Der Podcast des DOK.fest München bietet Filmgespräche und Industry Talks zum nachören.
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THE FLATS Belgien, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Irland 2023 – Regie: Alessandra Celesia Von den späten 1960er-Jahren bis 1998 tobte in Nordirland ein blutiger Konflikt zwischen republikanischen Katholiken und royalistischen Protestanten – ein Konflikt, der unzählige Opfer auf beiden Seiten forderte: Über 3.500 Menschen wurden getötet, 50.000 verletz…
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PROJEKT BALLHAUSPLATZ. AUFSTIEG UND FALL DES SEBASTIAN KURZ Österreich 2023 – Regie: Kurt Langbein „Schwarz macht geil“, hieß es 2010 beim Wahlkampf der Jungen ÖVP mit ihrem Kandidaten Sebastian Kurz, damals rotwangige 24 Jahre alt. Ein Jahr später war er bereits Staatssekretär. „Ja, er ist jung – das ist aber genau seine Chance.“ Außenminister mit…
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MADE IN ENGLAND: THE FILMS OF POWELL AND PRESSBURGER Großbritannien 2024 – Regie: David Hinton „Für mich haben die Filme von Powell und Pressburger eine wundersame Präsenz, sie sind eine ständige Quelle der Energie und eine Erinnerung daran, worum es im Leben und in der Kunst geht“, so Martin Scorsese. Seine lebenslange Liebe und Bewunderung für di…
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SAFIYA – THE MOVIE ist einer der drei kurzen Dokumentarfilme unseres Filmbildungsprogramms Schule des Sehens von 2024. Zum Film: Manchmal wünscht sich Safiya, ihr Leben wäre ein Film. Ihre Eltern trennten sich, als sie noch klein war und ihren Vater kann die 12-Jährige nur selten sehen. Doch mit dem neuen Partner ihrer Mutter bekommt …
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SAFIYA – THE MOVIE ist einer der drei kurzen Dokumentarfilme unseres Filmbildungsprogramms Schule des Sehens von 2024. Zum Film: Manchmal wünscht sich Safiya, ihr Leben wäre ein Film. Ihre Eltern trennten sich, als sie noch klein war und ihren Vater kann die 12-Jährige nur selten sehen. Doch mit dem neuen Partner ihrer Mutter bekommt …
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FREDDY – ICH TAUCHE NACH GEISTERNETZEN ist einer der drei kurzen Dokumentarfilme unseres Filmbildungsprogramms Schule des Sehens von 2024. Zum Film: Beim Tauchen entdeckt Freddy jede Menge Müll in der Ostsee – eine Gefahr für die Meerestiere. Gemeinsam mit Tauchprofis trainiert der 12-Jährige, um zurückgelassene Fischernetze zu bergen…
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FREDDY – ICH TAUCHE NACH GEISTERNETZEN ist einer der drei kurzen Dokumentarfilme unseres Filmbildungsprogramms Schule des Sehens von 2024. Zum Film: Beim Tauchen entdeckt Freddy jede Menge Müll in der Ostsee – eine Gefahr für die Meerestiere. Gemeinsam mit Tauchprofis trainiert der 12-Jährige, um zurückgelassene Fischernetze zu bergen…
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ALLES GEHÖRT ZU DIR ist einer der drei kurzen Dokumentarfilme unseres Filmbildungsprogramms Schule des Sehens von 2024. Zum Film: Yen ist in Deutschland geboren, ihre Eltern in Vietnam. Seit sie in Norwegen studiert, versteht sie, wie hart es ist, sich in einem fremden Land mit einer anderen Sprache ein neues Leben aufzubauen. Yen ler…
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ALLES GEHÖRT ZU DIR ist einer der drei kurzen Dokumentarfilme unseres Filmbildungsprogramms Schule des Sehens von 2024. Zum Film: Yen ist in Deutschland geboren, ihre Eltern in Vietnam. Seit sie in Norwegen studiert, versteht sie, wie hart es ist, sich in einem fremden Land mit einer anderen Sprache ein neues Leben aufzubauen. Yen ler…
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BIS HIERHIN UND WIE WEITER?Deutschland 2023 – Regie: Felix Maria Bühler „Ob sich das gelohnt hat, wenn jetzt zwei unserer Leute ins Gefängnis gehen?“, fragt ein Aktivist in Lützerath nach einem nächtlichen Schlagabtausch mit der Polizei. Gefängnisstrafen gegen Aktivist*innen werden immer länger und härter, und es stellt sich die Frage, ob sich das …
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MISS KIET’S CHILDRENNiederlande 2016 – Regie: Petra Lataster-Czisch, Peter Lataster Jedes Kind kann sich eine Lehrerin wie Kiet Engels nur wünschen. Sie ist streng, aber niemals unfreundlich, liebevoll, aber nie zu nachgiebig – und sie hat eine unendliche Geduld. Miss Kiet arbeitet als Grundschullehrerin in einem kleinen niederländischen Dorf. Ihre…
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ELF MAL MORGEN: BERLINALE MEETS FUSSBALLDeutschland 2024 – Regie: Maximilian Bungarten, Anna-Maria Dutoit, Kilian Armando Friedrich,Indira Geisel, Eva Gemmer, Felix Herrmann, Hannah Jandl, Justina Jürgensen, Hilarija Ločmele – Co-Regie: Daniela Magnani-Hüller, Sophie Mühe, Camille Tricaud, Marie Zrenner Fest steht: fast nirgendwo gibt es so viele F…
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JENSEITS VON SCHULD Germany 2024 – Director: Katharina Köster, Katrin Nemec The media call their son the “patient killer.” He was given a life sentence for his numerous crimes. Life goes on for his parents Ulla and Didi Högel but nothing is the same as before. They must accept the bitter truth, figure out how to cope with everyday life and repositi…
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FRAGMENTE AUS DER PROVINZ Germany 2024 – Director: Martin Weinhart We are colourful. We are diverse and committed – but all you ever read in the headlines is: the Nazi village.” This film does things differently. It takes us through the everyday occurrences in an existential struggle for power, freedom and open reporting. A film about neo-Nazi stra…
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2UNBREAKABLEGermany 2023 – Director: Maike Conway Breakdancing is about more than dancing; it is an identity and an attitude that allows breakers to face life’s challenges with confidence. Injuries become an opportunity to develop further. We follow Joanna and Serhat as they take part in their battles for Olympic qualification. The two share simila…
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THIS IS MY MOMENT Belgium, France, Netherlands 2024 – Director: Lieven Corthouts Cycling fans are elated when Biniam Girmay becomes the first cyclist from an African country to win a stage of the Giro d’Italia in 2022. The film accompanies Girmay over two years on his difficult path through this still deeply European sport: as a young talent from E…
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THE PICKERS Germany, Greece, Portugal 2024 – Director: Elke Sasse All types of fruit and vegetables are available to us year round – but the effects on the workers who make this possible are ignored. Their picking speed is more important than their living conditions. It quickly becomes clear that Europe is dictated to by the market and not by the p…
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OUR LAND, OUR FREEDOM# Germany, Kenya, Portugal, United States 2023 In search of the remains of her father, the Kenyan Mau Mau freedom fighter Dedan Kimathi, his daughter Wanjugu meets her father’s former comrades-in-arms. To this day, the veterans are still waiting for the return of their …
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Masterclass mit Petra Lataster-Czisch und Peter Lataster I Film Talk I DOK.fest 2024
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Petra Lataster-Czisch und Peter Lataster ist die Hommage des DOK.fest 2024 gewidmet. Die feinfühlige Annäherung an ihre Protagonist*innen ist Dreh- und Angelpunkt ihrer Arbeit. Im Gespräch mit den beiden geht Filmemacherin Rebecca Zehr auf eine Spurensuche, wie diese Nähe überhaupt entstehen kann, was Vertrauen auf einem Film-Set bedeutet und wie P…
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EINHUNDERTVIER Germany 2023 – Director: Jonathan Schörnig 104 refugees, 80 minutes, 6 cameras shooting in parallel. This sea rescue in real-time unfolds over a gruellingly long period of time. Eventually all the refugees from the overloaded, rapidly deflating dinghy are on board the “Eleonore”. Meticulously documented and told entirely from the poi…
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African Encounters: Decolonize Now! Panel Discussion I DOK.fest 2024
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A dialogue on decolonisation between Africa and Europe In a panel discussion following the film THE EMPTY GRAVE, we brought together the common threads of the four African Encounters films. With the filmmakers from Africa and Europe, we will discuss their views on colonial history. How does colonialism continue to shape our relationship today? And …
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SHAHID Germany 2024 – Director: Narges Kalhor Nomadic cinema that tells marvellous stories. What if your surname Shahid means martyr, incorporates generations of political traumas and seems to be getting in the way of your future? Are the hurdles bureaucratic or personal? Which are your own and which belong to others? SHAHID is an artistically inte…
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FILMSTUNDE_23 Germany 2023 – Director: Jörg Adolph, Edgar Reitz An 8th grade class of schoolgirls embarks on a voyage of discovery. They want to understand how film works. Because, as their teacher Edgar Reitz explains, filmmaking is not simply achieved by turning on the camera and recording something. At first they are passive, but they soon dare …
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ECHOES FROM BORDERLAND Germany 2023 – Director: Lara Milena Brose Ferida, a Bosnian, lives within sight of the EU’s external border. Every day she witnesses refugees’ desperate attempts to reach the EU and her memories of violence and war come flooding back. Nahid is 15 years old and is stranded here after fleeing the Taliban. In this hypnotic narr…
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THE ANDERSSON BROTHERS Sweden 2024 – Director: Johanna Bernhardson The film world of the star director Roy Andersson is inhabited by people who are incapable of emotionally connecting to each other. He seems to feel the same about his brothers in real life. THE ANDERSSON BROTHERS, made by his niece, the filmmaker Johanna Bernhardson, is a lovingly …
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THE SILENCE OF 600 MILLION RESULTS Germany 2023 – Director: Sophie Lahusen An unwanted pregnancy – what now? A screenlife film that shows nothing more than the various screens of a young woman looking for an answer. With great panache and a little mockery, this short film shows how we are exposed to a flood of apparently ‘valuable’ clues that point…
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RESTORATION Germany 2023 – Director: Gudrun Gruber Trauma research has become more visible in recent years, but what if the trauma is directly in front of you? Sabrina’s anxiety, panic attacks and seizures could only be endured by her family because Sabrina did one thing: she never gave up on herself. A film about a courageous woman who insists on …
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HAUSNUMMER NULL Germany 2024 – Director: Lilith Kugler Chris is on the floor. Literally. Life on the streets is draining. Every day is a battle: to get money for drugs and with a past that derails him. An exceptionally intense and intimate portrait that gets under your skin about a young man who somehow always carries on. He has a neighbourhood tha…
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MANNSCHAFT Germany 2023 – Director: Tobit Kochanek A group of keen football players looking for fellowship meet every Monday evening on a pitch in Görlitzer Park, the drug dealers’ mecca. The “pack of men with the same mindset” reflect on masculinity, heartbreak and midlife crisis and seem so likeable that you want to go and cheer them on from the …
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MAÑANA SOL Germany 2023 – Director: Denis Pavlovic Retiring to the Canary Islands is a pensioner’s dream but when Jadranka and Aleksandar Pavlovic arrive there, they separate and live from then on on different islands, five and a half hours apart from each other. In magnificent images and playful montage sequences the film sketches a paradise with …
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HOLLYWOODGATE Germany, United States 2023 – Director: Ibrahim Nash’at After the USA’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, Taliban forces take over the former “Hollywoodgate” CIA base, which they see as an “enemy camp.” They are accompanied by the director Nash’at. His footage gives us a unique cinematic experience and a record of contemporary history, tha…
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Moderation: Maya Reichert, FOLLOWING VALERIA war einer der drei kurzen Dokumentarfilme unseres Filmbildungsprogramms 2023. Im Interview mit der Filmemacherin erfahren wir Hintergründe und Wissenswertes zum Thema und zur Machart des Films. FOLLOWING VALERIA Der Film für 15- bis 20-Jährige Nicola Fegg, DE 2022, 32 Min. Zu …
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Moderation: Maya Reichert, HAMMOUDIS TRAUM war einer der drei kurzen Dokumentarfilme unseres Filmbildungsprogramms 2023. Im Interview mit der Filmemacherin erfahren wir Hintergründe und Wissenswertes zum Thema und zur Machart des Films. HAMMOUDIS TRAUM Der Film für 11- bis 16-Jährige Eefje Blankevoort, Els v. Driel, NL 2…
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Moderation: Maya Reichert, NELE IN DEN WOLKEN war einer der drei kurzen Dokumentarfilme unseres Filmbildungsprogramms 2023. Im Interview mit der Filmemacherin erfahren wir Hintergründe und Wissenswertes zum Thema und zur Machart des Films. NELE IN DEN WOLKEN Der Film für 7- bis 12-Jährige Bernadette Hauke, DE 2022, 25 Mi…
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Moderation: Vera Drude LIGHT FALLS VERTICAL, DE, IT, NL, ES 2022, Efthymia Zymvragaki How deep can you look into a perpetrator’s soul? We meet Ernesto, a man who wants to face up to the violence that he inflicted on his family. The filmmaker not only examines the personality of this desperate man, she also draws on his memories, in order to find th…
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Film Talk with Delphine und Muriel Coulin, Directors of CHARLOTTE SALOMON, LIFE AND THE MAIDEN
Moderation: Ysabel Fantou CHARLOTTE SALOMON, LIFE AND THE MAIDEN FR 2023, Delphine und Muriel Coulin A self-portrait, the chronicle of a life, the suffering of an entire generation. Charlotte Salomon depicted her life story in more than 1300 pictures - from her childhood in 1930s Berlin, through the rise of National Socialism to her escape to Franc…
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Moderation: Eleonore Daniel WIR UND DAS TIER – EIN SCHLACHTHAUSMELODRAM, DE 2023, David Spaeth Many people have become completely disconnected with the process of killing in which meat production originates. What does it mean for the people whose job it is to slaughter? And what impact does it have on us to face up to it? There are no ready-made an…
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Moderation: Silvia Bauer SEVEN WINTERS IN TEHRAN, FR, DE 2023, Steffi Niederzoll “I wish for the day when no girl is raped anymore. I wish for the day when the rights of the weak are not violated anymore.” Reyhaneh Jabbari killed in self-defence, stood up for her rights and was sentenced to death. She was 26 years old. The protagonist’s courage and…
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Moderation: Malte Borgmann UMBERTO ECO – A LIBRARY OF THE WORLD, IT 2022, Davide Ferrario “Without a memory it’s impossible to build a future.” The writer and philosopher Umberto Eco opens the doors to his private library – a memory bank. With interviews and tracking shots through libraries, the film approaches the fascination for the collection an…
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Moderation: Florian Schwarz MOTHERLAND, NO, SE, UA 2023 , Hanna Badziaka, Alexander Mihalkovich National service in Belarus lasts 18 months. Nikita gets called up and has one last party with his friends before he dons his uniform and starts his duties. Svetlana’s son Sascha returned from his barracks in a coffin covered with bruises and with strang…
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Film Talk with William Sabourin O'Reilly, Director of LÁZARO AND THE SHARK. CUBA UNDER THE SURFACE
Moderation: Elena Álvarez-Lutz LÁZARO AND THE SHARK. CUBA UNDER THE SURFACE, CU, US 2022, William Sabourin O'Reilly Once a year, the inhabitants of Santiago de Cuba pour into the streets for carnival. It is both the expression of joie de vivre and of subtle criticism – arrests are quite likely. Dance and rhythm unite Cuban identity. Without huge fi…
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Moderation: Ina Borrmann GRETAS GEBURT, DE 2023, Katja Baumgarten Greta, a little girl, is stillborn. Four years later, her midwife is on trial for manslaughter. The charge is unusually severe. The court works meticulously. Perceptions and interpretations arise in the reconstruction of Greta’s birth, because social issues are also discussed at the …
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Moderation: Barbara Off AFRICA, I WILL FLEECE YOU, CM 1992, Jean-Marie Teno Filmmaker Jean-Marie Teno wanders the streets of Yaoundé with his companion Marie in search of Cameroonian culture. With snarky humour, Teno guides us through the complexities of colonialism and its consequences. Archive material, fictional elements and interviews combine t…
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Moderation: Elena Álvarez-Lutz THE DECREE, TR 2023, Nejla Demirci When a wave of dismissals follows the attempted coup in Turkey, Yasemin, a doctor, and Engin, a teacher, are among those who suddenly find themselves on the streets. They try in vain to get their jobs back or just to find out the reason they were fired. For President Erdoğan however …
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Moderation: Malte Borgmann COWBOY POETS, UK, US 2022, Mike Day Cowboys and poetry? Every year in Nevada, these two seemingly incongruous things come together. The poets recount their unique way of life, their connection to nature and their identity. In their everyday lives they grapple with environmental threats and you can sense a political rift. …
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Moderation: Barbara Off FREE MONEY, KE, US 2022, Lauren DeFilippo, Sam Soko “Nothing is for free. How can you give us money without wanting anything in return?” the inhabitants of a village in Kenya ask. The American NGO GiveDirectly will pay every villager 22 US dollars per month for 12 years. The universal basic income is funded by the likes of G…
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Moderation: Pablo Bücheler IRON BUTTERFLIES, DE, UA 2023 – Director: Roman Liubyi Iron Butterflies, butterfly-shaped projectiles disintegrated and brought down the passenger plane MH17 over eastern Ukraine on 17 July 2014. All 298 people on board were killed. While the mills of the law took years to convict the perpetrators, a rock-solid web of lie…
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Moderation: Silvia Bauer EREN, DE 2023, Maria Binder Lawyer and activist Eren Keskin has advocated for the rights of women, minorities and LGBTIQ in Turkey for over 30 years – not allowing herself to be deterred by the constant risk of being jailed. The director has followed Keskin over many years. Her film draws a portrait of a fearless women and …
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Moderation: Eva Weinmann VAI CAVALO, BR, FR 2022, Harold Grenouilleau, Vincent Rimbaux The idyllic greenery of their surroundings is deceptive: Dirlinho and his cousin’s childhood is marked by deprivation and violence. They try to escape by working as jockeys. While the punters – mostly older men – bet on them, they gamble with their lives for a be…
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Moderation: Seggen Mikael MARGOT, PT 2022, Catarina Alves Costa A perspective on a perspective that seeks to document what has seemingly disappeared. On several occasions between 1958 and 1961, the anthropologist Margot Dias visited the Makonde in Mozambique to record their art and culture. The director rediscovers these recordings and travels to t…
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