Akron Adventures is a serialized mystery for 7-12 year olds that features a recurring cast of smart and spunky sixth graders. Follow along as Reggie Walker and her friends—Lisa, Maya, and Henry—peel back their town’s seemingly-ordinary exterior to uncover the mysteries beneath. Each season, our sleuths stumble upon a new case that needs solving, all while navigating parents, friends, and growing up. Akron Adventures is written and produced by Marlia Weisse, Julie Drew, and Casey Shevlin. The ...
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Season 2 Episode 6 by Akron AdventuresPor Akron Adventures
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Season 2 Episode 5 by Akron AdventuresPor Akron Adventures
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Season 2 Episode 4 by Akron AdventuresPor Akron Adventures
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Season 2 Episode 3 by Akron AdventuresPor Akron Adventures
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Season 2 Episode 2 by Akron AdventuresPor Akron Adventures
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Season 2 Episode 1 by Akron AdventuresPor Akron Adventures
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In the season finale, Reggie has to figure out how to wrap up the Taylor Park mystery and how to get her friends back together. And, once the truth is revealed to the whole town, even the mayor has something to say to our young detectives.Por Akron Adventures
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With only a few holes left in the Taylor Park mystery, Reggie leads her friends to the library, where they’ll need a creative plan to sneak into the Special Collections room. But when they argue over how far they’re willing to go to solve the mystery, Reggie realizes she could lose her friends for good.…
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The gang starts piecing together all the spooky stories and local legends about the mysterious Taylor Park. Unfortunately, that means they’ll have to talk to Cranky Joe Parsons—the oldest, wrinkliest man in town. But he just might help them unravel the mystery.Por Akron Adventures
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After the disastrous midnight trip to Taylor Park, Reggie, Lisa, Maya, and Henry come up with a new plan for figuring out the mystery of the human bone. This time, their travels land them downtown at the university, where a grave encounter leaves them wondering what to do next.Por Akron Adventures
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