the church gospel band and quickly became a first-call session and touring musician for some of biggest names in soul and R&B. Andrew enlightens host Josh Paul with stor…
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富山県射水市。 北アルプス立山連峰を仰ぐ、自然豊かなこの町で作られているのが、 「へちまのたわし」です。 約40年の歴史を持つ地域のへちま栽培ですが、 その目的は、「まちおこし」。 町の人々が立ち上げた「へちま生産組合」がベースとなり、 立山連峰の雪解け水を使った、農薬・化学肥料不使用のへちまを、 今日まで作り続けてきました。Por TOKYO FM
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Award-winning Canadian-born bassist Rhonda Smith has been the driving force behind an amazing list of acts for the past two decades—Prince, Jeff Beck, Beyonce, Chaka Khan, and Erykah Badu just to name a few—not to mention great success standing out on her own as a singer and songwriter. This week, she speaks with Josh to cover all the ground, inclu…
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東京・浅草にある、文久元年創業の「宮本卯之助商店」。 作っているのは、太鼓や神輿です。 モノづくりで、日本の“お祭り”を160年以上、支えてきたこの老舗が、 今年、東京・檜原村の杉の間伐材で作った、「太鼓」を発表しました。 森がないと思われがちな東京。 実は、面積の4割が森林です。 ですが、森からの恩恵が充分に活かされていないのが現状です。Por TOKYO FM
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The Bass Freq’s Podcast, hosted by experienced recording and touring bass player Josh Paul (Suicidal Tendencies, Infectious Grooves, Daughtry), features in-depth discussions with some of the top bassists working today. This week’s episode features Scott Devine, a bass player whose pocket is as deep as his knowledge. He’s a respected veteran of the …
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日本で1000年以上の歴史を誇る食材、 徳島県鳴門市の「鳴門わかめ」。 世界最大級の渦潮で知られる鳴門海峡で育ったわかめの歯応えと上質な風味は、 長い間、特産品として、鳴門の経済を支えてきました。 そんな「鳴門わかめ」ですが、 海洋環境の変化で、流通できない規格外のわかめが増えているのが現状です。Por TOKYO FM
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The Bass Freq’s Podcast, hosted by experienced recording and touring bass player Josh Paul (Suicidal Tendencies, Infectious Grooves, Daughtry), features in-depth discussions with some of the top bassists working today. This week, we’re joined by Trevor Dunn, whose unique approach to playing and composing have made him a perfect fit for collaboratio…
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今回の話題は、ハチミツです。 大分県豊後高田市に本社を置く、明治42年創業の「近藤養蜂場」。 ここがおこなっているのは、 「転地養蜂」という日本独自の伝統的な養蜂スタイル。 文字通り、南は九州から、北は北海道まで、 毎年、数ヶ月かけて旅をしながら、蜜蜂と花を追いかけて、ハチミツを採取しています。Por TOKYO FM
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This week’s episode of the Bass Freq’s podcast features Guy Pratt, a player whose career spans three decades and a long list of credits that includes such luminaries as Pink Floyd, Madonna, Michael Jackson, and many more. Speaking with host Josh Paul, Guy tells tales of the stage, the studio, and quests for the perfect tone —all delivered with a ra…
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手漉きの和紙でできた、家の中に飾れるサイズの「鯉のぼり」。 手掛けているのは、富山県富山市・八尾町にある「桂樹舎」という会社です。 長い歴史を誇る、富山の「八尾和紙」で、 ブックカバーや名刺入れなど、さまざまな商品を作っています。Por TOKYO FM
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On this episode of the Bass Freq’s Podcast, we’re joined by David Swift, one of the UK’s top bass players. A respected session musician, instructor, and lecturer, David breaks away from his wildly busy schedule to talk with host Josh Paul about breaking into the business, how to make the most of life as a bass player, and plenty of groovy gear talk…
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This week, Bass Freq’s host Josh Paul sits down with Robert “Bubby” Lewis, a prolific player who has thrown down grooves for an impressive host of such acts as Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, Lupe Fiasco, and Stevie Wonder. Bubby takes a compositional approach to playing, paying careful mind to when he should lay back in the pocket or step out in front with j…
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