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AHK Rumänien - Der Podcast

Deutsch-Rumänische Industrie- und Handelskammer

Der AHK Rumänien Podcast lädt seine Zuhörer dazu ein, die AHK und ihre Arbeit, Rumänien als Wirtschaftsstandort und das politische Geschehen kennen zu lernen. Erfahren Sie mehr über die AHK: www.ahkrumaenien.ro. Wer Interesse an speziellen Themengebieten hat, schreibt eine Mail an: drahk@ahkrumaenien.ro
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Muslim Students Society of Nigeria (MSSN), FUTMinna Branch

Explanation of 'Umdatul Ahkaam by Shaykh Muhammed Bima. The sessions are recorded from the' Umdatul Ahkaam class organized by the MSSN FUTMinna.
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Umdat al-Ahkaam

al-Masjid al-Awwal (1MM)

Our ongoing classes explaining the hadeeths of Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim, as collected in the book, 'Umdat al-Ahkaam. Wednesdays at al-Masjid al-Awwal. Instructor: Moosaa Richardson Download one of these e-books of the Arabic text and follow along: KITAAB AT-TAHAARAH: http://www.bakkah.net/en/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/UMDAT-AL-AHKAAM-TAHAARAH2.pdf KITAAB AS-SALAAT: http://www.bakkah.net/en/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/UMDAH-KITAAB-SALAAT-1MM.pdf
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show series
Sebastian Metz, Geschäftsführendes Vorstandsmitglied der AHK Rumänien, im Gespräch mit dem Arzt und Unternehmer Dr. Wargha Enayati über die Gesundheitsinfrastruktur in Rumänien vs. Deutschland. Außerdem sprechen sie über das Wachstumspotenzial des Sektors und machen Vorschläge zur Verbesserung der Gesundheitsdienste. Das alles kompakt in 30 Min. Es…
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Sebastian Metz, Geschäftsführer der AHK Rumänien, im Gespräch mit dem Botschafter der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Rumänien, SE Dr. Peer Gebauer über den Ausgang der Parlamentswahlen in Rumänien und die aktuelle politische und wirtschaftliche Lage.Por Deutsch-Rumänische Industrie- und Handelskammer
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Reciclarea și provocările ei: de la microparticulele din plastic la deșeurile din construcții și demolări și conceptul de „a doua viață” a unui deșeu. În Săptămâna Europeană pentru Reducerea Deșeurilor (16-24 noiembrie 2024) vă propunem un interviu cu dr. Radu Merica, director general al RER Group. Radu Merica a fost co-moderator al mesei rotunde „…
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Sebastian Metz, GF der AHK Rumänien, im Gespräch mit Daniel Gross, CEO Penny/Rewe Rumänien, über den Lebensmittelmarkt in Rumänien: Penny/Rewe Gruppe in Rumänien, Entwicklung und Perspektiven der Lebensmittelbranche, Trends, Farm to fork Strategie, Pennys Engagement in der dualen BerufsausbildungPor Deutsch-Rumänische Industrie- und Handelskammer
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Parcurile științifice și tehnologice reprezintă o zonă dedicată activităților de cercetare ştiinţifică și dezvoltare tehnologică, care beneficiază de anumite facilităţi. Un astfel de parc tehnologic a fost recent inaugurat la Siret. Obiectivul principal este de a asigura transferul tehnologic al rezultatelor cercetării, formarea tinerilor pentru ac…
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This conversation with the late Rt. Hon. Brian Mulroney, Canada's 18th Prime Minister, was originally posted in August 2020. "Some people said, 'well there is racism in Canada but there is no systemic racism.' And to those people I said, 'You've clearly never read the Indian Act, because it reeks of systemic racism.'" The Right Honorable Brian Mulr…
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At a time when the consumers are looking for new ways to save energy, innovative companies like E.ON bring to light ideas that could fit a variety of needs. Lowering temperature in houses is only a quick fix of the problem. For the household consumers E.ON proposes therefore replacing old boilers with new ones, that can save 30% of the gas used so …
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Food waste, the current global issue, concerns Romania as well. A big portion of food remains every day, once our consumption is over. What to do with what is left, a couple of days before the expiry date? Retailers like Metro came up with the solution of the food banks. Metro was one of the founders of the food banks in Romania, starting five year…
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A discussion with Christian von Albrichsfeld, CEO Continental Romania, after the panel Nearshoring and R&D. It was the first panel of the Romanian-German Business Conference in Berlin which focused on infrastructure, on people and methods on how to retain or even bring back skilled labour to Romania and the Republic of Moldova.…
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Thomas Metschies, engineer and head of “Water Management” department at Wismut GmbH was part of the German delegation who visited, at the initiative of AHK Romania, the mines of Petrila, Anina (decommissioned) and Lupeni (in operation) in the Jiu Valley. The German expert saw a lot of potential in the region, but also a lot of work to be done, espe…
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Conservation or transformation for the mines in the Jiu Valley? Used with imagination, innovation and courage, the heritage of the former mines could bring a new life to the whole region and beyond. Here are the first impressions of the German expert Klaus Stöckmann, deputy director of VDMA Mining, after a short visit to Petrila, Lupeni and Deva an…
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Interviu realizat de Sorina Buzatu, PR Specialist, AHK Romania, cu arh. Eugen Pănescu. Regenerarea urbană, ansamblul de activități care schimbă fața orașului, trebuie abordată integrat, cu voință și curaj. Cum s-ar putea face acest lucru și ce obstacole stau în calea transformărilor reale ale așezărilor urbane ne spune Eugen Pănescu, arhitect și ur…
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Interviu realizat de Sorina Buzatu, PR Specialist, AHK România, cu Răzvan Munteanu, Directorul Executiv al Administratiei Municipale pentru Consolidarea Cladirilor cu Risc Seismic Siguranța orașelor, tema unei mese rotunde din cadrul Conferinței Cities of Tomorrow 2023, include și siguranța clădirilor în care locuim. Pot fi acestea vreodată pregăti…
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Bryan Trottier needs little introduction. The Hockey Hall of Fame player was a key member and leading scorer for the New York Islanders Stanley Cup dynasty of the 1980's, and then with Pittsburgh Penguins of the early 90's. He is also incredibly proud of his Cree-Metis-Chippewa heritage, and his hometown of Val Marie in southern Saskatchewan. In th…
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Ein Gespräch zwischen Sebastian Metz, Geschäftsführendes Vorstandsmitglied der AHK Rumänien, und Daniel Gross, CEO Penny Rumänien. Themen: Penny in Rumänien, Aktuelles und Perspektiven Lebensmittelhandel in Rumänien, Herausforderungen und Potenzial ProjektePor Deutsch-Rumänische Industrie- und Handelskammer
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"We uncovered evidence of a police investigation in the 1930's at Kuper Island School where they interviewed dozens and dozens of children who had been sexually abused. That ended up going nowhere. The Catholic Church knew about it. The Department of Indian Affairs knew about it. The Attorney General in British Columbia knew about it. And yet no-on…
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Chief Perry is thrilled to be joined Douglas Sanderson and Andrew Stobo Sniderman for a fascinating and thoughtful conversation about their new book, "The Valley of the Birdtail." It is a heart-rending, true story about racism and reconciliation. Divided by a beautiful valley and 150 years of racism, the town of Rossburn and the Waywayseecappo Indi…
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"The survivors felt if this had been white children, the community wouldn't be the ones having to investigate their own genocide." - Kimberly Murray The Ahkameyimok Podcast is back! And for this return episode Chief Perry Bellegarde is thrilled to have Kimberly Murray as his guest. She is the new Independent Special Interlocutor for Missing Childre…
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A podcast with a hot topic: Energy. Because Energy will be the central economic issue in the coming decades. An interesting discussion about the White Paper Energy, published by AHK Romania, about the importance of hydrogen for the energy transition and the funds available for Romania in this field. Our guests: Livia Stan, Director of Public Affair…
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****As we move into 2022, we're reposting Perry's episode on Hope, one of the most popular of the past year. We hope it brings you joy and inspiration as we enter the New Year.**** ***Encore Episode*** In his seven years as National Chief, Perry Bellegarde focused on the importance hope: "Always leave more hope in a room than was there when you arr…
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Wie sieht es zurzeit aus mit der Landwirtschaft in Rumänien? Was sind die Perspektiven für potenzielle Investoren? Sie hören ein Gespräch zwischen Michael Beier, Geschäftsführer Claas Rumänien und Vorstandsmitglied bei der AHK Rumänien und Sebastian Metz, Geschäftsführendes Vorstandsmitglied, AHK Rumänien.…
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Ein Gespräch zwischen dem neuen Botschafter der Bundesrepublik, SE Dr. Peer Gebauer und dem GF der AHK Rumänien, Sebastian Metz, über die Prioritäten des Mandats, aktuelle wirtschaftspolitische Entwicklungen in Rumänien und vieles mehr.Por Deutsch- Rumänische Industrie- und Handelskammer
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*** In light of revelations that the NHL Chicago Blackhawks covered up a case of sexual abuse of one it's players by a member of it's coaching staff, we are re-posting this powerful interview with former NHL player and sexual abuse survivor Sheldon Kennedy. This interview originally aired in January, 13th, 2021. *** ***This interview contains subje…
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*** In honour of the first ever National Day of Truth and Reconciliation on September 30th, we are re-posting this interview with Marie Wilson, who was a Commissioner on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission from 2009 to 2015. This interview was originally published June 3, 2021. *** ***The subject matter and content of this episode may be trigge…
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***Encore Presentation*** ***This interview with Dr Lorna Williams originally aired on Jan 21, 2021 *** What is the state of First Nations languages in Canada? One of the leading experts on the promotion and restoration of Indigenous culture and language, Dr Lorna Wanosts’a7 Williams of the University of Victoria, joins the Ahkameyimok Podcast to d…
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ENCORE PRESENTATION ***This interview with federal NDP leader Jagmeet Singh was originally aired on March 3rd, 2021*** ***With the Akhameyimok Podcast on hiatus and a federal election underway, we are re-running National Chief Bellegarde's best interviews from the past year with leaders and senior members of the main federal political parties to he…
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ENCORE PRESENTATION ***This interview with the Green Party Leader Annamie Paul was first posted on October 15, 2020, shortly after she won the Green Party leadership and before in-fighting broke out within the Green Party caucus and organization*** ***With the Akhameyimok Podcast on hiatus and a federal election underway, we are re-running National…
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Prof. Dr. Claus Köhler im Gespräch mit Sebastian Metz über die Vorteile der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit und das Schiedsgericht bei der AHK Rumänien. Sprecher dieser Folge: Prof. Dr. Claus Köhler (MEISTERRECHTSANWÄLTE), Sebastian Metz (Geschäftsführer) und Alexandra Lupu ( Sekretariat Schiedsgericht AHK)Por Deutsch- Rumänische Industrie- und Handelskammer
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ENCORE PRESENTATION ***With the Akhameyimok Podcast on summer hiatus and a federal election now underway, we are re-running National Chief Bellegarde's best interviews from the past year with leaders and senior members of the main federal political parties to help provide a sense of where they stand on issues important to First Nations and Indigeno…
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ENCORE PRESENTATION ***With the Akhameyimok Podcast on summer hiatus and a federal election now underway, we are re-running National Chief Bellegarde's best interviews from the past year with leaders and senior members of the main federal political parties to help provide a sense of where they stand on issues important to First Nations and Indigeno…
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"I just wanted to buy a painting, really." Kevin Hearn of the Barenaked Ladies is our guest on this episode of #Ahkameyimok. He and Perry talk about his new documentary, "There Are No Fakes," which exposes a massive art forgery ring surrounding the work of legendary Ojibwe painter, Norval Morrisseau. When the Barenaked Ladies started producing char…
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Neuer AHK Präsident, Andreas Lier, im Gespräch mit Sebastian Metz über die Prioritäten der AHK und aktuelle Themen für die rumänische Wirtschaft. Sprecher dieser Folge sind: Andreas Lier (Präsident AHK und CEO BASF), Sebastian Metz (Geschäftsführer) und Carmen Kleininger (PR Specialist). Weitere Informationen: www.ahkrumaenien.ro/events/event-detai…
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As National Chief, Perry Bellegarde has always focused on the importance hope: "Always leave more hope in a room than was there when you arrived." Over the 57 episodes of the Ahkameyimok Podcast, no matter how difficult the conversation or the issue, he always ends by asking his guests this question: What brings you hope? As his time as National Ch…
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On this Canada Day, a special episode on the devastating and ongoing impact of the Residential School system. The shocking find of 751 unmarked graves at the site of the former Marieval Indian Residential School in Saskatchewan is another heartbreaking validation of survivor accounts of the horrifying abuse and neglect Indigenous children endured a…
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"For those of us who are survivors of the oppression of our languages and the part of the cultural and physical genocide brought on us by the Church and State that ran Residential Schools... the day the that Bill C-91, the Indigenous Languages Act, received Royal Assent was a memorable occasion that was long overdue." This week, Ron Ignace was appo…
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"The Feds founded the first three federal residential schools in 1883 in Alberta and Saskatchewan. First Nations people formed the majority of the population and were power brokers in that area and one of the ways to deal with them was treaties, the other way to deal with them was to take their children hostages." John Milloy's award winning book, …
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Ein Gespräch zwischen Sebastian Metz und Carmen Kleininger über die aktuelle Lage der deutschen Wirtschaft in Rumänien und die wirtschaftlichen Perspektiven. Weitere Informationen: www.ahkrumaenien.ro/events/event-details/wirtschaftskonferenz Wer Interesse an speziellen Themengebieten hat, schreibt uns eine Mail: drahk@ahkrumaenien.ro…
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***The subject matter and content of this episode may not be suitable for all listeners*** "We did hear of children's bones being found in the foundations of buildings when (Residential) schools were dismantled. We heard of children being thrown into furnaces. These were children. The little ones who have woken up in Kamloops this week, these are c…
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Ein Gespräch zwischen Sebastian Metz und dem Botschafter Cord Meier-Klodt über seine Amtszeit, die rumänische Sprache, kulturelle Highlights und Rumänien als Wirtschaftsstandort. Sprecher dieser Folge sind: Cord Meier-Klodt (Botschafter der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Rumänien), Sebastian Metz (Geschäftsführer) und Moritz Mätz (Referent Marketing…
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**** Encore Presentation **** Bill C-15 - the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People Act - is now moving to the Canadian Senate, after passing successfully through the House of Commons, a last crucial step before becoming law. In honour of this important step, we are re-running one of our most popular interviews in the past year, with Ch…
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Inhalt dieser Folge sind das Medizinische Versorgungssystem in Rumänien, die Lage der Pandemie, die staatliche Impfkampagne sowie die Maßnahmen die Unternehmen ergreifen können, um zur Bewältigung der Pandemie beizutragen. Sprecher dieser Folge sind: Dr. Claudia Hesselmann, CEO ARENSIA Exploratory Medicine GmbH, Dr. Wargha Enayati, Gründer von Regi…
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Conner Roulette won Gold this month, playing for Team Canada at the Under 18 World Hockey Championships in Texas, helping defeat Russia in the championship game. A forward with the WHL's Seattle Thunderbirds and a proud member of the Misipawistik Cree Nation in Treaty 5 territory in Manitoba, Roulette had a strong tournament, with five points in se…
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In dieser Episode diskutieren wir über die Themen: Produktion und F&E, Transport und Infrastruktur, Smart Cities und Regionen sowie der Green Deal - all das aus unternehmerischer Perspektive. Wer mit diskutieren möchte, meldet sich zur AHK Wirtschaftskonferenz am 25. Juni an! Sprecher dieser Folge sind: Mihai Boldijar (Genereal Manager ROBERT BOSCH…
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"The Mi'kmaq are not leaving. We've told the associations, we told the DFO, we told anyone who would listen. The Government has to do something, and that is to help make space in the waters for us, because we are going there, because we have a right to be in those waters." Chief Terry Paul, of the Membertou First Nation in Cape Breton joins the Akh…
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"We've been working really hard with the government of Canada on meeting their 5% target of procurement from Indigenous business. We did some work with them to look at where they spent their money and compared that to Indigenous businesses in Canada and found that Indigenous businesses could actually serve 24% of the government spend. So 5% is a mi…
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