This podcast showcases some ridiculous travel stories that the Awake Tours crew have collected throughout their time since the businesses beginning in 2012! We also chat about the struggles & challenges that come with starting your own business at any age & business tips that have been proven to work. Included is also talks about mindset & how to train your brain against self-doubt, depression, anxiety & other mental health issues we are all faced with in today's forever changing world. OVER ...
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Narcissistic & Abusive Relationships. A Guide @jamieryder04 - Anita Bass Podcast 032
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1:15:46Today in a powerful podcast we go over: What is a narc & why they pick you, Trauma bonding, Gaslighting, Love bombing, Setting Boundaries & Emotional manipulation. We go through safe steps to get out & some tools to help you get your life back, break free & to finally find the strength to get your self back. Jamie Ryder is a coach, speaker, busines…
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The identity shift when becoming a parent - @RacheltBurgess / @CarcioneConsulting. Anita Bass Podcast 031
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1:06:41Today we speak about not losing 'you' when becoming Mum or Dad. A lot of people may struggle with an identity shift & feel like they are not themselves anymore when becoming a new parent. We speak to Rachel who is a successful career-driven businesswoman who has recently become 'Mum". We talk about how it is okay & normal to have these feelings & h…
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Today we speak about our expectations from ourselves & society of where we should be at a certain age. I should of, I could of, I wish I had of... We talk about why no 2 paths are the same & how you must live your life for yourself. We speak of the top regrets of dying people and why your life story doesn't have to look any type of way at all. @the…
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Today Jess interviews me as we chat about travel & the current state of it, touring, music festivals & what made us become backpackers in the first place. The final episode of Season 3 as I take a couple of months off to work on some otherrr things. Thankya for listening to hours of da sh it talking Interviewed by & recording from @wtflightradio @l…
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In today's short episode we look at what failure means when trying to achieve a life you're happy to live as we revisit some stories on the topic of failure from Season 3 :)Por Anita Bass
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Confidence through being urself + Dance w/ Miss Twerk Australia @TwerkItDownChlo - Anita Bass 027
Today we speak with Miss Twerk Australia @TwerkItDownChlo about her journey to self-confidence & showing up for herself. We also speak about the history & benefits of dance, how she got into Twerk, what twerk actually is & end with business chats!Por Anita Bass
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138 Days of Walking across New Zealand + 4 Million Steps ! @joeykearney1049 - Anita Bass 026
138 Days & over 4 million steps by foot through heat, cold, snow, putting back on wet clothes, walking for an average of 10 hours a day & much more! Today we speak to the wonderful Joey Kearney about his experience walking on foot across New Zealand & the mentality that got him through to the finish line! @joeykearney1049…
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Designing A Life U Love & Giving Urself Permission To Be Urself - @DrJacintaDiprinzio -- Anita Bass Podcast 025
Today we speak to Dr J about holistic health, living a life of purpose, creating beautiful communities & giving yourself 100% permission to be your authentic self. @drjacintadiprinzioPor Anita Bass
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Giving up her corporate career, letting go of material possessions and leaving the matrix to experience how to live more with less. With a one-way ticket to Tulum Mexico and life packed in two bags, Dijana followed her heart to help build a school for the local kids! Today we speak to her about the importance of following your feeling - being happy…
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In Today's episode, we talk to Seraph about her career as a full-service worker. I found this lovely lady on Tiktok a long time ago & was drawn to how educated, honest & authentic she was. I respected the way she took it upon herself to inform & educate her large following ( especially younger people who thought it was just all fun & games ) & clea…
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A general chat about my competing Journey to & through IFBB Bodybuilding & the Arnold Classic. Positives & Negatives I found giving my life up for the stage & some very simple fitness calculators.#1 in Victoria x 2.#3 in WA.#3 in Australia Arnold Classic.Cert 3&4 in Fitness & Advanced Cert In Nutrition - But then I chose da travel life & here we r …
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Why you won’t achieve your goals this year & how to change that. ft @sevspics Anita Bass 021
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1:16:13Today we go through ways in which have hindered us from reaching our goals in the past. We look to help ensure that this year is different from all others where you say ur going to do something, lose motivation for that around week 3 & then realise it's nearly xmas and that dream was short-lived aha. 30 mins of my list before we interview Sevo :) W…
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Ur Stereotypes & Labels! Living a Contradiction & Being a Good C* nt! @ashhartree @thesassmovement_perth -- Anita Bass 020.
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1:17:26An absolute fire podcast to finish off 2020 & Season 2! Today we talk to the always insightful @ashhartree about labels, people trying to stereotype you or needing you to be a certain way for them, the pressure this creates internally & how you can actually just say f*ck it & be a walking contradiction as long as ur being a good person. We speak ab…
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A collection of all the answers to " Advice that you would give to your younger self " over the last 2 seasons of the podcast. Today we chat about the things that we wish we would have known when we were younger :) Enjoy the 2nd last episode of Season 2 !Por Anita Bass
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Failure is a part of the journey & unfortunately aint no one makes it out alive without experiencing that first hand! I have bombed & failed publicly more times then I could care to remember aha. Today is a compilation of some of the lords I have interviewed over the past 2 seasons of the podcast as we get to hear the common theme which is that eve…
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Everything that has gone wrong on Tour & Travel. ANITA BASS 017
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1:08:34Today I talk about some funny & some hektik situations that have gone down on tours & my personal travels. Enjoy !Por Anita Bass
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The Danger Of Not Following Your Creativity & Creating A Music Festival w/ @eden__eve @kukulai_ // Anita Bas 015
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1:01:55Today we talk about the dangers of not following your creativity & doing things that make you happy just for the sake of them making you feel good. We speak about how we often lose sight of doing for the sake of joy - especially as we grow older & are taught to attach value only to things which bring us money - at the expense of our happiness. We s…
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1:23:07Sometimes ppl describe me as the "Happiest person they've ever met".When I was 21 I decided that I did not want to be here. I then set myself a challenge of 365 days to feel better. After that 365 days was up, I did not feel better aha but I said to myself welllp you did 1-year let's go another. So I then went about trying basically every cliche th…
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Ayahuasca & Plant Medicine Journeys in Peru w/ @ChristopherMitchellAllen // Earth Medicine Experience - Anita Bass 012
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1:41:07Today we speak with Chris from Earth Medicine Experience. Here he hosts retreats in Peru alongside respected Shipibo Shaman "Pepe" as seen in the Netflix Documentary " The Last Shaman " & "Kunti" A healer from Mexico.Naturally occurring DMT, Trauma, Drug Addiction, OCD, Depression, Taking control of your life & Near death experiences are only some …
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Becoming a Super Human & Taking On The World w/ @deadlyninjawarrior Anita Bass 011
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1:09:45Being The 1st Australian to be on International T.V for Ninja Warrior as well as being Australia's first Indigenous Ninja competitor, Healing his injured back with his mind after a cliff jump gone wrong in Bali, Being selected to compete & completing the New York Marathon, Travelling the country in his car impacting communities & being a leader in …
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Being a world class comedian & getting paid to make ppl laugh @RoryLoweComedy - Anita Bass 010
The Creator of Aussie Disney & many other ridiculous skits online, a world-class touring stand-up comedian & now having created his own cartoon series about cigarettes that smoke humans! Today we talk to the amazingly funny Rory Lowe about how he got to where he is today & how he keeps going! @rorylowecomedy…
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21 Simple & Obvious - [ but so obvious they're overlooked & never executed on ] Tips on How to Be Seen On The Internet in business, personal, music etc etccccc. These I have compiled over 15 years of studying people & businesses & to you I give these for freeee but why free ? I don't know, my gift to you on behalf of all the kind ppl who have ever …
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Creating ur own opportunities in the Music Industry w/ @AxenOfficial Anita Bass 008
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1:13:18Being signed to Flux Pavillion & Doctor P's Label "Circus Records", Starting his own Music Producer School, Receiving worldwide recognition from some of the biggest artists in the world as well as plays at Ultra Music Festival, Wobbleland, and Lost Lands are only a few things Axen has achieved.Today we speak about what it ACTUALLY takes to get noti…
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I moved to Canada at 20 & Melbourne in later years. Jolene's family uprooted their whole lives from South Africa when she was only 18 & then she moved states in Australia once her family decided to move back. What follows on are lonely sections of , finding out what you actually value in life, character building & the unspoken pains of moving count…
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So we had " Tour Guide Training" ended up accidentally getting too drunk. Jess Rolled her ankle in the club, I vomited on myself, we missed our flight, I got pulled over by a cop & fined for speeding & Jess got into a heated argument with a celebrity defending the group's honour. It's been a fun few years. Today we talk about Jess's experience as a…
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My convos with u all, what you desire, fear & worry about are all the exact same. From the multi-millionaires to the broke as families where what's in my backpack is worth more than their whole village, ur all the same - myself included. I have met so many ppl in 8 years on the road & no one's pains or desires really differ at all; just location & …
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Starting On A UFC Fighter & Business Chats w/ One Of The Smartest Ppl I know. Anita Bass 004
Michael transferred his house deposit money over to get us the best table @ Diplo. He ended up getting kicked out not long after. My cousin Daniel accidentally Started on a UFC Fighter & ended up missing his flight to go meet his grandad who he had never met, who had driven an hour to pick him up... BUT If this all didn't happen - Daniel wouldn't h…
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A VERY PASSIONATE & FIERY TALK explaining the mindset that has helped me to follow what feels right, To not give a F*ck about what other people think about me ( Although it was never always this way & is constant repetitive training) How to never give up, How to start anything & Discussions on regret.30 Mins of me spitting absolute passionate fire …
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Today we have a fun chat with the Awake Tours record holder for the most tours ever done ! We speak about the 5 years of travel memories that we have had together as well as some other stuff which we have gotten up to! I then make Kwan explain some of his questionable actions - such as climbing the EDC Sign & jumping over the penthouse balcony at t…
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Today we discuss how the events & music festival travel company Awake Tours started from the humblest beginnings in 2012 & pushed through all odds to become what it is today. We delve into what it is like to be a 19 year old entrepreneur & the struggles & challenges that come with starting your own business even when it seems the whole world is aga…
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