The newest sermons from Bloomington Chapel Church on SermonAudio.
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The newest sermons from Bloomington Reformed Presbyterian Church on SermonAudio.
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Our goal at Evergreen Church - Bloomington is to build a church filled with Christians who have the heart of Jesus. Follow our weekly podcast for weekly sermons.
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Home of Indiana University, rock quarries, corn fields, enchanted woods, and Injury lawyer Ken Nunn. Bloomington is a town that has its own term for its ability to lure one-time residents back: the bloomerang. There is something weirdly magical going on here and College town nobuddies, Josh Bennett and Chris Kupersmith, are going to get to the bottom of this place by listening to stories and riding every possible tangent along the way.
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Listen to new sermons from our Sunday & Wednesday services right here. We hope that this archive of past messages blesses you each week. Use this as a study tool for yourself, start a Bible study with your friends, & share it with others. Thank you for listening!
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Join Pastor David for daily prayers and insights!
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Redeemer Community Church. Bloomington, Indiana. A gospel-centered community on mission
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Join host Josh Carter as he interviews the young artists of Bloomington, Indiana. From actors to musicians. From singers to designers. Every artist has a story to tell and dreams to achieve. This podcast hopes to dive into the minds of future artists and give us a glimpse at what they hope to bring the world.
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Realtor Deb Tomaro brings you the people, places and resources that make Bloomington, Indiana home and help you live your best life. At Home in Bloomington.
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Jesus builds His kingdom through the visible church, rejoice that you've got a place in it!Por Richard Holdeman
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Sermon in a sentence: "Walk by Faith, Not by Sight." Application: 1. Like Job – I can turn from my thinking that I know better than you God! 2. Like Paul – I can now see my troubles as gifts that are working for my good! 3. Like Jesus – I can endure it all by looking at what is to come! Additional verses noted: Job 42:6 2 Corinthians 16-18…
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Please subscribe and leave a review. This helps us reach our goal in sharing the Gospel with our community and world! You can find us on social media at: Instagram: Facebook: Watch our past services on YouTube!…
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PowerPoint Love with Bloomington Singletons
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1:22:42Mallory Elver was tired of sitting on her couch, swiping left and right to look for love. Then, her pal Nicole Bennett discovered an alternative to internet dating in Indianapolis, and Bloomington Singletons was born. Months later, Nicole was standing in the front of a private room at Heartworks Brewery, pitching her friend Mallory to a crowd of li…
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Por Ralph Foster
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"He has told you, oh man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"Por Various Speakers
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Since your enemy is too strong for you, you must stand against him relying completely on the armor of Christ.Por Richard Holdeman
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Sermon in a sentence: "Even in the darkest moments, God’s providence assures us that redemption is coming." God, how are you working in this situation? Display Genesis 50:20 in your home for encouragement during challenging times. (link to a printable card below)Por Kitt Guerrier
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Please subscribe and leave a review. This helps us reach our goal in sharing the Gospel with our community and world! You can find us on social media at: Instagram: Facebook: Watch our past services on YouTube!…
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Please subscribe and leave a review. This helps us reach our goal in sharing the Gospel with our community and world! You can find us on social media at: Instagram: Facebook: Watch our past services on YouTube!…
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Please subscribe and leave a review. This helps us reach our goal in sharing the Gospel with our community and world! You can find us on social media at: Instagram: Facebook: Watch our past services on YouTube!…
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Good is right around the corner. We expect good because God promises new things after every trouble. Waiting in hope provides new strength. It is not passive. It is praying, believing, running, and planting. Let’s get a fresh start together for 2021
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What’s a “home wrecker”? There are spiritual and worldly influences inside and outside our home that can bring harm to our families and the people we love. Bad influences, the internet, alcohol, etc. How do we keep our homes safe? Join us and help your home avoid the “wrecking ball” and keep our homes safe.…
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People have the tendency to create God in our own image. We amplify one trait of God at the expense of other traits of God. We create God according to our own liking and preference, which is the essence of idolatry. Often people think God is a loving grandpa in heaven who just overlooks our sin. Some people think God is a taskmaster who has outrage…
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If we’re honest, most of us are dealing with some level of anxiety. Struggles with anxiety have been increasing for years, but the pandemic has accelerated it to new levels. What are we to do? At Hometown, we want to help. We’ve asked professional experts to help us figure out how to tackle this important issue. The good news is that there are Bibl…
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Who are you? What is your purpose? When you put your faith in Jesus, something dramatic happened. Your identity changed! How we view ourselves persuades our behavior and decisions. Therefore, it’s important we grasp this new identity. This 3-week mini-series will be the first part of a comprehensive study of the book of Ephesians. Who are you? Let’…
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Have you ever felt like an outsider? Like there was a barrier between you and others? Walls can be raised over gender, age, race, politics, or economic class. Everywhere we look, there are walls between people, creating “in-groups” and “out-groups”. The only hope for toppling these walls comes from our new identity in Jesus. For five weeks, we’re g…
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4 Week Mini-series, July 11-August 1 Christians aren’t supposed to blend in. If we do, we’re doing it wrong. We’re supposed to stick out, but in a good way. When we follow Jesus, the result should be an uncommon life of humility, service, and resilient joy. Plus love…we should love people! Our lives ought to cause others to scratch their heads and …
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It’s no secret that family life in America has become increasingly dysfunctional and we are paying a terrible price. Is there any hope? YES! God has timeless wisdom for today’s families. He cares for us and wants to bring a wonderful transformation to all hearts and homes. In this way, we can experience a wonderfully “uncommon” family life that the…
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YOU HAVE A ROLE IN STRENGTHENING THE CHURCH BODY You have a body with all kinds of specific parts, each with distinct and important functions. Similarly, the local church is God’s body and is comprised of individuals with specific giftings. When each person exercises their gifting, the body is healthy and strong. You can flourish by being a part of…
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SERIES OCTOBER 10-NOVEMBER 7 Wouldn’t your life be less stressful and more enjoyable if you didn’t have to worry about money? Now imagine not just having enough money for today’s bills, but enough to provide for a bright future…enough to help others and make an eternal investment through generosity. Wouldn’t that be exceptional…and fun?! Dave Ramse…
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Most people will tell you they will go to Heaven someday, but this isn’t always true. Don’t take your eternity for granted! Not everyone who says, “I believe” will find peace and joy in Heaven later. You can know for certain for yourself and the people you love. Take the “certainty tests” we find in the book of 1 John. You CAN be sure!…
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The Most Unlikely Hero Christmas is a time for surprises. An unexpected gift. A familiar carol that touches us in a new way. But the greatest surprise of Christmas is the unlikely hero we have in Jesus Christ. God entering this world as a humble child born into poverty? Who could have guessed? This Christmas, join us as we celebrate the most unlike…
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Stay Strong, Live Ready 1 Thessalonians "Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows." -Jesus “I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden.” -Lynn Anderson, Country singer Just because you’re a Christian, God never promised you a simple existence on this planet. In fact, life can become harder when you follow Jesus. This was the e…
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A therapist once said, “We are all carrying backpacks that we continually load up. We keep packing them full until one day they can’t zip and our stuff overflows all over the place.” Do you feel weighed down and spilling out? We all carry invisible emotional weights. Grief, anger, fear, regret, and more. Travel with us and learn how to finally ligh…
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Even when our world seems in decline, God is working everything out for His purpose. Plus, He has created you to play an important part in His grand plan. Will Esther’s example inspire you during this time? Or will you miss the opportunity God has for you in favor of a “shadow mission”? Learn what all this means for you in our new series, “Esther”.…
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“I can give you more. More stuff, more power, status…and safety”. Money does talk, and it talks loud! But should we listen? Why not? Don’t we all want what money offers? Isn’t that the point of earning and saving more? Money talks, but so does our Lord. In this 4-part series, we’ll discover what God’s Word has to say about money.…
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Have you ever felt like you’re taking God for granted? Maybe losing sight of his magnificence, glory, and majesty? Many of us need to recapture our holy fear and reverence of God. Everyone’s soul longs for to experience something bigger and greater than ourselves. The answer is to remember we have a God who should be revered. That’s why we are taki…
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DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Did anything stand out to you? How have you adjusted to each other in the past? How might God be calling you, today, to adjust to harmonize with your spouse in this season of life?Por Jon & Terri Schelkoph
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DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Have you been quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger? If not, what do you need to confess to both God and your spouse in terms of your tongue? And your listening? What do you specifically need to “make every effort to put on” in your marriage…compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness or patience? What does this loo…
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DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: What are your communication tendencies in marriage? In what ways have you learned to “rejoice with those who rejoice, and mourn with those who mourn?” In what ways do you feel God calling you to grow in your marital communication?Por Deacon & Rosanne Ales
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DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: What are we doing out of a sense of obligation that’s actually draining the life out of our marriage? What limits do we need to embrace in our marriage?Por Mark & Deb Stiglicz
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DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Have you had any "leave and cleave" issues in your marriage? Each of you try to think of at least 1 example. Why do you think this is an important principle in your marriage? What are some ways you apply the "leave and cleave" principle in your marriage? Currently, what would you say are the biggest challenges in creating some…
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DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do each of you like sex? What factors are affecting your desire for sex? Have you given authority over your body to your spouse?Por Brent & Mary Knox
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DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Wives, what are some ways your husband has grown in understanding since you got married? Wives, what are some areas that you could use a little more understanding from your husband? Be as specific as possible with things you have gone through or are going through. If there are any ways that either of you (husbands included) ha…
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How can we continue going deeper in our awe of God, now that “40 Days of Awe” is over? To grow in any area of life, we develop new practices for growth and progress. Experiencing deeper faith is no different. Spiritual disciplines are age-old habits to strengthen and magnify our daily lives with Jesus. Enjoy your journey through "40-Days of Awe"? L…
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