Todo lo referente a Nintendo en un podcast entretenido y divertido.
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Información del Colegio Oficial de Enfermería de Las Palmas. La sintonía utilizada en los Boletines pertenece a Xcryrill, concretamente al tema Painful Alarm Clock at the Corcubitaceous one, incluido en el Álbum Organique
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Welcome to English o’clock 2.0! English o’clock 2.0 es un divertido podcast diario cuyo objetivo es ayudaros a mejorar vuestro inglés a través de ejercicios, anécdotas, vocabulario ¡y mucho más! English o’clock 2.0 trabaja tres niveles y (¡de momento!) dos temáticas de la siguiente manera: - Lunes & jueves: Nivel principiante (Beginner) - Martes: Nivel intermedio (Intermediate) - Miércoles: Nivel avanzado (Advanced) - Viernes: • Gramática: Os hablo sobre un tema gramatical (como, por ejemplo ...
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Ciencia y Tecnologia, actualidad y temas de interés Support this podcast:
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Podcast producido desde el recóndito espacio de la sala de cine donde las ideas y emociones que provocan los contenidos audiovisuales, están deseosas de salir al mundo exterior.
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Por fin llegó el día de conocer al sucesor del #NintendoSwitch, y solo restarán unos meses para saber las especificaciones de la nueva consola de Nintendo, el Nintendo Switch 2.
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Una vez más Nintendo nos sorprende con un dispositivo que nadie esperaba. El Nintendo Sound Clock: Alarmo ya salió en los Estados Unidos y ya se agotó; no sabemos cuándo llegará a Latinoamérica, pero aquí platicamos de qué va este nuevo reloj despertador de Mario y amigos.
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En esta función damos un vistazo a la serie "¿Quién lo Mato?", la complejidad de producir series sobre hechos de la vida real, decisiones curiosas en la presentación técnica y narrativa de los episodios, así como lo engaño que resulta ser romantizar el pasado. 00:00 Intro y Sinopsis. 01:22 El dilema de basarse en hechos reales. 03:28 Fácil juzgar. …
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Durante los días pasados se hicieron anuncios con relación a la franquicia de Nintendo que bien vale la pena comentar. Además te platicamos de cómo estuvo el evento MEGAXP de la CDMX, con la participación de Pokémon. #MundoNintendo
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Han sido días con noticias relevantes y aquí las comentamos. ¡Un rumor que venía sonando se confirmó justo hoy! Entérate de todos los detalles del anuncio y más. #MundoNintendo
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Previo a la salida de Paper Mario para Nintendo Switch, le damos una revisión a los próximos lanzamientos, así como ofertas de la eShop, buscando los mejores deals para nuestra colección de juegos.
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Iniciamos una serie de entrevistas con personajes de la industria de los videojuegos en Latinoamérica. ¡Bienvenido a "Una vida en los videojuegos" en el Mundo Nintendo.
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Esto fue lo que pasó durante los #PokémonGOChampionship de la Ciudad de México, en dónde surgió el nuevo campeón: Javier Vidal (JavierV20), de Perú. #PokemonGO
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Estuvimos en el evento de entretenimiento para ver y vivir el regreso de Mario y amigos a nuestro país. #MundoNintendo
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Titulo Alternativo: Memorias del Naranja: El Día Que El Mundo Revivió. Una breve colección de anécdotas en honor a Akira Toriyama. Música: The Brink Of Time - Chrono Trigger OST Robo´s Theme- Chrono Trigger OST Sealed Door - Chrono Trigger OST Corridors Of Time - Chrono Trigger OST Epilogue - Chrono Trigger OST Si te gustó el episodio, envíanos tus…
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En esta función damos un vistazo a la cinta "5 de Chocolate y 1 de Fresa", la psicodélica estética de finales de los sesentas, el multifácetico talento de Angélica María, las fantásticas incoherencias que somos los seres humanos, así como intentar responder la pregunta: "¿Cómo es que se ve un criminal?". "Este episodio contiene menciones de violenc…
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Capitulo Nº 73 Medicamentos en iOS 16 En este capitulo voy hablar de Medicamentos de la app Salud en iOS 16 y la comparación con la App MediSafe que es un recordatorio para las medicinas 1.- Medicamentos en iOS 16 2.- MediSafe 3.- Medicamentos Vs. MediSafe ======================= Sígueme en el canal de Telegram dejarme t…
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1.- Apple Watch 1.1.- Apple Watch 8 1.2.- Apple Watch SE (2da Gen.) 1.3.- Apple Watch Ultra 2.- Air Pods Pro 2 3.- iPhone 14 (este punto fue cambiado, en el audio explico porque y como entre la grabación de este capitulo y su publicación surgieron cosas nuevas, en el siguiente capitulo complementare la información ) 4.- iOS 16 Sígueme en el canal d…
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Sayonara Wild Hearts (Switch | PS4 | XBO | Windows | MacOS) (2019)
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En esta función damos un vistazo al juego de video "Sayonara Wild Hearts", la influencia que toma de la música pop de los años 80 y 90, su estilo gráfica, la influencia del esoterismo en su historia, la retrospectiva que nos hace tomar en relación a los juegos de ritmo, así como la importancia que tiene la música para las personas en épocas difícil…
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Hi o'clockers! I hope you are doing great! I surely am because I got to contribute and create content to your learning adventure which is a blessing! With this last episode I want to go what the structure of the classes is, which books I used, where you should start, what you can do now and a bot more so I hope I was able to answer all questions fo…
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Hi o'clockers! You made it!! Well done! I hope you had a lot of fun and learned a lot! Here's the final Advanced Episode Nr. 100 and this is what we did: - to sign up (for) - Question Mix 209 (21-40) - Drill 177 (26-30) - Drill 179 (16-20) - Ordinal numbers – Block 4 - Vocabulary List 168 - Drill 182 (16-20) - Drill 183 (21-30) - Negative ? – Block…
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Hi o'clockers! You made it! Those of you who are on the Intermediate Episodes, you are officially graduation and you can start working on the Advanced Episodes! But first, let me tell you what we did in this last Intermediate Episode Nr. 100: - Phrasal verb: to sit back - Question Mix 120 - Drill 139 (51-60) - Basics: Months of the year (1-10) - Vo…
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Hi o'clockers! You made it! You have finished the Beginner level! Congratulations! Today's Beginner Episode Nr. 140 is the last episode from the level and you can now move on to the Intermediate level starting with Episode Nr. 1. But before that, let me summarize what we did today. Here's today's material: - Question Mix 53 (21-40) - Drill 112 (16-…
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Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! Hi o'clockers! Another Wednesday, another Advanced episode! I hope you are having a great week! As promised, here's Advanced Episode Nr. 99 and this is what we did in today's class: - Phrasal Verb: to show off - Question Mix 209 …
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Hi o'clockers! How are you doing? Are you having a good week? I sure hope so! Here's Intermediate Episode Nr. 99 and this is what we worked on in today's class: - Phrasal verb: to set aside - Question Mix 119 (21-40) - Drill 154 (31-40) - Basics: Days of the week – Ex. 2 (11-20) - Vocabulary List 108 (1-15) - Drill 157 (11-20) - Short answers (501-…
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Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! Hi o'clockers! How are you doing? I hope you had a fantastic weekend! Here's Beginner Episode Nr. 139 for you in which we looked at the following exercises: - Question Mix 53 (1-20) - Drill 111 (31-40) - Basics: Telling time – Bl…
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Hi o'clockers! How are you doing? Are you ready for a new Advanced Episode? Well, here it is: Advanced Episode Nr. 98 and here's what we worked on: - Phrasal Verb: to rub off (on) - Question Mix 208 (21-40) - Drill 180 (31-40) - Basics: Months of the year (31-40) - Vocabulary List 167 (1-15) - Drill 181 (11-20) - Mastering the ? – Block 43 - Transl…
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English o'clock 2.0 - Intermediate Episode 98 (15.11.2022) - Episodio exclusivo para mecenas
Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! Hi o'clockers! How are you doing? I hope all is well! Here's Intermediate Episode Nr. 98 and this is what we covered: - Phrasal verb: to lock in & to lock out - Question Mix 119 (1-20) - Drill 149 (4) - Basics: Fractions and perc…
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Hi o'clockers! How are you? I hope all is well! After a few business trips, I am back with the latest Beginner Episode Nr. 138 in which we looked at the following material: - Question Mix 52 (21-40) - Drill 109 (26-30) - Basics: Bank accounts – Block 4 - Vocabulary List 71 (16-25) - Drill 111 (16-30) - Turn to +, - & ? – Block 11 (1-10) - Translati…
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Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! Hi o'clockers! How are you doing? I hope you're doing great! Here's Advanced Episode Nr. 97 and this is what we did: - Phrasal Verb: to iron out - Question Mix 208 (1-20) - Drill 148 (1-5) - Basics: Days of the week – Ex. 2 (1-10…
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Hi o'clockers! How are you? I hope all is well! Here's Intermediate Episode Nr. 97 and this is the material that we covered: - Phrasal verb: to leave behind - Question Mix 118 (21-40) - Drill 142 (26-35) - Basics: Family tree - Vocabulary List 107 (1-15) - Drill 143 (61-70) - Turn to +, - & ? – Block 18 (9-15) - Translation Booklet 4 – List 17 (1-1…
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Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! Hi o'clockers! How are you doing? I hope all is well! I have Beginner Episode Nr. 137 for you in which we looked at the following material: - Question Mix 52 (1-20) - Drill 110 (11-20) - Basics: Email dictation – Block 4 (1-3) - …
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Hi o'clockers! How are you doing? I hope you're doing great! Here's Advanced Episode Nr. 96 for you in which we did the following: - Phrasal Verb: to hear out - Question Mix 207 (21-40) - Drill 178 (21-30) - Basics: Fractions and percentages - Vocabulary List 166 (1-15) - Drill 161 (96-105) - Negative Questions – Block 28 (1-15) - Translation Bookl…
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English o'clock 2.0 - Intermediate Episode 96 (04.10.2022) - Episodio exclusivo para mecenas
Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! Hi o'clockers! How are you holding up? I hope all is well. Here's Intermediate Episode Nr. 96 and this is what we did: - Phrasal verb: to hang out - Question Mix 118 (1-20) - Drill 153 (21-30) - Basics: Telling time – Block 3 - V…
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Hi o'clockers! How are you doing out there? I hope all is well. Here's Beginner Episode Nr. 136 and this is what we did: - Question Mix 51 (21-40) - Drill 109 (16-25) - Basics: Dates – Block 4 - Vocabulary List 70 (16-25) - Drill 110 (1-10) - Short answers (181-200) - Translation Book 2 – List 26 (16-25) Let me know if you have any questions! Warm …
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Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! Hi o'clockers! How are you? I hope all is well! Here's Advanced Episode Nr. 95 for you and this is what we covered: - Phrasal Verb: to get away with - Question Mix 207 (1-20) - Drill 179 (11-15) - Basics: Family tree - Vocabulary…
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Hi o'clockers! How are you doing? I hope you are having a wonderful day! Here's Intermediate Episode Nr. 95 for you in which we worked on the following material: - Phrasal verb: to go over - Question Mix 117 (21-40) - Drill 156 (21-30) - Basics: Bank accounts – Block 5 - Vocabulary List 106 (1-15) - Regular verbs - Short answers (481-500) - Transla…
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Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! Hi o'clockers! How are you doing? I hope all is well! I have Beginner Episode Nr. 135 for you in which we looked at the following material... first time looking at the first conditional! YEY! Here's the complete list: - Question …
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Hi o'clockers! How are you doing? I hope you're doing great! Here's Advanced Episode Nr. 94 and this is what we did in class today: - Phrasal Verb: to fall back on - Question Mix 206 (21-40) - Drill 173 (31-35 & 98-102) - Basics: Telling time – Block 1 - Vocabulary List 165 (1-15) - Drill 180 (1-15) - Mastering the ? – Block 42 (9-15) - Translation…
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English o'clock 2.0 - Intermediate Episode 94 (20.09.2022) - Episodio exclusivo para mecenas
Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! Hi o'clockers! How are you? I hope you're well! Here's Intermediate Episode Nr. 94 in which we worked on the following material: - Phrasal verb: to drop off - Question Mix 117 (1-20) - When was the last time…? - Basics: Number di…
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Hi o'clockers! How has your week been? I hope you had a fantastic one! As promised, here's the second Beginner Episode for this week: Beginner Episode Nr. 134 and what we did is this: - Question Mix 50 (21-40) - Drill 107 (21-30) - Basics: Years – Block 4 - Vocabulary List 69 (16-25) - Drill 108 (11-20) - Turn to +, - & ? – Block 10 (9-15) - Transl…
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Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! Hi o'clockers! How are you doing? I hope you're having a wonderful morning! I have Advanced Episode Nr. 93 for you in which we have worked on the following material: - Phrasal Verb: to drag into - Question Mix 206 (1-20) - Drill …
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Hi o'clockers! How are you doing? Well, I hope! Here's Intermediate Episode Nr. 93 for you in which we covered the following material: - Question Mix 116 (21-40) - T+U Pronunciation - Basics: Emails – Block 4 (4 & 5) - Vocabulary List 105 (1-15) - How many…? And so far this…? - Turn to +, - & ? – Block 18 (1-8) - Translation Booklet 4 – List 15 (1-…
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Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! Hi o'clockers! How have you been!? Are you ready for the first of two Beginner Episodes for this week? Well, here's Beginner Episode Nr. 133 and this is what we did: - Question Mix 50 (1-20) - Drill 104 (36-45) - Basics: Months o…
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Hi o'clockers! How are you doing? I hope you're having a wonderful day! Here's Advanced Episode Nr. 92 for you in which we worked on the following material: - Phrasal Verb: to break off - Question Mix 205 (21-40) - Drill 176 (61-70) - Basics: Number dictation – Line 23 - Vocabulary List 164 (1-15) - Drill 178 (1-10) - Negative Questions – Block 27 …
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English o'clock 2.0 - Intermediate Episode 92 (06.09.2022) - Episodio exclusivo para mecenas
Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! Hi o'clockers! How are you? I hope all is well. Here's Intermediate Episode Nr. 92 for you and this is what we did: - Phrasal verb: to call off - Question Mix 116 (1-20) - When was the last time…? - Basics: Dates – Block 5 - Voca…
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Hi o'clockers! How are you doing? I hope all is well! Another week and another Beginner Episode! Here's Beginner Episode Nr, 132 in which we covered the following material: - Question Mix 49 (21-40) - Drill 101 (21-30) - Basics: Days of the week (11-20) - Vocabulary List 68 (16-25) - Drill 103 (11-20) - Short answers (161-180) - Translation Book 2 …
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Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! Hi o'clockers! I hope you're doing well! Another week and another episode... so here's Advanced Episode Nr. 91 and this is the material we looked at: - Phrasal Verb: to answer back - Question Mix 205 (1-20) - Drill 124 (31-35 & 7…
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Hi o'clockers! Are you still on holiday or already back at work? Either way, I hope you're doing just fine! Here's Intermediate Episode Nr. 91 for you in which we looked at the following material: - Phrasal verb: to beat up - Question Mix 115 (21-40) - Simple Past & Present Perfect - Basics: Ordinal numbers – Block 9 - Vocabulary List 104 (1-15) - …
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Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! Hi o'clockers! How are you? Is everything going well? I sure hope so! Here's Beginner Episode Nr. 131 and this is what we did: - Question Mix 49 (1-20) - Drill 100 (36-45) - Basics: Fractions & percentages - Vocabulary List 68 (1…
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Hi o'clockers! How are you doing? Good I hope? I have Advanced Episode Nr. 90 for you in which we did the following material: - Phrasal Verb: to fill out/in - Question Mix 204 (21-40) - Drill 71 (1-10) - Basics: Dates – Block 3 - Vocabulary List 163 (1-15) - Drill 179 (1-5) - Mastering the ? – Block 42 (1-8) - Translation Booklet 7 – List 11 (1-15)…
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English o'clock 2.0 - Intermediate Episode 90 (23.08.2022) - Episodio exclusivo para mecenas
Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! Hi o'clockers! How are you doing? I hope you're enjoying these last days of August. I have Intermediate Episode Nr. 90 for you in which we worked on the following material: - Phrasal verb: to sleep over - Question Mix 115 (1-20) …
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Hi o'clockers! How are you doing? I hope all is well! I have Beginner Episode Nr, 130 for you and this is the material we worked on today: - Question Mix 48 (21-40) - Drill 96 (41-50) - Basics: Family Tree - Vocabulary List 67 (16-25) - Drill 106 (21-30) - Turn to +, - & ? – Block 10 (1-8) - Translation Book 2 – List 23 (16-25) Let me know if you h…
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Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! Hi o'clockers! How are you doing? I hope all is well! A bit late, apologies, but here is Advanced Episode Nr. 89 and this is the material we worked on: - Phrasal Verb: to mix up - Question Mix 204 (1-20) - Drill 177 (16-20) - Bas…
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Hi o'clockers! How are you doing? I hope all is well! I got Intermediate Episode Nr. 89 for you in which we worked on the following material: - Phrasal verb: to point out - Question Mix 114 (21-40) - Drill 154 (21-30) - Basics: Months of the year (31-40) - Vocabulary List 103 (1-15) - Drill 156 (11-20) - Turn to +, - & ? – Block 17 (11-15) - Transl…
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