to be a People Fully Alive in God's Kingdom
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This is the podcast of the Sunday Sermons at Christ Church Anglican Newport in Australia.
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Listen to sermons and podcasts from Christ The King Anglican Church located in Northwest Arkansas.
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Our mission is to make disciples, learning to do all that Jesus said. We post sermons from our services weekly. Servants of Christ Anglican Church is located in Gainesville, FL, USA.
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Christ our Redeemer Anglican Church is an Anglican parish in the Missionary Diocese of All Saints in the Anglican Church in North America. We are located in Lynchburg, Virginia.
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Associate Pastor Isaiah DeVyldere preaches from the Book of Exodus on the Third Sunday of Lent.Por Christ The King Anglican Church
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Fr. Chase Campbell preaches Ex 3:1-15 Ps 103 or 103:1-12 1 Cor 10:1-13 Luke 13:1-9(10-17)Por Christ Church Anglican
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We're in a series on Jeremiah - a book that has been described as confusing and complex. Today our Senior Minister, Steve, continues our series by helping us to think about when fear stops us following God from Jeremiah 38:14-27. If you've made a decision to follow Jesus, want more information about discipleship or for more info about Christchurch …
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The Parable of the Fig Tree – Dixon Isaiah 55:1-9 Luke 13:1-9Por Christ Church Anglican
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We'll likely never know the depths of the evil we're capable of. Fr. James Manley exhorts us to think again and accept the good Gospel. If you like what you see, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us:…
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The Parable of the Fig Tree – Huebner Isaiah 55:1-9 Luke 13:1-9Por Christ Church Anglican
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Lead Pastor Ashley Mathews preaches from the Book of Genesis on the Second Sunday of Lent.Por Christ The King Anglican Church
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A devotional reading of Isaiah 58:1-12 for Christ the King's "40 Days of Prayer", voiced by members of the CTK community.Por Christ The King Anglican Church
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Herod Threatens Jesus – Wildman Genesis 15:1-6 Luke 13:31-35Por Christ Church Anglican
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Herod Threatens Jesus – Goin-Burgess Genesis 15:1-6 Luke 13:31-35Por Christ Church Anglican
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We're in a series on Jeremiah - a book that has been described as confusing and complex. Today our Senior Minister, Steve, continues our series by helping us to think about what it means that God is the God who redeems from Jeremiah 36. If you've made a decision to follow Jesus, want more information about discipleship or for more info about Christ…
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Fr. Chase preaches Gen 15:1-18 Ps 27 or 27:9-17v Phil 3:17—4:1 Luke 13:(22-30)31-35Por Christ Church Anglican
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Will you follow the fox or the hen? Fr. David Trautman reminds us that Jesus offers salvation where the kingdoms of this world offer nothing permanent. If you like what you hear, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us:…
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Lead Pastor Ashley Mathews preaches from the Book of Deuteronomy on the First Sunday of Lent.Por Christ The King Anglican Church
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We're in a series on Jeremiah - a book that has been described as confusing and complex. Today our Senior Minister, Steve, continues our series by helping us to think about what it means to be people of covenant relationship with God from Jeremiah 31 If you've made a decision to follow Jesus, want more information about discipleship or for more inf…
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The season of Lent gives us the opportunity to reevaluate our direction and turn around if we need to. Fr. David Trautman encourages us to see ourselves in God's eyes and turn to Him in repentance. If you like what you see, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us:…
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The Testing in the Wilderness – Wildman Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16 Luke 4:1-13Por Christ Church Anglican
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The Testing in the Wilderness – Behrens Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16 Luke 4:1-13Por Christ Church Anglican
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Pastors Ashley Mathews and Isaiah DeVyldere lay out a vision for 40 days of corporate prayer during Lent.Por Christ The King Anglican Church
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We have to come to accept the reality of our sin, but also the greater reality that we have a Savior. Fr. David Trautman encourages us to a holy Lent this Ash Wednesday.If you like what you see, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us:…
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Ash Wednesday- Veach Psalm 51:1-17 Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21Por Christ Church Anglican
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Choose God, not a practice. Nikki Smith, an aspirant at Servants, reminds us that God is after our heart, not the activity or fast we've chosen this Lent. Apologies for the wonky audio; we are using new equipment and had some difficulties. If you like what you hear, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us: https:…
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Fr. Chase Campbell preaches on the last Sunday of Epiphany Ex 34:29-35 Ps 99 1 Cor 12:27—13:13 Luke 9:28-36Por Christ Church Anglican
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Lead Pastor Ashley Mathews preaches from the Gospel of Luke on Transfiguration Sunday.Por Christ The King Anglican Church
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Preacher – Wallace 2 Corinthians 3:12-18 Luke: 9:28-37Por Christ Church Anglican
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Today we are joined by one of our mission support partners - Justin Seidel. Justin is sharing about his ministry. If you've made a decision to follow Jesus, want more information about discipleship or for more info about Christchurch Anglican Newport and to get in touch with us, we'd love to hear from you by clicking here.…
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Preacher – Wildman 2 Corinthians 3:12-18 Luke: 9:28-37Por Christ Church Anglican
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Confirmation- Wallace Psalm 131 John 14:23-27Por Christ Church Anglican
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Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. Fr. David Trautman invites us to experience the living God this coming season of Lent. If you like what you hear, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us:…
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Lead Pastor Ashley Mathews gives a brief introduction to the the season Lent.Por Christ The King Anglican Church
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Lead Pastor Ashley Mathews preaches from the Gospel of John on the Seventh Sunday of Epiphany.Por Christ The King Anglican Church
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Guest – The Reverand Canon Dr. John Macdonald preaches Isa 61:1-4 Ps 96 Rom 10:9-17 John 20:19-31Por Christ Church Anglican
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We're in a series on Jeremiah - a book that has been described as confusing and complex. Today our Senior Minister, Steve, continues our series by helping us to think about what it means to be people of covenant relationship with God from Jeremiah 35. If you've made a decision to follow Jesus, want more information about discipleship or for more in…
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World Mission Sunday- Merritt Isaiah 61:1-4 John 17:20-23Por Christ Church Anglican
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World Mission Sunday- Iguma Isaiah 61:1-4 John 17:20-23Por Christ Church Anglican
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The work of spreading the Gospel happens when we decide to submit to Jesus's authority and go. Fr. Peter Lebhar encourages us to examine ourselves and see where Jesus is inviting us to work with him. If you like what you see, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us: https://www.…
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Lead Pastor Ashley Mathews preaches from the Gospel of Luke on the Sixth Sunday of Epiphany.Por Christ The King Anglican Church
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Blessings and Woes- Veach Psalm 1 Luke 6:17-26Por Christ Church Anglican
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Blessings and Woes- Huebner Psalm 1 Luke 6:17-26Por Christ Church Anglican
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We're in a series on Jeremiah - a book that has been described as confusing and complex. Today our Senior Minister, Steve, starts our series on Jeremiah by preaching from Jeremiah 1. If you've made a decision to follow Jesus, want more information about discipleship or for more info about Christchurch Anglican Newport and to get in touch with us, w…
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Guest Dr. Sean McGever preaches Jer 17:5-10 Ps 1 1 Cor 15:12-20 Luke 6:17-26Por Christ Church Anglican
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When we plant ourselves at the feet of Jesus, we agree to have our hearts changed. Fr. David Trautman encourages us to be like trees planted by the river, bringing forth fruit (Psalm 1). If you like what you see, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us: https://www.servantsangli…
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Associate Pastor Isaiah DeVyldere preaches from the Gospel of Luke on the Fifth Sunday of Epiphany.Por Christ The King Anglican Church
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Dcn. Mat preaches Judg 6:11-24 Ps 85 1 Cor 15:1-11 Luke 5:1-11Por Christ Church Anglican
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We're spending two weeks thinking about two practices that help us to align our focus and live healthy lives in God's Kingdom. Today our Senior Minister, Steve, is preaching to us on the practice of stewardship from Matt 25:14-30. If you've made a decision to follow Jesus, want more information about discipleship or for more info about Christchurch…
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Fishing with Jesus- Wildman 1 Corinthians 5:1-11 Luke 5:1-11Por Christ Church Anglican
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Bp. Alex Farmer invites us to "do the Jesus stuff."If you like what you hear, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us:
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Fishing with Jesus- Behrens 1 Corinthians 5:1-11 Luke 5:1-11Por Christ Church Anglican
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Associate Pastor Isaiah DeVyldere preaches from the Gospel of Luke on the Fourth Sunday of Epiphany.Por Christ The King Anglican Church
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Sermon in Nazareth, Part 2- Behrens Psalm 71:1-6 Luke 4:21-30Por Christ Church Anglican
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