Este programa trata sobre los errores y problemas básicos comunes que suelen cometer los emprendedores y las estrategias que utilizan los propietarios de pequeñas empresas exitosas para tener éxito y crear fortuna con el tiempo. A lo largo de los episodios, Robert dará todos los secretos para iniciar y administrar una pequeña empresa desde casa y cómo maximizar los beneficios fiscales, poseer legalmente y tener derechos exclusivos sobre el nombre comercial, la marca, los productos y los serv ...
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Ermilo Castilla también conocido como Ermilo Castilla Ponce es un empresario, propietario de un negocio. Le apasiona construir negocios y ayudar a las personas a alcanzar sus metas personales y profesionales.
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¡Bienvenidos a Aprende y Prospera, el podcast que te guía hacia el éxito financiero de tu pequeña o mediana empresa! En cada episodio, aprenderas cómo las soluciones financieras, contables y administrativas pueden ayudarte a transformar tu negocio en un motor de crecimiento y prosperidad. Uniendo a expertos en finanzas y administracion de empresas, compartiremos consejos, estrategias y casos de estudio que te ayudarán a navegar por el complicado mundo empresarial en los EEUU. Descubre cómo o ...
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El Empresario, Analista y Entrevistador, Luis Otero entra en un Dialogo íntimo con todo tipo de figuras de la música, cine, entretenimiento, deportes, negocios y política, para conocer de su vida, logros, fracasos, experiencias, claves para lograr el éxito y mucho más. ---------------------- Entrepreneur, Analyst & Interviewer, Luis Otero enters into a intimate Dialogue with all type of figures from the world of music, movies, entertainment, sports, business, politics & more to know about th ...
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Money Maker is the podcast for everyone with untapped greatness who just needs the tools to take flight. New York Times bestselling author and business mogul Nely Galán brings her hard-won business advice and interviews with other self-made gurus ready to pass the baton to the next success story. With the goal of reaching listeners who have traditionally been denied a seat at the table, Nely tapes weekly episodes in English and in Spanish. /// Conozca a la autora de ‘bestsellers’ del New Yor ...
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A new community using AI for A Local Business to do marketing and publicity 2023
Juan Carlos Velazquez Analco
Welcome to our podcast where we explore the latest technological advancements and their impact on businesses. Today, we'll be discussing a new community that is using AI to revolutionize the way local businesses do marketing and publicity. Marketing and publicity are essential components for any business to thrive in the market. However, for local businesses, it can be challenging to compete with larger brands that have extensive marketing budgets. This is where AI comes in. The new communit ...
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La Importancia de la Inteligencia Emocional en el Éxito Empresarial: Una Conversación Reveladora
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1:16:57Introducción El inicio del año 2025 nos brinda la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre un tema fundamental para el crecimiento personal y empresarial: la inteligencia emocional. En este contexto, Andrés, junto a la destacada invitada Pía Ortiz, nos ofrece una conversación profunda que desvela la trascendencia de este concepto en el ámbito de los negoci…
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En este episodio de Aprende y Prospera, tengo el placer de entrevistar a José Juan Paredes Congo, fundador de Chota Madre, una banda musical y un movimiento cultural cuyo propósito principal es difundir y promover la música ecuatoriana a través del género Bomba del Valle del Chota.Él nos comparte su inspiradora historia: de lavar platos en Nueva Yo…
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En el nuevo episodio de "Aprende y Prospera", el anfitrión Andrés Aguilar se sienta con la increíble DJ Riobamba para profundizar en su recorrido por la industria musical. En esta inspiradora conversación, Riobamba comparte su historia de éxito, los desafíos que ha enfrentado y el poder de las conexiones en su carrera. El Poder de las Conexiones An…
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Bienvenidos al podcast número siete de "Las Finanzas no responden a la intuición". En esta ocasión, tenemos el honor de contar con una invitada muy especial: Layla Andrade, vicepresidenta y gerente de relaciones comerciales de MIT Bank. Layla nos acompañará para hablar sobre la importancia de los socios estratégicos, compartir consejos valiosos sob…
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Episodio #6 - El liderazgo latino rompiendo estereotipos - Jaime Pardo
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1:05:31En la sexta edición de nuestro podcast, tenemos el honor de presentar a un líder que no solo ha superado estereotipos, sino que también ha llevado en sus hombros el legado familiar, sirviendo como referencia para comunidades y generaciones venideras. Hoy, conoceremos la historia de Jaime Pardo, quien es el corazón detrás de Sabor Latino Bakery. Est…
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En el corazón de Nueva Jersey, la talentosa cantante y emprendedora Lina Rojas nos comparte su inspiradora travesía desde sus inicios modestos hasta convertirse en una figura destacada en la escena musical. Desde su experiencia como madre y esposa hasta su pasión inigualable por el canto, Lina nos muestra que con perseverancia y pasión, los sueños …
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En el corazón de Nueva Jersey, la talentosa cantante y emprendedora Lina Rojas nos comparte su inspiradora travesía desde sus inicios modestos hasta convertirse en una figura destacada en la escena musical. Desde su experiencia como madre y esposa hasta su pasión inigualable por el canto, Lina nos muestra que con perseverancia y pasión, los sueños …
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When it comes to building a wealthy life, it's not just about how much money you make, it's how much you keep. To unpack this important principle, Nely is joined by Hillel Presser (attorney, author and expert on asset protection). Hillel explains the key elements of asset protection, and how we can all safeguard our hard-earned money. To learn more…
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When Lavinia Errico and her brothers cofounded Equinox, they didn't set out to create a massive brand— they thought they were just simply making the gym they always wanted. Lavinia tells Nely how they scaled for success, the mission behind her new brand MOVEJOY, and why every breakdown is an opportunity for a breakthrough. Learn more about Lavinia'…
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En este episodio de "Aprende y Prospera" de AP Business Services, exploramos el impacto y la importancia de los impuestos en la realización del sueño americano de ser propietario de una casa. Con la participación especial de Grace del Toro, una experta en hipotecas y representante de Prime Lending, desmitificamos varios mitos y ofrecemos consejos p…
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Nina Vaca is a force of nature. Since working in her family's travel agency at 15 years old, Nina has embraced technology's ability to transform businesses and lives. In 1996, she founded Pinnacle Group and grew the company from a niche IT services firm to a global workforce solutions powerhouse. Today, she tells Nely how she did it, how she learne…
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No matter what kind of career you're dreaming of, your progress will benefit from being able to tell your own story— and tell it really well, at that. To explore how to do this, Nely speaks with Ruben Navarrette, the most widely-read Latino columnist in the country. Beyond storytelling, Nely and Ruben also talk about the business of journalism, Lat…
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¡Bienvenidos a un nuevo episodio de "Aprende y Prospera"! En este episodio especial, abordamos un tema crucial que suele pasar desapercibido con el comienzo del año nuevo: la temporada de impuestos. ¿Te has preguntado alguna vez sobre la importancia de prepararte para esta época del año en Estados Unidos, especialmente en lo que respecta a tus obli…
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When Daniella Pierson was trying to raise money for her media company, The Newsette, she was rejected by countless VCs. Now, she's proved the VCs wrong: she is worth $220 million. Daniella tells Nely how she grew her business into a smash success, how she turned her challenges into her superpowers, and why she's leading the mental health conversati…
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Owning real estate is a great way to build passive income, but it's intimidating to get started— especially in this market. Today, Nely talks to Candice Milano and Malessa Rambarran, of the Milano Rambarran Team at Brown Harris Stevens, about all things real estate. They cover the steps anyone can take to get started in real estate (without even ow…
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If someone wants to run their own business, they might think they need to start a new company. But that is not true. Today, Nely looks back on the times in her career when she took the "hard road" and tells you how you can take the easy road. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Si alguien quiere tener su propio negocio, podría pensar que necesita iniciar una nueva empresa. Pero eso no es verdad. Hoy, Nely explica cómo cambiaría las decisiones que tomó al principio de su carrera y las desventajas de iniciar su propio negocio. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Today, Nely talks to Ileana Musa, the incredible Head of International Banking and Lending at Morgan Stanley. Ileana shares her advice for advancing within a company, how to create value where you are, and the importance of paying it forward. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Today Nely is joined by the incredibly inspiring Diana Nyad, the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida without the aid of a shark cage, swimming over 100 miles in fifty-three hours. Diana's life is the subject of the Netflix critically acclaimed NYAD that is already an award-season darling. In this conversation, Diana tells Nely the stories beh…
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In this episode, Nely explains why she has been inspired by Diana Nyad, and why she believes it is never too late to follow your dreams. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Money News Network
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En este episodio, Nely explica por qué Diana Nyad la ha inspirado y por qué cree que nunca es demasiado tarde para alcanzar sus objetivos. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Money News Network
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✨ ¡Transforma tu visión empresarial en una realidad deslumbrante! 🚀 En nuestro podcast #AprendeyProspera, te llevamos en un viaje emocionante hacia el éxito empresarial. 🌟 Estructura de Contenidos 1. Episodio de Apertura: Bienvenida y Visión General del Podcast - Presentación de los anfitriones y su experiencia en el mundo empresarial. - Descripció…
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Gary Acosta wanted to find a community of Latinos in real estate — so he made one. Gary cofounded, and is the CEO, of the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP), an organization that advances sustainable Hispanic homeownership. Today Nely and Gary talk about the role of real estate in the American Dream, what makes a go…
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When Nely was at an event recently with entrepreneur Daymond John, she was reminded of an important lesson about business and setting yourself apart we can never forget. Today, she explains. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Money News Network
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Cuando Nely estuvo recientemente en un evento con el empresario Daymond John, recordó una lección importante sobre los negocios y sobre diferenciarse que nunca podremos olvidar. Hoy, explica. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Money News Network
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A Masterclass in Business Opportunities for Everyone featuring the Administrator of the Small Business Administration Isabel Casillas Guzman
In this episode, Nely sits down with the incredible Administrator of the Small Business Administration (SBA), Isabel Casillas Guzman. This conversation covers opportunities for everyone— whether you’re already running a small business, or have a side hustle idea you want to try out. Administrator Guzman tells Nely about the phenomenal resources the…
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If you are an entrepreneur, you will want to create brand awareness through press. Today, Nely explains exactly how you can do that. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Money News Network
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Si eres emprendedor, querrás dar a conocer tu marca a través de los medios. Hoy, Nely explica cómo puedes hacerlo. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Money News Network
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Deja de ser una empresa X - Aprende y Prospera Podcast #2 Parte 1 Bienvenidos al segundo episodio del podcast de AP Business Services, donde abordamos cómo transformar tu idea de negocio o empresa actual en una marca más rentable con esfuerzos mínimos y en poco tiempo. En esta entrega, te llevamos a través de un viaje enriquecedor de aprendizaje y …
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We want to create wealth not just for ourselves— but for the generations before and after us. That is what the incredible Patty Arvielo has been able to do through her mortgage business, New American Funding. Patty shares with Nely how she became an award-winning entrepreneur, why she’s investing in the next generation, and how she and her husband …
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If you are career-focused, you might think the most important deal you'll ever make is with your employer or a customer— but Nely disagrees. She thinks the most critical deal you will make in your life is actually your mortgage— and today, she explains why. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Si eres dueño de un negocio, probablemente pienses que la compra más importante que harás será la de suministros. Pero Nely no está de acuerdo. Hoy te cuenta qué compra cree que es la más importante. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Money News Network
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It's no surprise that everyone loves food— but what if you could make money from your love from food? It sounds to good to be true... but it's not! Nely sits down with Hattie Hill, entrepreneur and former CEO of Women's Foodservice Forum, to talk about opportunities in the food business. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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You know Gloria Estefan is an iconic singer, songwriter, actress and artist— today, you get to know her as a businesswoman. In her conversation with Nely, Gloria shares her hard-won career advice that will help you no matter where you are in your career. Gloria shares why her favorite word in business is "no," how to know if a risk is worth taking,…
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In Nely's next episode, she will be speaking with the iconic artist and businesswoman Gloria Estefan. Today, she talks about how she first met the Estefans and how she's watched them achieve massive success. In observing the Estefans over the years, Nely has identified a quality that has helped them excel above all others: their positivity. Nely ex…
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En el próximo episodio de Nely estará hablando con la icónica artista y empresaria Gloria Estefan. Hoy, Nely habla sobre cómo conoció a los Estefan y cómo los vio alcanzar un éxito masivo. Al observar a los Estefan a lo largo de los años, Nely ha identificado una cualidad que los ha ayudado a sobresalir: su optimismo. Nely explica. Learn more about…
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We've been taught to feel uncomfortable about aging. Think about it: anti-aging is a $34B industry. But writer and artist Sandra Cisneros argues that aging is awesome. Nely talked to Sandra about why we should embrace aging on the most perfect occasion, her birthday. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Some of us believe that we can't have both success and balance— but Tai Beauchamp knows you can't have success without balance. Tai (journalist, award-winning TV host, serial entrepreneur, cofounder of BROWN GIRL jane) takes Nely through the morning routine that gets her mind right, how she jumped up the ladder by using the skills she learned on th…
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Yes— you heard that right. You can make the government work for you by making your voice heard through voting, volunteering, donating or even running for office. That’s what Consuelo Hernandez did, a Jewish Latina politician who is currently serving as a member of the Arizona House of Representatives. Her and her siblings are essentially the Latino…
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¡Bienvenidos al episodio inaugural de AP Business Services, donde exploramos temas esenciales para el éxito financiero de tu negocio en los Estados Unidos! En este primer episodio, abordaremos un tema fundamental que puede marcar la diferencia en tu camino hacia el triunfo financiero: el ITIN Number. ¿Qué es un ITIN Number y por qué es tan importan…
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Dany Garcia is doing it all— she is the founder of the luxury apparel brand GSTQ, she's the chairwoman of the football league XFL, she is the co-founder of the beverage company Zoa Energy, the tequila brand Teremana, the clothing brand Project Rock— and if you can believe it, more. Looking at her career, you may ask: what do all of these projects h…
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Having a Job on Wall Street... and A Big Secret
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1:16:48Julissa Arce was living the “American Dream,” she went to college, worked hard, and got a very lucrative job in finance. But she had a secret. She was undocumented, and was using fake papers. Julissa shares her story with Nely, and her lessons on resilience and finding your true purpose. Nely spoke to Julissa right before she published her incredib…
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Julissa Arce estaba viviendo el “sueño americano”, fue a la universidad, trabajó duro y consiguió un trabajo muy lucrativo en finanzas. Pero ella tenía un secreto. Ella era indocumentada y usaba documentos falsos. Julissa comparte su historia con Nely y sus lecciones sobre resiliencia y cómo encontrar tu verdadero propósito. Nely habló con Julissa …
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After speaking up about an issue impacting farm workers in her community when she was 14, Monica Ramirez found her voice. But the road to being heard was much longer. Nely spoke to Monica after her letter, "700,000 Female Farmworkers Say They Stand With Hollywood Actors Against Sexual Assault" was published in Time Magazine in 2017, went viral, and…
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Después de hablar sobre un problema que afectaba a los trabajadores agrícolas de su comunidad cuando tenía 14 años, Mónica Ramírez encontró su voz. Pero ser escuchado llevaría mucho más tiempo. Nely habló con Mónica después de que su carta, "700.000 trabajadoras agrícolas dicen que apoyan a los actores de Hollywood contra la agresión sexual", se pu…
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On social media, you've probably seen viral videos telling you to quit your day job and start your own company. Codie Sanchez is here to tell you: that's not the slam-dunk you've been promised. Instead, Codie shares with Nely other approaches to building wealth with more stability, and less sacrifice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megapho…
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Nely has some mentees who have surpassed her in some industries... and she's glad! Today, she explains why. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Money News Network
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Nely ha tenido alumnos que han tenido más éxito que ella en algunas industrias... ¡y está contenta! Hoy explica por qué. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Money News Network
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To celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, Nely interviews the iconic Dolores Huerta. Dolores Huerta is one of the most important women of our century. She is an iconic civil rights activist, women’s rights leader, and social justice advocate who created the famous rallying cry, ‘Sí se puede”. Dolores has led an extraordinary life, becoming a powerful v…
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La inventora del dicho “¡Sí se puede!”, Dolores Huerta, es una de las activistas y líderes más icónicas en este país. Ha vivido una vida muy extraordinaria, convirtiéndose en una fuerte voz para los trabajadores agrícolas, una defensora de los derechos civiles y un líder del movimiento feminista – una trayectoria que se le llevó a conocer a líderes…
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