Discutimos diferentes temas según la Biblia sin la presión de pensamientos tradicionales o la influencia de pensamientos moderno… simple, ¿qué dice la Biblia? Discussing different topics according to the Bible without the pressure of traditional thoughts or the influence of modern thinking… simple, what does the Bible say?
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We are going through difficult times. In the middle of the corona virus and many other situations, we need to see that this was prophesied centuries ago in the Bible. In this podcast, I will cover many topics about the end times. Estamos enfrentando situaciones difíciles. En medio del corona virus y otros problemas que estamos enfrentando, Es importante ver que todo esto fue profetizado hace siglos en la biblia. En este programa, estaré hablando tocante varios temas de los tiempos finales.
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El Podcast donde a Misael le falto la fe
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En este episodio discutimos concilios, organizaciones, la política y la iglesia, ministerios híbridos... ah y a Misael le falta la fe intentando hacer un milagro creativo.Por Jayson Hernandez
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Una entrevista de Misael a su pastor
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Usted tiene que escuchar esta entrevista que se convirtió en una tremenda conversación.Por Jayson Hernandez
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Shari llega al podcast!!
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Mi esposa por fin llega al podcast. Una buena conversación. Una conversación a la cual invite a dos pastores y como ellos uno quisieron sentarse a hablar, se sentó ella.Por Jayson Hernandez
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Quien me dio el permiso?Por Jayson Hernandez
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No es lo mismo firme en lo que aprendi, que firme en la verdadPor Jayson Hernandez
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Leyendo el diario de un pastor... segundo escrito
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Obligados a escoger entre dos grupos.Por Jayson Hernandez
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Leyendo el Diario de un pastor... primer escrito
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Escuche lo que mi corazón lleva a mi mano a escribir.Por Jayson Hernandez
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Hablemos de la supuesta paternidad espiritual.Por Jayson Hernandez
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The fly episode Pt 2
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2nd part of a great conversation while we fight a fly...Por Jayson Hernandez
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The fly episode...
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Having a great conversation while we fight with a fly.Por Jayson Hernandez
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When it all changed to "Say no More"
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Ended up changing the podcast name in this one...Por Jayson Hernandez
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This episode delves into the second verse of Psalm 23
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this is the introduction, for Psalm 23, delving into the history behind the Somme, and why it was written
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this is an introduction to a new series on this podcast, in titled diving into the psalms, where we will explore the psalms written by David and other authors in the book of psalms, one of the five books of poetry of the Old Testament in the Bible
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Here I, read P'salms 1 to 5 and give commentary on each
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Is it really about relationships?Por Jayson Hernandez
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De nuestro canal de Youtube sale la sección Tenemos Que Hablar... contestando preguntas que nos llegan. Hoy visitamos la ley y la gracia. El legalismo y el liberalismo.Por Jayson Hernandez
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Terminando con este tema que fue un video de Youtube en nuestro canal... las cuantas claras reservan amistades. PAZ...Por Jayson Hernandez
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What does it mean to be "unequally yoked"?
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This topic opened up about more than it meats the eye...Por Jayson Hernandez
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Una sección en nuestro canal de Youtube llamado tenemos que hablar ahora es parte de nuestro Podcast en Audio. Vamos a poner cierta cosas claras!Por Jayson Hernandez
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A little bit of everything
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This is one of those podcast when we start recording and we talk a little bit of everything... actually really fun.Por Jayson Hernandez
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A Conversation that we had as we were recording the pilot podcast.Por Jayson Hernandez
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Una sección en nuestro canal de Youtube llamado tenemos que hablar ahora es parte de nuestro Podcast en Audio. Vamos a poner cierta cosas claras!Por Jayson
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Podcast Pilot... the beginning.
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This was us trying out recording a podcast and seeing if we would "click"... we ended taking about music, its influence and wether christians should listen to secular music. Lets talk about it!Por Jayson
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*English Podcast* We explain who we are and what this podcast will be for and the different sections that we will listen to here, in BIBLICUSPor Jayson
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Explicamos quienes somos y para que sera este podcast y las diferentes secciones que escucharemos aquí, en BIBLICUSPor Jayson
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Examine pruebas para la existencia de Dios.
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I cover some arguments for the existence of God.
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La vida de Moises
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In this first episode in my series of health episodes, I talk about the importance of the immune system and 4 amazing products that help boost the immune system. If you need more info, or you want to buy these amazing products, visit pws.shaklee.com/Allexgoodhealth or contact me at Allexinfante7@gmail.com. Your health is really important. Don’t hes…
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I discuss what the Bible says about life after death
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'The rapture, in-depth discussion with brother Oscar Linares
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In this episode, brother Oscar and I talk about the rapture
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In this episode, I describe the events that are coming next in the bible prophecy timeline, including the rapture, The tribulation, The war of Armageddon, The second coming of Jesus Christ and more.
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In this episode, the first of a series, I talk about the rapture of the church and the tribulation
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I discuss how we got our Bible
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In this episode, I talk about how anger affects your relationship. I talk about the different problems that anger can cause in your relationship, for example, jealousy and suspicion and constant arguments
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In this episode, I discuss the different effects that anger causes spiritually and in your physical health
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I discuss what the Bible says about anger
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What the Bible says about love
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In this episode, I talk about whatthe Bible says concerning Halloween
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This episode is about the origin and meaning of Halloween
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In this episode, I talk about the importance of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross
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En estos ultimos tiempos, los jovenes de hoy estan siendo esclavizados por las redes sociales, drogas, alcohol y mas. En este episodio, hablo acerca de como los jovenes deben acercarse a Dios.
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Drawing near to God is important. Amid the daily distractions of this world, the souls of many young people are getting lost. In this episode, I talk about the different distractions the world has to offer and the danger of losing your soul.
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